Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass...

How funny he blames all this on Republicans

Do they have Republicans in Brazil, China, Africa, etc?
Throughout history the earth has had periods of warming and cooling to the point of mild and moderate ice ages. It seems these warming and cooling cycles coincide with the warming and cooling cycles of the sun. I guess the get rich quick climate change fear-mongers will try to convince us that our carbon pollution is killing the sun. Sit back, relax and quit worrying about things the sun will decide for us.

It appears that it is possible to compose five solid lines of text without getting a single thing correct.

The dominant cause of climate change throughout the Earth's history have been orbital changes, not changes in the sun. The point, however, is irrelevant to the current situation.

No one is getting rich quick from climate change. There are a class of people, however, who fear that our response to AGW will take them from extremely rich to less rich. Those would be the people who own the fossil fuel industries we've relied on all these years. If money is the motivation, they - by a huge margin - are the ones with the greatest reason to be dishonest here.

If you think that the only things that can happen are what has happened before, I will take all your modern electronics, your motor vehicles and your credit cards because for several billion years they haven't existed and must therefore be valueless.
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Throughout history the earth has had periods of warming and cooling to the point of mild and moderate ice ages. It seems these warming and cooling cycles coincide with the warming and cooling cycles of the sun. I guess the get rich quick climate change fear-mongers will try to convince us that our carbon pollution is killing the sun. Sit back, relax and quit worrying about things the sun will decide for us.

It appears that it is possible to compose five solid lines of text without getting a single thing correct.

The dominant cause of climate change throughout the Earth's history have been orbital changes, not changes in the sun. The point, however, is irrelevant to the current situation.

No one is getting rich quick from climate change. There are a class of people, however, who fear that our response to AGW will take them from extremely rich to less rich. Those would be the people who own the fossil fuel industries we've relied on all these years. If money is the motivation, they - by a huge margin - are the ones with the greatest reason to be dishonest here.

If you think that the only things that can happen are what has happened before, I will take all your modern electronics, your motor vehicles and your credit cards because for several billion years they haven't existed and must therefore be valueless.

And the AGW cult continues posting scripture.

You are wrong 99.9% of the time you post and continue to prove that you know nothing about real science.

Next you will be posting that aerosols are not a gas..
And the AGW cult continues posting scripture.

You are wrong 99.9% of the time you post and continue to prove that you know nothing about real science.

Next you will be posting that aerosols are not a gas..

First, you idiot, aerosols are not gases.
World English Dictionary
aerosol (ˈɛərəˌsɒl)

— n
1. a colloidal dispersion of solid or liquid particles in a gas; smoke or fog

Second, if I'm wrong 99.9% off the time, you should have no problem finding some real science that shows this to be so. Let's see it you STUPID asshole.
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yabut Right wing, deniers have to show a quarterly profit, the health of our planet be damned.
And the AGW cult continues posting scripture.

You are wrong 99.9% of the time you post and continue to prove that you know nothing about real science.

Next you will be posting that aerosols are not a gas..

First, you idiot, aerosols are not gases.
World English Dictionary
aerosol (ˈɛərəˌsɒl)

— n
1. a colloidal dispersion of solid or liquid particles in a gas; smoke or fog

Second, if I'm wrong 99.9% off the time, you should have no problem finding some real science that shows this to be so. Let's see it you STUPID asshole.

Kosh or, as I refer to him as "broken record boi" is merely a mouthpiece for rw boilerplate responses. I don't even read his posts anymore. Life is too short.

As to the OP, rw'ers keep conveniently forgetting that theres a word in the Constitution- namely- "posterity". rw'ers need to google that to find out its meaning.
yabut Right wing, deniers have to show a quarterly profit, the health of our planet be damned.

Still driving?
Yeah, thats what I thought.

Still using electricity?
Yeah that's what I thought.
Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass...

I bet the only form of mass extinction of humans will be in the form of ,,,,other humans:(
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

You might want to consider calling whoever is filling in for Dr Kevorkian
Who else would be responsible? The cockroaches?

Responsible for what, Dear?

What are you and your imaginary Climate Changes friends saying now?

If Evolution works as you say it does any mass die off will take all the gullible and naive, so maybe it's a blessing
Responsible for the extinction of you and your fellow... no, you and the other humans.
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

Bullshit. Last year they discovered 12,000 new species. The year before that it was 18,000. This is just more BS propaganda from the enviro Nazi's who are desperate for a world government that they will control. The fact that they'll murder a few billion people doesn't bother them in the slightest.

How many species disappeared before we happened to come across them?

Simply discovering a species doesn't mean that it is "new" either. Our knowledge is finite. But we do know that we are negatively impacting our own environment and that is harming other species too. If we were environment neutral then your position would have merit but to use terms like "world government" in this context makes no sense. We have the ability to detect changes that are causing harm. What is wrong with stopping the harm that we are causing?
If that were the case, it should be child's play for you to prove that human GHG emissions are NOT responsible for the majority of the observed warming. Can you tell me where I would go to find such studies? Given that most climate scientists accept anthropogenic global warming, there must be butt-ton-loads of failed experiments. Can you point us to some of them? Could you simply explain in your own words how AGW was falsified or how experiment meant to confirm AGW failed to do so?

Child's play.
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We've gone over this before. Are you under the impression that those discoveries indicate 12,000 and 18,000 species had just come into existence? Are you under the impression that those discoveries say ANYTHING about animal populations?


Then why do you mention them in this context? The discovery of new species says nothing about the rate of extinctions. Nothing. So let's not try to wander away from the fact without concluding that you're as ignorant an ass here as you've shown yourself in a dozen other regards.

Both stupid AND arrogant. I can name several. And the contention from the lead post is that global warming "will become" the leading cause of extinctions. As to recent losses we have:

Chinese River Dolphin
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker
Socorro Dove
Scimitar Oryx
Western Black Rhinoceros
Cape Serval
Bouvier's Red Colobus Monkey
Alaotra Grebe
Reunion Giant Tortoise
Banks Island Wolf
Caribbean Monk Seal
California Golden Bear
Cascade Mountain Wolf
Eastern Cougar

Here is a list of 842 species all determined by the IUCN to have become extinct in modern times:
Here is a list of 75 species extinct in the wild - whose only surviving members are in captivity:

A few were. The majority went extinct from loss of habitat or a combination of factors. Your statement, like almost all absolutist statements, is demonstrably false.

No AGW cause in the slightest you ignorant twat. Merely ignorant people not knowing or caring in some cases what they were doing.

The criticism applies to all cases in which humans have been involved. Few extinctions were intentional or well-thought out, though you might say that humans have intended to make the polio and smallpox viruses extinct.

The CONSERVATION movement has reversed that trend and now sets aside areas of safety so that critters can live in safety. Enviro Nazi's such as yourself have done nothing to preserve a single species. Nothing.

Species like the African Elephant? That Black Rhino? The Highland Gorilla? If you actually believe what you're saying, you've deluded yourself to the point that you're a danger to others.

Ummmmm, I hate to tell you but none of those are EXTINCT you idiot. They are ENDANGERED! Not extinct. Clearly you understand English as well as you understand science...which is not at all.
If that were the case, it should be child's play for you to prove that human GHG emissions are NOT responsible for the majority of the observed warming. Can you tell me where I would go to find such studies? Given that most climate scientists accept anthropogenic global warming, there must be butt-ton-loads of failed experiments. Can you point us to some of them? Could you simply explain in your own words how AGW was falsified or how experiment meant to confirm AGW failed to do so?

This should be child's play.

Science works the other way around though. You have to show that human GHG emissions ARE responsible for the majority of the observed warming. The bad news for you is you have none. That's why you are trying to flip the null hypothesis on it's head.

Who else would be responsible? The cockroaches?

Viruses have killed more people than people have. Though you progressives are running a close second. You have managed to murder more people in the last hundred years than all of religion did in the prior 2,000 years. You must be so proud of that accomplishment.

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