Thanks Obama- Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 38 Straight Months

46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?

No, we're not ready to go full blown secular progressive (read communist) yet


Gotta love conservatives

They gloat because their policies hold down wages and leave people no alternative but to get government assistance to feed their families

Now, lets examine what conservatives want to do about 46 million people on foodstamps. Rather than initiate programs to help people make more money so they don't need foodstamps......Just kick them off
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.
Those low wages benefit
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.
How about paying decent wages?
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?

No, we're not ready to go full blown secular progressive (read communist) yet


Gotta love conservatives

They gloat because their policies hold down wages and leave people no alternative but to get government assistance to feed their families

Now, lets examine what conservatives want to do about 46 million people on foodstamps. Rather than initiate programs to help people make more money so they don't need foodstamps......Just kick them off

That's because our society is a give me, give me now.. type

Parents are putting the cart ahead of the horse. I recommend they do a risk analysis on probability vs consequence. Research your job options or better understand your current job position. Is what I have to offer warrant enough compensation to support my family plans? If I don't have the budget for a new house or car, guess what? I don't buy it

And maybe a box of trojans will have to suffice instead

Those low wages benefit
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.
How about paying decent wages?
How about get an education so you can earn a decent wage.
Those low wages benefit
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.
How about paying decent wages?
How about get an education so you can earn a decent wage.

And don't ask me to pay for it ether

Wouldn't you rather these people got a job building infrastructure, advancing our science edge or creating new r&d???
A new New Deal would be great. Just what the country needs. Eighty years after the New Deal and we are still reaping benefits and profiting from many of those projects.
You mean those shovel ready jobs?
Believe it or not, those shovel ready jobs are out there. Many of the New Deal projects that have served us for all those decades are in need of repair. Here is a list of projects for browsing from state to state.
Wouldn't you rather these people got a job building infrastructure, advancing our science edge or creating new r&d???
A new New Deal would be great. Just what the country needs. Eighty years after the New Deal and we are still reaping benefits and profiting from many of those projects.
You mean those shovel ready jobs?
Believe it or not, those shovel ready jobs are out there. Many of the New Deal projects that have served us for all those decades are in need of repair. Here is a list of projects for browsing from state to state.
The money was there but nothing got done. Why?
Wouldn't you rather these people got a job building infrastructure, advancing our science edge or creating new r&d???
A new New Deal would be great. Just what the country needs. Eighty years after the New Deal and we are still reaping benefits and profiting from many of those projects.
You mean those shovel ready jobs?
Believe it or not, those shovel ready jobs are out there. Many of the New Deal projects that have served us for all those decades are in need of repair. Here is a list of projects for browsing from state to state.

Build that fence and Keystone Pipeline
Since 2011, pretty much same as it ever was.

Obama- The food stamp POTUS


( - The number of beneficiaries on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)—AKA food stamps--has topped 46,000,000 for 38th straight month, according to data released by the Department of Agriculture (USDA).

In October 2014, the latest month reported, there were 46,674,364 Americans on food stamps. Food stamp recipients have exceeded 46 million since September 2011.

The 46,674,364 on food stamps in October was an increase of 214,434 from the 46,459,930 on food stamps in September.

As of July, the national population was 318,857,056, the Census Bureau estimates. Thus, the 46,674,364 on food stamps equaled 14.6 percent of the population.

The number of households on food stamps increased from 22,749,951 in September to 22,867,248 in October, an increase of 117,297.

As of September, according to the Census Bureau, there were 115,831,000 households in the country. Thus, the 22,867,248 households on food stamps in October equaled 19.7 percent of the nation’s households.

The 46,674,364 people on food stamps in the United States also exceeded the total populations of Columbia (46,245,297), Kenya (46,245,297), Ukraine (44,291,413) and Argentina (43,024,374).

They were slightly fewer than the population of Spain (47,737,941).

Households on food stamps got an average benefit of $261.44 during the month, and total benefits for the month cost taxpayers $5,978,320,593.

In 1969, the average participation in the SNAP program stood at 2,878,000. In 2014, average participation grew to 46,536,000 showing an increase of 1516.96 percent.

Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46 000 000 for 38 Straight Months CNS News
We've created a poor and dependent society over the past 50 plus years. It actually started shortly after WWII when we began rebuilding Japans economy. Gradually, through unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, we began closing our plants and factories, and sent away jobs that provided self-supporting opportunities that covered all education and skill levels. Over that period, we've lost all or part of the following industries to cheap foreign labor markets: textile, furniture, appliances, electronics, farm equipment, automotive parts and supplies, tools, toy, steel, etc.

Now, we import most of what we use and consume. We're users and consumers, and not producers. We've become import dependent. Along with lost industries, technology, innovation, and automation has replaced workers. In addition, we off-shore out-source jobs, import labor, and have millions of illegals living and working in this country. Basically, America no longer produces what America uses and consumes. There are not an adequate number of living wage jobs to meet the demand. Many Americans don't have the opportunity to be self-supporting. We do not have an adequate number of living wage jobs that cover all education and skill levels.

As our population grows, the number of living wage jobs decrease. Cheap foreign imports allow businesses like Wal-Mart to thrive, pay low wages, and encourage workers to supplement their income with food stamps and aid for dependent children. We have millions on food stamps and other government assistance programs because we've taken away the jobs that once provided self-supporting opportunities that covered all education and skill levels. No longer is IBM, GM, and others the major employers in America. Now we have Wal-Mart, fast food joints, and other low wage businesses as the major employers in America. Times have changed. The make up of the economy has changed.

With a rapidly growing population, comes an increase in the number of poor and dependent citizens. People are living longer, and with age comes health issues, disabilities, and the need for some form of government assistance. Society has created a population of homeless, and along with the poor and needy, the burden increases on social programs and assistance. America is no longer a self-supporting nation, nor are we a self-supporting citizenry. Over the years, we neglected to ensure self-supporting opportunities for the rapid increases in population growth. We made it easy for jobs to leave this country. We actually encouraged it. And now, the many social ills are rearing their ugly heads.

The blame doesn't fall on the poor, the needy, the less fortunate, the disabled, the elderly, nor anyone other than our government. Our government has opened the doors for corporations and businesses to exploit the ease of out-sourcing jobs, importing cheap foreign labor, and using cheap illegal immigrant labor, and in the process, amassed great wealth by doing so. John Q. Public didn't vote to close our plants and factories, and John Q. Public didn't vote to encourage low wages and dependency. John Q. Public didn't create the growing gap between the rich and the poor, nor the gap between real wages and the cost of living. We are poor and dependent through no fault of our own. We are victims of a system gone awry, and a government that acts as a puppet for the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential.

What we're seeing and experiencing today, has been in the works for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. Neither party can wash their hands of the socioeconomic decline in America, both are equally responsible. The term "Global Economy" actually means "equalization to the lowest level", and we're seeing it take place before our eyes daily. All of this didn't happen by accident, it was engineered and enacted by those that we entrusted with our well-being, and the well-being of this once great nation. Greed, egos, power, self-service, and influence, has replaced "government by the people, and for the people". "Taxation with representation" has been replaced with "Taxation without representation".

Yes, we have millions receiving food stamps, and millions receiving some form of government assistance. We have workers receiving unemployment checks. We have workers working part-time, that would love to have full-time work. We have college grads living at home with parents due to no jobs. We have those that are underemployed, and temporary workers. We have less company paid benefits offered by employers. There are reasons for citizens to be receiving some form of government assistance.
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.

I am game with that

Lets get off our asses and start some meaningful public works projects that pay decent wages. It will get alot of people off of food stamps
  • Thanks
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I think we should start a 'work as you go' program. Since the moms, and sometimes dads, were irresponsible in bringing life into the world for which they could not sustain, in order to receive welfare you must clean the shoulders of our highways. A welfare chain gang if you will. Oh, and since the WE/FEDS are paying for your kids, the FEDS can provide free day care to boot for your illegitimate kids while you work off your pay

A win win for society


one proposal was to have welfare moms provide day care if nothing else
Wouldn't you rather these people got a job building infrastructure, advancing our science edge or creating new r&d???
A new New Deal would be great. Just what the country needs. Eighty years after the New Deal and we are still reaping benefits and profiting from many of those projects.
You mean those shovel ready jobs?
Believe it or not, those shovel ready jobs are out there. Many of the New Deal projects that have served us for all those decades are in need of repair. Here is a list of projects for browsing from state to state.

Build that fence and Keystone Pipeline
Why concentrate on controversial projects. A fence that might be an inefficient and costly failure and a private project? The New Deal projects that need repair have proven themselves to be great investments and a projects that continue to be needed. If they continue to fall into disrepair they will have to be replaced at a much greater cost. The New Deal put the unemployed to work building projects that benefited the country. People were given jobs instead of handouts. What the heck is wrong with that?
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?

No, we're not ready to go full blown secular progressive (read communist) yet


Gotta love conservatives

They gloat because their policies hold down wages and leave people no alternative but to get government assistance to feed their families

Now, lets examine what conservatives want to do about 46 million people on foodstamps. Rather than initiate programs to help people make more money so they don't need foodstamps......Just kick them off

That's because our society is a give me, give me now.. type

Parents are putting the cart ahead of the horse. I recommend they do a risk analysis on probability vs consequence. Research your job options or better understand your current job position. Is what I have to offer warrant enough compensation to support my family plans? If I don't have the budget for a new house or car, guess what? I don't buy it

And maybe a box of trojans will have to suffice instead


haaaaaa !!they would just use them as water balloons and have a water balloon fight !! :up:
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?

No, we're not ready to go full blown secular progressive (read communist) yet


Gotta love conservatives

They gloat because their policies hold down wages and leave people no alternative but to get government assistance to feed their families

Now, lets examine what conservatives want to do about 46 million people on foodstamps. Rather than initiate programs to help people make more money so they don't need foodstamps......Just kick them off

That's because our society is a give me, give me now.. type

Parents are putting the cart ahead of the horse. I recommend they do a risk analysis on probability vs consequence. Research your job options or better understand your current job position. Is what I have to offer warrant enough compensation to support my family plans? If I don't have the budget for a new house or car, guess what? I don't buy it

And maybe a box of trojans will have to suffice instead


It is not gimme, gimme

These people are working jobs in which they used to be able to support a family without public assistance. They didn't change, the conditions of employment changed.

This is not a case where one employee can research his job options and find a better job. We are talking 46 million people and there are not 46 million "better jobs" out there
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.

I am game with that

Lets get off our asses and start some meaningful public works projects that pay decent wages. It will get alot of people off of food stamps
Thats what your president should be doing.
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?

No, we're not ready to go full blown secular progressive (read communist) yet


Gotta love conservatives

They gloat because their policies hold down wages and leave people no alternative but to get government assistance to feed their families

Now, lets examine what conservatives want to do about 46 million people on foodstamps. Rather than initiate programs to help people make more money so they don't need foodstamps......Just kick them off

That's because our society is a give me, give me now.. type

Parents are putting the cart ahead of the horse. I recommend they do a risk analysis on probability vs consequence. Research your job options or better understand your current job position. Is what I have to offer warrant enough compensation to support my family plans? If I don't have the budget for a new house or car, guess what? I don't buy it

And maybe a box of trojans will have to suffice instead


It is not gimme, gimme

These people are working jobs in which they used to be able to support a family without public assistance. They didn't change, the conditions of employment changed.

This is not a case where one employee can research his job options and find a better job. We are talking 46 million people and there are not 46 million "better jobs" out there

So you're saying that progressive policies are putting people into the poor house without recourse? I appreciate that admission, RWer. Every now and then even you have a decent point - like a broken clock being right twice a day.
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.

I am game with that

Lets get off our asses and start some meaningful public works projects that pay decent wages. It will get alot of people off of food stamps
Thats what your president should be doing.
Congress appropriates the funding.
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.

I am game with that

Lets get off our asses and start some meaningful public works projects that pay decent wages. It will get alot of people off of food stamps
Thats what your president should be doing.
Congress appropriates the funding.
Right and they did, Obama blew it on his union buddies.
46 Million?

That is horrible! Obama needs to start doing something about it. Lets start by raising the minimum wage to $10 and to $15 within five years

Lets start taxing companies whose employees need to go on food stamps to survive

What say you conservatives? Are you with me?
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.

I am game with that

Lets get off our asses and start some meaningful public works projects that pay decent wages. It will get alot of people off of food stamps
Thats what your president should be doing.
Congress appropriates the funding.
Right and they did, Obama blew it on his union buddies.
The coal miners?

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