Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass...

Here's 10 animal extinctions from the past 50 years. Westwall has some 'splainin to do. He stated a falsehood. Was is incompetence, or deliberate dishonesty?

Golden toad
Pyrenian Ibex
Tecopa Pupfish
Baiji River Dolphin
Zanzibar Leopard
West African Black Rhino
Javan Tiger
Sphix's Macaw
Round Island Burrowing Boa

Ahhh yes the Golden Toad. Discovered in 1966 or 67 and not seen since the 1980's....probably because no one has gone to look. The Black Rhino I will probably agree is extinct. The poachers are very aggressive there. Care to explain how that is a global warming casualty? In fact all the critically endangered big critters on the list are endangered due to illegal hunting. Something conservationists have been fighting tooth and nail and the environmentalists haven't.

Even the Golden Toad, if extinct, is due to a disease and not global warming.

The idiots have proven once again that they can't follow a conversation and are perfectly willing to make up arguments to rail against. I challenged the OP to name even one species that has gone extinct due to climate change....I believe you mirrored my challenge but didn't put due to climate change on your post so the cretins jumped on your statement as a statement that no species have gone extinct rather than a statement that no speices has gone extinct due to climate change.

If I am wrong about your post, accept my apologies...If not, correct the statement or the warmist idiots will never figure it out for themselves.
I have no fixation on mass murder but I do notice when someone suggests that I be killed for my skepticism of psuedoscience masquerading as actual science.

No, you fabricate stories of people wanting to kill you. Why?
1. Because you love to play the victim.
2. Because, being a retard, you can't discuss actual issues, so you choose to just lie about your opponents as a deflection
3. Because your mind natural inclines to thoughts of murdering people.
Ahhh yes the Golden Toad. Discovered in 1966 or 67 and not seen since the 1980's....probably because no one has gone to look. The Black Rhino I will probably agree is extinct. The poachers are very aggressive there. Care to explain how that is a global warming casualty? In fact all the critically endangered big critters on the list are endangered due to illegal hunting. Something conservationists have been fighting tooth and nail and the environmentalists haven't.

Even the Golden Toad, if extinct, is due to a disease and not global warming.

Some fine goalpost moving there by Westwall. When it got pointed out his claim was dead wrong, his story suddenly changed from "There have been no extinctions!" to "The extinctions aren't from global warming!".

Oh, claiming environmentalists aren't opposing illegal hunting is so delusional I can't imagine anyone honestly making such a statement. But then, this is Westwall.
A) the climate is always changing.

B) Despite what the acolytes of the religion of AGW have predicted, the globe hasn't warmed in 17 years (according to them even). The US is experiencing the coolest summer on record and yet despite the overwhelming empirical evidence, these religious zealots still cling to the shoddy science that is failing them at every turn. It really is something to see.
...USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts.

I would ask you to get a handle on your hysteria and break your addiction to hyperbole and partisanship.
A) the climate is always changing.

Red herring. You suck at logic.

B) Despite what the acolytes of the religion of AGW have predicted, the globe hasn't warmed in 17 years (according to them even).

Big lie. I know your cult told you it was true, but you need to look at some honest sources, ones outside of your cult bubble.

The US is experiencing the coolest summer on record

So you can't understand the word "global". And no, it's not even close to the coldest summer on record in the USA. Your cult just keeps feeding you the lies, and you keep falling for them.

Like most deniers, you're just damn stupid. The most basic points of logic and science escape you. Your cult has trained you to be a moron, and you've been an apt pupil. Until you develop the guts to step outside of your cult bubble, you will remain a moron.
I have no fixation on mass murder but I do notice when someone suggests that I be killed for my skepticism of psuedoscience masquerading as actual science.

No, you fabricate stories of people wanting to kill you. Why?

crick said:
Just from a hypothetical viewpoint, it would be a great deal more effective to "off" all the deniers.
Since I am what he calls a denier...I fall within the group he thinks it would be effective to kill. No fabrication, but you exhibit your willingness to be dishonest again.
A) the climate is always changing.

Red herring. You suck at logic.

B) Despite what the acolytes of the religion of AGW have predicted, the globe hasn't warmed in 17 years (according to them even).

Big lie. I know your cult told you it was true, but you need to look at some honest sources, ones outside of your cult bubble.

The US is experiencing the coolest summer on record

So you can't understand the word "global". And no, it's not even close to the coldest summer on record in the USA. Your cult just keeps feeding you the lies, and you keep falling for them.

Like most deniers, you're just damn stupid. The most basic points of logic and science escape you. Your cult has trained you to be a moron, and you've been an apt pupil. Until you develop the guts to step outside of your cult bubble, you will remain a moron.

Boy, if there was ever a face palm post, THIS ONE RANKS NEAR THE TOP!

Which reminds me, where's that experiment that we've been asking for? You remember right? The one that shows 120 PPM of CO2 drives climate, or the one that shows the temperature add of 10 PPM of CO2. Seems you forgot about that. Really, all the other posting BS is merely BS. Lame article after lame article, wasted space on an internet board. Why not just answer the question at hand and be done with all of this?

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Hey, it's your religion, I understand why you're so defensive. Just because there's no evidence to support it doesn't mean it's not real if you believe. Christians believe Jesus is coming back, defying science and logic, and you and your sect believe the planet is warming because of human activity even though average temperatures have been largely static for some 17 years and the sea ice that is supposed to be shrinking is growing. Maybe you are a climatologist instead of a real scientist and you have a boat payment due and can't afford to lose that grant? I really do understand. I just don't think it's right to lie to the laymen out there and claim that everything points to global warming.

When someone on your side can tell me what observation would need to be made to negate this theory, then I might take you seriously, but so far all phenomena is an indicator of global warming. Hot, cold, drought, flood, snow, no snow, etc, etc. That's not science, that's religion.
When someone on your side can tell me what observation would need to be made to negate this theory, then I might take you seriously,

Falling temps over the long term
Falling sea levels
Stratospheric warming.
Tropospheric cooling.
Overall glacial increases
Long term total sea ice increases
Outgoing longwave radiation increasing in greenhouse gas bands
Downwave longwave radiation decreasing.
Decreasing tropospheric water vapor.

And there are more, but that's enough for now. The point is that you're laughably clueless about the actual science. Your cult fed you a line of bull about AGW science couldn't be falsified, and you believed without question, because you always swallow whatever your cult feeds you. You stink at the science, mainly because you auto-reject any info that doesn't come from inside your cult bubble.

This is just the start. By swearing allegiance to your liars' cult, you've signed on for a lifetime of getting laughed at. I hope the emotional validation you get from surrendering your free will to a cult is worth all that humiliation that will be coming your way.
Yeeeeeeeesh.........s0n, sure you're not a woman? I swear to God......dollar to a thousand stale donuts, people see that shit and assume its a post by a woman.

What's wrong with posts by women?

Oh wait. You're a sexist bigot as well as a antigay bigot. Carry on.

Deniers, he's one of yours. And never a peep of criticism from deniers. Instead, it's mainly sucking up.

And skook, we all know you're a mincing metrosexual who wouldn't dare talk to anyone in real life the way you talk here. It's pretty obvious what you're compensating for.
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When someone on your side can tell me what observation would need to be made to negate this theory, then I might take you seriously,

Falling temps over the long term
Falling sea levels
Stratospheric warming.
Tropospheric cooling.
Overall glacial increases
Long term total sea ice increases
Outgoing longwave radiation increasing in greenhouse gas bands
Downwave longwave radiation decreasing.
Decreasing tropospheric water vapor.

And there are more, but that's enough for now. The point is that you're laughably clueless about the actual science. Your cult fed you a line of bull about AGW science couldn't be falsified, and you believed without question, because you always swallow whatever your cult feeds you. You stink at the science, mainly because you auto-reject any info that doesn't come from inside your cult bubble.

This is just the start. By swearing allegiance to your liars' cult, you've signed on for a lifetime of getting laughed at. I hope the emotional validation you get from surrendering your free will to a cult is worth all that humiliation that will be coming your way.

More lies and Bullshit from mamoot.

How about another great google link to the, science.

Google proves who the idiots are, nothing more.
Ahhh yes the Golden Toad. Discovered in 1966 or 67 and not seen since the 1980's....probably because no one has gone to look. The Black Rhino I will probably agree is extinct. The poachers are very aggressive there. Care to explain how that is a global warming casualty? In fact all the critically endangered big critters on the list are endangered due to illegal hunting. Something conservationists have been fighting tooth and nail and the environmentalists haven't.

Even the Golden Toad, if extinct, is due to a disease and not global warming.

Some fine goalpost moving there by Westwall. When it got pointed out his claim was dead wrong, his story suddenly changed from "There have been no extinctions!" to "The extinctions aren't from global warming!".

Oh, claiming environmentalists aren't opposing illegal hunting is so delusional I can't imagine anyone honestly making such a statement. But then, this is Westwall.

They are still not considered extinct. You clowns have made the claim that global warming is driving all of the fauna world to extinction when all the evidence says exactly the opposite. There have been no animals declared extinct in the last 50 years. There are certainly some that are on your list that probably are...but so far they haven't been.

And if they are, it is not due to global warming, it is either from poaching so that Chinese old fogeys can think they're having better orgasms, or from disease, or habitat loss by humans chopping down the forests. But once again, not global warming which is your claim.....admiral...
Given I never made or implied such a claim, why are you claiming I did?

Kindly respond to what I actually say, instead of just making shit up.
The actual claims of the lead post

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation
The actual claims of the lead post

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

Deflecting from the fact that you are saying that aerosols are NOT a gas?
Wow. This is like new and unexplored levels of stupid. Dumb, Dumberer and Kosh-like. .Why don't you make that your sig:

"Crick thinks aerosols are not gases.
What an IDIOT! What a MAROON!
Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk."

Thiink how cool that'll make you. And the rest of your denier buddies will look up to you for having taken the evil Abe down so many notches... and on a technical issue as well. Go on! Go for it!
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According to the mythbuster experiment to get a 1 degree increase in temperature you have to add 73,400 ppm of CO2
Wow. This is like new and unexplored levels of stupid. Dumb, Dumberer and Kosh-like. .Why don't you make that your sig:

"Crick thinks aerosols are not gases.
What an IDIOT! What a MAROON!
Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk."

Thiink how cool that'll make you. And the rest of your denier buddies will look up to you for having taken the evil Abe down so many notches... and on a technical issue as well. Go on! Go for it!

Just pointing out that you do not anything about science, think denying real science will make look cool and all your AGW cult members will look up to you?

Just continue to deny real science an deny NASA. So I assume that we will never see NASA as one of your sources again.

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