Thanks A Lot

What is she complaining about? If she were complaining about some rich Republican politician in exactly the same manner your lot would be calling her some whiney liberal engaging in class envy.

Uh no. I would transcend politics and actually have sympathy on her. That must be a foreign concept to you perhaps, but not to me. Unlike you I don't let politics dictate my feelings toward others. You on the other hand, are so hyperpartisan, you discriminate based solely on political affiliation alone.

And what are you complaining about, you obviously are better off than she is, why are you judging her? Do you know what it's like to be almost dirt poor with nobody to turn to? I don't think you do.

Sometimes you impress me, sometimes you make me sick to the bottom of my stomach, Carbine.

She complained about people using food stamps to buy food. What's her complaint? That they get them and she doesn't? What's her desired remedy? That they lose theirs or that she get hers?

She should be able to apply for assitance and get the medical coverage her children deserve...OVER those who don't even belong here in the first place, and those that abuse the system...
So basically no one has read it. And I doubt Obama ever will.

Exactly. What is the big deal here. You think this is the only person in America who has written a letter to a US president, Republican or Democrat, expressing criticism of his polices? We are supposed get all behind this woman? She's doing something unusual or special? So she doesn't like him. Big woo. I'm sure thousands who didn't like Bush and every other president also wrote letters of criticism. This is not a new idea.
So basically no one has read it. And I doubt Obama ever will.

You read it, so that quip is now a lie. 63,000 others did as well. So once again your quip is a lie. Do you have something productive to say?

Actually I didn't. I saw 63,000 which is nothing and stated the obvious.

Millions of Americans are asspoundingly stupid and vote against their own economic interests?

Yup, that's true.

Hence Obama got elected.

Riggggght... because Dubya was doing such a bang up job.

Annnd none of this ACA mess has anything to do with him.
What you're failing to do is explain why millions upon millions of healthcare plans are 'shit.' You paint with the broadest brush imaginable. How can 4.2 million plans suddenly be substandard under this law? Perhaps these plans met the specific needs of those who were signed up for them, not the government's definition of such.

It was estimated that 25 million Americans were "underinsured" before the law took effect. In short, they didn't have sufficient insurance to handle a crisis. And yes, m ost of these were in the individual market, where policyholders have a 45% dissatisfaction rating.

(As opposed to medicare with 16% or employer insurance with 18%).

Opinion: Here's the truth about Obamacare -

The individual market -- which serves five percent of the population, and which is where the disruptions are happening -- is a horror show. It's a market where healthy people benefit from systematic discrimination against the sick, where young people benefit from systematic discrimination against the old, where men benefit from systematic discrimination against women, and where insurers benefit from systematic discrimination against the uninformed.

The result, all too often, is a market where the people who need insurance most can't get it, and the people who do get insurance find it doesn't cover them when it's most necessary. All that is why the individual market shows much lower levels of satisfaction than, well, every other insurance market:

I'm frankly not concerned with your ad hominem, Joe, because quite frankly, you have nothing more than that to use against me. I'm interested to know why you would suddenly give a damn about me and my healthcare needs, that is unless you want me to sign up for Obamacare or something. Forget it. It's funny how politically driven people are only compassionate to someone when their situation is compatible with their agenda. How abhorrent.

Guy, I find it absolutely fascinating. The modern success of the GOP has been to get people to vote against their own interests.

Clearly, you have stated in other threads that you suffer from Bi-Polar disorder and that you cannot get treatment for it because you can't hold down a job. Clearly, ObamaCare was designed with people like you in mind more than people like me. (experienced worker who can get decent insurance from an employer.) It would seem to me that from that perspective, ObamaCare would be a great thing for you. It would improve the quality of your life.

But you've been so brainwashed by libertarian/objectivist bullshit about "Freedom" and "the founding father's intent" and other horseshit, that you'd rather suffer than take help from the government.

I mean I used to get upset about Abortion and Terrorism and shit like that and voted for these idiots until I realized that I was voting against my own interests. But at least at some point, I figured it out.
So basically no one has read it. And I doubt Obama ever will.

You read it, so that quip is now a lie. 63,000 others did as well. So once again your quip is a lie. Do you have something productive to say?

Actually I didn't. I saw 63,000 which is nothing and stated the obvious.

Hence Obama got elected.

Riggggght... because Dubya was doing such a bang up job.

Annnd none of this ACA mess has anything to do with him.

No, it has to do with our health care system being damn well next to impossible to reform.

We could solve this problem fairly easily. Everyone goes on medicare, confiscate what the insurance companies are raking in to pay for it. Single payer- the rest of the world has ALREADY figured this out.

So, how is what Obama's doing now in the best interests of common folk like us? Oh, let me guess, kicking us all off our insurance was 'in our best interests' right? So much for 'hope and change'...

If you are losing your insurance, your insurance was shit.

It was about as useful as a horseshoe and a rabbit's foot if you had any serious medical issues.

I'm frankly interested in how a guy with no job, lives at home and has Bi-Polar disorder is getting any insurance at this point to start with.

I mean, shit, under ObamaCare you might actually be able to get some meds to help you out.

stop LYING.

People are losing BETTER insurance coverages than this shit obamacare in order for the big businesses to make money on selling them worse coverage for higher money.

that is what obamacare is - MUCH WORSE coverage for MUCH BIGGER money


Most of the horror stories are exactly that- stories.

Opinion: Here's the truth about Obamacare -

Deborah Cavallaro was making the rounds on television complaining about how her current insurance plan was canceled under Obamacare. So Los Angeles Times columnist Michael Hiltzik talked to her. Her current plan cost $293 per month but had a deductible of $5,000 per year and out-of-pocket annual limits of $8,500. Also, the current plan covered just two doctor's visits per year.

But in the California insurance exchange, which Hiltzik helped Cavallaro check, she could get a "silver" plan for $333 per month — $40 more than she's currently paying. But the new plan has only a $2,000 deductible and maximum out-of-pocket expenses at $6,350. Plus all doctor visits would be covered. Hiltzik writes, "Is that better than her current plan? Yes, by a mile."
My question to you is:

Why do you find her repugnant? Does she contradict everything you know politically speaking? How repulsive.

Like I told Carbine, I give compassion to anyone. Compassion is not contingent on whether the person is a Democrat, Republican, Atheist, Christian, Gay, Straight and etc. It is what I am taught to do as a Christian.

Whining about being poor makes me ill. If you don't like your situation, change it - otherwise, don't complain about it.

I have already posted information of how she can get Obamacare for little or no money, but even that won't suit her because the real issue is a political one, not healthcare. If it were, she would be looking into the matter instead of writing a letter carping about how her life sucks.

You dislike liberals, yet this one is OK, because she wrongfully attacks the Kenyan.

Sound about right?
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Uh no. I would transcend politics and actually have sympathy on her. That must be a foreign concept to you perhaps, but not to me. Unlike you I don't let politics dictate my feelings toward others. You on the other hand, are so hyperpartisan, you discriminate based solely on political affiliation alone.

And what are you complaining about, you obviously are better off than she is, why are you judging her? Do you know what it's like to be almost dirt poor with nobody to turn to? I don't think you do.

Sometimes you impress me, sometimes you make me sick to the bottom of my stomach, Carbine.

She complained about people using food stamps to buy food. What's her complaint? That they get them and she doesn't? What's her desired remedy? That they lose theirs or that she get hers?

What are you talking about? She doesn't say a damned thing about food stamps in her letter. You can stop misquoting her, actually read the letter and come up with a real argument.

Her letter is a myth fabricated as pablum for FoxNation

If she has food stamps, she is not living off of scraps from her children's plates

Most of the horror stories are exactly that- stories.

Opinion: Here's the truth about Obamacare -

Deborah Cavallaro was making the rounds on television complaining about how her current insurance plan was canceled under Obamacare. So Los Angeles Times columnist Michael Hiltzik talked to her. Her current plan cost $293 per month but had a deductible of $5,000 per year and out-of-pocket annual limits of $8,500. Also, the current plan covered just two doctor's visits per year.

But in the California insurance exchange, which Hiltzik helped Cavallaro check, she could get a "silver" plan for $333 per month — $40 more than she's currently paying. But the new plan has only a $2,000 deductible and maximum out-of-pocket expenses at $6,350. Plus all doctor visits would be covered. Hiltzik writes, "Is that better than her current plan? Yes, by a mile."

You forgot about the no policy cap and the fact she can no longer lose her policy due to illness.

More unfounded claims by some nut who just wants to make a political statement as opposed to actually fixing her situation.
Her letter is a myth fabricated as pablum for FoxNation

If she has food stamps, she is not living off of scraps from her children's plates

When you read the letter, "she" comes across as either a very bitter person who doesn't even want help, or a flat out fake.

"You're the worst president...."

I dunno - a tad bit overly dramatic?

Is she saying things are that bad that she can't eat? Good lord, then yes, she needs food stamps. But to somehow infer that help is not there for her, well, that's just plain not the case.

Again, I would refer her to social services for food, money, living quarters and ... wait for it ... healthcare.
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1) I know Governor Perry had nothing to do with the failure of the law. You are deflecting.

2) When more people start losing their insurance, you'll see it. Right now 51% of Americans disapprove of the healthcare law.

3) No you have not. Perry has no control over the law. Even if he didn't expand medicaid coverage there, the government was responsible for setting up a Federal exchange. When are you going to apologize to the 4.2 million people who lost their insurance due to your oh-so-popular law?

1) The law has not failed. You hope it does (which is odd coming from an unemployed man); but it has not.

2) Right now, the ACA is more popular than it was when the GOP shutdown the gov't in their failed (again) attempt to stop it.

3) Perry does have control over the law. That's what you fail to understand. Perry could have allowed his state to set up its own insurance exchanges; Perry could have accepted the fed gov't's offer to expand Medicaid and completely pay for it for poor citizens of his state. But instead he decided to fold his arms and stomp his feet in protest. But like a child throwing a temper tantrum, he still didn't get his way. Sooner or later, his state will have to eat its veggies and accept the law.
Too bad for her troubles; but something had to be done about health insurance in this country. And anyway, she failed to convince me that any of her woes are due to the ACA. She does live in TX, however; so, she can probably thank Gov Perry for some of it. Like her low-paying job - Perry loves low-paying jobs. And her lack of access to affordable health ins. If Perry would expand Medicaid in his state, the fed gov't would pay for the entire expansion at first and then 90% after (all part of the ACA); then people like Yolanda - who live in states with high percentages of poor - would have better access to affordable health ins. So, when is her letter to Perry coming out?

No, it has not.

It was pretty functional, as it turns out.

it needed small additions of mandates and nothing else - this massive overhaul FOR THE WORSE was absolutely not needed.

But we both know that this fascist law was written by and for insurance companies, right?

written by and for insurance companies,

maybe the The Premium Tax Credit may or may not make it to the insurance companies
Her letter is a myth fabricated as pablum for FoxNation

If she has food stamps, she is not living off of scraps from her children's plates

When you read the letter, "she" comes across as either a very bitter person who doesn't even want help, or a flat out fake.

"You're the worst president...."

I dunno - a tad bit overly dramatic?

Is she saying things are that bad that she can't eat? Good lord, then yes, she needs food stamps. But to somehow infer that help is not there for her, well, that's just plain not the case.

Again, I would refer her to social services for food, money, living quarters and ... wait for it ... healthcare.

She comes off as someone pandering to conservative nutjobs for some attention

Her insistence on blaming the president for her plight ignores the fact that most of the programs that will help her condition are administered by the great state of Texas
You read it, so that quip is now a lie. 63,000 others did as well. So once again your quip is a lie. Do you have something productive to say?

Actually I didn't. I saw 63,000 which is nothing and stated the obvious.

Riggggght... because Dubya was doing such a bang up job.

Annnd none of this ACA mess has anything to do with him.

No, it has to do with our health care system being damn well next to impossible to reform.

We could solve this problem fairly easily. Everyone goes on medicare, confiscate what the insurance companies are raking in to pay for it. Single payer- the rest of the world has ALREADY figured this out.

So you admit it has nothing to do with Bush. The healthcare system was fucked up long before he got there.
Actually I didn't. I saw 63,000 which is nothing and stated the obvious.

Annnd none of this ACA mess has anything to do with him.

No, it has to do with our health care system being damn well next to impossible to reform.

We could solve this problem fairly easily. Everyone goes on medicare, confiscate what the insurance companies are raking in to pay for it. Single payer- the rest of the world has ALREADY figured this out.

So you admit it has nothing to do with Bush. The healthcare system was fucked up long before he got there.

The conversation got a little confused.

Dave was talking about Obama's general evils, as he often does, while excusing Bush's huge screwups.

I happily admit, that BUsh didn't mess up health care that much. Although Medicare Part D was a huge giveaway to Big Pharma. Kind of the same problem, though. If Big Pharma didn't get a huge cut, if the government bought in bulk like every other health care system does, they'd have fought it tooth and nail.
This is why healthcare should be government funded. No one would have to worry about paying their insurance.

No it shouldn't. If our government really did care, it wouldn't strive to kick people off of their insurance plans and force them onto something more expensive. If they really cared they'd give them a choice. It's funny how liberals want a choice, would rather give nobody else one.

Government is not the end all be all. They do not solve all of our problems. I'll take self sufficiency over government dependency, thanks.
1) I know Governor Perry had nothing to do with the failure of the law. You are deflecting.

2) When more people start losing their insurance, you'll see it. Right now 51% of Americans disapprove of the healthcare law.

3) No you have not. Perry has no control over the law. Even if he didn't expand medicaid coverage there, the government was responsible for setting up a Federal exchange. When are you going to apologize to the 4.2 million people who lost their insurance due to your oh-so-popular law?

1) The law has not failed. You hope it does (which is odd coming from an unemployed man); but it has not.

2) Right now, the ACA is more popular than it was when the GOP shutdown the gov't in their failed (again) attempt to stop it.

3) Perry does have control over the law. That's what you fail to understand. Perry could have allowed his state to set up its own insurance exchanges; Perry could have accepted the fed gov't's offer to expand Medicaid and completely pay for it for poor citizens of his state. But instead he decided to fold his arms and stomp his feet in protest. But like a child throwing a temper tantrum, he still didn't get his way. Sooner or later, his state will have to eat its veggies and accept the law.

1) It has failed. To insist it hasn't is wishful thinking on your part. You can tell that to the 4.2 million people who lost their insurance because of it. You can ask any one of them if they'd rather pay 41% more in premiums over their previous plan. They'll tell you it's failed.

2) When a majority of people disapprove of the ACA (51% to 42%) then no, it isn't popular.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

3) Is Perry the President now? Gee I must have missed something. How does he suddenly and magically control the law? Perhaps the 10th Amendment and States rights don't mean much to you, but it does to the rest of us. It was his choice not to expand medicaid. Perhaps it was him doing the will of his people.

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