Thanks Democrats....You And Your Corrupt Media Just Killed Sports In America

Dr OZ tells it like it is! The "experts" state governments are using is using in developing their computer models in regards to the Chinese Flu is based info from China, in others words not that reliable! The insane over-reaction is sad and obviously Part III (Russia Hoax, Impeachment Hoax) of the effort to attack President Trump!

I was at the local Whole Foods today and the cashiers who I know I go there so often said they made more money this week than any week ever as a result of the zombie apocalypse! But they are adjusting their inventory and new shipments of pasta etc., are on the way. :p

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You can thank the Democrat/Commie Establishment for killing sports in America.

  • XFL season cancelled
  • March Madness cancelled
  • NBA season cancelled
  • MLB season opening pushed back
  • Summer Olympics may not happen
  • Masters Tournament pushed back past April
  • NFL Draft will be held, but not in front of a crowd

You can thank these stupid evil Democrats for playing politics with a crisis and blowing it way out of proportion. Democrats will still hold rallies of under 250 people.....the magic number seems to less than 250. So 250 you can get infected...but infection.

Last year it was impeachment. That didn't work. So now it's a flu pandemic.....and the libs are freaking out and causing mass panic in Washington State. I'm just wondering what comes next. How much longer are they going to let the media cause widespread fear and panic and let us have some sports. Good thing I anticipated this crap and cancelled my sports package after the Super Bowl. We knew about this virus spreading in December but at least the Dems waited till after the Super Bowl was played.


One silver-lining in all of this.....Walmart and every other store has experienced massive sales from idiots hording supplies. Cleaning products are scarce....and toilet paper is nonexistent. But there's still plenty of alcohol and mixers to make it through the big American Flu Scare. Just make sure you wash your hands every 15 mins and you'll be good. Strange....I don't remember that being the solution for the Andromeda Strain.

Hopefully they can find suppliers that don't involve products from China....because I think China doesn't have our best interests in mind at all.

Might wanna essplain to the class how "Democrats" control the NBA, MLB and the Olympics.

Might also wanna essplain what the fuck "XFL" is.

Might wanna further essplain who gives a fuck about college basketball just because it's advertised. Do everything advertisers tell ya?

Then you might wanna essplain what the "Masters Tournament" and "NFL Draft" are doing under the heading of "Sports".

Hilarious thread.

Hilarious and sad at the same time. The blob declared a national emergency. I’m sure the Democrats will get the blame for that too.
According to Trumpists on this board (and notwithstanding that Trump is the most imbecilic president this nation has ever had), Trump must be one dumb son of a bitch that he can be manipulated into declaring a national emergency by the media then have his VP go on national TV to warn us of the danger of the coronavirus.

Trumpist have to be the biggest pussies this nation has ever seen. They bitch and whine about sports. They write threads about ammo and panic.

The intrepid are those that are willing to take action for the greater good.

Pathetic losers are those that just whine and bitch.

Like President, like supporters.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump has been very aggressive in dealing with this crisis. He is doing a great job. You would know that if you weren't afflicted with the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

A lot better than that worthless Negro piece of shit did with the H1N1 virus where thousands of Americans died while the sonofabitch sat around working on the college basketball playoff brackets. Negros love basketball, don't they?

Notice that the big outbreaks are in the Democrat controlled shitholes of this nation.

God forbid that the Democrats were in total control of the government. There would be 50,000 dead already. Of course the economy would have been in the shits before the Pandemic started.
According to Trumpists on this board (and notwithstanding that Trump is the most imbecilic president this nation has ever had), Trump must be one dumb son of a bitch that he can be manipulated into declaring a national emergency by the media then have his VP go on national TV to warn us of the danger of the coronavirus.

Trumpist have to be the biggest pussies this nation has ever seen. They bitch and whine about sports. They write threads about ammo and panic.

The intrepid are those that are willing to take action for the greater good.

Pathetic losers are those that just whine and bitch.

Like President, like supporters.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump has been very aggressive in dealing with this crisis. He is doing a great job. You would know that if you weren't afflicted with the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

A lot better than that worthless Negro piece of shit did with the H1N1 virus where thousands of Americans died while the sonofabitch sat around working on the college basketball playoff brackets. Negros love basketball, don't they?

Notice that the big outbreaks are in the Democrat controlled shitholes of this nation.

God forbid that the Democrats were in total control of the government. There would be 50,000 dead already. Of course the economy would have been in the shits before the Pandemic started.
Talk about confused

The OP says the virus is a joke. So which is it, is Trump a weak-minded lemming being manipulated into declaring a national emergency or is the coronavirus a national emergency?

You can thank the Democrat/Commie Establishment for killing sports in America.

  • XFL season cancelled
  • March Madness cancelled
  • NBA season cancelled
  • MLB season opening pushed back
  • Summer Olympics may not happen
  • Masters Tournament pushed back past April
  • NFL Draft will be held, but not in front of a crowd

You can thank these stupid evil Democrats for playing politics with a crisis and blowing it way out of proportion. Democrats will still hold rallies of under 250 people.....the magic number seems to less than 250. So 250 you can get infected...but infection.

Last year it was impeachment. That didn't work. So now it's a flu pandemic.....and the libs are freaking out and causing mass panic in Washington State. I'm just wondering what comes next. How much longer are they going to let the media cause widespread fear and panic and let us have some sports. Good thing I anticipated this crap and cancelled my sports package after the Super Bowl. We knew about this virus spreading in December but at least the Dems waited till after the Super Bowl was played.


One silver-lining in all of this.....Walmart and every other store has experienced massive sales from idiots hording supplies. Cleaning products are scarce....and toilet paper is nonexistent. But there's still plenty of alcohol and mixers to make it through the big American Flu Scare. Just make sure you wash your hands every 15 mins and you'll be good. Strange....I don't remember that being the solution for the Andromeda Strain.

Hopefully they can find suppliers that don't involve products from China....because I think China doesn't have our best interests in mind at all.

Right I understand your thinking... You are fucking inbred idiot who can't see what is happening outside America...

Let me tell you a big fucking secret, American are Human Beings, those people dying outside America are human beings, those dying in America are human beings... You see this virus doesn't know the difference, I KNOW SUPER AWKWARD OR WHAT!!!

On top[ of that US screwed up testing so they don't know where the virus is... America has got time on it's side... UK think they are 2 weeks ahead of Italy and I say US has two weeks on them...
According to Trumpists on this board (and notwithstanding that Trump is the most imbecilic president this nation has ever had), Trump must be one dumb son of a bitch that he can be manipulated into declaring a national emergency by the media then have his VP go on national TV to warn us of the danger of the coronavirus.

Trumpist have to be the biggest pussies this nation has ever seen. They bitch and whine about sports. They write threads about ammo and panic.

The intrepid are those that are willing to take action for the greater good.

Pathetic losers are those that just whine and bitch.

Like President, like supporters.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump has been very aggressive in dealing with this crisis. He is doing a great job. You would know that if you weren't afflicted with the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Hell, everyone knows that. All you had to do was listen to all that Rump crowing. He keeps pointing out HEY LOOKA ME WHAT A GREAT JOB WE'RE DOING, how could we not have heard that? Anyone who would question that must be "deranged".

Nuttin' like a good self-ass-sessment --- by an inveterate narcissist --- to counter "fake news" amirite?

A lot better than that worthless Negro piece of shit did with the H1N1 virus where thousands of Americans died while the sonofabitch sat around working on the college basketball playoff brackets. Negros love basketball, don't they?

Umma just let that sit there and draw its flies. And close my eyes, click my shoes together and chant, "the Democrats are the racists... .the Democrats are the racists.... the Democrats are the racists.... the Democ
According to Trumpists on this board (and notwithstanding that Trump is the most imbecilic president this nation has ever had), Trump must be one dumb son of a bitch that he can be manipulated into declaring a national emergency by the media then have his VP go on national TV to warn us of the danger of the coronavirus.

Trumpist have to be the biggest pussies this nation has ever seen. They bitch and whine about sports. They write threads about ammo and panic.

The intrepid are those that are willing to take action for the greater good.

Pathetic losers are those that just whine and bitch.

Like President, like supporters.

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump has been very aggressive in dealing with this crisis. He is doing a great job. You would know that if you weren't afflicted with the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

A lot better than that worthless Negro piece of shit did with the H1N1 virus where thousands of Americans died while the sonofabitch sat around working on the college basketball playoff brackets. Negros love basketball, don't they?

Notice that the big outbreaks are in the Democrat controlled shitholes of this nation.

God forbid that the Democrats were in total control of the government. There would be 50,000 dead already. Of course the economy would have been in the shits before the Pandemic started.

Hey fool. Trump FLEW the virus into California, and turned it lose there with his careless re-patriation of the Americans on the cruise ship held off the Japanese coast. He flew the sick home on the same plane as those with no symptoms, and then had DHS staff without protect equipment process their paperwork on landing. The DHS staff interacted with both the sick and the well, and then returned home to the local communities - where they then started spreading the virus.

The CDC warned against this repatriation protcol, and as is so common with the Trump Administration, the CDC concerns were dismissed because somebody on that cruise ship call their Republican Congressman and complained about the treatment, and well, elections.

Trump owns this mess. Canada started working on a response in December when the warnings were first issued. The USA started 2 weeks ago. The Administration's first action was to bar travellers from China. That was at the end of January - 2 months after the rest of the world realized there was a problem.
Goddamn that asshole Bernie is preaching using the government to steal money to give to the welfare queens and that idiot Creepy Joe doesn't have the courage to really challenge him on it.

If you are poor then earn more money. Using the government to steal money from those that did earn it is absolutely despicable.
You can thank the Democrat/Commie Establishment for killing sports in America.
You are as dumb as a doorknob.

7:40 am: CDC recommends cancellation of events with 50 or more people
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that it is urging organizers to cancel or postpone in-person events with 50 people or more in attendance throughout the United States. “Events of any size should only be continued if they can be carried out with adherence to guidelines for protecting vulnerable populations, hand hygiene, and social distancing,” the CDC said in a statement. “When feasible, organizers could modify events to be virtual.” There are at least 3,244 confirmed cases in the U.S., according to Johns Hopkins University. — Dawn Kopecki
Coronavirus live updates: Death toll in Italy jumps, CDC recommends canceling events with 50 or more

You can thank the Democrat/Commie Establishment for killing sports in America.

  • XFL season cancelled
  • March Madness cancelled
  • NBA season cancelled
  • MLB season opening pushed back
  • Summer Olympics may not happen
  • Masters Tournament pushed back past April
  • NFL Draft will be held, but not in front of a crowd

You can thank these stupid evil Democrats for playing politics with a crisis and blowing it way out of proportion. Democrats will still hold rallies of under 250 people.....the magic number seems to less than 250. So 250 you can get infected...but infection.

Last year it was impeachment. That didn't work. So now it's a flu pandemic.....and the libs are freaking out and causing mass panic in Washington State. I'm just wondering what comes next. How much longer are they going to let the media cause widespread fear and panic and let us have some sports. Good thing I anticipated this crap and cancelled my sports package after the Super Bowl. We knew about this virus spreading in December but at least the Dems waited till after the Super Bowl was played.


One silver-lining in all of this.....Walmart and every other store has experienced massive sales from idiots hording supplies. Cleaning products are scarce....and toilet paper is nonexistent. But there's still plenty of alcohol and mixers to make it through the big American Flu Scare. Just make sure you wash your hands every 15 mins and you'll be good. Strange....I don't remember that being the solution for the Andromeda Strain.

Hopefully they can find suppliers that don't involve products from China....because I think China doesn't have our best interests in mind at all.

Might wanna essplain to the class how "Democrats" control the NBA, MLB and the Olympics.

Might also wanna essplain what the fuck "XFL" is.

Might wanna further essplain who gives a fuck about college basketball just because it's advertised. Do everything advertisers tell ya?

Then you might wanna essplain what the "Masters Tournament" and "NFL Draft" are doing under the heading of "Sports".

Hilarious thread.

The colleges jumped at the notion of cancelling all their winter and spring sports. They could have played the NCAA Basketball tournament
behind locked doors, but then they would have been required to play women's basketball. Spring and Winter, except for Basketball
and a very few baseball teams lose money for the colleges. OTOH...they make the majority of their money off of football, and everything
else is on the debit line.

Once somebody took a calculator to all of it, they shifted gears in 24 hours and cancelled all of those sports. Big money year, this year
for the NCAA.
12,000 died from flu so far this flu season. 50 people a day die from choking.

There are a total of 63 already Ill and elderly people who caught this year’s cold virus variant and died. A death rate of 1-2% and it may be a lot less than that of already sick and elderly people is no reason to panic.

Everyone with a brain knows that Evil People are trying to create a panic simply because of The Election.

Your Party has murdered 60 Million Babies, so why aren’t you yelling and screaming about that and trying to shut down Planned Parenthood?

99.7% Recovery Rate in The US. The country will be shut down because your DemNazi generated hysteria and panic, and the political pressure that has caused on The Administration.

So strategy wise, The President is going to go with The Pressure in this instance instead of against it, because this disarms the Democrats planned attack of trying to blame the virus on The President. He did the same thing when he shocked The DemNazi Left when he produced The Transcript which wrecked their 2nd attack on American Democracy.

I listen to what the experts say. And they all seem to be saying the corona virus is bad and will probably get worse. Fauci even said we should be prepared for a possible shut down of the country for a few weeks. I wasn't aware that he and the other experts were part of the Democrat's plot, but thanks for setting us all straight. Apparently Trump has even joined the Democrat's conspiracy by declaring a national emergency. We need more factual, proven information like this thread has provided.

We don't even HAVE a "Recovery Rate" yet, hey looka me boi, as there hasn't been enough fucking TIME, but if you do want to use the latest available figures our "Recovery Rate" is 1.7%. 59 recovered out of 3400 infected, do the math, and that's just the KNOWN number of infections which is constantly rising as the testing S L O W L Y catches up to cases already extant. So you were only off by a mere 98 percentage points.

The figures are all here. Prove me wrong. In whatever great big bold font you think makes you feel important. Freaking HACK.
Last edited:
12,000 died from flu so far this flu season. 50 people a day die from choking.

There are a total of 50 already Ill people who caught this year’s cold virus variant and died.

Everyone with a brain knows that Evil People are trying to create a panic simply because of The Election.

Your Party has murdered 60 Million Babies, so why aren’t you yelling and screaming about that and trying to shut down Planned Parenthood?

99.7% Recovery Rate in The US. The country will be shut down because your DemNazi generated hysteria and panic, and the political pressure that has caused on The Administration.

So strategy wise, The President is going to go with The Pressure in this instance instead of against it, because this disarms the Democrats planned attack of trying to blame the virus on The President. He did the same thing when he shocked The DemNazi Left when he produced The Transcript which wrecked their 2nd attack on American Democracy.

I listen to what the experts say. And they all seem to be saying the corona virus is bad and will probably get worse. Fauci even said we should be prepared for a possible shut down of the country for a few weeks. I wasn't aware that he and the other experts were part of the Democrat's plot, but thanks for setting us all straight. Apparently Trump has even joined the Democrat's conspiracy by declaring a national emergency. We need more factual, proven information like this thread has provided.

We don't even HAVE a "Recovery Rate" yet, hey looka me boi, as there hasn't been enough fucking TIME, but if you do want to use the latest available figures our "Recovery Rate" is 1.7%. 59 recovered out of 3400 infected, do the math, and that's just the KNOWN number of infections which is constantly rising as the testing S L O W L Y catches up to cases already extant. So you were only off by a mere 98 percentage points.

The figures are all here. Prove me wrong. In whatever great big bold font you think makes you feel important. Freaking HACK.

Actually, HEY LOOKA ME FONT-BOI, there are already 69 dead just in this country, and you have no way of knowing what ANY of their conditions were before they contracted, so that will be the first bullshit you can shove back up your ass where it came from;

Second, you can follow that with your lame-ass "Everybody Knows" fallacy, because no everybody DOESN'T know;

Thirdly I don't have a "party", so keep that ass open for thing three;

and fourth, learn how to use the quote button. You'd think a klown who's so obsessed with the hey looka me font could figure that out. You'd think. I guess you're mostly just full of yourself, aintchya.
Let me ask you a question.

Why do you delight in doing Evil deeds?

Why does it give you pleasure to lie, slander, and try to create fear in others?

Don’t you know that people who delight in doing Evil go to Hell?

This cold variant which is what it is, IS Nothing to be afraid of.

60 dead in a country of 250 Million is an acceptable number.

12,000 died from flu so far this flu season. 50 people a day die from choking.

There are a total of 50 already Ill people who caught this year’s cold virus variant and died.

Everyone with a brain knows that Evil People are trying to create a panic simply because of The Election.

Your Party has murdered 60 Million Babies, so why aren’t you yelling and screaming about that and trying to shut down Planned Parenthood?

99.7% Recovery Rate in The US. The country will be shut down because your DemNazi generated hysteria and panic, and the political pressure that has caused on The Administration.

So strategy wise, The President is going to go with The Pressure in this instance instead of against it, because this disarms the Democrats planned attack of trying to blame the virus on The President. He did the same thing when he shocked The DemNazi Left when he produced The Transcript which wrecked their 2nd attack on American Democracy.

I listen to what the experts say. And they all seem to be saying the corona virus is bad and will probably get worse. Fauci even said we should be prepared for a possible shut down of the country for a few weeks. I wasn't aware that he and the other experts were part of the Democrat's plot, but thanks for setting us all straight. Apparently Trump has even joined the Democrat's conspiracy by declaring a national emergency. We need more factual, proven information like this thread has provided.

We don't even HAVE a "Recovery Rate" yet, hey looka me boi, as there hasn't been enough fucking TIME, but if you do want to use the latest available figures our "Recovery Rate" is 1.7%. 59 recovered out of 3400 infected, do the math, and that's just the KNOWN number of infections which is constantly rising as the testing S L O W L Y catches up to cases already extant. So you were only off by a mere 98 percentage points.

The figures are all here. Prove me wrong. In whatever great big bold font you think makes you feel important. Freaking HACK.

Actually, HEY LOOKA ME FONT-BOI, there are already 69 dead just in this country, and you have no way of knowing what ANY of their conditions were before they contracted, so that will be the first bullshit you can shove back up your ass where it came from;

Second, you can follow that with your lame-ass "Everybody Knows" fallacy, because no everybody DOESN'T know;

Thirdly I don't have a "party", so keep that ass open for thing three;

and fourth, learn how to use the quote button. You'd think a klown who's so obsessed with the hey looka me font could figure that out. You'd think. I guess you're mostly just full of yourself, aintchya.
Goddamn that asshole Bernie is preaching using the government to steal money to give to the welfare queens and that idiot Creepy Joe doesn't have the courage to really challenge him on it.

If you are poor then earn more money. Using the government to steal money from those that did earn it is absolutely despicable.

There are no welfare queens. That was and is a right wing lie, to gin up hatred against black city dwellers. That you pertpetuate the lies and propaganda shows what a useful idiot you are.
You can thank the Democrat/Commie Establishment for killing sports in America.
You are as dumb as a doorknob.

7:40 am: CDC recommends cancellation of events with 50 or more people
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that it is urging organizers to cancel or postpone in-person events with 50 people or more in attendance throughout the United States. “Events of any size should only be continued if they can be carried out with adherence to guidelines for protecting vulnerable populations, hand hygiene, and social distancing,” the CDC said in a statement. “When feasible, organizers could modify events to be virtual.” There are at least 3,244 confirmed cases in the U.S., according to Johns Hopkins University. — Dawn Kopecki
Coronavirus live updates: Death toll in Italy jumps, CDC recommends canceling events with 50 or more
They're changing the numbers of people who can gather by the hour to cause more panic. They could have said no more large gatherings...but no. They wanted to make people feel that the problem is growing.

Fact: If they really felt it was a problem they would have ended large gatherings immediately.

Faux Noise used to have a set that was colored a bright sky the whole entire set background is colored a scary RED color designed to create urgency and panic.
You can thank the Democrat/Commie Establishment for killing sports in America.
You are as dumb as a doorknob.

7:40 am: CDC recommends cancellation of events with 50 or more people
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that it is urging organizers to cancel or postpone in-person events with 50 people or more in attendance throughout the United States. “Events of any size should only be continued if they can be carried out with adherence to guidelines for protecting vulnerable populations, hand hygiene, and social distancing,” the CDC said in a statement. “When feasible, organizers could modify events to be virtual.” There are at least 3,244 confirmed cases in the U.S., according to Johns Hopkins University. — Dawn Kopecki
Coronavirus live updates: Death toll in Italy jumps, CDC recommends canceling events with 50 or more
They're changing the numbers of people who can gather by the hour to cause more panic. They could have said no more large gatherings...but no. They wanted to make people feel that the problem is growing.

Fact: If they really felt it was a problem they would have ended large gatherings immediately.

Faux Noise used to have a set that was colored a bright sky the whole entire set background is colored a scary RED color designed to create urgency and panic.
Yet, it's not really growing. The DemNazi Cancel Culture is pushing canceling everything and quarantining everyone.

Here in Ohio, Whackadoodle DeWine has closed all the schools, and has closed all The Bars and Restaurants.

There are a total of 26 cases across the entire state of Ohio.

26 cases people.

In a country of 250 Million People, there are 60 deaths.

There are a LOT of pissed off bartenders, waitresses, cooks and chefs right now, and they will remember what DeWine did.

Now, I know he is a Republican, and I in some ways understand being cautious, but this is all overkill.

You are going to close all bars and restaurants? Ok what does that accomplish? Unless the ENTIRE COUNTRY is on Lock Down, you are not stopping a virus from spreading.

And I will tell you something else: This virus, which is really just another cold virus variant, has been out since January in The US. It's probably already been around the world two times. And imo, was an issue in some areas because of the uncleanliness of those cities and poor hygiene.

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