Thank you, President Obama, for the right kind of hope and change

Hillary's only hope is to quit and build her campaign right after Democrats get flushed this November

I agree with that, She does need to distance herself from him. Barry hasn't helped any democrat when he campaigns for them. just sayin.....
Don't count the Hildebeast out yet. If the November elections are a full scale ass kicking for the Dims, all she's gotta do is resign, do another phony listening tour, and her hat can be in the '12 ring lickety-split.
If you think the country is all fucked up now just elect Hillary Clinton President. It will go from bad to really bad. The only good thing about her being President would be the antics of Billy Bob Clinton and his string of "ladies" that would be in the news again. I miss all the fun of his Presidency. It was better than watching a soap opera.

Bill Clinton was a mess in some ways, but he had two things in his favor. He is quite intelligent and able to multi task very well. And he really is an administrator and manager with instincts that help him make decisions quickly and act appropriately. I can't recall really any serious incidents requiring Presidential attention during his administration in which he was criticized for failure to act, and he usually did so competently.

The other thing in his favor is that he much more wanted to be admired and loved than he was an ideologue. So he held very few personal convictions, and generally gave in to and went along with the Gingrich/GOP revolution of 1994 that persisted through most of his presidency and made it a pretty successful one.

Clinton himself was not much personally admired and in several ways he was not a person most people admire. But he wasn't that bad a President.

You're probably right though that Hillary probably wouldn't be as responsive to the mood and appreciation of the people as Bill was and would, probably fairly skillfully, really push a liberal agenda. I don't think that she is as much of a radical extremist as Obama is though, and I don't think she would be as likely to push so much empty legislation that is nothing more than throwing up huge amounts of money hoping something, anything will stick.
Who are the dems going to blame on election day when they their collective asses kicked?

It will still be George Bush's fault and he'll no doubt be accused, again, of stealing the election.

I was listening to Axlerod last night expounding on how 'they' have had too many different things to deal with so that it is understandable that they can't do everything at once.

Translation: It is George Bush's fault.
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She lost to 0bama, claiming to be the smartest woman in the world.

Her job is invisible.

Merceifly, she will be forgotten as James Buchanan.

Far from invisible...its called building a resume

Not a Republican out there today capable of beating her....2008 either

Maybe, maybe not. Are you posting that as fact or opinion?
Both the G8 and G20 emphasized slashing spending this week. Of course our fearless leader wasn't interested in doing that.

And the cumulative effect of global fears most of too much accumulated debt--ours being a huge chunk of that of course--inspired such confidence that all the Asian markets crashed and the Dow fell over 200 today to the lowest point of the year.

Don't know how much more of this we can take folks.

I think if Obama had advised that he was going to go home and scrap all unfunded legislation and fight for a balanced budget, the recession would be over.
The Hillary camp has been quitely testing the waters.

The Carville anti-Obama explosion was no off the cuff remark - calculated all the way.

Those who say watch Hillary closely soon after the November 2010 thrashing the Dems are going to take, are right on the mark.

Obama has lost support within the Democrat Party power structure - very important support. He has Pelosi to try and snap the House Dems into line, and that is about it. He still has much of the media scrambling to keep him afloat - but even that is starting to wane just a bit of late.

Hillary could bolt after November - and she could very well win the nomination in 2012...
Both the G8 and G20 emphasized slashing spending this week. Of course our fearless leader wasn't interested in doing that.

And the cumulative effect of global fears most of too much accumulated debt--ours being a huge chunk of that of course--inspired such confidence that all the Asian markets crashed and the Dow fell over 200 today to the lowest point of the year.

Don't know how much more of this we can take folks.

I think if Obama had advised that he was going to go home and scrap all unfunded legislation and fight for a balanced budget, the recession would be over.

He's not, he won't, he doesn't care, all he wants is the progression of his agenda of equality. Everybody but a few being equally poor.
The Hillary camp has been quitely testing the waters.

The Carville anti-Obama explosion was no off the cuff remark - calculated all the way.

Those who say watch Hillary closely soon after the November 2010 thrashing the Dems are going to take, are right on the mark.

Obama has lost support within the Democrat Party power structure - very important support. He has Pelosi to try and snap the House Dems into line, and that is about it. He still has much of the media scrambling to keep him afloat - but even that is starting to wane just a bit of late.

Hillary could bolt after November - and she could very well win the nomination in 2012...

Being a "Hillary watcher" for more a couple of decades now, I don't see her as a gentle, laid back, forgiving kind of person. You have to believe that she is still seething deep down. I would bet a good steak dinner that she loathes and despises Obama. The 2008 election was supposed to be hers. She had been the good wife all during her husband's governorship and presidency, had toed the line, paid her dues. She knew there was no way she could go back to back with Bill--they had to clean up their image a bit first--so she waited eight more years as Senator of New York and still toeing the line and rebuilding her image.

And then finally it was her time. She could taste it. Early successes in the primaries, rising favorability numbers, and she was confident and, with Bush favorability ratings so low she figured no Republican had a chance against her. And just as she was closing her fist around the brass ring, the relative newcomer, relatively unknown, upstart, unqualified, snot nosed Obama snatched it away.

She has to still hate him for that.

It is almost unheard of for a prominent Democrat to challenge a Democratic incumbant. It just isn't done.

But you may be right and this may be the exception. And evenmoreso if the Democrats do take a blood bath at the polls this coming November but the GOP still doesn't have its act together and a real leader has not emerged.
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The Hillary camp has been quitely testing the waters.

The Carville anti-Obama explosion was no off the cuff remark - calculated all the way.

Those who say watch Hillary closely soon after the November 2010 thrashing the Dems are going to take, are right on the mark.

Obama has lost support within the Democrat Party power structure - very important support. He has Pelosi to try and snap the House Dems into line, and that is about it. He still has much of the media scrambling to keep him afloat - but even that is starting to wane just a bit of late.

Hillary could bolt after November - and she could very well win the nomination in 2012...

Being a "Hillary watcher" for more a couple of decades now, I don't see her as a gentle, laid back, forgiving kind of person. You have to believe that she is still seething deep down. I would bet a good steak dinner that she loathes and despises Obama. The 2008 election was supposed to be hers. She had been the good wife all during her husband's governorship and presidency, had toed the line, paid her dues. She knew there was no way she could go back to back with Bill--they had to clean up their image a bit first--so she waited eight more years as Senator of New York and still toeing the line and rebuilding her image.

And then finally it was her time. She could taste it. Early successes in the primaries, rising favorability numbers, and she was confident and, with Bush favorability ratings so low she figured no Republican had a chance against her. And just as she was closing her fist around the brass ring, the relative newcomer, relatively unknown, upstart, unqualified, snot nosed Obama snatched it away.

She has to still hate him for that.

It is almost unheard of for a prominent Democrat to challenge a Democratic incumbant. It just isn't done.

But you may be right and this may be the exception. And evenmoreso if the Democrats do take a blood bath at the polls this coming November but the GOP still doesn't have its act together and a real leader has not emerged.

We must not forget that in a desperate act while he was losing ground, the Obama camp used the race card against her husband...coming dangerously close to destroying his legacy as an advocate for African American progress in America.

THAT, more than anything, will not fade in her mind.
The Hillary camp has been quitely testing the waters.

The Carville anti-Obama explosion was no off the cuff remark - calculated all the way.

Those who say watch Hillary closely soon after the November 2010 thrashing the Dems are going to take, are right on the mark.

Obama has lost support within the Democrat Party power structure - very important support. He has Pelosi to try and snap the House Dems into line, and that is about it. He still has much of the media scrambling to keep him afloat - but even that is starting to wane just a bit of late.

Hillary could bolt after November - and she could very well win the nomination in 2012...

Being a "Hillary watcher" for more a couple of decades now, I don't see her as a gentle, laid back, forgiving kind of person. You have to believe that she is still seething deep down. I would bet a good steak dinner that she loathes and despises Obama. The 2008 election was supposed to be hers. She had been the good wife all during her husband's governorship and presidency, had toed the line, paid her dues. She knew there was no way she could go back to back with Bill--they had to clean up their image a bit first--so she waited eight more years as Senator of New York and still toeing the line and rebuilding her image.

And then finally it was her time. She could taste it. Early successes in the primaries, rising favorability numbers, and she was confident and, with Bush favorability ratings so low she figured no Republican had a chance against her. And just as she was closing her fist around the brass ring, the relative newcomer, relatively unknown, upstart, unqualified, snot nosed Obama snatched it away.

She has to still hate him for that.

It is almost unheard of for a prominent Democrat to challenge a Democratic incumbant. It just isn't done.

But you may be right and this may be the exception. And evenmoreso if the Democrats do take a blood bath at the polls this coming November but the GOP still doesn't have its act together and a real leader has not emerged.

We must not forget that in a desperate act while he was losing ground, the Obama camp used the race card against her husband...coming dangerously close to destroying his legacy as an advocate for African American progress in America.

THAT, more than anything, will not fade in her mind.

What kind of legacy can a man have when he thinks that just a few short years ago Obama would have been "fetching his coffee"?

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