Thanks Democrats...daughter will have to quit job to stay on insurance.

I don't believe you.

You say that like whether you believe what someone says has some kind of value.
I don't care what you believe, and neither does anyone else..get over yourself.

No, you get over yourself. No one cares what you or, any skanks or your daughter thinks. Tell her I wanted Fries with my order, damn it!

Really...hmmm - the thread has 141 replies in less than 16 hours.
Thanks Democrats...daughter will have to quit job to stay on insurance.

Ya..right...the HMO's had nothing to do with your problem...It was the democrats. You are an idiot. It's morons like you that are too stupid to stand up to the greedy HMO's when you have an opportunity to that are the real cause of health care costs being out of control.

Why not be a man and just admit that you support policy against your own best interest and be happy that you fucked everyone ..not just yourself.
Here is the logic of our new plan.
Let's say I have two children..

CHILD 1: Attending school full-time, has a part-time job to help pay for school that happens to offer minimal coverage .... no coverage from family plan.
CHILD 2: Does not go to college, is unemployed and spends most of day playing video covered.

End result of HCR act on 5500 familes in this one example.
Employees with basement living child/adult bum - covered till 26.
Employees with working children that is also a full time student to become a productive/tax paying citizen - no coverage.
What part of this don't you understand?

Beginning in 2014, young adults can choose to stay on their parent’s health plan until age 26, even if they are eligible for their own employer-sponsored insurance plan.

Here is the logic of our new plan.
Let's say I have two children..

CHILD 1: Attending school full-time, has a part-time job to help pay for school that happens to offer minimal coverage .... no coverage from family plan.
CHILD 2: Does not go to college, is unemployed and spends most of day playing video covered.

End result of HCR act on 5500 familes in this one example.
Employees with basement living child/adult bum - covered till 26.
Employees with working children that is also a full time student to become a productive/tax paying citizen - no coverage.
What part of this don't you understand?

Beginning in 2014, young adults can choose to stay on their parent’s health plan until age 26, even if they are eligible for their own employer-sponsored insurance plan.

Do you have a link for that?

This bill was overall crap, and cost entirely too much, but it did include SOME good things, I happen to think that allowing people the option of remaining under a family policy until 26 is one of those good options, made even better if good insurance can't drop someone if they have a lesser option available to them.
Here is the logic of our new plan.
Let's say I have two children..

CHILD 1: Attending school full-time, has a part-time job to help pay for school that happens to offer minimal coverage .... no coverage from family plan.
CHILD 2: Does not go to college, is unemployed and spends most of day playing video covered.

End result of HCR act on 5500 familes in this one example.
Employees with basement living child/adult bum - covered till 26.
Employees with working children that is also a full time student to become a productive/tax paying citizen - no coverage.
What part of this don't you understand?

Beginning in 2014, young adults can choose to stay on their parent’s health plan until age 26, even if they are eligible for their own employer-sponsored insurance plan.

Do you have a link for that?

This bill was overall crap, and cost entirely too much, but it did include SOME good things, I happen to think that allowing people the option of remaining under a family policy until 26 is one of those good options, made even better if good insurance can't drop someone if they have a lesser option available to them.

Aye...I have searched around and can't find the specific written code in it's entirety in the law that addresses this. I'll believe it when I can read the entire section that will include loopholes.

And...this does nothing for my child. This is 2010.
I do have a question, or perhaps a statement.

Why do you who disagree feel the need to insult, accuse and ridicule other peoples post?
Is it because you lack the fortitude of intelligent thought so you must rely on the desire to injure the opposing view?
Take both dante and Huggy...what is the specific reason to just throw rocks at someone you do not know simply because you may disagree with what they say?

Thank you to uscitizen and the very few others in this thread that while disagreeing with my position, did not resort to Neanderthal-juvenile behavior.
You say that like whether you believe what someone says has some kind of value.
I don't care what you believe, and neither does anyone else..get over yourself.

No, you get over yourself. No one cares what you or, any skanks or your daughter thinks. Tell her I wanted Fries with my order, damn it!

Really...hmmm - the thread has 141 replies in less than 16 hours.

and most infer no one gives a shit what you or some imaginary daughter have to say. Commenting on you and your imaginary daughter's pathetic lives does not make you two sad sacs relevant or worth saving.
No, you get over yourself. No one cares what you or, any skanks or your daughter thinks. Tell her I wanted Fries with my order, damn it!

Really...hmmm - the thread has 141 replies in less than 16 hours.

and most infer no one gives a shit what you or some imaginary daughter have to say. Commenting on you and your imaginary daughter's pathetic lives does not make you two sad sacs relevant or worth saving.

Thank you for showing a specific example of low I/Q posting.
This is one problem with this site. While it is refreshing during my time here to see posts of all kinds - the drawback is the ass clowns who have nothing to offer like the above. And can quickly drain threads of decent debating, for when one pest shows up...they start arriving in droves.
I do have a question, or perhaps a statement.

Why do you who disagree feel the need to insult, accuse and ridicule other peoples post?
Is it because you lack the fortitude of intelligent thought so you must rely on the desire to injure the opposing view?
Take both dante and Huggy...what is the specific reason to just throw rocks at someone you do not know simply because you may disagree with what they say?

Thank you to uscitizen and the very few others in this thread that while disagreeing with my position, did not resort to Neanderthal-juvenile behavior.
Maybe it is because you are a fucking liar.
No, you are complaining that a certain provision in the health care bill isn't going into effect soon enough to benefit you.

Are you dense? I really not trying to be disrespectful..but you are not making any sense.
What specific HRC benefit am I wanting to "help" me.
If the HRC act was repealed tomorrow - my daughter keeps insured on our policy, it is because of this crappy bill that she will either lose the coverage or have to quit her job to keep it.

Only thing I can see here is you are all simply being obtuse and wanting to close your mind to reality.
This bill is already wreaking havoc.
Again, your insurance company can revoke her coverage anytime it pleases for any reason whatsoever. Until 2014. Then it will not be able to do so.

I can't figure out if you are stupid or a liar.

They aren't mutually exclusive.
Really...hmmm - the thread has 141 replies in less than 16 hours.

and most infer no one gives a shit what you or some imaginary daughter have to say. Commenting on you and your imaginary daughter's pathetic lives does not make you two sad sacs relevant or worth saving.

Thank you for showing a specific example of low I/Q posting.
This is one problem with this site. While it is refreshing during my time here to see posts of all kinds - the drawback is the ass clowns who have nothing to offer like the above. And can quickly drain threads of decent debating, for when one pest shows up...they start arriving in droves.

No one seriously believes your bullshit.

STOP in the name of love -- for your imaginary daughter. :lol:
Here is the logic of our new plan.
Let's say I have two children..

CHILD 1: Attending school full-time, has a part-time job to help pay for school that happens to offer minimal coverage .... no coverage from family plan.
CHILD 2: Does not go to college, is unemployed and spends most of day playing video covered.

End result of HCR act on 5500 familes in this one example.
Employees with basement living child/adult bum - covered till 26.
Employees with working children that is also a full time student to become a productive/tax paying citizen - no coverage.

If wingnuts didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

Every one of those 5500 families can buy coverage for their adult children. None of those adult children have been denied coverage; They just have to pay the full premium
Thanks to the GREAT Health Care Reform...there is now a loophole in which insurance companies can drop coverage on college students IF THERE IS AVAILABLE COVERAGE (NO MATTER HOW BAD) through an employer, even if it is a part-time job that has horrendously bad insurance.

So...even though my daughter is a full time student, as long as she is working to help pay for college and that part-time job carries some minimal crap insurance - her solid coverage she has through us is gone.
So her choice is to either quit the job or stay insured.

The reason companies are dropping the coverage is due to the higher expense of coverage due to the reform. (the only stipulation before the health care plan was that the child must be a full time student)


Well according to Obamacare--what Kid needs to get off of their parents "payroll" until they're 26--and I would assume from that--is that they can't work LOL--until they're 26 years old.

So you teenagers on this board--sit on your butts--until you're 26 and use Obamacare as your excuse--:clap2: Your parents raised you as liberals--and as far as I am concerned they deserve everything you can dish out to them--LOL.
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Here is the logic of our new plan.
Let's say I have two children..

CHILD 1: Attending school full-time, has a part-time job to help pay for school that happens to offer minimal coverage .... no coverage from family plan.
CHILD 2: Does not go to college, is unemployed and spends most of day playing video covered.

End result of HCR act on 5500 familes in this one example.
Employees with basement living child/adult bum - covered till 26.
Employees with working children that is also a full time student to become a productive/tax paying citizen - no coverage.
What part of this don't you understand?

Beginning in 2014, young adults can choose to stay on their parent’s health plan until age 26, even if they are eligible for their own employer-sponsored insurance plan.

Do you have a link for that?

This bill was overall crap, and cost entirely too much, but it did include SOME good things, I happen to think that allowing people the option of remaining under a family policy until 26 is one of those good options, made even better if good insurance can't drop someone if they have a lesser option available to them.

Dependent Coverage of Children Who Have Not Attained Age 26

The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer dependent coverage to make the coverage available until a child reaches the age of 26. Both married and unmarried children qualify for this coverage. This rule applies to all plans in the individual market and to new employer plans. It also applies to existing employer plans unless the adult child has another offer of employer-based coverage (such as through his or her job). Beginning in 2014, children up to age 26 can stay on their parent’s employer plan even if they have another offer of coverage through an employer.
What part of this don't you understand?

Beginning in 2014, young adults can choose to stay on their parent’s health plan until age 26, even if they are eligible for their own employer-sponsored insurance plan.

Do you have a link for that?

This bill was overall crap, and cost entirely too much, but it did include SOME good things, I happen to think that allowing people the option of remaining under a family policy until 26 is one of those good options, made even better if good insurance can't drop someone if they have a lesser option available to them.

Dependent Coverage of Children Who Have Not Attained Age 26

The Affordable Care Act requires plans and issuers that offer dependent coverage to make the coverage available until a child reaches the age of 26. Both married and unmarried children qualify for this coverage. This rule applies to all plans in the individual market and to new employer plans. It also applies to existing employer plans unless the adult child has another offer of employer-based coverage (such as through his or her job). Beginning in 2014, children up to age 26 can stay on their parent’s employer plan even if they have another offer of coverage through an employer.

Thank you.
Also - thanks for not being a basic jerk like others in this thread.
Well according to Obamacare--what Kid needs to get off of their parents "payroll" until they're 26--and I would assume from that--is that they can't work LOL--until they're 26 years old.

So you teenagers on this board--sit on your butts--until you're 26 and use Obamacare as your excuse--:clap2: Your parents raised you as liberals--and as far as I am concerned they deserve everything you can dish out to them--LOL.

if you go to graduate school, medical school, law school or pursue any post-graduate education, you are covered.

if you have an entry level job with minimal or no benefits, you are covered.

not having been educated, you probably wouldn't understand that.
Are you dense? I really not trying to be disrespectful..but you are not making any sense.
What specific HRC benefit am I wanting to "help" me.
If the HRC act was repealed tomorrow - my daughter keeps insured on our policy, it is because of this crappy bill that she will either lose the coverage or have to quit her job to keep it.

Only thing I can see here is you are all simply being obtuse and wanting to close your mind to reality.
This bill is already wreaking havoc.
Again, your insurance company can revoke her coverage anytime it pleases for any reason whatsoever. Until 2014. Then it will not be able to do so.

I can't figure out if you are stupid or a liar.

Wrong...wrong...and wrong again.
Our insurance can and will drop her anytime it please including after 2014.
Shows how much you know about the bill that you know nothing about.

The stipulation is as long as she is employed and THEY offer insurance, no matter how bad or expensive it might be, no matter it is not even as close to as good as our covers her - they can and will refuse the coverage on the grounds she has it available elsewhere.

get over it.

Maybe if you were to offer a bit more than ZERO actual evidence of what you're claiming, you might have some credibility, not to mention some contribution to the conversation you started.

At this point, you could be making the whole story up for all we know.

I do discern this view, from you:

You want the government to force insurance companies offering family plans to have to cover your daughter while she's a fulltime student.
Thanks to the GREAT Health Care Reform...there is now a loophole in which insurance companies can drop coverage on college students IF THERE IS AVAILABLE COVERAGE (NO MATTER HOW BAD) through an employer, even if it is a part-time job that has horrendously bad insurance.

So...even though my daughter is a full time student, as long as she is working to help pay for college and that part-time job carries some minimal crap insurance - her solid coverage she has through us is gone.
So her choice is to either quit the job or stay insured.

The reason companies are dropping the coverage is due to the higher expense of coverage due to the reform. (the only stipulation before the health care plan was that the child must be a full time student)


Assuming for a second that what you say is true,

can you cite the portion of the Healthcare Bill that created this 'loophole' where it didn't exist before?

btw, maybe you just need to change insurers.
It is not just the insurance companies, but the health care industry increasing costs as well.

well said, and why?
BECAUSE the ostensible reason for generating reform was...wait for it.......bending the cost curve, which we have not done.

The 'reform' was not reform at all, its just a reordering of how the money changes hands and while that goes on quality/access of for care for 80% of us drops to meet the new norm as they flatten out the curve by pushing down on it, because the cost curve of the care has ot been addressed, the symptom may have been addressed but the disease goes on...typical gov. horsehockey.

It took me 6 posts back and forth with mr. greenbeard for instance before he was boxed into admitting that yes, this coverage for the 26 year old bracket is NOT free......the cost has been shifted but the balloon is still just as full as it was before we started squeezing it.

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