Thanks A Lot

Actually I didn't. I saw 63,000 which is nothing and stated the obvious.

Annnd none of this ACA mess has anything to do with him.

No, it has to do with our health care system being damn well next to impossible to reform.

We could solve this problem fairly easily. Everyone goes on medicare, confiscate what the insurance companies are raking in to pay for it. Single payer- the rest of the world has ALREADY figured this out.

So you admit it has nothing to do with Bush. The healthcare system was fucked up long before he got there.

It sure was

If we allowed Clinton to fix it 20 years ago, we wouldn't be having these problems
No, it has to do with our health care system being damn well next to impossible to reform.

We could solve this problem fairly easily. Everyone goes on medicare, confiscate what the insurance companies are raking in to pay for it. Single payer- the rest of the world has ALREADY figured this out.

So you admit it has nothing to do with Bush. The healthcare system was fucked up long before he got there.

It sure was

If we allowed Clinton to fix it 20 years ago, we wouldn't be having these problems

We've wasted precious years since Republicans put the kibosh on Hillarycare. They haven't suffered at all though, Rs continued to line their pockets pandoring to big insurance all of these years..

They're really bitter watching that source of income dwindle though.
1) It has failed. To insist it hasn't is wishful thinking on your part. You can tell that to the 4.2 million people who lost their insurance because of it. You can ask any one of them if they'd rather pay 41% more in premiums over their previous plan. They'll tell you it's failed.

Let's ask the millions who can no longer be booted from their plans for getting "too sick"; the millions who can no longer be denied coverage for having a "pe-existing condition"; the millions of young adults who can now stay on their parents plans until the age of 26; the millions of seniors now saving money because the Medicare "donut hole" was closed. Ask them if they think the law has failed; ask them if they would be happy if all of that got taken away from them.

2) When a majority of people disapprove of the ACA (51% to 42%) then no, it isn't popular.

I didn't say that it is more popular than not. I said that it has grown in popularity since the GOP shut down the gov't over the law.

Immediately prior to the shutdown, only 31 percent of Americans believed Obamacare was a good idea. Today, that number is 38 percent

3) Is Perry the President now? Gee I must have missed something. How does he suddenly and magically control the law? Perhaps the 10th Amendment and States rights don't mean much to you, but it does to the rest of us. It was his choice not to expand medicaid. Perhaps it was him doing the will of his people.

Like I said - he does have control over the law. He could have given his citizens more choice and run his own exchanges. He could have expanded Medicaid for the poor. But instead he chose to give them less choice and to give the gov't more control in his state. One would think that a cowboy like Perry would want to man-up and take control of his own state and care for his own poor.
So you admit it has nothing to do with Bush. The healthcare system was fucked up long before he got there.

It sure was

If we allowed Clinton to fix it 20 years ago, we wouldn't be having these problems

We've wasted precious years since Republicans put the kibosh on Hillarycare. They haven't suffered at all though, Rs continued to line their pockets pandoring to big insurance all of these years..

They're really bitter watching that source of income dwindle though.

Obama Received $20 Million from Healthcare Industry in 2008 Campaign

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