Thanks A Lot

Let me stop you right there.

Given as destitute as she is, how does she pay for even a basic plan under that law? With premiums going up 41% across the country, there's no way she would be 'thanking her lucky stars' that the ACA has come into law. Stop spreading disinformation, Cabbie.

Stop making shit up. for god's sake.

If she's that destitute she'll get Medicaid or an ACA plan with a subsidy that will cost her almost nothing.

Easier said than done....thanks to all the leeches that have been allowed access to our country, it's now much harder to get any kind of assistance.

Right in the link she says that she's just above the line for government assistance.
What is that woman complaining about?

That letter is either fake or written by a woman who is mental.

Fake? Is that it? Are you so upset at the failure of this law that you would attack someone for dissenting?

That was her original Facebook post.

So she's mental. That was choice number 2.

No she's not. Is this your only argument? "She's mental"? How childish.

Perhaps this is why she isn't touching Obamacare:
Fake? Is that it? Are you so upset at the failure of this law that you would attack someone for dissenting?

That was her original Facebook post.

So she's mental. That was choice number 2.

No she's not. Is this your only argument? "She's mental"? How childish.

Perhaps this is why she isn't touching Obamacare:

What is she complaining about? If she were complaining about some rich Republican politician in exactly the same manner your lot would be calling her some whiney liberal engaging in class envy.
Help us!!! We're starving!!!

So she's mental. That was choice number 2.

No she's not. Is this your only argument? "She's mental"? How childish.

Perhaps this is why she isn't touching Obamacare:

What is she complaining about? If she were complaining about some rich Republican politician in exactly the same manner your lot would be calling her some whiney liberal engaging in class envy.

Uh no. I would transcend politics and actually have sympathy on her. That must be a foreign concept to you perhaps, but not to me. Unlike you I don't let politics dictate my feelings toward others. You on the other hand, are so hyperpartisan, you discriminate based solely on political affiliation alone.

And what are you complaining about? You obviously are better off than she is, why are you judging her? Do you know what it's like to be almost dirt poor with nobody to turn to? I don't think you do.

Sometimes you impress me, sometimes you make me sick to the bottom of my stomach, Carbine.
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That woman reflects the opinion of millions of Americans.

Millions of Americans are asspoundingly stupid and vote against their own economic interests?

Yup, that's true.

Why does it matter that they voted against their interests? It kept the mormon out of the white house. That's all that makes you happy.

Nothing that Mormon was going to do was in anyone's interest but the 1%.

But all those Baptists who think you guys are heretics all pulled the switch for Romney because there be a Negro in the White HOuse. So much for religious idealogy...
Millions of Americans are asspoundingly stupid and vote against their own economic interests?

Yup, that's true.

Why does it matter that they voted against their interests? It kept the Mormon out of the White House. That's all that makes you happy.

Nothing that Mormon was going to do was in anyone's interest but the 1%.

But all those Baptists who think you guys are heretics all pulled the switch for Romney because there be a Negro in the White House. So much for religious ideology...

So, how is what Obama's doing now in the best interests of common folk like us? Oh, let me guess, kicking us all off our insurance was 'in our best interests' right? So much for 'hope and change'...

It may be "Against my economic interests" to be against Obama-care and other big Government give-aways.. But it isn't against my core beliefs that anything the Government gives you, they can take away and they control.

It isn't against my beliefs that the Government isn't responsible for my life, that I am the one responsible.

It isn't against my beliefs that the Government is suppose serve me, not me serve it.

It isn't against my beliefs that is slavery for the Government to demand at the point of a gun that I give it more than 50% of my paycheck to give to others.

I would rather have something controlled by a govenrment I elect than a big corporation that is just out to make money.

And I honestly doubt your making anywhere near a bracket where government takes half of your earnings. That bracket doesn't even exist.

So, how is what Obama's doing now in the best interests of common folk like us? Oh, let me guess, kicking us all off our insurance was 'in our best interests' right? So much for 'hope and change'...

If you are losing your insurance, your insurance was shit.

It was about as useful as a horseshoe and a rabbit's foot if you had any serious medical issues.

I'm frankly interested in how a guy with no job, lives at home and has Bi-Polar disorder is getting any insurance at this point to start with.

I mean, shit, under ObamaCare you might actually be able to get some meds to help you out.

It may be "Against my economic interests" to be against Obama-care and other big Government give-aways.. But it isn't against my core beliefs that anything the Government gives you, they can take away and they control.

It isn't against my beliefs that the Government isn't responsible for my life, that I am the one responsible.

It isn't against my beliefs that the Government is suppose serve me, not me serve it.

It isn't against my beliefs that is slavery for the Government to demand at the point of a gun that I give it more than 50% of my paycheck to give to others.

I would rather have something controlled by a government I elect than a big corporation that is just out to make money.

And I honestly doubt your making anywhere near a bracket where government takes half of your earnings. That bracket doesn't even exist.

Careful what you wish for, Joe. You may get it. Instead of government taking control of something you take for granted, it may well decide to control you as well.

It may be "Against my economic interests" to be against Obama-care and other big Government give-aways.. But it isn't against my core beliefs that anything the Government gives you, they can take away and they control.

It isn't against my beliefs that the Government isn't responsible for my life, that I am the one responsible.

It isn't against my beliefs that the Government is suppose serve me, not me serve it.

It isn't against my beliefs that is slavery for the Government to demand at the point of a gun that I give it more than 50% of my paycheck to give to others.

I would rather have something controlled by a government I elect than a big corporation that is just out to make money.

And I honestly doubt your making anywhere near a bracket where government takes half of your earnings. That bracket doesn't even exist.

Careful what you wish for, Joe. You may get it. Instead of government taking control of something you take for granted, it may well decide to control you as well.

Guy, every other industiralized nation has some form of state run health care (the UK) single payer (France, Canada, Japan, Italy) or universal coverage (Germany, Holland).

and you know what, they are just as free as we are. Maybe more so.
Uh no. I would transcend politics and actually have sympathy on her. That must be a foreign concept to you perhaps, but not to me. Unlike you I don't let politics dictate my feelings toward others. You on the other hand, are so hyperpartisan, you discriminate based solely on political affiliation alone.

Really? she sounds like a pissy, liberal, pain in the ass, know it all.

I would laugh at her for being stupid.

I'm surprised that someone of your political leanings would not find her somewhat repugnant.
No she's not. Is this your only argument? "She's mental"? How childish.

Perhaps this is why she isn't touching Obamacare:

What is she complaining about? If she were complaining about some rich Republican politician in exactly the same manner your lot would be calling her some whiney liberal engaging in class envy.

Uh no. I would transcend politics and actually have sympathy on her. That must be a foreign concept to you perhaps, but not to me. Unlike you I don't let politics dictate my feelings toward others. You on the other hand, are so hyperpartisan, you discriminate based solely on political affiliation alone.

And what are you complaining about, you obviously are better off than she is, why are you judging her? Do you know what it's like to be almost dirt poor with nobody to turn to? I don't think you do.

Sometimes you impress me, sometimes you make me sick to the bottom of my stomach, Carbine.

She complained about people using food stamps to buy food. What's her complaint? That they get them and she doesn't? What's her desired remedy? That they lose theirs or that she get hers?

So, how is what Obama's doing now in the best interests of common folk like us? Oh, let me guess, kicking us all off our insurance was 'in our best interests' right? So much for 'hope and change'...

If you are losing your insurance, your insurance was shit.

It was about as useful as a horseshoe and a rabbit's foot if you had any serious medical issues.

I'm frankly interested in how a guy with no job, lives at home and has Bi-Polar disorder is getting any insurance at this point to start with.

I mean, shit, under ObamaCare you might actually be able to get some meds to help you out.

What you're failing to do is explain why millions upon millions of healthcare plans are 'shit.' You paint with the broadest brush imaginable. How can 4.2 million plans suddenly be substandard under this law? Perhaps these plans met the specific needs of those who were signed up for them, not the government's definition of such.

I'm frankly not concerned with your ad hominem, Joe, because quite frankly, you have nothing more than that to use against me. I'm interested to know why you would suddenly give a damn about me and my healthcare needs, that is unless you want me to sign up for Obamacare or something. Forget it. It's funny how politically driven people are only compassionate to someone when their situation is compatible with their agenda. How abhorrent.
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What is she complaining about? If she were complaining about some rich Republican politician in exactly the same manner your lot would be calling her some whiney liberal engaging in class envy.

Uh no. I would transcend politics and actually have sympathy on her. That must be a foreign concept to you perhaps, but not to me. Unlike you I don't let politics dictate my feelings toward others. You on the other hand, are so hyperpartisan, you discriminate based solely on political affiliation alone.

And what are you complaining about, you obviously are better off than she is, why are you judging her? Do you know what it's like to be almost dirt poor with nobody to turn to? I don't think you do.

Sometimes you impress me, sometimes you make me sick to the bottom of my stomach, Carbine.

She complained about people using food stamps to buy food. What's her complaint? That they get them and she doesn't? What's her desired remedy? That they lose theirs or that she get hers?

What are you talking about? She doesn't say a damned thing about food stamps in her letter. You can stop misquoting her, actually read the letter and come up with a real argument.
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62% Didn’t Offer Maternity Care

that's a LIE right there.

maternity care as all other standard preventive measures are covered even by the basic HMO, not even speaking about PPO plans.

it is one of the typical obama lies - all those "novel" coverages which he and his obamabots lie constantly as being covered only now, have been in ANY insurance plan all along.

maternity coverage is present even in catastrophic insurance and in ANY other type of coverage.

So, how is what Obama's doing now in the best interests of common folk like us? Oh, let me guess, kicking us all off our insurance was 'in our best interests' right? So much for 'hope and change'...

If you are losing your insurance, your insurance was shit.

It was about as useful as a horseshoe and a rabbit's foot if you had any serious medical issues.

I'm frankly interested in how a guy with no job, lives at home and has Bi-Polar disorder is getting any insurance at this point to start with.

I mean, shit, under ObamaCare you might actually be able to get some meds to help you out.

stop LYING.

People are losing BETTER insurance coverages than this shit obamacare in order for the big businesses to make money on selling them worse coverage for higher money.

that is what obamacare is - MUCH WORSE coverage for MUCH BIGGER money
Uh no. I would transcend politics and actually have sympathy on her. That must be a foreign concept to you perhaps, but not to me. Unlike you I don't let politics dictate my feelings toward others. You on the other hand, are so hyperpartisan, you discriminate based solely on political affiliation alone.

Really? she sounds like a pissy, liberal, pain in the ass, know it all.

I would laugh at her for being stupid.

I'm surprised that someone of your political leanings would not find her somewhat repugnant.

My question to you is:

Why do you find her repugnant? Does she contradict everything you know politically speaking? How repulsive.

Like I told Carbine, I give compassion to anyone. Compassion is not contingent on whether the person is a Democrat, Republican, Atheist, Christian, Gay, Straight and etc. It is what I am taught to do as a Christian.

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