Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass...

I'm sure all the "final solutions" found in history were hypothetical at some point...Only a certain sort of desperate, sick mind ever thinks of such solutions in the first place.

CAN WE SAY H Y P O C R I S Y ? ? ?

In order to reduce your own personal creation of greenhouse gasses, hold your breath forever.

I wonder how many of these warmer idiots will suicide out of sheer despair when the hoax finally comes tumbling down?

It never ends well for Death worshipong Cults, CO2 is their Jonesville and they will glady drink the KoolAid

So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?

If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

I just made one and you're right---it's too expensive to let people with breathing problems live.

Lets see now, if your charts and conclusions are correct, we need to kill all the chinese and indians. Should we nuke them? no, too much fall out. Poison their water? stop shipping food to them? how about the booming populations in indonesia and south america, how do we eliminate them?

Nice part of cults is that they tend to mass suicide.

In this instance, if they are right, their lemmingesque checking out would do an immense bit toward ending the warming they fear most. Provided they all just took dirt naps instead of being roasted and emitting all those nasty pollutants......

Oh Please! Oh God! That would be so fucking awesome! They don't even have to die, just get off the Internet

Really, the absolute best way for humans to limit their emissions is to minimize the number of humans. I most heartily welcome the voluntary participation of those who believe that humans are a major factor in "global warming", or "climate change" (whatever the current buzzword is) in the "minimize humans" green program..go ahead, do us all a favor, your personal contribution to decreasing human damage to the planet will be welcomed.

This is why I say the Warmers are a sick, death-worshiping Cult

Well all you AGW church members if you believe that CO2 drives climate you might want to show belief by not breathing anymore.

Reduce air pollution. Stop breathing. We promise to miss you. But we will enjoy the cleaner air.

I have issued this challenge before to all the adherents of the AGW cult before:
If you are so very concerned about the damage being done to the Earth by human infestation, please lead the way. You are more than welcome to contribute, up close and personal, to improving the situation. I'll be watching the obits to see whether you all are convinced enough to put your money where your mouth is.

The solution to AGW issue is simple, and very inexpensive. Since CO2 is a normally occurring byproduct of human respiration, I challenge every proponent of AGW, every worshiper of the whole AGW myth, to cease all respiration, and ensure that anyone in your family joins you in you effort to diminish humanity's contribution to CO2 emissions.
C'mon, step up and show us how committed you are to saving the environment.

"If you want to save the Planet, Stop breathing dammit"

If you'd like more, my search results had another 8 pages to go.
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And the AGW cult continues posting scripture.

You are wrong 99.9% of the time you post and continue to prove that you know nothing about real science.

Next you will be posting that aerosols are not a gas..

First, you idiot, aerosols are not gases.
World English Dictionary
aerosol (ˈɛərəˌsɒl)

— n
1. a colloidal dispersion of solid or liquid particles in a gas; smoke or fog

Second, if I'm wrong 99.9% off the time, you should have no problem finding some real science that shows this to be so. Let's see it you STUPID asshole.

Kosh or, as I refer to him as "broken record boi" is merely a mouthpiece for rw boilerplate responses. I don't even read his posts anymore. Life is too short.

As to the OP, rw'ers keep conveniently forgetting that theres a word in the Constitution- namely- "posterity". rw'ers need to google that to find out its meaning.

Kosh or, as I refer to him as "broken record boi" is merely a mouthpiece for rw boilerplate responses.

says the mouthpiece for LW bullshit.....

I don't even read his posts anymore

sure you dont dottie.....
Kosh has spent more time on my ignore list than anyone here. Unfortunately, he's often the only one posting and if I want to have an argument with someone, he's all I've got.
Kosh has spent more time on my ignore list than anyone here. Unfortunately, he's often the only one posting and if I want to have an argument with someone, he's all I've got.

so who are all these other posters you are "arguing" with?....hey just askin....
I know why Frank and other deniers push so hard for more global warming and mass death for their enemies.

They want to be able to face the spirit of their mentor, Stalin, and say "We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master. My body count is bigger than yours, my gulags contain more enemies of TheParty."
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I know why Frank and other deniers push so hard for more global warming and mass death for their enemies.

They want to be able to face the spirit of their mentor, Stalin, and say "We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master. My body count is bigger than yours, my gulags contain more enemies of TheParty."

^ AGWCult is a sick, death worshiping Cult
Stalin is dead. He's neither happy nor unhappy.

I find it really enlightening that all you deniers are getting on my case or having responded to Stephanie suggestion that we all commit suicide, with a clearly identified hypothetical, AND YET NOT ONE OF YOU HAS A WORD FOR STEPHANIE.

That would make it seem that you all agree with her: that you believe all those concerned with AGW should commit suicide. More than one of you have made the suggestion before. So WHO is it that's making Uncle Joe happy?

God are you stupid.

That's because unlike you, she doesn't want to murder people. Where did your siggie go there know the one where you want to murder the deniers? How very civil of you...
And I notice you still have not owned up to having made the quoted statement. Let's try that again. It's not too many words and none of them are very long.


whoa, someone's having a meltdown:50:
chill pill baby:alcoholic::chillpill::chillpill::itsok:
I don't jump through anyone hoops.... so get a clue
I don't jump through anyone hoops.... so get a clue

But yet you think we should all commit suicide for you. Doesn't really seem all that fair.

what the hell?
I said...... FOR ANYONE who is worried the earth is going to explode, if they are so worried maybe they should off THEMSELVES so they won't be around when it happens...nothing we can do that would be able to STOP IT.... though some globull warmers believe they're are g-ds and can a wave a magic wand or something and stop it....

good grief
not my fault you read it wrong
now move along back to worrying over the earth and globull warming
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I don't jump through anyone hoops.... so get a clue

But yet you think we should all commit suicide for you. Doesn't really seem all that fair.

what the hell?
I said...... FOR ANYONE who is worried the earth is going to explode, if they are so worried maybe they should off THEMSELVES so they won't be around when it happens...nothing we can do that would be able to STOP IT.... though some globull warmers believe they're are g-ds and can a wave a magic wand or something and stop it....

good grief
not my fault you read it wrong
now move along back to worrying over the earth and globull warming

Cricky and company are embarrassed that they got caught wanting to murder people so now they are trying to foist their opinions off and claim that they are our ideas. They truly are a sad, pathetic little group...:cuckoo:
I'd appreciate it if everyone stopped suggesting their opponent's suicide - and that is what you've done here Stephanie, deny it as you will. You got more than your fair share due to SSDD's reaction to the post I put up following yours: the reaction in which he completely ignored what you had posted and that I was responding to you. That forced me to repeat yours and give it some emphasis. Then, when you refused to acknowledge you had made those statements, I became justifiably incensed.

I have some personal experience with suicides. I suppose most people my age do. But based on that, I don't find urging people to kill themselves to be the light hearted jab that many around here think it to be. There are people out there who will find that the last little nudge they need to actually pull the trigger.
But yet you think we should all commit suicide for you. Doesn't really seem all that fair.

what the hell?
I said...... FOR ANYONE who is worried the earth is going to explode, if they are so worried maybe they should off THEMSELVES so they won't be around when it happens...nothing we can do that would be able to STOP IT.... though some globull warmers believe they're are g-ds and can a wave a magic wand or something and stop it....

good grief
not my fault you read it wrong
now move along back to worrying over the earth and globull warming

Cricky and company are embarrassed that they got caught wanting to murder people so now they are trying to foist their opinions off and claim that they are our ideas. They truly are a sad, pathetic little group...:cuckoo:

no kidding, wow
Cricky and company are embarrassed that they got caught wanting to murder people so now they are trying to foist their opinions off and claim that they are our ideas. They truly are a sad, pathetic little group...:cuckoo:

There's no company here. It's you and me. And if you think someone ought to be embarrassed that they got caught wanting people dead, perhaps you ought to talk to THESE folks:

In order to reduce your own personal creation of greenhouse gasses, hold your breath forever.

I wonder how many of these warmer idiots will suicide out of sheer despair when the hoax finally comes tumbling down?

It never ends well for Death worshipong Cults, CO2 is their Jonesville and they will glady drink the KoolAid

So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?

If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

I just made one and you're right---it's too expensive to let people with breathing problems live.

Lets see now, if your charts and conclusions are correct, we need to kill all the chinese and indians. Should we nuke them? no, too much fall out. Poison their water? stop shipping food to them? how about the booming populations in indonesia and south america, how do we eliminate them?

Nice part of cults is that they tend to mass suicide.

In this instance, if they are right, their lemmingesque checking out would do an immense bit toward ending the warming they fear most. Provided they all just took dirt naps instead of being roasted and emitting all those nasty pollutants......

Oh Please! Oh God! That would be so fucking awesome! They don't even have to die, just get off the Internet

Really, the absolute best way for humans to limit their emissions is to minimize the number of humans. I most heartily welcome the voluntary participation of those who believe that humans are a major factor in "global warming", or "climate change" (whatever the current buzzword is) in the "minimize humans" green program..go ahead, do us all a favor, your personal contribution to decreasing human damage to the planet will be welcomed.

This is why I say the Warmers are a sick, death-worshiping Cult

Well all you AGW church members if you believe that CO2 drives climate you might want to show belief by not breathing anymore.

Reduce air pollution. Stop breathing. We promise to miss you. But we will enjoy the cleaner air.

I have issued this challenge before to all the adherents of the AGW cult before:
If you are so very concerned about the damage being done to the Earth by human infestation, please lead the way. You are more than welcome to contribute, up close and personal, to improving the situation. I'll be watching the obits to see whether you all are convinced enough to put your money where your mouth is.

The solution to AGW issue is simple, and very inexpensive. Since CO2 is a normally occurring byproduct of human respiration, I challenge every proponent of AGW, every worshiper of the whole AGW myth, to cease all respiration, and ensure that anyone in your family joins you in you effort to diminish humanity's contribution to CO2 emissions.
C'mon, step up and show us how committed you are to saving the environment.

"If you want to save the Planet, Stop breathing dammit"

So why wouldn't you stop the damage you do by killing yourself?

If you'd like more, my search results had another 8 pages to go.
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Cricky and company are embarrassed that they got caught wanting to murder people so now they are trying to foist their opinions off and claim that they are our ideas. They truly are a sad, pathetic little group...:cuckoo:

There's no company here. It's you and me. And if you think someone ought to be embarrassed that they got caught wanting people dead, perhaps you ought to talk to THESE folks:

In order to reduce your own personal creation of greenhouse gasses, hold your breath forever.

I wonder how many of these warmer idiots will suicide out of sheer despair when the hoax finally comes tumbling down?

It never ends well for Death worshipong Cults, CO2 is their Jonesville and they will glady drink the KoolAid

So, it looks like you can kill yourself out of shame now. But that's one emotion you're incapable of, isn't it?

If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

If the OP and all the other AGW cult members would stop breathing the CO2 problem will be fixed..

I just made one and you're right---it's too expensive to let people with breathing problems live.

Lets see now, if your charts and conclusions are correct, we need to kill all the chinese and indians. Should we nuke them? no, too much fall out. Poison their water? stop shipping food to them? how about the booming populations in indonesia and south america, how do we eliminate them?

Nice part of cults is that they tend to mass suicide.

In this instance, if they are right, their lemmingesque checking out would do an immense bit toward ending the warming they fear most. Provided they all just took dirt naps instead of being roasted and emitting all those nasty pollutants......

Oh Please! Oh God! That would be so fucking awesome! They don't even have to die, just get off the Internet

Really, the absolute best way for humans to limit their emissions is to minimize the number of humans. I most heartily welcome the voluntary participation of those who believe that humans are a major factor in "global warming", or "climate change" (whatever the current buzzword is) in the "minimize humans" green program..go ahead, do us all a favor, your personal contribution to decreasing human damage to the planet will be welcomed.

This is why I say the Warmers are a sick, death-worshiping Cult

Well all you AGW church members if you believe that CO2 drives climate you might want to show belief by not breathing anymore.

Reduce air pollution. Stop breathing. We promise to miss you. But we will enjoy the cleaner air.

I have issued this challenge before to all the adherents of the AGW cult before:
If you are so very concerned about the damage being done to the Earth by human infestation, please lead the way. You are more than welcome to contribute, up close and personal, to improving the situation. I'll be watching the obits to see whether you all are convinced enough to put your money where your mouth is.

The solution to AGW issue is simple, and very inexpensive. Since CO2 is a normally occurring byproduct of human respiration, I challenge every proponent of AGW, every worshiper of the whole AGW myth, to cease all respiration, and ensure that anyone in your family joins you in you effort to diminish humanity's contribution to CO2 emissions.
C'mon, step up and show us how committed you are to saving the environment.

"If you want to save the Planet, Stop breathing dammit"

If you'd like more, my search results had another 8 pages to go.
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...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

what the hell?
I said...... FOR ANYONE who is worried the earth is going to explode, if they are so worried maybe they should off THEMSELVES so they won't be around when it happens...nothing we can do that would be able to STOP IT.... though some globull warmers believe they're are g-ds and can a wave a magic wand or something and stop it....

good grief
not my fault you read it wrong
now move along back to worrying over the earth and globull warming

Cricky and company are embarrassed that they got caught wanting to murder people so now they are trying to foist their opinions off and claim that they are our ideas. They truly are a sad, pathetic little group...:cuckoo:

no kidding, wow

Yes or No: do you agree with Westwall's description of what has happened here?

Can either of you find a single post of mine in which I seriously (as opposed to hypothetically) suggest deniers should commit suicide? I've made several thousand posts. If, as MODERATOR Westwall contends, this has been a common practice of mine, examples should be easy to find.

Let's see them.
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

Sure we are.

But a few more trillion to Algore and Michael Mann can hold it at bay for a year or two...

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