Thank you Ted Cruz!

You can’t legislate common sense. If people are voting in dinosaurs isnt that what they want? The better play is campaign finance reform. If incumbents didn’t have an automatic war chest of dark money the primaries would be more competitive.

Term limits increases the power of the party and will reduce the few Mavericks out there in my opinion.
I'd definitely agree that we need significant campaign finance reform, too.

We can't complain about the behaviors of politicians and people in their orbit if we maintain the very rules that allow them to behave that way. That's on us.
If Ted Cruz wants a limit on the number of terms a Senator can serve, why doesn’t he just refuse to run again in 2024?

Lead by example
The American people support term limits by an overwhelming margin. I believe that as lawmakers, we should follow the example of our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who refused to consider public service as a career. Our history is replete with examples of leaders who served their country for a time and returned to private life, or who went on to serve in a different way.”

that is true, why do they keep re-electing their Congressmen?
The American people support term limits by an overwhelming margin. I believe that as lawmakers, we should follow the example of our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who refused to consider public service as a career. Our history is replete with examples of leaders who served their country for a time and returned to private life, or who went on to serve in a different way.”

that is true, why do they keep re-electing their Congressmen?
Because their Congressmen have a massively unfair advantage over challengers. They're able to use their time building their power base, doing favors, cramming bills with pork that has nothing to do with the bill, pushing the party's partisan agenda for election help, and staying in front of their constituents in myriad ways.

The last thing such an election is, is a "level playing field".
The American people support term limits by an overwhelming margin. I believe that as lawmakers, we should follow the example of our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who refused to consider public service as a career. Our history is replete with examples of leaders who served their country for a time and returned to private life, or who went on to serve in a different way.”

that is true, why do they keep re-electing their Congressmen?
Because their Congressmen have a massively unfair advantage over challengers. They're able to use their time building their power base, doing favors, cramming bills with pork that has nothing to do with the bill, pushing the party's partisan agenda for election help, and staying in front of their constituents in myriad ways.

The last thing such an election is, is a "level playing field".

Experience is an unfair advantage.

That is why losers want term limits.
The American people support term limits by an overwhelming margin. I believe that as lawmakers, we should follow the example of our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who refused to consider public service as a career. Our history is replete with examples of leaders who served their country for a time and returned to private life, or who went on to serve in a different way.”

that is true, why do they keep re-electing their Congressmen?
Because their Congressmen have a massively unfair advantage over challengers. They're able to use their time building their power base, doing favors, cramming bills with pork that has nothing to do with the bill, pushing the party's partisan agenda for election help, and staying in front of their constituents in myriad ways.

The last thing such an election is, is a "level playing field".

Experience is an unfair advantage.

That is why losers want term limits.
What about those five advantages I provided?

Do you really think that such elections are level playing fields?
The American people support term limits by an overwhelming margin. I believe that as lawmakers, we should follow the example of our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who refused to consider public service as a career. Our history is replete with examples of leaders who served their country for a time and returned to private life, or who went on to serve in a different way.”

that is true, why do they keep re-electing their Congressmen?
Because their Congressmen have a massively unfair advantage over challengers. They're able to use their time building their power base, doing favors, cramming bills with pork that has nothing to do with the bill, pushing the party's partisan agenda for election help, and staying in front of their constituents in myriad ways.

The last thing such an election is, is a "level playing field".

Experience is an unfair advantage.

That is why losers want term limits.
What about those five advantages I provided?

Do you really think that such elections are level playing fields?
Many Congressmen and Senators DON’T get re-elected.

Ask voters what they think of Congress and they hate it.
Ask what they think of their Congressman or Senator and they love him.
The American people support term limits by an overwhelming margin. I believe that as lawmakers, we should follow the example of our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who refused to consider public service as a career. Our history is replete with examples of leaders who served their country for a time and returned to private life, or who went on to serve in a different way.”

that is true, why do they keep re-electing their Congressmen?
Because their Congressmen have a massively unfair advantage over challengers. They're able to use their time building their power base, doing favors, cramming bills with pork that has nothing to do with the bill, pushing the party's partisan agenda for election help, and staying in front of their constituents in myriad ways.

The last thing such an election is, is a "level playing field".

Experience is an unfair advantage.

That is why losers want term limits.
What about those five advantages I provided?

Do you really think that such elections are level playing fields?
Many Congressmen and Senators DON’T get re-elected.

Ask voters what they think of Congress and they hate it.
Ask what they think of their Congressman or Senator and they love him.
Well, I was hoping for an answer.
I'd definitely agree that we need significant campaign finance reform, too.

We can't complain about the behaviors of politicians and people in their orbit if we maintain the very rules that allow them to behave that way. That's on us.

Actually, what's on us is that our politicians are exactly what we are.

We want all these government services, we don't want to pay for them, and we don't want to follow the rules we've insisted on.


There's an advantage to having a politician in for a long time.

Would you want to term limit your doctor or your auto mechanic? Heck, no, you'd want a guy who was in there for years, who really knew what he was doing. You wouldn't want him arbitrarily replaced by someone out of Med School or Mechanic's school. If he isn't getting the job done, THEN you fire him, but you don't pick someone off the street, you find someone experienced.

If someone gets elected to Congress 20 times, he's doing something right by the people in his district. Now, yes, Gerrymandering is a real problem, there are too many districts that are drawn to favor one party. That's what you need to change.
The American people support term limits by an overwhelming margin. I believe that as lawmakers, we should follow the example of our founding fathers, Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who refused to consider public service as a career. Our history is replete with examples of leaders who served their country for a time and returned to private life, or who went on to serve in a different way.”

that is true, why do they keep re-electing their Congressmen?
Because their Congressmen have a massively unfair advantage over challengers. They're able to use their time building their power base, doing favors, cramming bills with pork that has nothing to do with the bill, pushing the party's partisan agenda for election help, and staying in front of their constituents in myriad ways.

The last thing such an election is, is a "level playing field".

Experience is an unfair advantage.

That is why losers want term limits.
What about those five advantages I provided?

Do you really think that such elections are level playing fields?
Many Congressmen and Senators DON’T get re-elected.

Ask voters what they think of Congress and they hate it.
Ask what they think of their Congressman or Senator and they love him.
Well, I was hoping for an answer.

Experience is an unfair advantage
Your constituents know your name. That can be for the good or the bad. If you appear to value partisanship over what is good for your will lose.

Money is not always the key to victory. Outside contributors threw big money at opponents to Mitch McConnell and Susan Collins .....they still lost Bigly

What is wrong with re-electing someone you think is doing a good job vs replacing them with someone who does not know what they are doing?
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Because their Congressmen have a massively unfair advantage over challengers. They're able to use their time building their power base, doing favors, cramming bills with pork that has nothing to do with the bill, pushing the party's partisan agenda for election help, and staying in front of their constituents in myriad ways.

The last thing such an election is, is a "level playing field".

What you call "Pork", the people in those districts would call "Job Programs" and "Services". What you call "Building their power base", people would call, "Being an effective representative".

I look at a guy like Commie Bernie Sanders. The man has been in Congress since 1991. He's accomplished very little in terms of passing legislation, he doesn't belong to a political party, his views are completely out there....

And not only does he keep getting re-elected, the Democratic party had to go to general quarters to keep him from seizing the bridge.

Can't even blame "Gerrymandering" for this guy, as Vermont only has a single congressional district and they thought he did such a wonderful job passing no legislation that they promoted him to Senator to pass no legislation. Can't blame partisan politics, because he doesn't belong to either of the major parties.

But the people of his state are obviously happy with him.
Everyone hates Congress but loves his own representative and senators.
Hates? Everyone? Kind of a broad brush, bud- personally, I don't hate- that's a powerful emotion- I do despise, politicians though and I don't care what Party they represent or align with- so, everyone is a what?
Words mean things.
I'm not a big believer in democracy (mob rule), but one cannot look at this without noticing that it is anti-democratic. If the PEOPLE of a state or district what their person election-after-election, then why not? Because OTHER PEOPLE don't want them around? Bullshit.

As for the USSC, what needs to happen is that the President secures a commitment from each nominee that they will not serve more than 12 years, and make that commitment public. If they won't commit, they are not nominated.
Suppose you have a Baseball team and have an All-Star Third Baseman. But he has been on the team for 12 years and you are told that he has been in the league long enough and must be replaced by a Rookie with no experience.

Is that best for the team?
It‘s a good deal for the Rookie, but the team suffers.
If you want to "fix" Congress, take away their ability to get rich doing the job. Then make them work more than half the year or pay them accordingly.

The average member of Congress has a median net worth of around $511,000 in 2020, Congress members are roughly five times wealthier than the median net worth of an American household. Yes, I know that in many circumstances they came to Congress wealthy, but certainly not all...

Keep an eye on the likes of AOC and other start with nothing members of Congress, both left and right, they'll make their fortune in the halls of government before too long...

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