Thanks for playing Mini-Mike:

After last night debate are you still a fan of Mini-Mike Bloomberg?

  • Yes, because Sanders and Warren scare the shot out of me!

  • No, too many issues and he would also lose badly to Trump!!

  • People that eat Anchovies on their Pizza are closet Sanders voters!!!

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In the beginning, they beat the crap out of him, obviously coming prepared and planning to specifically beat the crap out of him, every one of them. Which was tactically and strategically sound planning on their part. He looked shook by the experience. Around the halfway mark he sounded better, responded better, had policy, knew and used facts better, got off the ropes, if you will. He did not do well with the women treatment thing at his company and got cornered on sticking to the use of the non-disclosure agreements. Made me wonder what the back story of that situation was. He wasn't up there to make me wonder about "me-too" bull$hit. Guess we'll find out or one of you will tell me if it is common knowledge, that I'm just unaware of. He sounded like a centrist, not a left loon. He sounded like a capitalist, unashamed at having worked hard and built from nothing. He sounded like some CEOs and COOs I have met that worked their way to the top, as opposed to having bought their way into the boardroom. I liked that. I don't know if it will work out for him, but we could do a lot worse. Two on that stage worry the hell out of me, that I might actually have to vote for them. He sounds like he might be a fiscal conservative. I like that. We shall see what we shall see, but he ain't done yet.

“sounded like”. All successful Democrats try to sound like Americans at election time.
Bloomy flushed hundreds of millions of dollars.

Shrewd. Imagine what he could have done for the homeless in Cali with that cash.

Imagine what tramp could do, if he cared about the homeless:

I'm talking about cuts to hud, homeless are everywhere.
As homelessness crisis grows, the Trump administration has made few new efforts

Just imagine where all those people would be if democratic policies hadn't put those people in the street in the first place.
In the beginning, they beat the crap out of him, obviously coming prepared and planning to specifically beat the crap out of him, every one of them. Which was tactically and strategically sound planning on their part. He looked shook by the experience. Around the halfway mark he sounded better, responded better, had policy, knew and used facts better, got off the ropes, if you will. He did not do well with the women treatment thing at his company and got cornered on sticking to the use of the non-disclosure agreements. Made me wonder what the back story of that situation was. He wasn't up there to make me wonder about "me-too" bull$hit. Guess we'll find out or one of you will tell me if it is common knowledge, that I'm just unaware of. He sounded like a centrist, not a left loon. He sounded like a capitalist, unashamed at having worked hard and built from nothing. He sounded like some CEOs and COOs I have met that worked their way to the top, as opposed to having bought their way into the boardroom. I liked that. I don't know if it will work out for him, but we could do a lot worse. Two on that stage worry the hell out of me, that I might actually have to vote for them. He sounds like he might be a fiscal conservative. I like that. We shall see what we shall see, but he ain't done yet.

“sounded like”. All successful Democrats try to sound like Americans at election time.
True. Successful Republicans also, until trump.
After last night debate it is clear Bloomberg is toast as can be and either Mayor Peter or the Crazy Communist Uncle will win the 2020 Democratic Primary!

Bloomberg poor showing will only strengthen Warren and Sanders and Him ( Mini-Mike ) and Biden will just fall out after Super Tuesday...

So enjoy four more years of Trump and I know those that believe in the Bern will point to polls, yeah and then after November they will scream Russia once again!

Why can't you Democrats run someone worth voting for?

Oh well, so thanks Mini-Mike but no thanks because we already have Trump doing what you will do...

Opinion | Michael Bloomberg’s Monumental Failure to Prepare
Except Donald is a psychotic moron.
Bloomy flushed hundreds of millions of dollars.

Shrewd. Imagine what he could have done for the homeless in Cali with that cash.

Imagine what tramp could do, if he cared about the homeless:

I'm talking about cuts to hud, homeless are everywhere.
As homelessness crisis grows, the Trump administration has made few new efforts
Imagine what California legislators should be doing in their own state.
Not what insane Donald does

you’re welcome
After last night debate it is clear Bloomberg is toast as can be and either Mayor Peter or the Crazy Communist Uncle will win the 2020 Democratic Primary!

Bloomberg poor showing will only strengthen Warren and Sanders and Him ( Mini-Mike ) and Biden will just fall out after Super Tuesday...

So enjoy four more years of Trump and I know those that believe in the Bern will point to polls, yeah and then after November they will scream Russia once again!

Why can't you Democrats run someone worth voting for?

Oh well, so thanks Mini-Mike but no thanks because we already have Trump doing what you will do...

Opinion | Michael Bloomberg’s Monumental Failure to Prepare
Except Donald is a psychotic moron.

And a goy. Right?
[QUOTE="OldLady, post: 24092272, member: 56127"
You're right--I'd forgotten Maine Democrats (it's a closed primary) chose Sanders in 2016 by a big margin over Hillary. Looking on the bright side, we only have 4 electoral votes.[/QUOTE]

The open primaries, as opposed to the closed Maine one, are interesting --- I wonder how many people actually go to the trouble to register for the "wrong" party and go in and vote for somebody they think can't possible win against Trump. I know some people SAY they do, but who knows.
Except Donald is a psychotic moron.


So a CRAZY IDIOT stole the election from them 4 years ago and has been spanking their red asses ever since!

What does that really say about the Democrats?! :auiqs.jpg:
Why can't you Democrats run someone worth voting for?
You don't think that a 78 year old self labeled socialist that wants to turn the United States into a Soviet version of Denmark is worth voting for?

I believe that people are missing the fact the Bloomberg has been angling for a brokered convention from the get go and one debate isn't going to throw that off track, in fact the clown show last night just reinforced his strategy, since it's clear nobody on that stage has the gravitas to take command of the process.

Bloomberg is the only one that has the guaranteed money to outlast anybody that might become the rational alternative to a Vladimir Ilyich Sanders nomination disaster for the Democrats; he may not make it but I don't think he can be counted out just yet, let's see what happens on "Super Tuesday".

... and in other news, Donald Trump is planning the biggest post Democrat Party Primary Debate victory party in U.S. History, since he was the clear winner out of that gaggle of buffoons on stage last night.:cool:

"Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!" -- Leonardo da Vinci
After last night debate it is clear Bloomberg is toast as can be and either Mayor Peter or the Crazy Communist Uncle will win the 2020 Democratic Primary!

Bloomberg poor showing will only strengthen Warren and Sanders and Him ( Mini-Mike ) and Biden will just fall out after Super Tuesday...

So enjoy four more years of Trump and I know those that believe in the Bern will point to polls, yeah and then after November they will scream Russia once again!

Why can't you Democrats run someone worth voting for?

Oh well, so thanks Mini-Mike but no thanks because we already have Trump doing what you will do...

Opinion | Michael Bloomberg’s Monumental Failure to Prepare

Bloomy heading to the debate

After last night debate it is clear Bloomberg is toast as can be and either Mayor Peter or the Crazy Communist Uncle will win the 2020 Democratic Primary!

Bloomberg poor showing will only strengthen Warren and Sanders and Him ( Mini-Mike ) and Biden will just fall out after Super Tuesday...

So enjoy four more years of Trump and I know those that believe in the Bern will point to polls, yeah and then after November they will scream Russia once again!

Why can't you Democrats run someone worth voting for?

Oh well, so thanks Mini-Mike but no thanks because we already have Trump doing what you will do...

Opinion | Michael Bloomberg’s Monumental Failure to Prepare
Do you really thing that debate will influence the Super Tue primaries? I don't, but I also expect Sanders will win big in CA, and that will probably seal the deal, at least in terms of his having the most delegates at the convention.
After last night debate it is clear Bloomberg is toast as can be and either Mayor Peter or the Crazy Communist Uncle will win the 2020 Democratic Primary!

Bloomberg poor showing will only strengthen Warren and Sanders and Him ( Mini-Mike ) and Biden will just fall out after Super Tuesday...

So enjoy four more years of Trump and I know those that believe in the Bern will point to polls, yeah and then after November they will scream Russia once again!

Why can't you Democrats run someone worth voting for?

Oh well, so thanks Mini-Mike but no thanks because we already have Trump doing what you will do...

Opinion | Michael Bloomberg’s Monumental Failure to Prepare
Except Donald is a psychotic moron.

Yes, but so is Bernie and yet he is going to be your nominee come November so which crazy do you live with?
I still find it funny that so many on the left don't care what the policies of the candidates are. They don't seem to care what their plans are. They don't care if they will continue the economy or crash it. They only care that it is not Trump. They could care less if the candidate has said the same racist, woman hating things that they say makes Trump unacceptable.
What it comes down to is nothing more then they hate Trump because he claims to be Republican. If he were democrat they would be defending him with every breath.

The part that worries me about all the democrat candidates is that each appears to want to bring California to the rest of the states.

That is true. Consider Virginia. They're trying precisely that here.
Bloomy flushed hundreds of millions of dollars.

Shrewd. Imagine what he could have done for the homeless in Cali with that cash.

Imagine what tramp could do, if he cared about the homeless:

I'm talking about cuts to hud, homeless are everywhere.
As homelessness crisis grows, the Trump administration has made few new efforts
Imagine what California legislators should be doing in their own state.
Not what insane Donald does

you’re welcome

Shillian, still the same ol dumb progressive, commie klunt, I see.

Tough, sad times are headed your way.

After last night debate it is clear Bloomberg is toast as can be and either Mayor Peter or the Crazy Communist Uncle will win the 2020 Democratic Primary!

Bloomberg poor showing will only strengthen Warren and Sanders and Him ( Mini-Mike ) and Biden will just fall out after Super Tuesday...

So enjoy four more years of Trump and I know those that believe in the Bern will point to polls, yeah and then after November they will scream Russia once again!

Why can't you Democrats run someone worth voting for?

Oh well, so thanks Mini-Mike but no thanks because we already have Trump doing what you will do...

Opinion | Michael Bloomberg’s Monumental Failure to Prepare
Do you really thing that debate will influence the Super Tue primaries? I don't, but I also expect Sanders will win big in CA, and that will probably seal the deal, at least in terms of his having the most delegates at the convention.
Having the "most delegates at the convention" doesn't seal the deal, having a MAJORITY of delegates does and unless things change drastically there's a very good chance that the Democratic Convention will begin with no one having a majority (i.e. brokered convention); According to the revised DNC rules, on the 2nd vote super-delegates can vote and those votes actually count.

This is the problem with proportional delegate assignment and idealism absent common sense candidates like Comrade Sanders.
I still find it funny that so many on the left don't care what the policies of the candidates are. They don't seem to care what their plans are. They don't care if they will continue the economy or crash it. They only care that it is not Trump. They could care less if the candidate has said the same racist, woman hating things that they say makes Trump unacceptable.
What it comes down to is nothing more then they hate Trump because he claims to be Republican. If he were democrat they would be defending him with every breath.

The part that worries me about all the democrat candidates is that each appears to want to bring California to the rest of the states. Where we shut off electricity. You can have sewers on the sidewalks. Where theft is nothing to worry about. Trash and needles are considered part of the environment.
The way the Iowa caucuses went shows just how well I would expect Medicare for all to be handled.
Parts of America seem to be heading head long into the European ideal of democratic socialism while Europe is slowly heading into the democratic American ideal.

If you want to see how the Government will run Universal Healthcare just look at the wonderful job they do at running the VA and expect that and worst!

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