Thank You, Rush Limp-Balls

The best part of this is Limbaugh's comical stupidity about how birth control pills work.

He tries to claim these women were having so much sex, so often, that they can't afford their birth control pills,

the imbecile, the pill dosage is the same whether you have sex once a month, once a week, or ten times a day.

Shut UP, fatso.

Rush's net worth - $220 million.
I seriously don't believe he gives a fuck what you think.....


Exactly. He's duped dumbasses like you for over 25 years and it's paid him handsomely.

Lesson to be learned here: HATE SPEECH PAYS WELL.

I haven't paid him a dime, asswipe
Rush's net worth - $220 million.
I seriously don't believe he gives a fuck what you think.....


Exactly. He's duped dumbasses like you for over 25 years and it's paid him handsomely.

Lesson to be learned here: HATE SPEECH PAYS WELL.

I haven't paid him a dime, asswipe

They act like spurned whores.......................

The best part of this is Limbaugh's comical stupidity about how birth control pills work.

He tries to claim these women were having so much sex, so often, that they can't afford their birth control pills,

the imbecile, the pill dosage is the same whether you have sex once a month, once a week, or ten times a day.

Shut UP, fatso.

Rush's net worth - $220 million.
I seriously don't believe he gives a fuck what you think.....


Apathy, arrogance, and money are not cures for idiocy.
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The best part of this is Limbaugh's comical stupidity about how birth control pills work.

He tries to claim these women were having so much sex, so often, that they can't afford their birth control pills,

the imbecile, the pill dosage is the same whether you have sex once a month, once a week, or ten times a day.

Shut UP, fatso.

Yes, I saw the same thing on Rachael Maddow. If you and I were watching, her audience doubled. To bad you can't share the credit.

It is also unfortunate that Fluke could not have chosen to do a better job with her presentation. She shows up basically asking congress to stick it's nose into a Jesuit college's business and force them to provide insurance against 1000/year bills to avoid getting pregnant.

She is a third year law student ?

This will go over well with her prospective employers. I know second graders who could do a better job.

I figured it out before I heard it on Maddow. And she has a million viewers a night.

That is called a distinction without a difference. The simple fact is Ms. Fluke is asking that the taxpayers pay for the choices she makes. It is morally bankrupt to insist on one hand that woman have the right to choose to have an abortion whenever for whatever reason and at the same time claim taxpayers must pay for the sexual behavioral choices she makes instead of, I don't know, she pay for her own fucking birth control if she wants to have sex.

You're an idiot.

Limbaugh claims it's because she having so much sex that she needs so many birth control pills.

That is mentally retarded.

That is called a distinction without a difference. The simple fact is Ms. Fluke is asking that the taxpayers pay for the choices she makes. It is morally bankrupt to insist on one hand that woman have the right to choose to have an abortion whenever for whatever reason and at the same time claim taxpayers must pay for the sexual behavioral choices she makes instead of, I don't know, she pay for her own fucking birth control if she wants to have sex.

You're an idiot.

Limbaugh claims it's because she having so much sex that she needs so many birth control pills.

That is mentally retarded.

Yes but Limbaugh is worth $220 million.
Count up your Food Stamps and post the results, you knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing trailer trash inbred.
Limbaugh..was caught with viagra (obtained illegally) on his way to the Dominican Republic with NO FEMALE COMPANIONS.

What exactly was he going to do in the Dominican Republic, a place famous for prostitutes, with all that Viagra?

Limbaugh..was caught with viagra (obtained illegally) on his way to the Dominican Republic with NO FEMALE COMPANIONS.

What exactly was he going to do in the Dominican Republic, a place famous for prostitutes, with all that Viagra?


Is that anyone's business but his?
To my fellow conservatives.............if you missed Rush's show yesterday, make sure to tune on on MOnday and Tuesday next week. I was laughing so hard I almost pooped my pants. Its classic radio and he really gives you that perfect illustration of the fucked up thinking of the far left.
Limbaugh..was caught with viagra (obtained illegally) on his way to the Dominican Republic with NO FEMALE COMPANIONS.

What exactly was he going to do in the Dominican Republic, a place famous for prostitutes, with all that Viagra?


Have some fun..What else?
Limbaugh..was caught with viagra (obtained illegally) on his way to the Dominican Republic with NO FEMALE COMPANIONS.

What exactly was he going to do in the Dominican Republic, a place famous for prostitutes, with all that Viagra?


Is that anyone's business but his?

Apparently not.

He was detained.

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra - CBS News

For now, Limbaugh is joking about his brush with the law. He joked about the search on his radio show Tuesday, saying Customs officials didn't believe him when he said he got the pills at the Clinton Library and he was told they were blue M&Ms. He later added, chuckling: "I had a great time in the Dominican Republic. Wish I could tell you about it."

And this guy is calling someone else a "slut"..

All this is a good thing folks.

YOU KNOW the Democrats are Desperate when they turn on Rush to try and distract the people from THE REAL PROBLEMS in the country they are in charge of running...

Obama's approvals are in the LOW 40's

vote them out in November..
And this guy is calling someone else a "slut"..


I know. He should have ethics, like you and your Brietbart comment, right?

Warrior..........many of the far lefties on Sallow..........are what we used to call bleeding hearts. They'd sooner jump off a 200 foot cliff than offend anyone.

Heres a place in upstate New York where NYC lefties comiserate after haaving to offend somebody..................

[ame=]cliff jumping in ny - YouTube[/ame]
Limbaugh..was caught with viagra (obtained illegally) on his way to the Dominican Republic with NO FEMALE COMPANIONS.

What exactly was he going to do in the Dominican Republic, a place famous for prostitutes, with all that Viagra?


Have some fun..What else?
At least Limbaugh can pay for it and isn't parading around in the halls of Congress demanding taxpayers pay for his lifestyle that the whore Fluke...
That is called a distinction without a difference. The simple fact is Ms. Fluke is asking that the taxpayers pay for the choices she makes. It is morally bankrupt to insist on one hand that woman have the right to choose to have an abortion whenever for whatever reason and at the same time claim taxpayers must pay for the sexual behavioral choices she makes instead of, I don't know, she pay for her own fucking birth control if she wants to have sex.

You're an idiot.

Limbaugh claims it's because she having so much sex that she needs so many birth control pills.

That is mentally retarded.

Yes but Limbaugh is worth $220 million.
Count up your Food Stamps and post the results, you knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing trailer trash inbred.

Rush is worth much more than that. You're an idiot.

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