Thank you Mr. President & Speaker Boehner (R)

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
This will remove some of the drama cards that certain persons were want to use this time of year.

President Obama Signs Two-Year Budget Bill | Video |

Obama signs two-year budget deal

WASHINGTON — President Obama formally signed a two-year budget agreement Monday that heads off potential showdowns with Republicans over the debt ceiling and government shutdowns for the remainder of his presidency.

Will that raise the national debt to 20 trillion or more?
This will remove some of the drama cards that certain persons were want to use this time of year.

President Obama Signs Two-Year Budget Bill | Video |

Obama signs two-year budget deal

WASHINGTON — President Obama formally signed a two-year budget agreement Monday that heads off potential showdowns with Republicans over the debt ceiling and government shutdowns for the remainder of his presidency.

The shear idiocy of folks like yourself always astounds me.

That's all I'm going to say on this subject.
ad hom is all you have? Understood

back to topic- Repub Speaker & Dem President avert an avoidable manufactured catastrophe. Did I mention that it was avoidable?
2 year budget isn't even fucking Constitutional

Obama signs two-year budget deal

Outgoing House speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, put together a plan to avoid breaching the debt limit, saying that doing so would threaten the nation's credit rating.

The bill sets the federal budget for fiscal years 2016 and 2017, with an end to spending caps that had affected both national defense and domestic programs.

"By locking in two years of funding," Obama said, "it should finally free us from the cycle of shutdown threats and last-minute fixes. It allows us to, therefore, plan for the future."
This will remove some of the drama cards that certain persons were want to use this time of year.

President Obama Signs Two-Year Budget Bill | Video |

Obama signs two-year budget deal

WASHINGTON — President Obama formally signed a two-year budget agreement Monday that heads off potential showdowns with Republicans over the debt ceiling and government shutdowns for the remainder of his presidency.

Yes, $80 trillion in debt is just around the corner - it's all you ever dreamed of dotty..
Thank goodness.

Now tell the TP their day is done, and let's get on with governing.
Thank goodness.

Now tell the TP their day is done, and let's get on with governing.
I know right. We know their base is angry because a black guy bested their Presidential candidates 2X. We get it. No need to burn the midnight oil w/ taxpayer dollars to rehash it.
The OP has to be being sarcastic. No one can believe that putting our children in so much debt is a good idea. No one other then are idiot reps that voted for it.

EDIT: The idiot reps and Jake the fake.
The sinking of America with this budget is being call bi-partisan, although only 79 in the house voted for the stinking thing.

So in the future when democrats claim it was Republicans that put us into debt we all now can know differently.
America is not sinking with this budget.

This budget deal has sunk the TP movement.

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