Thanks for playing Mini-Mike:

After last night debate are you still a fan of Mini-Mike Bloomberg?

  • Yes, because Sanders and Warren scare the shot out of me!

  • No, too many issues and he would also lose badly to Trump!!

  • People that eat Anchovies on their Pizza are closet Sanders voters!!!

Results are only viewable after voting.
Well yeah, but how do the dems deny Bernie the nomination if he has the most delegates at the convention without breaking the party? Even is Bernie only has 25-30% of the delegates … they'll walk on the party

Yeah and if they nominate Comrade Sanders, everybody that's not a bleary eyed, idealistic socialist is likely to "walk on the party".

No evidence of this and actually polls show him beating Trump. The same polls that showed Clinton winning by 2-3% and as of now Sanders is higher. Not saying that will last but I wouldn't be making such bold predictions in a 50/50 country.

It's setting up to be a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario for the Democrats, which is shame since it probably means that 4 more years of Donny is the best option we're going to have.

The clearest message I hear on a consistent basis is Trump has to go, that is the number 1 priority and in a way I've never seen in a previous election. In 2016 Trump was just a candidate nobody really knew what he would bring so some stayed home. Now to many he is a clear threat to democracy so much so that I'd vote for Bloomberg with a smile on my face in the general election and I can't stand that guy.
I did that in 2016; I refuse to do it again. I'll stay home if it's Bernie.

You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.
You're not gonna guilt trip me into voting for one joker over another. I think Hillary is clever and just as close to skating the line between corrupt and
Well yeah, but how do the dems deny Bernie the nomination if he has the most delegates at the convention without breaking the party? Even is Bernie only has 25-30% of the delegates … they'll walk on the party

Yeah and if they nominate Comrade Sanders, everybody that's not a bleary eyed, idealistic socialist is likely to "walk on the party".

No evidence of this and actually polls show him beating Trump. The same polls that showed Clinton winning by 2-3% and as of now Sanders is higher. Not saying that will last but I wouldn't be making such bold predictions in a 50/50 country.

It's setting up to be a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario for the Democrats, which is shame since it probably means that 4 more years of Donny is the best option we're going to have.

The clearest message I hear on a consistent basis is Trump has to go, that is the number 1 priority and in a way I've never seen in a previous election. In 2016 Trump was just a candidate nobody really knew what he would bring so some stayed home. Now to many he is a clear threat to democracy so much so that I'd vote for Bloomberg with a smile on my face in the general election and I can't stand that guy.
I did that in 2016; I refuse to do it again. I'll stay home if it's Bernie.

You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.
I'm an Independent and if the Dems want my vote again they are going to have to put up someone acceptable. I am still bitter that I felt I needed to vote for Hillary. If you had told me in 2014 that I would vote for Hillary Clinton in the Presidential election, I would have called you insane.

Not again. There are other ways to work on Climate Change than having Bernie Sanders at the helm.

For starters if Trump wins you will feel guilty and climate change is still going to happen and we will continue to go in the wrong direction. What do you think is going to come of that?

There is no evidence Clinton is as corrupt as Trump, not even close.
Do you really thing that debate will influence the Super Tue primaries? I don't, but I also expect Sanders will win big in CA, and that will probably seal the deal, at least in terms of his having the most delegates at the convention.
Having the "most delegates at the convention" doesn't seal the deal, having a MAJORITY of delegates does and unless things change drastically there's a very good chance that the Democratic Convention will begin with no one having a majority (i.e. brokered convention); According to the revised DNC rules, on the 2nd vote super-delegates can vote and those votes actually count.

This is the problem with proportional delegate assignment and idealism absent common sense candidates like Comrade Sanders.
Well yeah, but how do the dems deny Bernie the nomination if he has the most delegates at the convention without breaking the party? Even is Bernie only has 25-30% of the delegates … they'll walk on the party

Yeah and if they nominate Comrade Sanders, everybody that's not a bleary eyed, idealistic socialist is likely to "walk on the party".

No evidence of this and actually polls show him beating Trump. The same polls that showed Clinton winning by 2-3% and as of now Sanders is higher. Not saying that will last but I wouldn't be making such bold predictions in a 50/50 country.

It's setting up to be a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario for the Democrats, which is shame since it probably means that 4 more years of Donny is the best option we're going to have.

The clearest message I hear on a consistent basis is Trump has to go, that is the number 1 priority and in a way I've never seen in a previous election. In 2016 Trump was just a candidate nobody really knew what he would bring so some stayed home. Now to many he is a clear threat to democracy so much so that I'd vote for Bloomberg with a smile on my face in the general election and I can't stand that guy.
I did that in 2016; I refuse to do it again. I'll stay home if it's Bernie.
the worst part of Bernie is that I could be drug tested at any time by my employer, so I can't take the train up to Chi this weekend to buy some weed.
Yeah and if they nominate Comrade Sanders, everybody that's not a bleary eyed, idealistic socialist is likely to "walk on the party".

No evidence of this and actually polls show him beating Trump. The same polls that showed Clinton winning by 2-3% and as of now Sanders is higher. Not saying that will last but I wouldn't be making such bold predictions in a 50/50 country.

It's setting up to be a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario for the Democrats, which is shame since it probably means that 4 more years of Donny is the best option we're going to have.

The clearest message I hear on a consistent basis is Trump has to go, that is the number 1 priority and in a way I've never seen in a previous election. In 2016 Trump was just a candidate nobody really knew what he would bring so some stayed home. Now to many he is a clear threat to democracy so much so that I'd vote for Bloomberg with a smile on my face in the general election and I can't stand that guy.
I did that in 2016; I refuse to do it again. I'll stay home if it's Bernie.

You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.
You're not gonna guilt trip me into voting for one joker over another. I think Hillary is clever and just as close to skating the line between corrupt and
Yeah and if they nominate Comrade Sanders, everybody that's not a bleary eyed, idealistic socialist is likely to "walk on the party".

No evidence of this and actually polls show him beating Trump. The same polls that showed Clinton winning by 2-3% and as of now Sanders is higher. Not saying that will last but I wouldn't be making such bold predictions in a 50/50 country.

It's setting up to be a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario for the Democrats, which is shame since it probably means that 4 more years of Donny is the best option we're going to have.

The clearest message I hear on a consistent basis is Trump has to go, that is the number 1 priority and in a way I've never seen in a previous election. In 2016 Trump was just a candidate nobody really knew what he would bring so some stayed home. Now to many he is a clear threat to democracy so much so that I'd vote for Bloomberg with a smile on my face in the general election and I can't stand that guy.
I did that in 2016; I refuse to do it again. I'll stay home if it's Bernie.

You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.
I'm an Independent and if the Dems want my vote again they are going to have to put up someone acceptable. I am still bitter that I felt I needed to vote for Hillary. If you had told me in 2014 that I would vote for Hillary Clinton in the Presidential election, I would have called you insane.

Not again. There are other ways to work on Climate Change than having Bernie Sanders at the helm.

For starters if Trump wins you will feel guilty and climate change is still going to happen and we will continue to go in the wrong direction. What do you think is going to come of that?

There is no evidence Clinton is as corrupt as Trump, not even close.

But Bernie could try executive power to shut down all kinds of activity figuring he'd only hurt "the bosses."
No evidence of this and actually polls show him beating Trump. The same polls that showed Clinton winning by 2-3% and as of now Sanders is higher. Not saying that will last but I wouldn't be making such bold predictions in a 50/50 country.

The clearest message I hear on a consistent basis is Trump has to go, that is the number 1 priority and in a way I've never seen in a previous election. In 2016 Trump was just a candidate nobody really knew what he would bring so some stayed home. Now to many he is a clear threat to democracy so much so that I'd vote for Bloomberg with a smile on my face in the general election and I can't stand that guy.
I did that in 2016; I refuse to do it again. I'll stay home if it's Bernie.

You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.
You're not gonna guilt trip me into voting for one joker over another. I think Hillary is clever and just as close to skating the line between corrupt and
No evidence of this and actually polls show him beating Trump. The same polls that showed Clinton winning by 2-3% and as of now Sanders is higher. Not saying that will last but I wouldn't be making such bold predictions in a 50/50 country.

The clearest message I hear on a consistent basis is Trump has to go, that is the number 1 priority and in a way I've never seen in a previous election. In 2016 Trump was just a candidate nobody really knew what he would bring so some stayed home. Now to many he is a clear threat to democracy so much so that I'd vote for Bloomberg with a smile on my face in the general election and I can't stand that guy.
I did that in 2016; I refuse to do it again. I'll stay home if it's Bernie.

You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.
I'm an Independent and if the Dems want my vote again they are going to have to put up someone acceptable. I am still bitter that I felt I needed to vote for Hillary. If you had told me in 2014 that I would vote for Hillary Clinton in the Presidential election, I would have called you insane.

Not again. There are other ways to work on Climate Change than having Bernie Sanders at the helm.

For starters if Trump wins you will feel guilty and climate change is still going to happen and we will continue to go in the wrong direction. What do you think is going to come of that?

There is no evidence Clinton is as corrupt as Trump, not even close.

But Bernie could try executive power to shut down all kinds of activity figuring he'd only hurt "the bosses."

Has he stated as such? By that standard anyone could do anything.

Some people still respect the rule of law and some people are Donald Trump.
I did that in 2016; I refuse to do it again. I'll stay home if it's Bernie.

You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.
You're not gonna guilt trip me into voting for one joker over another. I think Hillary is clever and just as close to skating the line between corrupt and
I did that in 2016; I refuse to do it again. I'll stay home if it's Bernie.

You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.
I'm an Independent and if the Dems want my vote again they are going to have to put up someone acceptable. I am still bitter that I felt I needed to vote for Hillary. If you had told me in 2014 that I would vote for Hillary Clinton in the Presidential election, I would have called you insane.

Not again. There are other ways to work on Climate Change than having Bernie Sanders at the helm.

For starters if Trump wins you will feel guilty and climate change is still going to happen and we will continue to go in the wrong direction. What do you think is going to come of that?

There is no evidence Clinton is as corrupt as Trump, not even close.

But Bernie could try executive power to shut down all kinds of activity figuring he'd only hurt "the bosses."

Has he stated as such? By that standard anyone could do anything.

Some people still respect the rule of law and some people are Donald Trump.

Well, post-Trump what's off the table? I mean the Gop supreme court could say the dem potus cannot use emergency powers to move money from defense to pay for healthcare …. but JFK used emergency powers to make workers go off strike.
You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.
You're not gonna guilt trip me into voting for one joker over another. I think Hillary is clever and just as close to skating the line between corrupt and
You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.
I'm an Independent and if the Dems want my vote again they are going to have to put up someone acceptable. I am still bitter that I felt I needed to vote for Hillary. If you had told me in 2014 that I would vote for Hillary Clinton in the Presidential election, I would have called you insane.

Not again. There are other ways to work on Climate Change than having Bernie Sanders at the helm.

For starters if Trump wins you will feel guilty and climate change is still going to happen and we will continue to go in the wrong direction. What do you think is going to come of that?

There is no evidence Clinton is as corrupt as Trump, not even close.

But Bernie could try executive power to shut down all kinds of activity figuring he'd only hurt "the bosses."

Has he stated as such? By that standard anyone could do anything.

Some people still respect the rule of law and some people are Donald Trump.

Well, post-Trump what's off the table? I mean the Gop supreme court could say the dem potus cannot use emergency powers to move money from defense to pay for healthcare …. but JFK used emergency powers to make workers go off strike.

Then shouldn't you say post-JFK? You tell me, how'd it work out up until Trump?

Seriously, enjoy the flames. Or the complete tipping over of the Supreme Court or Trump in a post Trump era, right? I mean let's not forget that it's Trump.
Having the "most delegates at the convention" doesn't seal the deal, having a MAJORITY of delegates does and unless things change drastically there's a very good chance that the Democratic Convention will begin with no one having a majority (i.e. brokered convention); According to the revised DNC rules, on the 2nd vote super-delegates can vote and those votes actually count.

This is the problem with proportional delegate assignment and idealism absent common sense candidates like Comrade Sanders.
Well yeah, but how do the dems deny Bernie the nomination if he has the most delegates at the convention without breaking the party? Even is Bernie only has 25-30% of the delegates … they'll walk on the party

Yeah and if they nominate Comrade Sanders, everybody that's not a bleary eyed, idealistic socialist is likely to "walk on the party".

No evidence of this and actually polls show him beating Trump. The same polls that showed Clinton winning by 2-3% and as of now Sanders is higher. Not saying that will last but I wouldn't be making such bold predictions in a 50/50 country.
Doesn't mean anything since the campaign for the general election hasn't even begun (which means that most of the electorate knows little to nothing about Sanders), if he's the nominee the Trumpkins will have a field day with him and his radical left wing "ideas", who in their right mind thinks that "Democratic Socialism 'cause Denmark!" delivered by a flipped out 78 year old RADICAL is a winning combination for a general election? it is only if a majority of the American Electorate has gone completely fucking insane.

I think if there is one thing Americans know about Sanders is that he is a Democratic Socialist, he's old as fuck, had a heart attack and is for Medicare for all. Trump has already pretty much called him a Socialist and Communist and he's still losing to him in the polls. That said I don't know how it's going to work out. What I do know is that the number one priority of most Democrats in a way I've never seen before is to just win, regardless of who the eventual nominee is.
Most Americans don't have any idea what "Democratic Socialist" really means, they will after the Trumplodyte Campaign puts up a commercial with Sanders and Hugo Chavez circa 1998 side by side making the exact same arguments and promises then cut to Venezula circa 2010's...'nuff said.

Trump is a grade A, pompous asshole but at the end of the day was never a radical and if things hold he's going to get credit for a sound economy, Bernie's platform is RADICAL and probably fairly repugnant to those that grew up during the cold war. I'm guessing that when the forces of American Capitalism (including the crony variety) turns its guns on ole' Bernie there will be nothing left but a smoking crater and a bunch of dreamy eyed, idealistic 20 somethings that never bothered to show up at the voting booths anyways.

HappyJoy said:
No. It's not the same as 2004. Sure there is that sentiment always when trying to win against an unpopular incumbent but to where the absolute priority is to win regardless of who your own nominee is I haven't seen like this before. Is it enough? I don't know, hope so.

So says you but we'll see... That is if Sanders makes it past the Democrat Party Establishment with visions of McGovern '72 dancing in its head.
Well yeah, but how do the dems deny Bernie the nomination if he has the most delegates at the convention without breaking the party? Even is Bernie only has 25-30% of the delegates … they'll walk on the party

Yeah and if they nominate Comrade Sanders, everybody that's not a bleary eyed, idealistic socialist is likely to "walk on the party".

No evidence of this and actually polls show him beating Trump. The same polls that showed Clinton winning by 2-3% and as of now Sanders is higher. Not saying that will last but I wouldn't be making such bold predictions in a 50/50 country.
Doesn't mean anything since the campaign for the general election hasn't even begun (which means that most of the electorate knows little to nothing about Sanders), if he's the nominee the Trumpkins will have a field day with him and his radical left wing "ideas", who in their right mind thinks that "Democratic Socialism 'cause Denmark!" delivered by a flipped out 78 year old RADICAL is a winning combination for a general election? it is only if a majority of the American Electorate has gone completely fucking insane.

I think if there is one thing Americans know about Sanders is that he is a Democratic Socialist, he's old as fuck, had a heart attack and is for Medicare for all. Trump has already pretty much called him a Socialist and Communist and he's still losing to him in the polls. That said I don't know how it's going to work out. What I do know is that the number one priority of most Democrats in a way I've never seen before is to just win, regardless of who the eventual nominee is.
Most Americans don't have any idea what "Democratic Socialist" really means, they will after the Trumplodyte Campaign puts up a commercial with Sanders and Hugo Chavez circa 1998 side by side making the exact same arguments and promises then cut to Venezula circa 2010's...'nuff said.

Trump is a grade A, pompous asshole but at the end of the day was never a radical and if things hold he's going to get credit for a sound economy, Bernie's platform is RADICAL and probably fairly repugnant to those that grew up during the cold war. I'm guessing that when the forces of American Capitalism (including the crony variety) turns its guns on ole' Bernie there will be nothing left but a smoking crater and a bunch of dreamy eyed, idealistic 20 somethings that never bothered to show up at the voting booths anyways.

HappyJoy said:
No. It's not the same as 2004. Sure there is that sentiment always when trying to win against an unpopular incumbent but to where the absolute priority is to win regardless of who your own nominee is I haven't seen like this before. Is it enough? I don't know, hope so.

So says you but we'll see... That is if Sanders makes it past the Democrat Party Establishment with visions of McGovern '72 dancing in its head.
The Bernie Supporters are to the left of John Lennon (RIP)
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Well yeah, but how do the dems deny Bernie the nomination if he has the most delegates at the convention without breaking the party? Even is Bernie only has 25-30% of the delegates … they'll walk on the party

Yeah and if they nominate Comrade Sanders, everybody that's not a bleary eyed, idealistic socialist is likely to "walk on the party".

No evidence of this and actually polls show him beating Trump. The same polls that showed Clinton winning by 2-3% and as of now Sanders is higher. Not saying that will last but I wouldn't be making such bold predictions in a 50/50 country.
Doesn't mean anything since the campaign for the general election hasn't even begun (which means that most of the electorate knows little to nothing about Sanders), if he's the nominee the Trumpkins will have a field day with him and his radical left wing "ideas", who in their right mind thinks that "Democratic Socialism 'cause Denmark!" delivered by a flipped out 78 year old RADICAL is a winning combination for a general election? it is only if a majority of the American Electorate has gone completely fucking insane.

I think if there is one thing Americans know about Sanders is that he is a Democratic Socialist, he's old as fuck, had a heart attack and is for Medicare for all. Trump has already pretty much called him a Socialist and Communist and he's still losing to him in the polls. That said I don't know how it's going to work out. What I do know is that the number one priority of most Democrats in a way I've never seen before is to just win, regardless of who the eventual nominee is.
Most Americans don't have any idea what "Democratic Socialist" really means, they will after the Trumplodyte Campaign puts up a commercial with Sanders and Hugo Chavez circa 1998 side by side making the exact same arguments and promises then cut to Venezula circa 2010's...'nuff said.

They either equate it to European style democratic socialism (which is what it is) or something like you think it is such as communism. After that he's still leading Trump in the polls during good economic times.

Trump is a grade A, pompous asshole but at the end of the day was never a radical and if things hold he's going to get credit for a sound economy, Bernie's platform is RADICAL and probably fairly repugnant to those that grew up during the cold war. I'm guessing that when the forces of American Capitalism (including the crony variety) turns its guns on ole' Bernie there will be nothing left but a smoking crater and a bunch of dreamy eyed, idealistic 20 somethings that never bothered to show up at the voting booths anyways.

HappyJoy said:
No. It's not the same as 2004. Sure there is that sentiment always when trying to win against an unpopular incumbent but to where the absolute priority is to win regardless of who your own nominee is I haven't seen like this before. Is it enough? I don't know, hope so.

So says you but we'll see... That is if Sanders makes it past the Democrat Party Establishment with visions of McGovern '72 dancing in its head.

I personally hope he isn't the nominee but if he is just like with Bloomberg I will vote for him with a smile on my face.
Anyone that believe Bernie Sanders is the answer just need to realize he is not the answer but a question why has America gone that insane?

Bloomberg to me is the only one that can actually take Trump on and produce results down ticket, but as Bernie and Warren pointed out Bloomberg is one of those evil Billionaires...

Funny how Bloomberg is now evil when he is challenging the Progressive to Communist part of the Democratic Party but was not evil when they were cashing his checks in 2018!

Fact is Bloomberg has created more jobs, tax revenue and so on than Sanders and Warren combined and yet Bloomberg is the evil one because he ( Bloomberg ) did not make his money off the taxpayer dollar...

So for those that think Sanders is the best choice, well I have another thread where I stated my opinion of that!
Warren is a distant longshot. The odds makers give her the same chance of winning the nomination as Clinton has.

Warren isn't the only one running and while she dunked on Bloomberg the most she by far wasn't the only one.
True, but she isn't polling well at this point in her campaign. She will continue to do well in the debates, but even before Bloomberg entered the race, her support was dropping off.

We'll have to see. I'm not really sure what your point is I didn't specifically reference Warren. Bloomberg clearly is unable to defend himself.
I'm still shocked that average Democrats haven't started a revolt against a clearly corrupt DNC
If I was a Democrat I would be furious that they changed the rules for his money.

Yeah, it sucks. Not nearly as corrupt as not allowing witnesses in an impeachment trial though. It looks as though the candidates will take care of Bloomberg so it doesn't matter much. Who's watching over Trump?
13 witnesses and over 2800 documents submitted.

Get a new lie, that one won’t fly.
White 6, why in the f@ck would you consider voting for any of those "democrat" wack jobs? Mini Mike is the only one who actually had some common sense a decade ago. It is really unfortunate he is not Mayor of NYC now. Stop and frisk would definitely curtail the savage assaults so common in NYC under Big Bird De Blasio since the savages no the police are told to stand down.

Let's assume they had average intelligence, which none of them have - that is not to say they are not clever - Sleepy Joe, Mini Mike, Fauxchahantix, Crazy Bernie - made millions being clever scam artists, but just looking at them and visualizing them on the world stage is ridiculous. They are all ugly and short. Not to put down ugly short people, but evolution demands good looking, tall people as leaders. Simple biology.

That sounds kind of shallow. I have no choice but to vote against trump. I am a retired cold warrior. I believe in NATO. I am anti-Russia. trump is pro-Russia. I am not impressed with "We will have all the best people". He fired or ran off anyone who was worth a sh^t. He put people in charge of cabinet positions that were the antithesis of people to support the work those or departments do, especially on environmental, agriculture, and education. He is now hiring a director of national intelligence with "Zero" experience in national intelligence to coordinate the work of those many intelligence departments. He and I rarely agree on military matters, from troop deployments, stupid troop withdrawals, robbing the military to build a wall he promised would be freely built by Mexico (knew that was a lie from the beginning), his support of totalitarian regimes and leaders. His tax policy did not hurt me any, but is horrible for the continued deficit spending. He is on track to make Obama accumulated deficits (incurred getting us out of the previous administration crashing the economy) look good. He has a strong tendency to double down on stupid when he speaks without thinking. Remember his hurricane forecast debacle? He is a supreme liar and propagandists, and I resent propaganda, as it insults basic intelligence and was I taught to despise liars through good upbringing and values. He has no self control, as witnessed by his constant asinine tweets. He has poor judgement about when to speak and when to keep his mouth shut, a really poor trait in a leader. I am not a trade war supporter. He is and can be because the family farmers are paying the price for it as he screws up their markets. He acts like a crook, associates with liars and crooks. He is (in my opinion), un-American and does not support the constitution upon which our republic stands. I thought he would grow into the job. He did not. He thinks it is all for him and acts to make it all for him. The presidency of the the United States was never meant to be operated in his self serving manor. Therefore I will vote for somebody else, hopefully closer to center left, but if I have to, I will even pull the Bernie or Lizzy lever to do my part to hopefully get this jerk out of that office.

Then you will get what you deserve.


Wow, such a strong rebuke. :21:

He summed up quite well all that has gone of the rails in the Trump administration that is important to him and you come back with you get what you deserve? Did you not read his post?

Sure, I read it. Simply stating that if he is unhappy with the way things are now, he is really gonna be unhappy if things turn out the way he wants them to.

White 6, why in the f@ck would you consider voting for any of those "democrat" wack jobs? Mini Mike is the only one who actually had some common sense a decade ago. It is really unfortunate he is not Mayor of NYC now. Stop and frisk would definitely curtail the savage assaults so common in NYC under Big Bird De Blasio since the savages no the police are told to stand down.

Let's assume they had average intelligence, which none of them have - that is not to say they are not clever - Sleepy Joe, Mini Mike, Fauxchahantix, Crazy Bernie - made millions being clever scam artists, but just looking at them and visualizing them on the world stage is ridiculous. They are all ugly and short. Not to put down ugly short people, but evolution demands good looking, tall people as leaders. Simple biology.

That sounds kind of shallow. I have no choice but to vote against trump. I am a retired cold warrior. I believe in NATO. I am anti-Russia. trump is pro-Russia. I am not impressed with "We will have all the best people". He fired or ran off anyone who was worth a sh^t. He put people in charge of cabinet positions that were the antithesis of people to support the work those or departments do, especially on environmental, agriculture, and education. He is now hiring a director of national intelligence with "Zero" experience in national intelligence to coordinate the work of those many intelligence departments. He and I rarely agree on military matters, from troop deployments, stupid troop withdrawals, robbing the military to build a wall he promised would be freely built by Mexico (knew that was a lie from the beginning), his support of totalitarian regimes and leaders. His tax policy did not hurt me any, but is horrible for the continued deficit spending. He is on track to make Obama accumulated deficits (incurred getting us out of the previous administration crashing the economy) look good. He has a strong tendency to double down on stupid when he speaks without thinking. Remember his hurricane forecast debacle? He is a supreme liar and propagandists, and I resent propaganda, as it insults basic intelligence and was I taught to despise liars through good upbringing and values. He has no self control, as witnessed by his constant asinine tweets. He has poor judgement about when to speak and when to keep his mouth shut, a really poor trait in a leader. I am not a trade war supporter. He is and can be because the family farmers are paying the price for it as he screws up their markets. He acts like a crook, associates with liars and crooks. He is (in my opinion), un-American and does not support the constitution upon which our republic stands. I thought he would grow into the job. He did not. He thinks it is all for him and acts to make it all for him. The presidency of the the United States was never meant to be operated in his self serving manor. Therefore I will vote for somebody else, hopefully closer to center left, but if I have to, I will even pull the Bernie or Lizzy lever to do my part to hopefully get this jerk out of that office.

Then you will get what you deserve.

Hope so, but it is certainly not "in the bag". I hope you get what you think you deserve.

So far, I am very happy with Trump as president.

White 6, why in the f@ck would you consider voting for any of those "democrat" wack jobs? Mini Mike is the only one who actually had some common sense a decade ago. It is really unfortunate he is not Mayor of NYC now. Stop and frisk would definitely curtail the savage assaults so common in NYC under Big Bird De Blasio since the savages no the police are told to stand down.

Let's assume they had average intelligence, which none of them have - that is not to say they are not clever - Sleepy Joe, Mini Mike, Fauxchahantix, Crazy Bernie - made millions being clever scam artists, but just looking at them and visualizing them on the world stage is ridiculous. They are all ugly and short. Not to put down ugly short people, but evolution demands good looking, tall people as leaders. Simple biology.

That sounds kind of shallow. I have no choice but to vote against trump. I am a retired cold warrior. I believe in NATO. I am anti-Russia. trump is pro-Russia. I am not impressed with "We will have all the best people". He fired or ran off anyone who was worth a sh^t. He put people in charge of cabinet positions that were the antithesis of people to support the work those or departments do, especially on environmental, agriculture, and education. He is now hiring a director of national intelligence with "Zero" experience in national intelligence to coordinate the work of those many intelligence departments. He and I rarely agree on military matters, from troop deployments, stupid troop withdrawals, robbing the military to build a wall he promised would be freely built by Mexico (knew that was a lie from the beginning), his support of totalitarian regimes and leaders. His tax policy did not hurt me any, but is horrible for the continued deficit spending. He is on track to make Obama accumulated deficits (incurred getting us out of the previous administration crashing the economy) look good. He has a strong tendency to double down on stupid when he speaks without thinking. Remember his hurricane forecast debacle? He is a supreme liar and propagandists, and I resent propaganda, as it insults basic intelligence and was I taught to despise liars through good upbringing and values. He has no self control, as witnessed by his constant asinine tweets. He has poor judgement about when to speak and when to keep his mouth shut, a really poor trait in a leader. I am not a trade war supporter. He is and can be because the family farmers are paying the price for it as he screws up their markets. He acts like a crook, associates with liars and crooks. He is (in my opinion), un-American and does not support the constitution upon which our republic stands. I thought he would grow into the job. He did not. He thinks it is all for him and acts to make it all for him. The presidency of the the United States was never meant to be operated in his self serving manor. Therefore I will vote for somebody else, hopefully closer to center left, but if I have to, I will even pull the Bernie or Lizzy lever to do my part to hopefully get this jerk out of that office.

Then you will get what you deserve.


Wow, such a strong rebuke. :21:

He summed up quite well all that has gone of the rails in the Trump administration that is important to him and you come back with you get what you deserve? Did you not read his post?

Sure, I read it. Simply stating that if he is unhappy with the way things are now, he is really gonna be unhappy if things turn out the way he wants them to.


Yep, some people can't tolerate corruption and incompetence and then other people are you.
White 6, why in the f@ck would you consider voting for any of those "democrat" wack jobs? Mini Mike is the only one who actually had some common sense a decade ago. It is really unfortunate he is not Mayor of NYC now. Stop and frisk would definitely curtail the savage assaults so common in NYC under Big Bird De Blasio since the savages no the police are told to stand down.

Let's assume they had average intelligence, which none of them have - that is not to say they are not clever - Sleepy Joe, Mini Mike, Fauxchahantix, Crazy Bernie - made millions being clever scam artists, but just looking at them and visualizing them on the world stage is ridiculous. They are all ugly and short. Not to put down ugly short people, but evolution demands good looking, tall people as leaders. Simple biology.

That sounds kind of shallow. I have no choice but to vote against trump. I am a retired cold warrior. I believe in NATO. I am anti-Russia. trump is pro-Russia. I am not impressed with "We will have all the best people". He fired or ran off anyone who was worth a sh^t. He put people in charge of cabinet positions that were the antithesis of people to support the work those or departments do, especially on environmental, agriculture, and education. He is now hiring a director of national intelligence with "Zero" experience in national intelligence to coordinate the work of those many intelligence departments. He and I rarely agree on military matters, from troop deployments, stupid troop withdrawals, robbing the military to build a wall he promised would be freely built by Mexico (knew that was a lie from the beginning), his support of totalitarian regimes and leaders. His tax policy did not hurt me any, but is horrible for the continued deficit spending. He is on track to make Obama accumulated deficits (incurred getting us out of the previous administration crashing the economy) look good. He has a strong tendency to double down on stupid when he speaks without thinking. Remember his hurricane forecast debacle? He is a supreme liar and propagandists, and I resent propaganda, as it insults basic intelligence and was I taught to despise liars through good upbringing and values. He has no self control, as witnessed by his constant asinine tweets. He has poor judgement about when to speak and when to keep his mouth shut, a really poor trait in a leader. I am not a trade war supporter. He is and can be because the family farmers are paying the price for it as he screws up their markets. He acts like a crook, associates with liars and crooks. He is (in my opinion), un-American and does not support the constitution upon which our republic stands. I thought he would grow into the job. He did not. He thinks it is all for him and acts to make it all for him. The presidency of the the United States was never meant to be operated in his self serving manor. Therefore I will vote for somebody else, hopefully closer to center left, but if I have to, I will even pull the Bernie or Lizzy lever to do my part to hopefully get this jerk out of that office.

Then you will get what you deserve.


Wow, such a strong rebuke. :21:

He summed up quite well all that has gone of the rails in the Trump administration that is important to him and you come back with you get what you deserve? Did you not read his post?

Sure, I read it. Simply stating that if he is unhappy with the way things are now, he is really gonna be unhappy if things turn out the way he wants them to.


Yep, some people can't tolerate corruption and incompetence and then other people are you.

If the current situation is our country is caused by incompetence, please, give us more.


You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.

You are confused.

We have always had climate change on earth. Especially warming since the end of the last Ice Age. However this silly shit about man made global warming is nothing more than a Environmental Wacko scam that you stupid Moon Bats fall for every time.

This Green New Deal economic destruction that these idiot Democrat clowns support will kill many more people than any climate change.

You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.

You are confused.

We have always had climate change on earth. Especially warming since the end of the last Ice Age. However this silly shit about man made global warming is nothing more than a Environmental Wacko scam that you stupid Moon Bats fall for every time.

This Green New Deal economic destruction that these idiot Democrat clowns support will kill many more people than any climate change.

I'm not here to debate climate change to a dolt.
When you see those Libtard clowns at the debate last night you understand how low the Democrat Party has fallen.

You did what in 2016?

You really think Sanders is worse than Trump? Do you care at all about climate change or do you want to continue to pretend we still have time? Get over yourself.

You are confused.

We have always had climate change on earth. Especially warming since the end of the last Ice Age. However this silly shit about man made global warming is nothing more than a Environmental Wacko scam that you stupid Moon Bats fall for every time.

This Green New Deal economic destruction that these idiot Democrat clowns support will kill many more people than any climate change.

I'm not here to debate climate change to a dolt.

I am not heart to listen to the climate change bullshit from an uneducated low information Moon Bat.
After last night debate it is clear Bloomberg is toast as can be and either Mayor Peter or the Crazy Communist Uncle will win the 2020 Democratic Primary!

Bloomberg poor showing will only strengthen Warren and Sanders and Him ( Mini-Mike ) and Biden will just fall out after Super Tuesday...

So enjoy four more years of Trump and I know those that believe in the Bern will point to polls, yeah and then after November they will scream Russia once again!

Why can't you Democrats run someone worth voting for?

Oh well, so thanks Mini-Mike but no thanks because we already have Trump doing what you will do...

Opinion | Michael Bloomberg’s Monumental Failure to Prepare

The best one they had was Gabbard but they won't let her in. So the 'show' will go on as a repeat of 16, and they deserve it

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