A threat to democracy?

“Thousands of protesters rushed to the … Capitol Wednesday night, forcing their way through doors, crawling through windows and jamming corridors.” That is how one newspaper described the storming of the Capitol — not the one in Washington last year, but the state Capitol in Madison, Wis., a decade ago.

Back then, thousands of pro-union activists — many bused in from out of state — rampaged through the historic building in an effort to stop a vote on collective bargaining reform legislation. So, when I saw the images of a pro-Trump mob rampaging through the U.S. Capitol last week, my first thought was: What is Scott Walker thinking right now?

“It’s like I’m having PTSD from a decade ago,” the former Republican governor of Wisconsin texted me.

Most conservatives have condemned the right-wing mob that assaulted the U.S. Capitol. But 10 years ago, Democrats embraced the left-wing mob that occupied the state Capitol in Madison. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) praised the occupiers for an “impressive show of democracy in action” and tweeted as they assaulted the Capitol that she continued “to stand in solidarity” with the union activists. In other words, Democrats were for occupying capitols before they were against it.

“Standing on the capitol steps at dusk, [Secretary of Administration] Mike Huebsch watched as an army of thousands formed on State Street and began marching toward him,” we wrote. “Soon they had descended on the building, banging on the doors and windows, chanting, ‘Let us in! Let us in!’ The small contingent of capitol police was quickly overwhelmed. Protesters ripped the hinges of an antique oak door at the State Street entrance and streamed inside. Mike watched in disbelief as the window to Democratic Representative Cory Mason’s office opened right in front of him and protesters began crawling into the building. Once inside, they began unlocking doors and bathroom windows until a sea of thousands had flooded the capitol.”

The police retreated in the face of the horde, giving up the first floor, then the second. “The protesters ran amok, chanting ‘This is our house!’ and ‘This is what democracy looks like!’ ” we wrote. “And they then began searching for the Republican senators who had dared to defy the will of the unions.” As the crowd scoured the building looking for the offending legislators, police sneaked them out through an underground tunnel to a government building across the street. But a Democratic representative posted on social media that the Republican senators were escaping through the tunnels, so when the senators came up into the lobby, the mob was there waiting for them.

“The tall windows that framed the lobby were plastered with people yelling and banging on the glass,” we wrote. “They were trapped. The senators hid under a stairwell, out of view, while the police ordered a city bus to pull up in front of the building. Officers then formed a human wall on the sidewalk, parting the sea of protesters and creating a pathway for the senators to reach the bus.” Once the senators were on board, “the mob on the street began punching the windows and shaking the vehicle. … The police told the senators and staff inside to keep their heads down in case a window shattered.”

Thankfully, no one was killed. But during the course of the occupation, Walker received a steady stream of death threats against him and his wife, including one that promised to “gut her like a deer” and one threatening to kill his sons. Police found dozens of .22-caliber bullets scattered across the Capitol grounds. The occupiers drew chalk outlines of fake dead bodies etched with Walker’s name on the floor, and carried signs that read “Death to tyrants,” “The only good Republican is a dead Republican” and one with picture of him in crosshairs with the words, “Don’t retreat, Reload.”

This piece was written a year ago this month. Is it not interesting that when people from the Right do it it's an insurrection and a threat to democracy, but when people from the Left do it then it's democracy in action. I wonder how many of those insurrectionists in Wisconsin got arrested and charged, but I'm guessing none?
And not a one of them built a scaffold to hang the Lt. gov.

Imagine that.
The liberal cucks here condemning what happened would be excusing it if the very same thing had been done by BLM in support of Joe Biden.

Thats how you know they are completely FOS and cowards.
You are right. Words do have meanings. Sorry Trumper, it was an insurrection. Some of us supported our constitution and some, [read Trumpers] did not.
You’re a dipshit. It is BECAUSE words have meanings that the acts done at and in the Capital on 1/6/2021 don’t qualify as an “insurrection.”

I don’t support the criminal behavior of the 1/6 protestors who broke into the Capital. I’m fine with them being prosecuted for the crimes they allegedly committed. But nothing related to “insurrection” is such a crime.
Not one of the high-spirited Trump supporters has been charged with treason, insurrection, or any crime even remotely related to an attempt to overthrow the government. If they were so charged, the trials would make the prosecution look so foolish even Pelosi would have to blush.

For Leftists, Truth is not a valuable commodity.
The only thing more reprehensible than the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is conservatives attempting to excuse, defend, or otherwise deflect from the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy.

And yet here you are, excusing, defending, and deflecting from what your side did 10 years ago in Wisconsin's state capitol that was way worse than anything that was done on 1/6 last year. I believe that most of us on the Right have in fact denounced what happened on 1/6; it was wrong, it was illegal, and those who were there deserve to be punished for it. But nobody on the right called it an "impressive show of democracy in action" like Pelosi did 10 years earlier. Your utter hypocrisy and that of your party is blatantly obvious.
You’re a dipshit. It is BECAUSE words have meanings that the acts done at and in the Capital on 1/6/2021 don’t qualify as an “insurrection.”

I don’t support the criminal behavior of the 1/6 protestors who broke into the Capital. I’m fine with them being prosecuted for the crimes they allegedly committed. But nothing related to “insurrection” is such a crime.
I have seen the film clips. I have reviewed the footage of the riots and uprising. Unlike you, I do not need others to tell me what to think. I do not need Trumpers to tell me not to believe my lyin’ eyes. The video footage speaks for itself.
And yet here you are, excusing, defending, and deflecting from what your side did 10 years ago in Wisconsin's state capitol that was way worse than anything that was done on 1/6 last year.
Totally false. There’s no comparison. This article lays it out nicely.

I have seen the footage. I have reviewed the footage of the riots and uprising. Unlike you, I do not need others to tell me what to think. I do not need Trumpers to tell me not to believe my lyin’ eyes. The video footage speaks for itself.
You’re an imbecile. You saw some criminal acts. Whether you are too completely stupid to grasp it or not, the reality is that none of the crimes constitute anything remotely akin to “insurrection.”

You’re free to think that little green apples are planets on the other side of the Milky Way. But you’re still wrong.
You’re an imbecile. You saw some criminal acts. Whether you are too completely stupid to grasp it or not, the reality is that none of the crimes constitutes anything remotely akin to “insurrection.”

You’re free to think that little green apples are planets on the other side of the Milky Way. But you’re still wrong.
There were criminal acts. At least you got that right. The purpose of the riot was to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. Thus, it was an insurrection against the newly elected government of the United States. Understand that now, dimwit?
There were criminal acts. At least you got that right. The purpose of the riot was to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. Thus, it was an insurrection against the newly elected government of the United States. Understand that now, dimwit?
Wrong. The purpose of the demonstrators who broke in was not to interfere with the conduct of the government. It was to prevent the illegal theft of the election.

(Now I know you’ll be going off half-cocked at that point, which is half a cock more than you have in real life; but I don’t support them even to that degree. I’m just noting that their purpose was to try to make sure that our government wasn’t interfered with via electoral theft.)
Wrong. The purpose of the demonstrators who broke in was not to interfere with the conduct of the government. It was to prevent the illegal theft of the election.

(Now I know you’ll be going off half-cocked at that point, which is half a cock more than you have in real life; but I don’t support them even to that degree. I’m just noting that their purpose was to try to make sure that our government wasn’t interfered with via electoral theft.)
That you still actually believe the election was stolen after all the investigations, lawsuits and recounts that found absolutely nothing, says all I need to know about your politics. Sorry, but whatever little credibility you had is now gone. You need to think for yourself and not fall for the BS of Trumpist purveyors of the Big Lie.
That you still actually believe the election was stolen after all the investigations, lawsuits and recounts that found absolutely nothing, says all I need to know about your politics. Sorry, but whatever little credibility you had is now gone. You need to think for yourself and not fall for the Big Lie.
Wow. I knew you’d go off half cocked. I predicted it. I even clearly noted that I didn’t agree with them. I don’t contend that the Dims stole the election. Your reading comprehension level is even lower than your IQ. If that’s possible.
By the way, I don’t assume that the Dims didn’t try to steal the election. I have already stated elsewhere on this Board that I haven’t seen sufficient evidence that they succeeded.
Wow. I knew you’d go off half cocked. I predicted it. I even clearly noted that I didn’t agree with them. I don’t contend that the Dims stole the election. Your reading comprehension level is even lower than your IQ. If that’s possible.
Honestly, yiour post made little sense to begin with. Your first sentence was totally illogical. The rioters did not plan to “interfere in the conduct of the government” but to”prevent the illegal theft of an election.” LOL.

BTW you point of view is clear through your posts. Thank you for clarifying your position.
Honestly, yiour post made little sense to begin with. Your first sentence was totally illogical. The rioters did not plan to “interfere in the conduct of the government” but to”prevent the illegal theft of an election.” LOL.

BTW you point of view is clear through your posts. Thank you for clarifying your position.
Honestly, you’re a coward and dishonest.

The fact that a simpleton bombastic twat like you can’t handle a simple sentence speaks to your lack of IQ.

Insurrection requires that the allegedly criminal effort be to interfere with the ability of a government to conduct its business. Even if the protestors were mistaken and misguided, their belief that they were preventing the theft of the election would point to a very different motive and purpose than the element of the crime.

Charge them with trespass. In some cases charge them with assaults. Fair enough. But there is a good reason that nobody has been charged with insurrection of any related criminal offense.
Honestly, you’re a coward and dishonest.

The fact that a simpleton bombastic twat like you can’t handle a simple sentence speaks to your lack of IQ.

Charge them with trespass. In some cases charge them with assaults. Fair enough. But there is a good reason that nobody has been charged with insurrection of any related criminal offense.
Let’s look at your car wreck of an explanation of your prior inane statement:

Insurrection requires that the allegedly criminal effort be to interfere with the ability of a government to conduct its business.”

Notwithstanding your sentence is a grammatical dumpster fire, insurrection is defined as a violent uprising against the government. So, yes an element of insurrection would entail interfering with the ability of government to conduct business.

Next sentence

Even if the protestors were mistaken and misguided, their belief that they were preventing the theft of the election would point to a very different motive and purpose than the element of the crime.”

Your second sentence does not follow. Violent uprising is not defined by whether you were mistaken in your belief or not. All that matters is that you engaged in violent activity. You are being an apologist for violence against the USA. Just because I believe you robbed me does not just justify me breaking into your home in that mistaken belief.
Let’s look at your car wreck of an explanation of your prior inane statement:

Insurrection requires that the allegedly criminal effort be to interfere with the ability of a government to conduct its business.”

Notwithstanding your sentence is a grammatical dumpster fire, insurrection is defined as a violent uprising against the government. So, yes it would entail interfering with the ability of government to conduct business.

Next sentence

Even if the protestors were mistaken and misguided, their belief that they were preventing the theft of the election would point to a very different motive and purpose than the element of the crime.”

Your second sentence does not follow. Violent uprising is not defined by whether you were mistaken in your belief or not. All that matters is that you engaged in violent activity. You are being an apologist for violent activities. Just because I believe you robbed me does not just justify me breaking into your home in that mistaken belief.
Let’s just dismiss you as the hack you are. You aren’t a Wobbly sock by any chance, are you? You share his style: Witless, but egotistical and enormously verbose.
Let’s just dismiss you as the hack you are. You aren’t a Wobbly sock by any chance, are you? You share his style: Witless, but egotistical and enormously verbose.
That is all you have. Lol In other words, you are conceding defeat.

I knew you were a moron.
Let’s just dismiss you as the hack you are. You aren’t a Wobbly sock by any chance, are you? You share his style: Witless, but egotistical and enormously verbose.
Edit to add: you’re also wrong. The condemned violence has to be for a particular purpose. You simply are too ignorant to understand the nature of “elements” in a defined crime.

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