Thanks Biden, the Terrorists are beheading our allies again.

My best friend is a SEAL. Don't talk about things you simply don't understand. Theres not a SEAL I have met who agrees with the way we left Afghanistan. Theres also not a single one I know that wouldn't go back in a heart beat to do the job. Politicians need to get out of the fucking way and let our people do what they do best. We could end the terror problem in a matter of days if partisan hack politicians would stay the fuck out of it.
Probably true.
can you provide the criminal code section that says that it’s a crime to say that terrorist should be killed?
A doctor went to a school meeting with parents to explain how serious this COVID is and why masks are important. The republicans yelled at the doctor, “we know where you live”

You guys politicize everything.
My best friend is a SEAL. Don't talk about things you simply don't understand. Theres not a SEAL I have met who agrees with the way we left Afghanistan. Theres also not a single one I know that wouldn't go back in a heart beat to do the job. Politicians need to get out of the fucking way and let our people do what they do best. We could end the terror problem in a matter of days if partisan hack politicians would stay the fuck out of it.

Our Seals are heroes. They weren't fighting for ENRON.

1996-September 11, 2001: Enron Gives Taliban Millions in Bribes in Effort to Get Afghan Pipeline Built The Associated Press will later report that the Enron corporation bribes Taliban officials as part of a “no-holds-barred bid to strike a deal for an energy pipeline in Afghanistan.”
The real reason we fight Arabs is the same reason we have always fought Arabs. They want Islam as the only religion and sharia the only law.

LOL.. You're braainwashed.

1996-September 11, 2001: Enron Gives Taliban Millions in Bribes in Effort to Get Afghan Pipeline Built The Associated Press will later report that the Enron corporation bribes Taliban officials as part of a “no-holds-barred bid to strike a deal for an energy pipeline in Afghanistan.”
LOL.. You're braainwashed.

1996-September 11, 2001: Enron Gives Taliban Millions in Bribes in Effort to Get Afghan Pipeline Built The Associated Press will later report that the Enron corporation bribes Taliban officials as part of a “no-holds-barred bid to strike a deal for an energy pipeline in Afghanistan.”
you don't think there can be multiple reasons?

talk about brainwashed.
We should have blown the taliban up as they crossed the desert heading into city after city.
Lol. Was that the Trump plan as he negotiated with Taliban American withdrawal and their take over?

He was gonna ambush them with 2500 troops, kick their ass with zero casualties and fly everyone out, leaving Afghanistan a Taliban-free unicorn and rainbow land.

Right dummy? Is that how the story goes in your head?
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you don't think there can be multiple reasons?

talk about brainwashed.

What did you want in Afghanistan? Did you want to reinvent them as the USA?

Did you want their natural resources?

Did you want to convert them to Christianity or sell them Burger King Franchises?

1996-September 11, 2001: Enron Gives Taliban Millions in Bribes in Effort to Get Afghan Pipeline Built The Associated Press will later report that the Enron corporation bribes Taliban officials as part of a “no-holds-barred bid to strike a deal for an energy pipeline in Afghanistan.”
We should have blown the taliban up as they crossed the desert heading into city after city. We should not have been nation building---we should have been genociding the terrorists and their clerics. Kindness is seen as ALLAH making we infidels weak and thusly telling Allah's followers to kill the weak ones. The only way that the Middle East ever becomes peaceful and the terrorists leave us alone (think we have high high probably of terror attack here in the states this month) is if we kill the terrorists with extreme prejudice wiping out most all males and then outlaw islams multi-wife and female killing bullshit forcing them to change culturally.

This said---send in the drones and start assassinating all taliban and their clerics now.
Just remember when Obama went after terrorists wherever they were you guys accused him of starting new wars.
Lol. Was that the Trump plan when he negotiated with Taliban American withdrawal and their take over?
How do we blow them up if we aren’t there anymore?

Any American still in Afghanistan is an idiot or terrorist. Do we want them back?
Just remember when Obama went after terrorists wherever they were you guys accused him of starting new wars.

Well, our guys finally got OBL when Obama was president so that was a good thing.

I think Bush sort of forgot about OBL.
Correct, dealing with terrorists with the naughty step treatment per the Geneva Convention doesn't work. As soon as they can grab a gun or knife, you're dead. All terrorists should exterminated, hunted out and shot. And as you say, when the Taliban came galloping across to take over, they should have been blasted off the map.

The right time to leave the likes of Afghanistan is when they have an army and security force in place where they can look after themselves.
I can't help but feel if we had bombed the taliban army with their fellow terrorists and foreign help going across the desert, afghan could have handled things even as they were.
The real reason we fight Arabs is the same reason we have always fought Arabs. They want Islam as the only religion and sharia the only law.

The Quran is clear that there can never be any compulsion over religion, and that both Christianity and Judaism are "Brother of the Book", and are valid ways to heaven.
All 3 monotheistic religions share the same Old Testament.

Moslems NEVER try to expand or convert anyone, ever.
What they want is just to not have foreign value systems imposed upon them by force.
And the advantage of Islam over all other religions is that it is the only one that implements social welfare systems built in, like for orphans and widows.
I can't help but feel if we had bombed the taliban army with their fellow terrorists and foreign help going across the desert, afghan could have handled things even as they were.

Nope.. Afghanistan was never a country.. just tribes. Every warlord wants his own fiefdom. The Taliban are probably the best bet since the Communists overthrew the Monarchy in 1974.

We just want to kill them because ENRON paid them millions in bribes and then didn't get their pipeline.
Because they come here with that goal in mind. Muslims have made a mess in Europe. Our politicians want it here.

Nope.. When Muslims are in a foreign country they are supposed to abide by that country's laws. If that is too difficult they are supposed to leave.

Your ignorance creates a lot of unnecessary fear and hatred.
When and where did you fight Arabs? You support them since about 200 years, isn't it?

It was more England and France than the US, but clearly we own the Arabs and are trying to keep it that way, while some Arabs are trying to break free from us.
Like WWI, where France and England just divided up the Mideast east into their colonies.
The US certainly was responsible for ending the democracy in Iran in 1953.
We killed Saddam and Qaddafi, wanted to kill Assad, and deposed Morsi.
I can't help but feel if we had bombed the taliban army with their fellow terrorists and foreign help going across the desert, afghan could have handled things even as they were.

We had been illegally murdering innocent Afghans by bombing them for over 20 years, and all that did was make the Taliban more popular, and make us more hated.
You can never get people to like you by bombing them.
You should have learned that from Vietnam.
It was more England and France than the US, but clearly we own the Arabs and are trying to keep it that way, while some Arabs are trying to break free from us.
Like WWI, where France and England just divided up the Mideast east into their colonies.
The US certainly was responsible for ending the democracy in Iran in 1953.
We killed Saddam and Qaddafi, wanted to kill Assad, and deposed Morsi.

We didn't kill Gaddafi.
It's a good thing I didn't do anything that offensive.

Yeah, there was this thing called the Nazi-Soviet non aggression pact that Hitler broke. Why?

Do you seriosly try to discuss about why Hitler did do what? I guess he liked to attack Stalin and Poland was between Russia and Germany and had to be eliminated, that's why. Hitler was a pragmatist and he said he learned to lie from an US-American president, which was perhaps a lie or not or not both of them.

Dumbest move Germany made during the war.

Which "during"? This was the beginning.

The USSR at the time wasn't a disease spreading across the continent like the Nazis were so we didn't have much of a choice in allys.

The USA knows always very well how to tell themselve lies and to believe in the own lies. Many people from the USA had supported once the revolution in Russia, because it was part of republican and democratic ideas to eliminate nobles and many thought about the French revolution in this context. So the communistic-capitalistic world conspiracy theory of the Nazis convinced unfortunatelly many people and was a main motor for the anti-Semitism of the Nazis. They made in theory a bridge from rich capitalistic Jews of the USA to the poor proletarians Jews in Russia.

Wow, touchy.

Touchy? ... I forgot. For you I am "only" a Red Indian and the only good Red Indian you ever saw was dead. The USA is tear-stained if some US-Americans die - but if you kill millions of people from foreign nations then this is totally unimportant for you. Believe it or not: It exist many reasons why many people in the world hate the USA. Only because Germans and Japanese don't do so you should not make wrong conclusions about the greatness or lousiness of the USA.

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