Thank you Madame Speaker Pelosi (D)

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Once speaker, you have the appellation for life.
Madame speaker Pelosi (D)


Shaking off Obama Pelosi stuns House TheHill

Pelosi argued that voting against the worker training bill was the best chance to slow down the fast-track legislation and, by extension, the trade pact that labor unions and liberals had hotly criticized.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka praised Pelosi as being “instrumental” in defeating the legislation.

“She stood up against corporate interests and as always put first the people who are too often left out of trade agreement discussions,” he said in a statement. “I applaud Rep. Pelosi’s bravery and leadership on this and look forward to working with her on good trade bills.”
Once speaker, you have the appellation for life.
Madame speaker Pelosi (D)


Shaking off Obama Pelosi stuns House TheHill

Pelosi argued that voting against the worker training bill was the best chance to slow down the fast-track legislation and, by extension, the trade pact that labor unions and liberals had hotly criticized.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka praised Pelosi as being “instrumental” in defeating the legislation.

“She stood up against corporate interests and as always put first the people who are too often left out of trade agreement discussions,” he said in a statement. “I applaud Rep. Pelosi’s bravery and leadership on this and look forward to working with her on good trade bills.”

While I am neither a conservative nor a liberal, I have never been fond of Pelosi so I find it somewhat disconcerting that I find myself applauding her on this vote...

This issue seems to have turned Washington on its ear... Things are out of whack...
Repubs wanted to offshore more jobs in the worst way. It would've increased short-term profits for the 1%
she did good , problem is that this thing will probably reappear .
Once speaker, you have the appellation for life.
Madame speaker Pelosi (D)


Shaking off Obama Pelosi stuns House TheHill

Pelosi argued that voting against the worker training bill was the best chance to slow down the fast-track legislation and, by extension, the trade pact that labor unions and liberals had hotly criticized.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka praised Pelosi as being “instrumental” in defeating the legislation.

“She stood up against corporate interests and as always put first the people who are too often left out of trade agreement discussions,” he said in a statement. “I applaud Rep. Pelosi’s bravery and leadership on this and look forward to working with her on good trade bills.”

While I am neither a conservative nor a liberal, I have never been fond of Pelosi so I find it somewhat disconcerting that I find myself applauding her on this vote...

This issue seems to have turned Washington on its ear... Things are out of whack...
Yes, for the first time, numbered among those rare occasions where I paid Crazy Nancy the slightest attention, this is the first time that I can recall, that I actually approve of something that she did.

It's about goddamned time that somebody - on either side of the frigging aisle - decided to put American workers first.

Well done, Ms. Pelosi.
plus I like the highlighting of this snub to the prez . Also sadly see some repubs that I can no longer support .
The Dems done good. Hard to stand up to the leader of the party, President Obama, and do the right thing for American workers. Very disappointed in the GOP. I'll be interested in seeing how my own representative voted, and praising or taking him to task for that vote.
plus I like the highlighting of this snub to the prez . Also sadly see some repubs that I can no longer support .
Look at it this way... the Era of False Hopey-Changey is winding down... and even the Dems and the Lib Side of the Lamestream Media are beginning to put a little distance between the Failed Messiah and themselves, and are now finding it increasingly easy and convenient and useful to throw him under the bus... ever-so-gently, of course.

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