Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass...

I know why Frank and other deniers push so hard for more global warming and mass death for their enemies.

They want to be able to face the spirit of their mentor, Stalin, and say "We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master. My body count is bigger than yours, my gulags contain more enemies of TheParty."

He took the Koch/Mercatus Center brown acid just like SSDD, flacaltenn,Westwall, etc...

Putting up billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere has no effect. Nothing to see here people :talktothehand: , move along now :rolleyes:

Now you're simply lying. No surprise there, uneducated emotional cripples do that all the time. We have stipulated quite frequently that all that CO2 in the atmosphere is helping out the plants something fierce. All flora is growing faster, and better because of the increased CO2.

As far as your fantasy that it somehow effects the global temps...well there is now a 17 year period that shows that to be false.
"evolve" to habitat loss? "evolve" to human-induced/accelerated climate change? You're funny Frank57 :p


Yes. That is what drives evolution idiot. PRESSURE! Why do you think that 95% of all evolution occurs in the Temperate Zones? Because they CHANGE! The poles don't change, the equator doesn't change thus the critters that live there are not under any type of environmental stress so evolution doesn't occur because it doesn't need to.

Gosh you're stupid.
denier cultists think this is just a big game :eusa_doh:

Ummmm, that's because it is silly person. It's called the game of life and there are winners and losers. The penalties for losing are harsh though. Best adapt to the cooling that is coming. Food is going to be getting short and conflict is going to increase like it always does when it gets cold.
I'm always interested in whatever junk science in currently in vogue in the denier cult, and the origins of that junk science. Hence, I'm curious as to why Westwall is telling us that 95% of evolution occurs in the temperate zones.
I'm always interested in whatever junk science in currently in vogue in the denier cult, and the origins of that junk science. Hence, I'm curious as to why Westwall is telling us that 95% of evolution occurs in the temperate zones.

I don't know where Westwall gets his numbers, but the diversity of organisms that live in a given territory should increase based on the variety of available habitats - because there's more competition so organisms need to adapt, evolve, and gain specification. As they are particularly fertile environments, temperate zones should be hotbeds of evolution and diversity.
Why do you think that 95% of all evolution occurs in the Temperate Zones?

Over the planet's history, the greatest climate changes have been at the poles, not the equator. And since the temperate zones are not the habitat of 95% of all life, they are not where 95% of all evolution takes place.

If you've got a reputable source that says something different, I'd like to see it.
Why do you think that 95% of all evolution occurs in the Temperate Zones?

Over the planet's history, the greatest climate changes have been at the poles, not the equator. And since the temperate zones are not the habitat of 95% of all life, they are not where 95% of all evolution takes place.

If you've got a reputable source that says something different, I'd like to see it.
Which tropical species are at risk due to climate change today....not projected change or the change you hope for.....but due to the climate today
Can I assume you have no reputable source supporting your contention? Looks that way. You should stop trying to distract us from your failings. It only makes us look all the harder.
Can I assume you have no reputable source supporting your contention? Looks that way. You should stop trying to distract us from your failings. It only makes us look all the harder.

So in other words you have no real science to back up your claims and once again you get caught in lie and try and lie your way out of it.
see......I knew he was!!!!! thanks for the confirmation from the other thread.
What liberty do you believe we've lost?

Are you really that stupid...scratch that...of course you are. Here, just to demonstrate to others how stupid you are, here is a small test.

Name 3 things that you can do today with no interference or involvement from government at either the local, state, or federal level without going into the most mundane aspects of your life.

When I was young, the challenge would have been easy...and the list would have been fact, you would have a harder time naming things that the government did involve itself in...but I were about to show us all how stupid you really are....proceed...
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