Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass...

Still waiting for your explanation for bringing up the discovery of new species in a discussion on extinction rates.

Your screed on progressives is misplaced. This is neither politics nor modern history. The topic of this forum is the environment; something an actual moderator might be expected to know.
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If that were the case, it should be child's play for you to prove that human GHG emissions are NOT responsible for the majority of the observed warming. Can you tell me where I would go to find such studies? Given that most climate scientists accept anthropogenic global warming, there must be butt-ton-loads of failed experiments. Can you point us to some of them? Could you simply explain in your own words how AGW was falsified or how experiment meant to confirm AGW failed to do so?

Child's play.

Science does not prove a negative. You have made a claim, and have yet to back it up with scientific facts or experiments.
Some of the new species being discovered could very well be ones that weren't here before, like the polar-grizzly hybrid.
Earth and nature does that you know.
But to suggest that man's so called AGW is the cause with using manipulated data is just pure bull.
Science does not prove a negative. You have made a claim, and have yet to back it up with scientific facts or experiments.

Your understanding of "proving a negative" is wrong. If what you've just claimed were true, I could make ANY contention: the moon is made of green cheese, the world is flat, the stars are lanterns on a crystal sphere - and you could not show me wrong.

AGW is falsifiable by a dozen different means.

Your suggestion that no scientific evidence supports AGW is complete nonsense.
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Who needs tech......Mamooth is already working on his emergency he is on a maiden cruise!!!

Im actually quite impressed!!! Might ask the dude for a quick cruise.....although he may well be busy with one of those animals!!!:gay:
Im actually quite impressed!!! Might ask the dude for a quick cruise.....although he may well be busy with one of those animals!!!:gay:

Please clarify for us exactly what you meant by that statement.

By the way, it's commonly understood that those constantly making gay jokes are probably closeted themselves. Why don't you just come out? There's no need to be ashamed of the way you feel.
Science does not prove a negative. You have made a claim, and have yet to back it up with scientific facts or experiments.

Your understanding of "proving a negative" is wrong. If what you've just claimed were true, I could make ANY contention: the moon is made of green cheese, the world is flat, the stars are lanterns on a crystal sphere - and you could not show me wrong.

AGW is falsifiable by a dozen different means.

Your suggestion that no scientific evidence supports AGW is complete nonsense.

It is? Really? Tell us three ways that AGW is falsifiable.
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

It's not a couple degrees of warmer temps that will kill off species it's the loss of habitat cause by overpopulation
Just from a hypothetical viewpoint, it would be a great deal more effective to "off" all the deniers.

Eventually, all socialists come to the same conclusion. lenin did it, stalin did it, hitler did it, mao did it, pol pot did it. It is because they, like you, were unable to convince your opposition because they lacked the facts...they had a belief, but no compelling, factual evidence to back up their claim. As a result, they were not able to convince those not disposed to be dupes. Eventual answer...kill those not disposed to be dupes.

By the way, AGW is hypothetical just like your suggestion to kill of skeptics.
Doomsday, nothing you can do to stop it, but off yourself before it happens you're so worried over it

damn the cult of global warming are scary people

I was almost certain one of you would leap on this. And I was quite certain you would ignore the comment by frothing-at-the-mouth-denier Stephanie to which I was responding. My gratitude for confirming my suspicions to a T.
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Doomsday, nothing you can do to stop it, but off yourself before it happens you're so worried over it

Just from a hypothetical viewpoint, it would be a great deal more effective to "off" all the deniers.

Eventually, all socialists come to the same conclusion. lenin did it, stalin did it, hitler did it, mao did it, pol pot did it. It is because they, like you, were unable to convince your opposition because they lacked the facts...they had a belief, but no compelling, factual evidence to back up their claim. As a result, they were not able to convince those not disposed to be dupes. Eventual answer...kill those not disposed to be dupes.

By the way, AGW is hypothetical just like your suggestion to kill of skeptics.

Should you choose to make anything of mine your sig, as you did for months with Mamooth's comment about statistical thermodynamics, accomplishing nothing but to demonstrate the level of your scientific ignorance and the pride with which you maintain it, I will make no complaint. From an objective viewpoint, there's little else we could expect from you. To be thought incorrect by someone as consistently and profoundly wrong as you adds nothing but a small grain of certitude to my original opinion.

God are you stupid.
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I'm sure all the "final solutions" found in history were hypothetical at some point...Only a certain sort of desperate, sick mind ever thinks of such solutions in the first place.
Doomsday, nothing you can do to stop it, but off yourself before it happens you're so worried over it

I'm sure all the "final solutions" found in history were hypothetical at some point...Only a certain sort of desperate, sick mind ever thinks of such solutions in the first place.

You tell 'er!

Stephanie, you've got a sick mind. A DESPERATE, SICK mind. Almost sufficiently desperate to take quotes out of context like the ignorant ass SSDD.
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Doomsday, nothing you can do to stop it, but off yourself before it happens you're so worried over it

damn the cult of global warming are scary people

I was almost certain one of you would leap on this. And I was quite certain you would ignore the comment by frothing-at-the-mouth-denier Stephanie to which I was responding. My gratitude for confirming my suspicions to a T.

Just from a hypothetical viewpoint, it would be a great deal more effective to "off" all the deniers. - Crick

Crick, tell us again how the AGWCult is really NOT a sick, death worshiping Cult. I need a good laugh

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