Thank you Madame Speaker Pelosi (D)

Repubs wanted to offshore more jobs in the worst way. It would've increased short-term profits for the 1%
Of course you fail to mention that Obama INSISTS this is needed and tried hard as hell to convince his party to support it. Hypocrite.
Newsflash ground pounder!!! He isn't up for reelection so he can approve/disapprove of whatever initiative he so chooses to please his campaign donors thanks to repubs shoving Citizens United down this great nation's throat. You have no one to thank but conservatives put on the court by Repubs :thup:

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Repubs wanted to offshore more jobs in the worst way. It would've increased short-term profits for the 1%
They went along with the socialist in chief. One would think you would applaud them.
said the user who has been here all of 20 days


Ravi ;)
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Once speaker, you have the appellation for life.
Madame speaker Pelosi (D)


Shaking off Obama Pelosi stuns House TheHill

Pelosi argued that voting against the worker training bill was the best chance to slow down the fast-track legislation and, by extension, the trade pact that labor unions and liberals had hotly criticized.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka praised Pelosi as being “instrumental” in defeating the legislation.

“She stood up against corporate interests and as always put first the people who are too often left out of trade agreement discussions,” he said in a statement. “I applaud Rep. Pelosi’s bravery and leadership on this and look forward to working with her on good trade bills.”

So....she voted against obama....that means she's a racist...right? Or what about the conservative republicans who voted against the bill.....I guess that means they are racists...right? Considering Hannity, Rush, and Mark Levin have all been campaigning against the establishment republicans....right?
Repubs wanted to offshore more jobs in the worst way. It would've increased short-term profits for the 1%

Ummm...your forget to mention.....your god, obama, also wants this bill he wants to offshore jobs too...right? Since he is the one pushing for it and trying to strongarm his own party....right? Did you forget about that little aspect of the story....?
Repubs wanted to offshore more jobs in the worst way. It would've increased short-term profits for the 1%
Of course you fail to mention that Obama INSISTS this is needed and tried hard as hell to convince his party to support it. Hypocrite.
Newsflash ground pounder!!! He isn't up for reelection so he can approve/disapprove of whatever initiative he so chooses to please his campaign donors thanks to repubs shoving Citizens United down this great nation's throat. You have no one to thank but conservatives put on the court by Repubs :thup:

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

Right.....and you missed the surprise there....obama wants to benefit the world at America's he pushed it...the unions need their people to work so they can earn their union dues money so the unions can by more democrat political obama and the unions are in conflict...and which republicans voted for this again.....? The Washington establishment types did...the very ones the Tea Party opposes...nice to see that you guys finally support the Tea Party....
Repubs wanted to offshore more jobs in the worst way. It would've increased short-term profits for the 1%
Of course you fail to mention that Obama INSISTS this is needed and tried hard as hell to convince his party to support it. Hypocrite.
Newsflash ground pounder!!! He isn't up for reelection so he can approve/disapprove of whatever initiative he so chooses to please his campaign donors thanks to repubs shoving Citizens United down this great nation's throat. You have no one to thank but conservatives put on the court by Repubs :thup:

Sent from my BN NookHD+ using Tapatalk

You mean Citizen's United...that allows the unions to donate as well....the ones who pressured the anti business democrats to support this bill.....that Citizens United decision.....
Did anyone know that pelosi was a secret Rush Limbaugh fan and member of the Tea Party......? was Tea Party Republicans who oppose this deal.....I guess everyone is a Tea Party member now....

Rush Limbaugh Attacks Obama s Trade Agenda

"Republicans are providing the necessary push to get it passed, which kind of bothers me," Limbaugh said. "Since it's an Obama deal, the odds are it isn't good. Since it's an Obama deal, the odds are the United States is gonna take it in the shorts, as we have on so much of the Obama agenda, both domestic and foreign policy."

A host of tea party groups have opposed Obama's trade agenda for months. But Limbaugh's entrance into the debate significantly disrupts Republican leaders' hopes of securing a deal with Obama by overriding objections from House Democrats, given the radio host's substantial influence over conservatives.

A significant bloc of tea party Republicans has rejected granting Obama so-called fast track authority to streamline the approval of a major trade pact the administration is negotiating with 11 other nations. Fast track would strip Congress of the ability to filibuster or amend whatever deal Obama eventually reaches.
She must listen to Mark Levin and Sean Hannity.....and you can expect paul ryan to be out of a job....Republicans actually vote out politicians who do the wrong thing......unlike democrats.....
You wouldn't think pelosi would be a fan of Mark Levin....I mean he actually likes the United States and teaches about the importance of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights all the time on his radio show....

Mark Levin Fast Track trade bill massively expands Obama s executive authority over immigration The Right Scoop -

Mark Levin blasted Republicans today for pushing a Fast Track process bill on trade that massively expands Obama’s executive authority over immigration. The immigration portion is in a part of the bill called TISA and there’s no draft text available for congressmen to read when they go behind closed doors and lock themselves in a room with the super secret Fast Track bill. But we know about it now thanks to Wikileaks.

Levin says Republicans like Paul Ryan who refuse to put this secret Fast Track bill before the American people so that we can see what’s in it don’t give a damn about the Constitution.


Once speaker, you have the appellation for life.
Madame speaker Pelosi (D)


Shaking off Obama Pelosi stuns House TheHill

Pelosi argued that voting against the worker training bill was the best chance to slow down the fast-track legislation and, by extension, the trade pact that labor unions and liberals had hotly criticized.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka praised Pelosi as being “instrumental” in defeating the legislation.

“She stood up against corporate interests and as always put first the people who are too often left out of trade agreement discussions,” he said in a statement. “I applaud Rep. Pelosi’s bravery and leadership on this and look forward to working with her on good trade bills.”

While I am neither a conservative nor a liberal, I have never been fond of Pelosi so I find it somewhat disconcerting that I find myself applauding her on this vote...

This issue seems to have turned Washington on its ear... Things are out of whack...
Yes, for the first time, numbered among those rare occasions where I paid Crazy Nancy the slightest attention, this is the first time that I can recall, that I actually approve of something that she did.

It's about goddamned time that somebody - on either side of the frigging aisle - decided to put American workers first.

Well done, Ms. Pelosi.
I can't trust Democrats regardless. Any vote they take usually involves a raise in taxes and never to my standard of living.
I hate to give any credit to Dims. It tends to only encourage them.

But the GOP (like Boehner, McConnell and Ryan) have their heads so far up their own asses that they are advocating on BEHALF of what this Presidunce desires -- EVEN THOUGH any shred of actual principle would have them drumming up the opposition.

In this suddenly topsy turvy world, the shitheads, like Pelousy (even if for all the wrong reasons), end up voting AGAINST Obumbler while the GOP shitheads like Ryan (for other wrong reasons) end up voting FOR Obumbler.

I am just gratified that Obumbler lost the trade pact vote.

NOW shithead Ryan is telling us that the battle isn't over. Fuck him. That rat bastard made me have a good thought about Pelousy. I may never forgive him.
I hate to give any credit to Dims. It tends to only encourage them.

But the GOP (like Boehner, McConnell and Ryan) have their heads so far up their own asses that they are advocating on BEHALF of what this Presidunce desires -- EVEN THOUGH any shred of actual principle would have them drumming up the opposition.

In this suddenly topsy turvy world, the shitheads, like Pelousy (even if for all the wrong reasons), end up voting AGAINST Obumbler while the GOP shitheads like Ryan (for other wrong reasons) end up voting FOR Obumbler.

I am just gratified that Obumbler lost the trade pact vote.

NOW shithead Ryan is telling us that the battle isn't over. Fuck him. That rat bastard made me have a good thought about Pelousy. I may never forgive him.

Keep in mind...the Tea Party republicans staged a fight against the establishment republicans...and since the Republicans actually vote to remove their politicians who do the wrong things...paul ryan is in deep trouble....
I hate to give any credit to Dims. It tends to only encourage them.

But the GOP (like Boehner, McConnell and Ryan) have their heads so far up their own asses that they are advocating on BEHALF of what this Presidunce desires -- EVEN THOUGH any shred of actual principle would have them drumming up the opposition.

In this suddenly topsy turvy world, the shitheads, like Pelousy (even if for all the wrong reasons), end up voting AGAINST Obumbler while the GOP shitheads like Ryan (for other wrong reasons) end up voting FOR Obumbler.

I am just gratified that Obumbler lost the trade pact vote.

NOW shithead Ryan is telling us that the battle isn't over. Fuck him. That rat bastard made me have a good thought about Pelousy. I may never forgive him.

Keep in mind...the Tea Party republicans staged a fight against the establishment republicans...and since the Republicans actually vote to remove their politicians who do the wrong things...paul ryan is in deep trouble....

Ryan SHOULD be in trouble.

The problem with the GOP is that Ryans is as likely to get replaced by a milquetoast waffling near RINO as he is by some stalwart conservative principled alternative.
Once speaker, you have the appellation for life.
Madame speaker Pelosi (D)


Shaking off Obama Pelosi stuns House TheHill

Pelosi argued that voting against the worker training bill was the best chance to slow down the fast-track legislation and, by extension, the trade pact that labor unions and liberals had hotly criticized.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka praised Pelosi as being “instrumental” in defeating the legislation.

“She stood up against corporate interests and as always put first the people who are too often left out of trade agreement discussions,” he said in a statement. “I applaud Rep. Pelosi’s bravery and leadership on this and look forward to working with her on good trade bills.”

So....she voted against obama....that means she's a racist...right? Or what about the conservative republicans who voted against the bill.....I guess that means they are racists...right? Considering Hannity, Rush, and Mark Levin have all been campaigning against the establishment republicans....right?
How would I know what rw media- Shammitty, oxyRush, etc...has been doing? :eusa_eh:
Once speaker, you have the appellation for life.
Madame speaker Pelosi (D)


Shaking off Obama Pelosi stuns House TheHill

Pelosi argued that voting against the worker training bill was the best chance to slow down the fast-track legislation and, by extension, the trade pact that labor unions and liberals had hotly criticized.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka praised Pelosi as being “instrumental” in defeating the legislation.

“She stood up against corporate interests and as always put first the people who are too often left out of trade agreement discussions,” he said in a statement. “I applaud Rep. Pelosi’s bravery and leadership on this and look forward to working with her on good trade bills.”

So....she voted against obama....that means she's a racist...right? Or what about the conservative republicans who voted against the bill.....I guess that means they are racists...right? Considering Hannity, Rush, and Mark Levin have all been campaigning against the establishment republicans....right?
How would I know what rw media- Shammitty, oxyRush, etc...has been doing? :eusa_eh:

Yeah! Guys like dottie only listen to ridiculous liberal propaganda like the stuff dispensed via ABC, SEEBS, NBC, MSLSD and CNN.
Once speaker, you have the appellation for life.
Madame speaker Pelosi (D)


Shaking off Obama Pelosi stuns House TheHill

Pelosi argued that voting against the worker training bill was the best chance to slow down the fast-track legislation and, by extension, the trade pact that labor unions and liberals had hotly criticized.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka praised Pelosi as being “instrumental” in defeating the legislation.

“She stood up against corporate interests and as always put first the people who are too often left out of trade agreement discussions,” he said in a statement. “I applaud Rep. Pelosi’s bravery and leadership on this and look forward to working with her on good trade bills.”

So....she voted against obama....that means she's a racist...right? Or what about the conservative republicans who voted against the bill.....I guess that means they are racists...right? Considering Hannity, Rush, and Mark Levin have all been campaigning against the establishment republicans....right?
How would I know what rw media- Shammitty, oxyRush, etc...has been doing? :eusa_eh:

Well...they obviously gave pelosi her marching orders....right?
no shit stain..... errr..... mouth-breather. Alm
Repubs wanted to offshore more jobs in the worst way. It would've increased short-term profits for the 1%

Ummm...your forget to mention.....your god, obama, also wants this bill he wants to offshore jobs too...right? Since he is the one pushing for it and trying to strongarm his own party....right? Did you forget about that little aspect of the story....?
Ummm..... no shit stain. I already addressed that.


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