Thanks Obama- Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 38 Straight Months

Those low wages benefit
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.
How about paying decent wages?

What do you pay your employees? How would you force other business to pay what you think they should pay?
If I couldn`t pay my employees enough to stay off welfare I would shut the business down. Do you enjoy subsidizing the employees of the richest family on the planet to the tune of $6.2 Billion dollars a year? How stupid can you be?

lol, It used to be people might get a second job they couldn't make it. Now it's work just what you want because you can always jump on the Taxpayer backs (food stamps, welfare, etc) to live
Your high and mighty (I would SHUT down my business IF ). all you had to say is you've never owned, operated or put your hard earned sweat and tears into one but feel you have the right to tell others how they should RUN THEIRS.... Now answer us this, How Stupid are you
So you have no problem donating $6.2 Billion dollars to Walmart employees so they can eat? Did your mother ever take you to a place where you can be tested to see how stupid you really are?
Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

As long as we have people who are to lazy or to damn stupid to find better work we'll always have this problem.
You gotta wonder how many of those wallyworld workers would find better employment if the didnt have the government tit to suck on?
Or possibly wallyworld would pay more if the market wasnt flooded with unskilled labor from other countries?
Why is it always someone else's responsibility to improve your life?
Those low wages benefit
How bout we give out shovels before we give out checks.
How about paying decent wages?

What do you pay your employees? How would you force other business to pay what you think they should pay?
If I couldn`t pay my employees enough to stay off welfare I would shut the business down. Do you enjoy subsidizing the employees of the richest family on the planet to the tune of $6.2 Billion dollars a year? How stupid can you be?

lol, It used to be people might get a second job they couldn't make it. Now it's work just what you want because you can always jump on the Taxpayer backs (food stamps, welfare, etc) to live
Your high and mighty (I would SHUT down my business IF ). all you had to say is you've never owned, operated or put your hard earned sweat and tears into one, but feel you have the right to tell others how they should RUN THEIRS.... Now answer us this, How Stupid are you?

Can you point to any data that shows there are 46 million second jobs for these people to take?

Yeah nice excuse. and what happened to all them shovel ready job that cost us almost a Trillion dollars? Obama lied, stole from us and all we get out of it is some scraps of food. people USED to have a thing, called pride. not in this day and age
Those low wages benefit
How about paying decent wages?

What do you pay your employees? How would you force other business to pay what you think they should pay?
If I couldn`t pay my employees enough to stay off welfare I would shut the business down. Do you enjoy subsidizing the employees of the richest family on the planet to the tune of $6.2 Billion dollars a year? How stupid can you be?

lol, It used to be people might get a second job they couldn't make it. Now it's work just what you want because you can always jump on the Taxpayer backs (food stamps, welfare, etc) to live
Your high and mighty (I would SHUT down my business IF ). all you had to say is you've never owned, operated or put your hard earned sweat and tears into one, but feel you have the right to tell others how they should RUN THEIRS.... Now answer us this, How Stupid are you?

Can you point to any data that shows there are 46 million second jobs for these people to take?

Yeah nice excuse. and what happened to all them shovel ready job that cost us almost a Trillion dollars? Obama lied, stole from us and all we get out of it is some scraps of food. people USED to have a thing, called pride. not in this day and age

You seem confused Stephanie.........too much for you to process at one time?

If your answer for the problem of 46 million people needing foodstamps is they should get second jobs, that means there need to be 46 million second jobs available for your idea to work

Obama never promised shovel ready jobs. What he did was make shovel ready be a criteria to get stimulus funding. He wanted immediate employment not jobs five years down the road

You can now go back to playing with your crayons
Yeah Obama sets a great example of liberal generosity with your own money, the way he helps his own brother.
His brother said he needs no help....
Is that why he had to borrow money from someone else, for medical bills?
Tell his bro to move to the USA and that would be covered...
Or his brother can practice what he preaches, and help a brother out. We all know he won't though. A liberal helping someone out with their own money is very rare.
I have done it generously for over 30's called family..
To bad Obama doesn't think the same way.
His brother said he needs no help....
Is that why he had to borrow money from someone else, for medical bills?
Tell his bro to move to the USA and that would be covered...
Or his brother can practice what he preaches, and help a brother out. We all know he won't though. A liberal helping someone out with their own money is very rare.
I have done it generously for over 30's called family..
To bad Obama doesn't think the same way.

I can name too reasons Obama thinks that way

1. He has no reason two see his brother
2. Obama makes generous charitable contributions to

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