Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass...

Deniers deny the AGWCult can control the climate

And there they'd be wrong.

Tell us how you plan to control the climate

They are not trying to control the climate, that`s just a pretense to exercise total control.
How far will they go?
In Germany it has gone this far, so far and the same rules are foisted on the rest of the E.U. member states.
And the IPCC takes it from there as an example to be followed by the US`s EPA.
This was e-mailed to me just a few days ago from one of my old neighbors in Germany:
Unsere Schlaumeier-Politiker hetzen jedem Haushalt den Kaminkehrer auf den Hals,
der akribisch genau jede Emission an all Deinen Kaminen bzw. Öfen mißt.
Er geht auch den Dunstabzugshauben an den Kragen, die die Dünste und Dämpfe
über dem elektrischen Küchenherd absaugen und damit die Luftsäule im jeweiligen
Kamin zu Irritationen bringen.
Luftflußgeschwindigkeiten in den beheizten Räumen gehören auch zu seinen Prüfaufgaben.

Anschließend erstellt er in Deinem Beisein ein Protokoll und mahnt Dich ab, sobald
Deine Werte über der Feinstaubnorm liegen, oder es woanders zwickt.

Lagerfeuer = Pfiffkas!!!
Kartoffelfeuer im Garten bei mir = war mal toll + heute wirst Du von Deinen lieben Nachbarn angezeigt,
Gelbe bzw. rote Feinstaub-Plaketten an Windschutzscheiben lassen keine Dieselfahrzeuge mehr in deutsche Großstädte rein.

His wife was cooking dinner in the kitchen when an EPA inspector demanded entry and then proceeded to sample the vent over the cook stove. After he was done he issued a written warning to the effect that "allowable limits" have been exceeded which will result in a fine the next time it happens.
He also measured air velocities on all exhaust vents and for the heating system, all of which have been restricted to be below the limits set by the central EU climate protection committee in Brussels.
If you own a BBQ then they add a pre- determined amount of emissions for that and if your household exceeds the total allowable amount then you get dinged with a fine.
The EPA has a toll free 24 our rat-fink line where you can rat out on anyone in your neighborhood if he is roasting Wieners in is back-yard.
Cars must have windshield stickers which indicate if you are allowed to drive that car into a city.
That does not just depend on CO2 emissions but also on "Feinstaub" emissions.
"Feinstaub" is 10 micron dust particles.
They are planning to reduce the amount they allow for an individual car soon, because they say that you are also accountable for the amount of fine dust that comes from your car`s breaks.
No, they are not trying to control the climate, they are trying to control everything and make it their business to police your wife while she is cooking your dinner.
"Crick" is in the wrong country, he could get his dream job right now in Europe
Good. Germany has suffered horribly from industrial and automotive pollution for decades.
OK, now some one of you cultists please explain to us why, from Earth's perspective, human extinction might have the slightest downside!
"I exist", said the man to the Universe.

"Yes", it replied, "but the fact has not created in me any sense of obligation."

--Stephen Crane
When someone on your side can tell me what observation would need to be made to negate this theory, then I might take you seriously,

Falling temps over the long term
Falling sea levels
Stratospheric warming.
Tropospheric cooling.
Overall glacial increases
Long term total sea ice increases
Outgoing longwave radiation increasing in greenhouse gas bands
Downwave longwave radiation decreasing.
Decreasing tropospheric water vapor.

And there are more, but that's enough for now. The point is that you're laughably clueless about the actual science. Your cult fed you a line of bull about AGW science couldn't be falsified, and you believed without question, because you always swallow whatever your cult feeds you. You stink at the science, mainly because you auto-reject any info that doesn't come from inside your cult bubble.

This is just the start. By swearing allegiance to your liars' cult, you've signed on for a lifetime of getting laughed at. I hope the emotional validation you get from surrendering your free will to a cult is worth all that humiliation that will be coming your way.
I think you misunderstood my post and so are preaching to the choir. I was just pointing out that no scientist will go on record declaring what the negating factor is in their theory. All real scientific experiments must has some way by which the theory is debunked. Like say, if the temperature didn't rise for over 17 years, but no, that's no good because it's happened. But something that, if it occurred, would prove the warmers wrong. You cannot get anyone to identify one. They simply attack you for questioning "settled science" as if real science is ever settled. You will confound any warmist you debate with that simple question, just as I have the resident warmist here.

See what I'm saying? Me not the enemy.
What a scam and what suckers Europeans are. They always have been pushovers except for the UK. The UK has all the testosterone in Europe, that's what they should be frantically monitoring and charging fees for is T. Europe is like a giant version of fûçking River Dance with Begium as Michael Flatley.

Nancy boys the whole lot of them. They all owe one another twice as much as Germany owes France as part of an agreement to help pay a sizable debt owed to Germany herself by France for moneys borrowed to bail out Spain so Spain could bail out Portugal whose loans to Greece were never going to be payed... You get the picture, amirite?

Of course now I can't remember what the hell I was talking about, so fùçk it. The bottom line is that Europe is about as useful as teats on a bull. They just never have been worth a damn. Hundreds of wars and what did they achieve? Shitty coffee?

Face it, what's been sorely lacking is a nice old fashion world war, only this time the US finally gets to crush those districts the mealymouthed Eurotrash call countries. It would be a hell of an afternoon for our Marines. But what am I saying? As fun as it would be to turn a bunch of EU EnviroClowns into a pink mist, it is far more important that we suck the eyes out of ISIS savages' empty skulls with air-gas bombs and shooting exploding rounds up their assholes from unmanned drones.

Ohhh Yeah!
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

Earth Is On The Cusp Of A Sixth Mass Extinction - Yahoo Finance

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

Yes yes, the volcano god is angry and failure to give your virgin daughter to the Shamans to rape and murder will not only kill you, but the entire village.

Your con is so very original..
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

Earth Is On The Cusp Of A Sixth Mass Extinction - Yahoo Finance

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

I have a solution. To lessen the impact, all the climate change myth believers can hold a mass suicide. Since there are so many of you who believe the "science", you can see how this could pull us back from the brink. Do it for Mother Earth. Do it for the children. Do it to clean the gene pool of morons.

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