Thanks Democrats...daughter will have to quit job to stay on insurance.

what came out of congress is not what was proposed. A single payor system.
Lobbyists can be thanked for that and of course a sucky assed congress on both sides.

Who says a single payer system will give you all the health care you want at a price you can pay?


The same people who said you could keep your current health plan?

Other countries do it for less than half of what we pay per capita for health care. And have decent health care and surviving private care for those who want to buy it.

You con't get all the health care you want.

Are you free if you don't get all the healthcare you want?

Because people like Greendick say you should not?
Umm I do not watch Fox so I do not know who this greendick you refer to is.

And you do not get all the healthcare you want even with US insurance.

Lifetime limits, etc prevent that.
But your plan sponsor wasn't forced to cover 26 year old "dependents," pre-existing conditions, mandated lifetime caps, and mandated preventive care.

Having a mammogram or an allergy are considered "pre-existing" conditions by insurance companies.

So what? Will you now get that for free? Or will you get shoved into another plan or have your costs increased?

Before, if your son has an allergy to peanuts and you developed cancer, they could drop your entire family because your son had a pre-existing condition.
Having a mammogram or an allergy are considered "pre-existing" conditions by insurance companies.

So what? Will you now get that for free? Or will you get shoved into another plan or have your costs increased?

Before, if your son has an allergy to peanuts and you developed cancer, they could drop your entire family because your son had a pre-existing condition.

But it's free of charge now?
Having a mammogram or an allergy are considered "pre-existing" conditions by insurance companies.

So what? Will you now get that for free? Or will you get shoved into another plan or have your costs increased?

Before, if your son has an allergy to peanuts and you developed cancer, they could drop your entire family because your son had a pre-existing condition.

And that's a lie.
OP, what type of job did your daughter do? What line of work was she in? I don't think its too personal a question considering you brought up the subject and placed her dead in the center. Was she a school teacher Fireman, doctor, admin assistant...what?

What are you talking about?
She is a sophomore in college...she has a part time waitress job.
Oh...I think I read it it wrong. Thought your daughter was working a job and ....oh never mind.

The whole idea is to be able to cover those most in need, unlike what you and your side like to say...cover everyone including and especially those who don't need, aka abuse of the system.

Sounds like its working quite fine to me.


P.S. - Thanks for answering.
OP, what type of job did your daughter do? What line of work was she in? I don't think its too personal a question considering you brought up the subject and placed her dead in the center. Was she a school teacher Fireman, doctor, admin assistant...what?

What are you talking about?
She is a sophomore in college...she has a part time waitress job.
Oh...I think I read it it wrong. Thought your daughter was working a job and ....oh never mind.

The whole idea is to be able to cover those most in need, unlike what you and your side like to say...cover everyone including and especially those who don't need, aka abuse of the system.

Sounds like its working quite fine to me.


P.S. - Thanks for answering.

No, it's not working fine. She had to quit her job to stay covered.
For the last 22 years our plan had ONE STIPULATION..that a child past 19 years old to remain covered he/she must be a full time student...they could have 5 jobs if they wanted - didn't matter.
THIS YEAR...they added the stipulation that "there is no available coverage through his/her own employment"

The government is pushing plan sponsors to shove their members off on someone else. It's like a big cakewalk, where the music stops and there aren't enough seats for everyone.

Looks like it...I guarentee this is a part of the claims they made where the HRC woul "lower costs"...well no shit...removing millions of students off of good plans to worthless plans where there is no real coverage at all unless you have a major medical need...indeed lowers costs and enable "coverage" for more.

It looks like the "free market" hypocrits want the Nanny State Govt to regulate the insurance industry and forbid them from dropping coverage on whomever they don't want to cover. You want the govt beauracrats to decide who the insurers will cover and how much they will charge for the coverage, the way the centralized economy of the USSR produced (or failed to produce) steel

Your daughter is free to buy an insurance policy from the same insurance company you did. Of course, as an ADULT, she will have to pay the full premium.
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Man...wonders will never cease.
LIberals simply have zero concept of cause and well as everything comes with a price tag. As well as has no ability to compare two disctinctly different situations.

How many conservatives here also wanted HCR?? I will go on a limb and say at least 80% of conservatives also want changes. But we are wise enough to understand that the first step was cost containment.
The government is pushing plan sponsors to shove their members off on someone else. It's like a big cakewalk, where the music stops and there aren't enough seats for everyone.

Looks like it...I guarentee this is a part of the claims they made where the HRC woul "lower costs"...well no shit...removing millions of students off of good plans to worthless plans where there is no real coverage at all unless you have a major medical need...indeed lowers costs and enable "coverage" for more.

It looks like the "free market" hypocrits want the Nanny State Govt to regulate the insurance industry and forbid them from dropping coverage on whomever they don't want to cover. You want the govt beauracrats to decide who the insurers will cover and how much they will charge for the coverage, the way the centralized economy of the USSR produced (or failed to produce) used to do

Your daughter is free to buy an insurance policy from the same insurance company you did. Of course, as an ADULT, she will have to pay the full premium.

There is nothing free market about getting shoved off a student health plan because your plan sponsor can't afford to keep you thanks to government mandates, and has the option to shove you on your parents' plan, but quit your job.

Where is the free market in that?
So what? Will you now get that for free? Or will you get shoved into another plan or have your costs increased?

Before, if your son has an allergy to peanuts and you developed cancer, they could drop your entire family because your son had a pre-existing condition.

But it's free of charge now?

Yes, being dropped from your insurance is free of charge. It even saves money, for the insurance company.

You know, with a "public option", we wouldn't be having this conversation. Who blocked the "public option"? In fact, didn't the year Obama took office, insurance rates rose 39% and isn't medical insurance the number one cause of bankruptcies?

Well, don't worry, Republicans will work to repeal all that. They will make sure there is never a public option and if we are lucky, they will deregulate insurance and we can pay double for half of what we get now.

After all, companies are people too and they are the most important segment of society. Ask John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.
you mean she cannot decline the insurance coverage by an employer?
I have declined employer insurance before.

They have hired a company to audit each dependent, we have to contact her employer and give it to this company who will then verify if there is any available insurance - if there is, they will drop coverage in 30 days whether she has signed up for the insurance or not.

So you were trying to stick it to your own insurance company huh? Shouldn't she be paying her own way in life by now? Taking some personal responsibility over her own actions? I started buying my own insurance before I graduated from highschool.
The government is pushing plan sponsors to shove their members off on someone else. It's like a big cakewalk, where the music stops and there aren't enough seats for everyone.

Looks like it...I guarentee this is a part of the claims they made where the HRC woul "lower costs"...well no shit...removing millions of students off of good plans to worthless plans where there is no real coverage at all unless you have a major medical need...indeed lowers costs and enable "coverage" for more.

It looks like the "free market" hypocrits want the Nanny State Govt to regulate the insurance industry and forbid them from dropping coverage on whomever they don't want to cover. You want the govt beauracrats to decide who the insurers will cover and how much they will charge for the coverage, the way the centralized economy of the USSR produced (or failed to produce) steel

Your daughter is free to buy an insurance policy from the same insurance company you did. Of course, as an ADULT, she will have to pay the full premium.

FAIL..(to above post as well)

The government wasn't forcing the insurance to cover students. They did so for decades as part of the compensation package to employees. It was the government that stuck it's nose in and created an enviroment that invited them to stop the coverage. might try it.
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Looks like it...I guarentee this is a part of the claims they made where the HRC woul "lower costs"...well no shit...removing millions of students off of good plans to worthless plans where there is no real coverage at all unless you have a major medical need...indeed lowers costs and enable "coverage" for more.

It looks like the "free market" hypocrits want the Nanny State Govt to regulate the insurance industry and forbid them from dropping coverage on whomever they don't want to cover. You want the govt beauracrats to decide who the insurers will cover and how much they will charge for the coverage, the way the centralized economy of the USSR produced (or failed to produce) used to do

Your daughter is free to buy an insurance policy from the same insurance company you did. Of course, as an ADULT, she will have to pay the full premium.

There is nothing free market about getting shoved off a student health plan because your plan sponsor can't afford to keep you thanks to government mandates, and has the option to shove you on your parents' plan, but quit your job.

Where is the free market in that?

You have become incoherent. Getting shoved off of a health care plan is what the free market is all about. In the free market, there are no laws preventing this.

Explain how a free market would prevent the insurance company from dumping adult children?

Explain how corporations making record profits can't afford to do the business they've made record-setting profits doing?

You're just a welfare state dependent who wants the Nanny State beaureaucrats in DC to socialize the insurance industry
Before, if your son has an allergy to peanuts and you developed cancer, they could drop your entire family because your son had a pre-existing condition.

But it's free of charge now?

Yes, being dropped from your insurance is free of charge. It even saves money, for the insurance company.

You know, with a "public option", we wouldn't be having this conversation. Who blocked the "public option"? In fact, didn't the year Obama took office, insurance rates rose 39% and isn't medical insurance the number one cause of bankruptcies?

Well, don't worry, Republicans will work to repeal all that. They will make sure there is never a public option and if we are lucky, they will deregulate insurance and we can pay double for half of what we get now.

After all, companies are people too and they are the most important segment of society. Ask John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.

Right on Dean!!!
you mean she cannot decline the insurance coverage by an employer?
I have declined employer insurance before.

They have hired a company to audit each dependent, we have to contact her employer and give it to this company who will then verify if there is any available insurance - if there is, they will drop coverage in 30 days whether she has signed up for the insurance or not.

So you were trying to stick it to your own insurance company huh? Shouldn't she be paying her own way in life by now? Taking some personal responsibility over her own actions? I started buying my own insurance before I graduated from highschool.

And he wants the nanny govt to help him continue her scam

"How dare they charge my adult daughter whatever they want to charge her"
It looks like the "free market" hypocrits want the Nanny State Govt to regulate the insurance industry and forbid them from dropping coverage on whomever they don't want to cover. You want the govt beauracrats to decide who the insurers will cover and how much they will charge for the coverage, the way the centralized economy of the USSR produced (or failed to produce) used to do

Your daughter is free to buy an insurance policy from the same insurance company you did. Of course, as an ADULT, she will have to pay the full premium.

There is nothing free market about getting shoved off a student health plan because your plan sponsor can't afford to keep you thanks to government mandates, and has the option to shove you on your parents' plan, but quit your job.

Where is the free market in that?

You have become incoherent. Getting shoved off of a health care plan is what the free market is all about. In the free market, there are no laws preventing this.

Explain how a free market would prevent the insurance company from dumping adult children?

Explain how corporations making record profits can't afford to do the business they've made record-setting profits doing?

You're just a welfare state dependent who wants the Nanny State beaureaucrats in DC to socialize the insurance industry

It's a government imposed disruption. It took a system that worked fine for these people and shoved them out of it.
What kinda job does she have? Or did rather.

Isn't the RepubliCON$ meme to buck up, man up and pull yourself up by your bootstraps?

I gues the TeaBaggers in Congress will save the day huh?

She could be lucky to have three jobs...the American way.
Looks like it...I guarentee this is a part of the claims they made where the HRC woul "lower costs"...well no shit...removing millions of students off of good plans to worthless plans where there is no real coverage at all unless you have a major medical need...indeed lowers costs and enable "coverage" for more.

It looks like the "free market" hypocrits want the Nanny State Govt to regulate the insurance industry and forbid them from dropping coverage on whomever they don't want to cover. You want the govt beauracrats to decide who the insurers will cover and how much they will charge for the coverage, the way the centralized economy of the USSR produced (or failed to produce) steel

Your daughter is free to buy an insurance policy from the same insurance company you did. Of course, as an ADULT, she will have to pay the full premium.

FAIL..(to above post as well)

The government wasn't forcing the insurance to cover students. They did so for decades as part of the compensation package to employees. It was the government that stuck it's nose in and created an enviroment that invited them to stop the coverage. might try it.

The insrance company decided to cover adult children who were students, and now they've decided not to.

The free might want to stop defending it when it bites you in the ass.

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