Thank you Ted Cruz!

Then make them work more than half the year or pay them accordingly.

Congressmen work more than half the year. When Congress is not in session they are back in their home district meeting with constituents, meeting other Congressmen and raising funds.
When Congress is not in session, it is not a “vacation”
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

The only way to change the behaviors of these people is to CHANGE THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THEY OPERATE.

Don't like all the pork in the COVID bill? Do you know why it's there? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE RE-ELECTED so they're FUCKING BUYING VOTES WITH PORK.

So, thanks again, Senator.
We have term limits it's called voting, didn't they tell you that on WKRP in the morning?
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

The only way to change the behaviors of these people is to CHANGE THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THEY OPERATE.

Don't like all the pork in the COVID bill? Do you know why it's there? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE RE-ELECTED so they're FUCKING BUYING VOTES WITH PORK.

So, thanks again, Senator.
I didn't think I'd ever agree with grampa munster but in this case I do.
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

The only way to change the behaviors of these people is to CHANGE THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THEY OPERATE.

Don't like all the pork in the COVID bill? Do you know why it's there? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE RE-ELECTED so they're FUCKING BUYING VOTES WITH PORK.

So, thanks again, Senator.
I didn't think I'd ever agree with grampa munster but in this case I do.

Just because Ted said it doesn't mean he believes it.
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

The only way to change the behaviors of these people is to CHANGE THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THEY OPERATE.

Don't like all the pork in the COVID bill? Do you know why it's there? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE RE-ELECTED so they're FUCKING BUYING VOTES WITH PORK.

So, thanks again, Senator.
I didn't think I'd ever agree with grampa munster but in this case I do.

Just because Ted said it doesn't mean he believes it.
This is true, he is a tRumpling, after all.
If we institute effective campaign finance reform and kill the lobbying industry, term limits won't be necessary.

The voters can then decide how long a person stays in office. There is a positive side to having an
experienced representative in Congress. If we have term limits without campaign finance reform, a puke
like Cruz will just become a "kingmaker" and will have undue influence in deciding who replaces him.

Take the money the voters choose more effective leaders.
The American people support term limits by an overwhelming margin. I believe that as lawmakers, we should follow the example of our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who refused to consider public service as a career. Our history is replete with examples of leaders who served their country for a time and returned to private life, or who went on to serve in a different way.”

that is true, why do they keep re-electing their Congressmen?
Because their Congressmen have a massively unfair advantage over challengers. They're able to use their time building their power base, doing favors, cramming bills with pork that has nothing to do with the bill, pushing the party's partisan agenda for election help, and staying in front of their constituents in myriad ways.

The last thing such an election is, is a "level playing field".

Experience is an unfair advantage.

That is why losers want term limits.
What about those five advantages I provided?

Do you really think that such elections are level playing fields?
Many Congressmen and Senators DON’T get re-elected.

Ask voters what they think of Congress and they hate it.
Ask what they think of their Congressman or Senator and they love him.
Well, I was hoping for an answer.

Experience is an unfair advantage
Your constituents know your name. That can be for the good or the bad. If you appear to value partisanship over what is good for your will lose.

Money is not always the key to victory. Outside contributors threw big money at opponents to Mitch McConnell and Susan Collins .....they still lost Bigly

What is wrong with re-electing someone you think is doing a good job vs replacing them with someone who does not know what they are doing?
Because they get sucked into all the habits that cause so much damage.
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

The only way to change the behaviors of these people is to CHANGE THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THEY OPERATE.

Don't like all the pork in the COVID bill? Do you know why it's there? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE RE-ELECTED so they're FUCKING BUYING VOTES WITH PORK.

So, thanks again, Senator.
We have term limits it's called voting, didn't they tell you that on WKRP in the morning?
"WKRP in the morning"? Is that supposed to mean something?

And are elections with long-time incumbents a level playing field?
The American people support term limits by an overwhelming margin. I believe that as lawmakers, we should follow the example of our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who refused to consider public service as a career. Our history is replete with examples of leaders who served their country for a time and returned to private life, or who went on to serve in a different way.”

that is true, why do they keep re-electing their Congressmen?
Because their Congressmen have a massively unfair advantage over challengers. They're able to use their time building their power base, doing favors, cramming bills with pork that has nothing to do with the bill, pushing the party's partisan agenda for election help, and staying in front of their constituents in myriad ways.

The last thing such an election is, is a "level playing field".

Experience is an unfair advantage.

That is why losers want term limits.
What about those five advantages I provided?

Do you really think that such elections are level playing fields?
Many Congressmen and Senators DON’T get re-elected.

Ask voters what they think of Congress and they hate it.
Ask what they think of their Congressman or Senator and they love him.
Well, I was hoping for an answer.

Experience is an unfair advantage
Your constituents know your name. That can be for the good or the bad. If you appear to value partisanship over what is good for your will lose.

Money is not always the key to victory. Outside contributors threw big money at opponents to Mitch McConnell and Susan Collins .....they still lost Bigly

What is wrong with re-electing someone you think is doing a good job vs replacing them with someone who does not know what they are doing?
Because they get sucked into all the habits that cause so much damage.

I’m sorry but I am not willing to say the voters don’t know who best represents their interests.
They prefer an experienced politician to a novice
Citizens need to take ownership of their government; they need to get involved at the very local level if there’s to be any significant, meaningful, substantive change.

Citizens shouldn’t resort to ridiculous, inane contrivances such as term limits.
So you want all local to be liberal high taxes shit holes?
They also need term limits on the supreme court.
Finally in agreement with you. Term limits for Congress. Term limits for the Supreme Court.
The idea that someone can settle into office for decade after decade breeds corruption and
Politicians with no limits on their term of service is a recipe for crookedness.
Term limits are popular with the majority from all sides of the spectrum. We the people should demand that it is implemented.
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

The only way to change the behaviors of these people is to CHANGE THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THEY OPERATE.

Don't like all the pork in the COVID bill? Do you know why it's there? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE RE-ELECTED so they're FUCKING BUYING VOTES WITH PORK.

So, thanks again, Senator.
Ironic that a paragraph states that Cruz once said.. “D.C. is broken,” “The American people resoundingly agreed on Election Day, and President-elect Donald Trump has committed to putting government back to work for the American people. It is well past time to put an end to the cronyism and deceit that has transformed Washington into a graveyard of good intentions.' He actually thought Trump was going to put an end to cronyism and deceit, when in fact Trump took it to new heights..
I'm all for that, but at this point I'll celebrate anything that at least points us in the right direction. Our national politics are so paralyzed at this moment that any sign of movement gives me a little hope.

But yeah, I think local politics are often overlooked and underappreciated.

I don't trust Ted Cruz at all. He knows this shit isn't going to pass. I doubt he has any real interest in anything but the optics.
Spot on. And what we will get with term limits are even more corrupt politicians, as they will all be looking to use their office to set themselves up after they soon leave. So there are strong arguments for and against.
they will all be looking to use their office to set themselves up after they soon leave.

They already do that because they don't know for sure when they will leave. Term limits will limit how chummy government people can get with corruption. This 40 years in office shit needs to stop. It will also lead to younger leaders that are closer to their prime.
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

The only way to change the behaviors of these people is to CHANGE THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THEY OPERATE.

Don't like all the pork in the COVID bill? Do you know why it's there? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE RE-ELECTED so they're FUCKING BUYING VOTES WITH PORK.

So, thanks again, Senator.
Ironic that a paragraph states that Cruz once said.. “D.C. is broken,” “The American people resoundingly agreed on Election Day, and President-elect Donald Trump has committed to putting government back to work for the American people. It is well past time to put an end to the cronyism and deceit that has transformed Washington into a graveyard of good intentions.' He actually thought Trump was going to put an end to cronyism and deceit, when in fact Trump took it to new heights..
Heights not seen since Obama
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

The only way to change the behaviors of these people is to CHANGE THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THEY OPERATE.

Don't like all the pork in the COVID bill? Do you know why it's there? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE RE-ELECTED so they're FUCKING BUYING VOTES WITH PORK.

So, thanks again, Senator.
The same scumbag who wants to welcome an unlimited number of Muslim business visas into the US which will cause massive unemployment.

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