Thanks Democrats...daughter will have to quit job to stay on insurance.

Thanks Democrats

Thanks to the healthcare legislation, my 23 year old son will be able to stop paying excessive rates for private insurance and can be covered on my policy
Thanks to the GREAT Health Care Reform...there is now a loophole in which insurance companies can drop coverage on college students IF THERE IS AVAILABLE COVERAGE (NO MATTER HOW BAD) through an employer, even if it is a part-time job that has horrendously bad insurance.

So...even though my daughter is a full time student, as long as she is working to help pay for college and that part-time job carries some minimal crap insurance - her solid coverage she has through us is gone.
So her choice is to either quit the job or stay insured.

The reason companies are dropping the coverage is due to the higher expense of coverage due to the reform. (the only stipulation before the health care plan was that the child must be a full time student)


Do you have any sources/links for this information?
No, you are complaining that a certain provision in the health care bill isn't going into effect soon enough to benefit you.

Are you dense? I really not trying to be disrespectful..but you are not making any sense.
What specific HRC benefit am I wanting to "help" me.
If the HRC act was repealed tomorrow - my daughter keeps insured on our policy, it is because of this crappy bill that she will either lose the coverage or have to quit her job to keep it.

Only thing I can see here is you are all simply being obtuse and wanting to close your mind to reality.
This bill is already wreaking havoc.
Again, your insurance company can revoke her coverage anytime it pleases for any reason whatsoever. Until 2014. Then it will not be able to do so.

I can't figure out if you are stupid or a liar.

Now see? There you go again. Confusing the uninformed with actual facts and specifics. You obviously are no fan of Hannity, Beck, Palin or Limbaugh....
Thanks to the GREAT Health Care Reform...there is now a loophole in which insurance companies can drop coverage on college students IF THERE IS AVAILABLE COVERAGE (NO MATTER HOW BAD) through an employer, even if it is a part-time job that has horrendously bad insurance.

So...even though my daughter is a full time student, as long as she is working to help pay for college and that part-time job carries some minimal crap insurance - her solid coverage she has through us is gone.
So her choice is to either quit the job or stay insured.

The reason companies are dropping the coverage is due to the higher expense of coverage due to the reform. (the only stipulation before the health care plan was that the child must be a full time student)


So your complaint is that the government is staying out of the way and allowing your insurance company to drop your daughter?

That's the free market at work. Not the government.
I just guessing here, so, don't take this as a claim by me.

I'm guessing that possibly the OP's insurer is only refusing to cover the portion of his daughter's healthcare that her parttime job insurance covers.

Just a guess.
This might explain it:

The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer coverage to children on their parents’ plan to make the coverage available until the adult child reaches the age of 26.

The issued regulations state that young adults are eligible for this coverage regardless of any, or a combination of any, of the following factors: financial dependency, residency with parent, student status, employment and marital status.

This applies to all plans in the individual market and to employer plans created after the date of enactment (March 23, 2010). For employer plans that were in existence prior to the date of enactment, young adults can qualify for dependent coverage only if they are not eligible for an employment-based health insurance plan until 2014.

Beginning in 2014, young adults can choose to stay on their parent’s health plan until age 26, even if they are eligible for their own employer-sponsored insurance plan.

Dependent Health Coverage (State Implementation Brief)
No, you are complaining that a certain provision in the health care bill isn't going into effect soon enough to benefit you.

Are you dense? I really not trying to be disrespectful..but you are not making any sense.
What specific HRC benefit am I wanting to "help" me.
If the HRC act was repealed tomorrow - my daughter keeps insured on our policy, it is because of this crappy bill that she will either lose the coverage or have to quit her job to keep it.

Only thing I can see here is you are all simply being obtuse and wanting to close your mind to reality.
This bill is already wreaking havoc.
Again, your insurance company can revoke her coverage anytime it pleases for any reason whatsoever. Until 2014. Then it will not be able to do so.

I can't figure out if you are stupid or a liar.

Wrong...wrong...and wrong again.
Our insurance can and will drop her anytime it please including after 2014.
Shows how much you know about the bill that you know nothing about.

The stipulation is as long as she is employed and THEY offer insurance, no matter how bad or expensive it might be, no matter it is not even as close to as good as our covers her - they can and will refuse the coverage on the grounds she has it available elsewhere.

get over it.
Are you dense? I really not trying to be disrespectful..but you are not making any sense.
What specific HRC benefit am I wanting to "help" me.
If the HRC act was repealed tomorrow - my daughter keeps insured on our policy, it is because of this crappy bill that she will either lose the coverage or have to quit her job to keep it.

Only thing I can see here is you are all simply being obtuse and wanting to close your mind to reality.
This bill is already wreaking havoc.
Again, your insurance company can revoke her coverage anytime it pleases for any reason whatsoever. Until 2014. Then it will not be able to do so.

I can't figure out if you are stupid or a liar.

Wrong...wrong...and wrong again.
Our insurance can and will drop her anytime it please including after 2014.
Shows how much you know about the bill that you know nothing about.

The stipulation is as long as she is employed and THEY offer insurance, no matter how bad or expensive it might be, no matter it is not even as close to as good as our covers her - they can and will refuse the coverage on the grounds she has it available elsewhere.

get over it.
Read the post right above yours, fuckwit.
hey brave sir robin's son is covered ye!!!!! great whos paying for the coverage? you think its FREE???:lol:
Thanks to the GREAT Health Care Reform...there is now a loophole in which insurance companies can drop coverage on college students IF THERE IS AVAILABLE COVERAGE (NO MATTER HOW BAD) through an employer, even if it is a part-time job that has horrendously bad insurance.

So...even though my daughter is a full time student, as long as she is working to help pay for college and that part-time job carries some minimal crap insurance - her solid coverage she has through us is gone.
So her choice is to either quit the job or stay insured.

The reason companies are dropping the coverage is due to the higher expense of coverage due to the reform. (the only stipulation before the health care plan was that the child must be a full time student)

I don't believe you.
OP, what type of job did your daughter do? What line of work was she in? I don't think its too personal a question considering you brought up the subject and placed her dead in the center. Was she a school teacher Fireman, doctor, admin assistant...what?

What are you talking about?
She is a sophomore in college...she has a part time waitress job.
Oh...I think I read it it wrong. Thought your daughter was working a job and ....oh never mind.

The whole idea is to be able to cover those most in need, unlike what you and your side like to say...cover everyone including and especially those who don't need, aka abuse of the system.

Sounds like its working quite fine to me.


P.S. - Thanks for answering.

You're a fuckin' POS! What makes you say his daughter does not need coverage? In your opinion would a wino deserve the coverage before her? All libs should volunteer their own money for these "feel good" programs and leave your hands out of our healthcare insurance.
Are you dense? I really not trying to be disrespectful..but you are not making any sense.
What specific HRC benefit am I wanting to "help" me.
If the HRC act was repealed tomorrow - my daughter keeps insured on our policy, it is because of this crappy bill that she will either lose the coverage or have to quit her job to keep it.

Only thing I can see here is you are all simply being obtuse and wanting to close your mind to reality.
This bill is already wreaking havoc.
Again, your insurance company can revoke her coverage anytime it pleases for any reason whatsoever. Until 2014. Then it will not be able to do so.

I can't figure out if you are stupid or a liar.

Wrong...wrong...and wrong again.
Our insurance can and will drop her anytime it please including after 2014.
Shows how much you know about the bill that you know nothing about.

The stipulation is as long as she is employed and THEY offer insurance, no matter how bad or expensive it might be, no matter it is not even as close to as good as our covers her - they can and will refuse the coverage on the grounds she has it available elsewhere.

get over it.

Ummmm, your capitalistic insurance companies have always had the ability to drop your daughter anytime they wanted to. What does the healthcare legislation have to do with your daughter's situation?
Before, if your son has an allergy to peanuts and you developed cancer, they could drop your entire family because your son had a pre-existing condition.

But it's free of charge now?

Yes, being dropped from your insurance is free of charge. It even saves money, for the insurance company.

You know, with a "public option", we wouldn't be having this conversation. Who blocked the "public option"? In fact, didn't the year Obama took office, insurance rates rose 39% and isn't medical insurance the number one cause of bankruptcies?
Well, don't worry, Republicans will work to repeal all that. They will make sure there is never a public option and if we are lucky, they will deregulate insurance and we can pay double for half of what we get now.

After all, companies are people too and they are the most important segment of society. Ask John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.

Are you dense? I really not trying to be disrespectful..but you are not making any sense.
What specific HRC benefit am I wanting to "help" me.
If the HRC act was repealed tomorrow - my daughter keeps insured on our policy, it is because of this crappy bill that she will either lose the coverage or have to quit her job to keep it.

Only thing I can see here is you are all simply being obtuse and wanting to close your mind to reality.
This bill is already wreaking havoc.
Again, your insurance company can revoke her coverage anytime it pleases for any reason whatsoever. Until 2014. Then it will not be able to do so.

I can't figure out if you are stupid or a liar.

Wrong...wrong...and wrong again.
Our insurance can and will drop her anytime it please including after 2014.
Shows how much you know about the bill that you know nothing about.

The stipulation is as long as she is employed and THEY offer insurance, no matter how bad or expensive it might be, no matter it is not even as close to as good as our covers her - they can and will refuse the coverage on the grounds she has it available elsewhere.

get over it.

Without reform, She would have been dropped at 23 anyway and been stuck with that useless policy her employer gives. Makes you wish we had a comprehensive healthcare program doesn't it?

She would have been a prime candidate for some of that optional government sponsored healthcare
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Thanks to the GREAT Health Care Reform...there is now a loophole in which insurance companies can drop coverage on college students IF THERE IS AVAILABLE COVERAGE (NO MATTER HOW BAD) through an employer, even if it is a part-time job that has horrendously bad insurance.

So...even though my daughter is a full time student, as long as she is working to help pay for college and that part-time job carries some minimal crap insurance - her solid coverage she has through us is gone.
So her choice is to either quit the job or stay insured.

The reason companies are dropping the coverage is due to the higher expense of coverage due to the reform. (the only stipulation before the health care plan was that the child must be a full time student)

I don't believe you.

You say that like whether you believe what someone says has some kind of value.
I don't care what you believe, and neither does anyone else..get over yourself.
Again, your insurance company can revoke her coverage anytime it pleases for any reason whatsoever. Until 2014. Then it will not be able to do so.

I can't figure out if you are stupid or a liar.

Wrong...wrong...and wrong again.
Our insurance can and will drop her anytime it please including after 2014.
Shows how much you know about the bill that you know nothing about.

The stipulation is as long as she is employed and THEY offer insurance, no matter how bad or expensive it might be, no matter it is not even as close to as good as our covers her - they can and will refuse the coverage on the grounds she has it available elsewhere.

get over it.

Without reform, She would have been dropped at 23 anyway and been stuck with that useless policy her employer gives. Makes you wish we had a comprehensive healthcare program doesn't it?

She would have been a prime candidate for some of that optional government sponsored healthcare

On her 23rd birthday - that is the year she will complete school and our insurance keeps students on the plan through the calendar year they graduate.
At which time she would likely/hopefully have a job that carried benefits.
Why did you think you know what our old plan drops overage?
Thanks to the GREAT Health Care Reform...there is now a loophole in which insurance companies can drop coverage on college students IF THERE IS AVAILABLE COVERAGE (NO MATTER HOW BAD) through an employer, even if it is a part-time job that has horrendously bad insurance.

So...even though my daughter is a full time student, as long as she is working to help pay for college and that part-time job carries some minimal crap insurance - her solid coverage she has through us is gone.
So her choice is to either quit the job or stay insured.

The reason companies are dropping the coverage is due to the higher expense of coverage due to the reform. (the only stipulation before the health care plan was that the child must be a full time student)

I don't believe you.

You say that like whether you believe what someone says has some kind of value.
I don't care what you believe, and neither does anyone else..get over yourself.

No, you get over yourself. No one cares what you or, any skanks or your daughter thinks. Tell her I wanted Fries with my order, damn it!
Here is the logic of our new plan.
Let's say I have two children..

CHILD 1: Attending school full-time, has a part-time job to help pay for school that happens to offer minimal coverage .... no coverage from family plan.
CHILD 2: Does not go to college, is unemployed and spends most of day playing video covered.

End result of HCR act on 5500 familes in this one example.
Employees with basement living child/adult bum - covered till 26.
Employees with working children that is also a full time student to become a productive/tax paying citizen - no coverage.

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