Thank you Ted Cruz!

This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

We already have term limits for Congress, they're called "elections".

When someone talks about term limits, it's usually because they are upset that someone in another state or district has been there too long and has too much influence.
I don't hate anyone.
You can say that now that trump is leaving

but you clearly hated the outsider who came to washington and shook up the establishment

if cruz is cynical for proposing something that cant pass, you are just as cynical in your criticism of the washington establishment which you just helped reinstall in the white house
We already have term limits for Congress, they're called "elections".

When someone talks about term limits, it's usually because they are upset that someone in another state or district has been there too long and has too much influence.


We all know people are saying there should be a limit to the number of times somebody can be elected.
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

The only way to change the behaviors of these people is to CHANGE THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THEY OPERATE.

Don't like all the pork in the COVID bill? Do you know why it's there? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE RE-ELECTED so they're FUCKING BUYING VOTES WITH PORK.

So, thanks again, Senator.

Do they can elect trumpkins more stop me before I vote again?
We already have term limits for Congress, they're called "elections".

When someone talks about term limits, it's usually because they are upset that someone in another state or district has been there too long and has too much influence.


We all know people are saying there should be a limit to the number of times somebody can be elected.

some people. But never about their own representatives. Only about other people’s
some people. But never about their own representatives. Only about other people’s

People are dumb if they don't want their dinosaurs replaced with energetic young people without cognitive impairment from aging.
‘“D.C. is broken,” said Cruz.’ ibid

And term limits won’t fix the problem.

The problem is a polarized, deeply divided country subject to blind, hyper-partisan politics.

Replacing one blind, partisan Republican/Democratic hack with another won’t change anything.
You can’t legislate common sense. If people are voting in dinosaurs isnt that what they want? The better play is campaign finance reform. If incumbents didn’t have an automatic war chest of dark money the primaries would be more competitive.

Term limits increases the power of the party and will reduce the few Mavericks out there in my opinion.
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

We already have term limits for Congress, they're called "elections".

When someone talks about term limits, it's usually because they are upset that someone in another state or district has been there too long and has too much influence.

Everyone hates Congress but loves his own representative and senators.
We already have term limits for Congress, they're called "elections".

When someone talks about term limits, it's usually because they are upset that someone in another state or district has been there too long and has too much influence.


We all know people are saying there should be a limit to the number of times somebody can be elected.
And the way to limit the number of times somebody can be elected is to vote him out of office.
If he runs for a third term it will show that these bill introductions were just theater.

I disagree. If the bulk of a corrupt Congress (and it IS corrupt) reject the bill, which they most assuredly will, then I want a man with integrity (such as Cruz) to remain IN Congress. God forbid that every member of Congress is as corrupt as Nancy Pelosi.
And the way to limit the number of times somebody can be elected is to vote him out of office.

It's virtually impossible to do.

Nobody should be able to make a career out of being a politician. It's bad for the community and it's bad for the country.

A citizen should campaign on improving their community and the country, serve a period of time (10 years max) and then return to the private world that they helped to mold.

The U.S. Congress is super-corrupt.
Every single politician in washington is a lifelong swamp rat who plays by swamp rat rules - except one

and you hated him

So true. We FINALLY got a good president that went to bat for poor and middle-class Americans and the left hates him. Unbelievable.
This thing has a snowball's chance in hell, but AT LEAST SOMEONE IS SAYING IT -- TERM LIMITS FOR CONGRESS:

The only way to change the behaviors of these people is to CHANGE THE SYSTEM UNDER WHICH THEY OPERATE.

Don't like all the pork in the COVID bill? Do you know why it's there? IT'S BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE RE-ELECTED so they're FUCKING BUYING VOTES WITH PORK.

So, thanks again, Senator.
The great thing about Congress is, you usually have one or two voices saying what everyone is thinking and knows is right. Usually like Ran Paul in the GOP. They are the odd ball of the group.

Unfortunately, one or two voices is all you ever get. I suppose it satiates people like you who enjoy hearing it and thinking that the system might actually work some day.


The ONLY legal way to get term limits if for states to amend the Constitution and force the Federal government to give up some of their power, like term limits in Congress. That means 2/3 of the states must agree to it and amend the Constitution. But this is such a long shot it has never actually been done, and as a result, will probably never happen either.

So what we are stuck with is a broken system that one day will simply go belly up fiscally as the nation destroys itself.

But that is part of the plan for many globalists who wish a "reset" and have a global world system as they shed national sovereignty and US Constitution around the globe.

In fact, I would think the way you post you would favor such a reset.

We all know people are saying there should be a limit to the number of times somebody can be elected.

what people are those? There's a reason why they keep getting re-elected. They are good at their jobs. The effectively represent their states or districts.

I live in a district in IL that has changed Congressmen four times since 2006. We didn't need to term limit them, they either got voted out or they ran for higher office.

On the other hand, the district I grew up in had the same FAMILY In charge since 1983 to this year. The son FINALLY got voted out because he really no longer reflected the values of the people of his district. (It didn't help that Covid kept a lot of the older voters for voting for him in the primary.)

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