Thanks for playing Mini-Mike:

After last night debate are you still a fan of Mini-Mike Bloomberg?

  • Yes, because Sanders and Warren scare the shot out of me!

  • No, too many issues and he would also lose badly to Trump!!

  • People that eat Anchovies on their Pizza are closet Sanders voters!!!

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The nickname "mini-Mike" doesnt even make sense for a guy who is 5'8" and for an obese orange guy to throw out insults, it is a clear example of the pot calling the kettle black
Aw, another example of progressives not being able to take what they wish out?

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After last night debate it is clear Bloomberg is toast as can be and either Mayor Peter or the Crazy Communist Uncle will win the 2020 Democratic Primary!

Bloomberg poor showing will only strengthen Warren and Sanders and Him ( Mini-Mike ) and Biden will just fall out after Super Tuesday...

So enjoy four more years of Trump and I know those that believe in the Bern will point to polls, yeah and then after November they will scream Russia once again!

Why can't you Democrats run someone worth voting for?

Oh well, so thanks Mini-Mike but no thanks because we already have Trump doing what you will do...

Opinion | Michael Bloomberg’s Monumental Failure to Prepare

I don't like Bloomberg. I don't like the DNC. I don't like the Democratic Party. I don't like quasi news people pretending to discuss shit they think people want to hear. Clearly these people want a shitfest and they got it. Again.

I thought the stop and frisk argument was shit. There wasn't a lot of time for him to respond.

You can tell when Pete enters bullshittery mode. His tone changes and the only missing ingredient is overly dramatic patriotic background music.

Pete seems a little too slick with his answers. Canned, pre-made answers to questions. He somehow seems to duck many attacks though, which allows him to keep some traction by default.

He tried to slam Klobuchar but couldn't do it.

A debate focused on criminal justice with just Pete, Klobuchar and Bloomberg without the stupidity would be interesting. Specifically because they have had to actually deal with it and secondly there are reforms that have had dramatic impacts. But, you aren't going to have that because of the dimwitted clowns hosting it and the even dumber moderators.
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