Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass...

Thanks primarily to human caused climate change, the earth is on the cusp of mass...extinction.

And yet we find you on the internet burning up electricity to post about this topic, using a computer which also uses electricity and whose production released quite a bit of noxious pollution into the environment.

Instead of being a hypocrite here is how you can productively work to fix the problem. Throw away your computer, preferably via recycling, call your power company and cancel your electricity service. Get rid of your car, protest local mass transit for using metal vehicles powered by technology because metal refining produces pollution as does every type of fuel system, even solar, which could power that vehicle.

Walk everywhere. If your employer uses power during the work day then quit your job because you don't want to be an enabler of horrible practices like using electricity.

Now if your diatribe here is just cheap reputational conspicuous consumption meant to broadcast to us all how much you CARE!!!!!! and you're not actually living your life in a cave, then never mind all of the good advice I just gave you. Normal people know how to tune out liberals who are publicly preening like peacocks about how concerned and enlightened they are about issues.

You know even if I did all of those things, the damage is already done. In less than a century, much of the earth will not be habitable.

Once again, bullshit. Ehrlich, who is one of the main sources for this crap, said (back in the early 1970's) that by the 1980's billions would be dead and most of the Earth would be uninhabitable. As you can no doubt see, he was flat assed wrong then, and he and they are flat assed wrong now.

What astonishes me is you claim to be an educated thinker, yet you believe predictions from people who have a worse prediction rate than KNOWN charlatans like Jean Dixon.

Just imagine that billy, PSYCHICS are better at predictions than your precious "scientists"...... And by a huge amount.
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

Bullshit. Last year they discovered 12,000 new species. The year before that it was 18,000. This is just more BS propaganda from the enviro Nazi's who are desperate for a world government that they will control. The fact that they'll murder a few billion people doesn't bother them in the slightest.

We've gone over this before. Are you under the impression that those discoveries indicate 12,000 and 18,000 species had just come into existence? Are you under the impression that those discoveries say ANYTHING about animal populations?
You know even if I did all of those things, the damage is already done. In less than a century, much of the earth will not be habitable.

Kind of like what liberals did to Western Civilization by imposing multiculturalism on us. Why the concern for the environment and utter delight in the destruction of society? Weird, huh?

It's kind of like having a barn burning where you start the fire with Kerosine and then have conniptions when other people start throwing jugs of gasoline into the burning barn.

On another tack though - if you don't care about what kind of society, what kind of patrimony, you leave to future generations, then why do you so idiosyncratically care about the kind of environment you bestow to future generations?

Seems to me that multicultalism was here already. In just the small area of Europe, many differant cultures. So when did 'liberals' get together and make all these people live differantly from each other? How many thousands of years ago was that?

Your kind of silly ass rant is why 'Conservatives' are held in contempt.
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

News flash, spanky, your rant would best be directed at China and India, not Republicans.
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD your mommy still wiping your hinney?

Its 2014........nobody gives a rats ass about climate change. Go check any poll.:D:D And maybe 179 people think the world is going to end tomorrow due to climate change.:itsok::fu::fu::fu:
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

There are several long-time drivers of what researchers call "defaunation" — the decline of various animal species. The study points to " overexploitation, habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive species" as continuing threats, but notes that soon, human-caused climate change will be the number one driver of defaunation

Name, make that 3, make that one species that has gone extinct in the past 50 years as a result of climate change or shut the fuck up and crawl back under whatever rock you came from.

My bet is that you can't name one...because there are none and you are wailing and gnashing your teeth claiming an imminent mass extinction? Laughable...absolutely laughable....and stupid in the extreme. You exemplify what is wrong with the left. Congratulations, you are a poster child.
...extinction. Thanks republicans. Not only are you fucking over this country, but thanks in part to your bullshit rhetoric, the earth is on the verge of another mass extinction. USMB Rightwingers I ask you to stop listening to republican politicians who have no concept of scientific reality and start listening to the experts. It is no lie that 97% of climate scientists from AROUND THE WORLD understand what is a real threat.

Bullshit. Last year they discovered 12,000 new species. The year before that it was 18,000. This is just more BS propaganda from the enviro Nazi's who are desperate for a world government that they will control. The fact that they'll murder a few billion people doesn't bother them in the slightest.

We've gone over this before. Are you under the impression that those discoveries indicate 12,000 and 18,000 species had just come into existence? Are you under the impression that those discoveries say ANYTHING about animal populations?

No, but you can't name a single species that has gone extinct in the last 50 years either. The one's that have gone extinct were HUNTED to extinction. No AGW cause in the slightest you ignorant twat. Merely ignorant people not knowing or caring in some cases what they were doing.

The CONSERVATION movement has reversed that trend and now sets aside areas of safety so that critters can live in safety. Enviro Nazi's such as yourself have done nothing to preserve a single species. Nothing.
Bullshit. Last year they discovered 12,000 new species. The year before that it was 18,000. This is just more BS propaganda from the enviro Nazi's who are desperate for a world government that they will control. The fact that they'll murder a few billion people doesn't bother them in the slightest.

We've gone over this before. Are you under the impression that those discoveries indicate 12,000 and 18,000 species had just come into existence? Are you under the impression that those discoveries say ANYTHING about animal populations?

No, but you can't name a single species that has gone extinct in the last 50 years either. The one's that have gone extinct were HUNTED to extinction. No AGW cause in the slightest you ignorant twat. Merely ignorant people not knowing or caring in some cases what they were doing.

The CONSERVATION movement has reversed that trend and now sets aside areas of safety so that critters can live in safety. Enviro Nazi's such as yourself have done nothing to preserve a single species. Nothing.

Idiot probably doesn't know the difference between conservation which works, and environmentalism which is a do nothing, feel good about yourself religion.
deniers want to treat the planet as their own little sandbox and use all the resources up in their lifetimes. Selfish much?
Bullshit. Last year they discovered 12,000 new species. The year before that it was 18,000. This is just more BS propaganda from the enviro Nazi's who are desperate for a world government that they will control. The fact that they'll murder a few billion people doesn't bother them in the slightest.

We've gone over this before. Are you under the impression that those discoveries indicate 12,000 and 18,000 species had just come into existence? Are you under the impression that those discoveries say ANYTHING about animal populations?


Then why do you mention them in this context? The discovery of new species says nothing about the rate of extinctions. Nothing. So let's not try to wander away from the fact without concluding that you're as ignorant an ass here as you've shown yourself in a dozen other regards.

but you can't name a single species that has gone extinct in the last 50 years either.

Both stupid AND arrogant. I can name several. And the contention from the lead post is that global warming "will become" the leading cause of extinctions. As to recent losses we have:

Chinese River Dolphin
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker
Socorro Dove
Scimitar Oryx
Western Black Rhinoceros
Cape Serval
Bouvier's Red Colobus Monkey
Alaotra Grebe
Reunion Giant Tortoise
Banks Island Wolf
Caribbean Monk Seal
California Golden Bear
Cascade Mountain Wolf
Eastern Cougar

Here is a list of 842 species all determined by the IUCN to have become extinct in modern times:
Here is a list of 75 species extinct in the wild - whose only surviving members are in captivity:

The one's that have gone extinct were HUNTED to extinction.

A few were. The majority went extinct from loss of habitat or a combination of factors. Your statement, like almost all absolutist statements, is demonstrably false.

No AGW cause in the slightest you ignorant twat. Merely ignorant people not knowing or caring in some cases what they were doing.

The criticism applies to all cases in which humans have been involved. Few extinctions were intentional or well-thought out, though you might say that humans have intended to make the polio and smallpox viruses extinct.

The CONSERVATION movement has reversed that trend and now sets aside areas of safety so that critters can live in safety. Enviro Nazi's such as yourself have done nothing to preserve a single species. Nothing.

Species like the African Elephant? That Black Rhino? The Highland Gorilla? If you actually believe what you're saying, you've deluded yourself to the point that you're a danger to others.
Really? That's your response? In most places that would mark you as an inveterate, flaming troll. Do you really WANT to be known as that uncaring of a jerk?
Really? That's your response? In most places that would mark you as an inveterate, flaming troll. Do you really WANT to be known as that uncaring of a jerk?

I don't come here for affirmation of humanity, or my maturity, or my self worth. My response is to ridicule the doomsday AGW nut balls who have been predicting the end of civilization for decades. Unless we all become socialists, they say, we are doomed.

It deserves ridicule.
How does laughing about major species going extinct accomplish such a goal?
Throughout history the earth has had periods of warming and cooling to the point of mild and moderate ice ages. It seems these warming and cooling cycles coincide with the warming and cooling cycles of the sun. I guess the get rich quick climate change fear-mongers will try to convince us that our carbon pollution is killing the sun. Sit back, relax and quit worrying about things the sun will decide for us.
Doomsday, nothing you can do to stop it, but off yourself before it happens you're so worried over it

damn the cult of global warming are scary people
Just from a hypothetical viewpoint, it would be a great deal more effective to "off" all the deniers.

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