Thanks Biden! Just paid $3.09 for gas. Dropping under $3.

Thanks to Joe Biden gas prices have been tamed and the outlook is even better. I paid $3.09 for gas in NC and it’s likely to be under $3 soon.

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Biden caused them to go OVER $# in the first place ,ya stupid fool.
It dropped because Trump removed all the Regulations. Biden Sucks. FJB.
Ha ha
People were dying, out of jobs and not working. Petro and auto sales dropped like a brick. You were sleeping under a rock, right.
Ha ha
People were dying, out of jobs and not working. Petro and auto sales dropped like a brick. You were sleeping under a rock, right.
Maybe YOU are stuck on stupid. Or just Senile like Biden. I was referring to BEFORE COVID.
Oddly, I don't even look at the price any more. I just see the bill when it comes.

But I'm normally buying 93 octane and you guys seem to be talking about regular 87 octane.
Nope. No matter what the senile old Bastard does ,it sucks. FJB.
Thank you. At least you’re honest. You’re a self admitted partisan hack who really believes we had low gas prices cuz of “regulation”. It’s stupid and wrong but at least you’re an honest stupid. If you adjust for inflation you’re paying no more today than ever. Basically $3.20 is a century long stable price with small fluctuations.
Thank you. At least you’re honest. You’re a self admitted partisan hack who really believes we had low gas prices cuz of “regulation”. It’s stupid and wrong but at least you’re an honest stupid. If you adjust for inflation you’re paying no more today than ever. Basically $3.20 is a century long stable price with small fluctuations.
I was paying $2.30 in California before Biden. I don't listen to MSM Stats. BTW--Before COVID also.
Only an idiot feels you can mail in 40 million ballots that Counted. Somehow, they forgot to win the house with those 40 million. You’ve never voted ?
But that is what happened. I am not saying the ballots did not exist. Just not sure who really CAST them. COVID voting rules defeated Trump. All I know is ,the Country has gone to shit because of Biden ,WOKE , and Pelosi. At least THAT bitch got fired.
But that is what happened. I am not saying the ballots did not exist. Just not sure who really CAST them. COVID voting rules defeated Trump. All I know is ,the Country has gone to shit because of Biden ,WOKE , and Pelosi. At least THAT bitch got fired.
Everything is better since Biden took over. I won’t claim it’s all him but to say everything is worse is a joke. People are employed with record full time number of jobs with the highest wages ever. Everything is open. Economy is growing. Inflation has been in the 2% range for 5 months. We are not at war. The deficit is on it way down from Trump’s record deficits. Enjoy the good stuff man.

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