Thanks Biden, the Terrorists are beheading our allies again.

Actually I have nothing against Germany,

What's wrong.

but don't give this shit how we did you wrong in WWII.

You and your allies destroyed Germany in world war 1+2. You reduced it to rubble and minimized the territory of Germany. You and your allies murdered and displaced millions of Germans by doing war crimes. You sold a big part of Europe to the Soviets. ... And you expect to be loved for this all ... Strange.
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What's wrong.

I don't know, what is wrong? Just an fyi, the Charlie Brown thing was a joke, nothing more.
You and your allies destroyed Germany in world war 1+2. You reduced it to rubble and minimized the territory of Germany. You and your allies murdered and displaced millions of Germans by doing war crimes. You sold a big part of Europe to the Soviets. ... And you expect to be loved for this all ... Strange.

Maybe if you guys hadn't of double crossed Russia things would be a little different. But you did. You were run by a fascist government and you teamed up with other fascist governments, sorry, the entire fucking world didn't want Germany to ever comeback as a whole. However, with our help Germany rebuilt itself into the largest economy in Europe. You're welcome.

About the displacing of millions of Germans and this may be a little awkward but WTF? You got balls.

Apologies about the first war however there weren't many good guys on either side.
Actually I have nothing against Germany, but don't give this shit how we did you wrong in WWII.

The wrong was done in WWI.
We picked the totally wrong side that was the side guilty of assassinations of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, of illegally using starvation against the civilian German population, and then stealing all sorts of German territory, assets, money, ships, colonies, etc.
I don't know, what is wrong? Just an fyi, the Charlie Brown thing was a joke, nothing more.

To make caricatures about the noses of Jews was also only a "joke" of the Nazi-newspaper "Der Stürmer".

Maybe if you guys hadn't of double crossed Russia

Double crossed? What is this? Russia was under the slavery of the Soviet Stalin, your ally.

things would be a little different. But you did.

Sorry - but in reality as well Hitler and your ally Stalin together started world war 2 by deciding to eliminate Poland again in the secret part of the Molotow-Ribbentrop pact.

You were run by a fascist government

A good reason to throw a bomb into the living room of Mrs. Miller because the Nazis had mudered her husband.

and you teamed up with other fascist governments, sorry, the entire fucking world didn't want Germany to ever comeback as a whole.

That's why "the entire world" decided that the Germans of the year 1913 have today a half descendant and will die out within the next 100, 200 or 300 years - while "the entire world" decided that every Palestinian of the year 1864 has today 15 descendents, so the USA is able to live in the luxary to live in fear of migrants?

However, with our help

Which help?

Germany rebuilt itself into the largest economy in Europe. You're welcome.

We are welcome in the USA? Thought we are criminals who sell not drugs but goods in the USA.

About the displacing of millions of Germans and this may be a little awkward but WTF? You got balls.

You wiped out the SiIesians, the Bohemians and others whose first ancestors had often lived since decades of thousands of years in this area of the world and you call this "WTF" = ¿who cares"?

Apologies about the first war however there weren't many good guys on either side.

The only good German you ever saw was dead, isn't it? In the 19th century German actors travelled to the USA and gave there performances in the German language. You wiped out not only German cultures in Europe - you also wiped out the German culture in the USA - and since some years you started to wipe out all relations to the rest of Germany which still survived.

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We should have blown the taliban up as they crossed the desert heading into city after city. We should not have been nation building---we should have been genociding the terrorists and their clerics. Kindness is seen as ALLAH making we infidels weak and thusly telling Allah's followers to kill the weak ones. The only way that the Middle East ever becomes peaceful and the terrorists leave us alone (think we have high high probably of terror attack here in the states this month) is if we kill the terrorists with extreme prejudice wiping out most all males and then outlaw islams multi-wife and female killing bullshit forcing them to change culturally.

This said---send in the drones and start assassinating all taliban and their clerics now.
Correct, dealing with terrorists with the naughty step treatment per the Geneva Convention doesn't work. As soon as they can grab a gun or knife, you're dead. All terrorists should exterminated, hunted out and shot. And as you say, when the Taliban came galloping across to take over, they should have been blasted off the map.

The right time to leave the likes of Afghanistan is when they have an army and security force in place where they can look after themselves.
Its is obvious that the US having a base in Afghanistan was an attempt to make them undemocratic.
We were murdering, kidnapping, torturing, bribing, etc.
And the fact the Taliban are wildly popular is obvious.
Without air support, they won.
That could not possibly have happened unless they were wildly popular with the people.
show the the evidence they were wildly popular? how much if the women vote did they get?

speaking of democratic, how many votes did they get?
Of course. All the people you know are happy to believe lies, propaganda and hate put out by the right wing billionaire media. That's why Americans who watched right wing media know less about the news and current events than people who don't follow the news. At least those people aren't being lied to on a daily basis.

People on the right refuse to watch news they disagree with or don't like. For example, when FOX News called the Arizona election for Joe Biden, many FOX viewer changed the channel because they refused to hear that Trump lost.
your post seem to suggest that you as a code must cultist know less about the news then anyone i ever met
show the the evidence they were wildly popular? how much if the women vote did they get?

speaking of democratic, how many votes did they get?

Do you know what was going on in Afghanistan from 1989 to 1994 when the war orphans came to power?
Do you know what was going on in Afghanistan from 1989 to 1994 when the war orphans came to power?
so you can’t show me evidence they were wildly popular in 2021 when xiden pulled his midnight run?
Correct, dealing with terrorists with the naughty step treatment per the Geneva Convention doesn't work. As soon as they can grab a gun or knife, you're dead. All terrorists should exterminated, hunted out and shot.

That's a public call for mass-murder - or with other words: a crime.

And as you say, when the Taliban came galloping across to take over, they should have been blasted off the map.

The right time to leave the likes of Afghanistan is when they have an army and security force in place where they can look after themselves.
What do you think it means?
Germany's biggest problem is the Muslim invasion and Germany has learned it's lesson.
If you spent 10 minutes a day pulling your head out of your rear end and reading the news, perhaps you'd know this also.

There would be no Muslim invasion of war refugees if not for the invasion of Iraq and the spawning of ISIS in 2004.

You should realize what a problem refugee populations are. Look at the issues surrounding the Jewish refugees before and after WW2. Look at the problems of the Palestinian refugees forced out of Israel in 1948 and 1967.
There would be no Muslim invasion of war refugees if not for the invasion of Iraq and the spawning of ISIS in 2004.

You should realize what a problem refugee populations are. Look at the issues surrounding the Jewish refugees before and after WW2. Look at the problems of the Palestinian refugees forced out of Israel in 1948 and 1967.
You also don’t check out these news sites.
Muslims don’t need non-Muslims as an excuse to murder each other.
To make caricatures about the noses of Jews was also only a "joke" of the Nazi-newspaper "Der Stürmer".

It's a good thing I didn't do anything that offensive.

Double crossed? What is this? Russia was under the slavery of the Soviet Stalin, your ally.

Yeah, there was this thing called the Nazi-Soviet non aggression pact that Hitler broke. Why? Dumbest move Germany made during the war.

Sorry - but in reality as well Hitler and your ally Stalin together started world war 2 by deciding to eliminate Poland again in the secret part of the Molotow-Ribbentrop pact.

The USSR at the time wasn't a disease spreading across the continent like the Nazis were so we didn't have much of a choice in allys.

A good reason to throw a bomb into the living room of Mrs. Miller because the Nazis had mudered her husband.

That's why "the entire world" decided that the Germans of the year 1913 have today a half descendant and will die out within the next 100, 200 or 300 years - while "the entire world" decided that every Palestinian of the year 1864 has today 15 descendents, so the USA is able to live in the luxary to live in fear of migrants?

Which help?

We are welcome in the USA? Thought we are criminals who sell not drugs but goods in the USA.

You wiped out the SiIesians, the Bohemians and others whose first ancestors had often lived since decades of thousands of years in this area of the world and you call this "WTF" = ¿who cares"?

The only good German you ever saw was dead, isn't it? In the 19th century German actors travelled to the USA and gave there performances in the German language. You wiped out not only German cultures in Europe - you also wiped out the German culture in the USA - and since some years you started to wipe out all relations to the rest of Germany which still survived.

Wow, touchy.
If Trump would have done this, he would have been accused of genocide and war crimes...cause lord forbid if the US takes out poor wittle misunderstood terrorists with a republicans in...
So don expect biden to do it either. You don’t think republicans form their opinions based on who’s in charge? flip flop
can you provide the criminal code section that says that it’s a crime to say that terrorist should be killed?

A crime here in Germany. The public call for a violent solution of a problem is in Germany a crime. Reason: That's terrorism.

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