Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass...

Did extinction happen yet? Did the libtards even set the date for when it's gonna happen yet?

It did - the old USMB is now extinct.. :(
lol some folks just don't like change..


And some folks like a recent post list that actually works, not some "alert button" that deslects all once you click a single one. Some like a quote button - true that I can type quote and /quote - but the fact that I have to is a step backward in functionality. I have a whole list of things that went extinct with the old site - but I suppose this isn't the thread to air them in..:)

And some folks like a recent post list that actually works, not some "alert button" that deslects all once you click a single one. Some like a quote button - true that I can type quote and /quote - but the fact that I have to is a step backward in functionality. I have a whole list of things that went extinct with the old site - but I suppose this isn't the thread to air them in..:)

The recent post list is there, it's call ACTIVE TOPICS, another called WATCHED THREADS, still another called YOUR CONTENT.

If you want to quote someone hit reply on their message. It automatically quotes them.

Like I said the problem isn't the site it's mostly people not being willing to take 2seconds to learn the new location where they have to click on the new user interface.

And some folks like a recent post list that actually works, not some "alert button" that deslects all once you click a single one. Some like a quote button - true that I can type quote and /quote - but the fact that I have to is a step backward in functionality. I have a whole list of things that went extinct with the old site - but I suppose this isn't the thread to air them in..:)

The recent post list is there, it's call ACTIVE TOPICS, another called WATCHED THREADS, still another called YOUR CONTENT.

If you want to quote someone hit reply on their message. It automatically quotes them.

Like I said the problem isn't the site it's mostly people not being willing to take 2seconds to learn the new location where they have to click on the new user interface.
In fairness, they do use the wrong color font for the wording on the quote/ reply edit delet and report buttons. It ought to be white.
The recent post list is there, it's call ACTIVE TOPICS, another called WATCHED THREADS.

I'm aware of this - I've been on Facebook. But it is still vastly inferior to the VBulletin system of offering you a checklist of what had been posted in your threads.

f you want to quote someone hit reply on their message. It automatically quotes them.

I highlighted the sentence above. On the old board, I would have clicked the "quote" button and it would have wrapped BB code around it for me. Our Facebook interface lacks that ability, though I suspect CC can add it.

Like I said the problem isn't the site it's mostly people not being willing to take 2seconds to learn the new location where they have to click on the new user interface.

Sadly, this interface is used far more than VBulletin these days. I'm quite familiar with it, and it remains inferior.
I'm aware of this - I've been on Facebook. But it is still vastly inferior to the VBulletin system of offering you a checklist of what had been posted in your threads.

I highlighted the sentence above. On the old board, I would have clicked the "quote" button and it would have wrapped BB code around it for me. Our Facebook interface lacks that ability, though I suspect CC can add it.

Sadly, this interface is used far more than VBulletin these days. I'm quite familiar with it, and it remains inferior.

Yeah ok it's missing the quote modifier button on the editing panel which was nice when indicating text was not yours.. However using the indent button you can do things like this:
"Example of text shown as a citation in the form of citations used around the world."​

So the prior one did not have indents and this one does.

Again.. I've not found anything of significance missing.
Deniers deny the AGWCult can control the climate

And there they'd be wrong.
What do you mean? The hell you're not. Your group is telling people how they should live. what sacrifices they must make. Why would you do that if you're not trying to control the climate? Not that I believe you can, because nothing proposed will ever do anything. But you sure the hell do!!!!! So here I call BS :bsflag:
If humans did everything they could possibly do to mitigate AGW, it would cause warming to grind to a halt after another few decades, then slowly cool. I would hardly call that "controlling the climate"
If humans did everything they could possibly do to mitigate AGW, it would cause warming to grind to a halt after another few decades, then slowly cool. I would hardly call that "controlling the climate"


Were you born retarded, or did you suffer severe head trauma?
If humans did everything they could possibly do to mitigate AGW, it would cause warming to grind to a halt after another few decades, then slowly cool. I would hardly call that "controlling the climate"
if you could do everything possible to prove your point, you just might have one. But right now you're just a fool in love with climate that you think you can control. hahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahhahahahahahaahhaha............................whew.........hahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahhahahahaahahahahahaha

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