Thanks To Angela Merkel . . .

I know all about the Muslim conquest of Europe...My family came from Spain. We have historical documents that are priceless. One of them gives directions on how my family was to deal with the Moors... One of the top not marry a Moor. Lol
I'm glad you know. Because far too many of our fellow Americans are blind to history and will simply refuse to see what is right before their eyes.
I know all about the Muslim conquest of Europe...My family came from Spain. We have historical documents that are priceless. One of them gives directions on how my family was to deal with the Moors... One of the top not marry a Moor. Lol
I'm glad you know. Because far too many of our fellow Americans are blind to history and will simply refuse to see what is right before their eyes.
I think the human race is forever doomed to keep repeating history.
Actually in Europe, they have low birth rates and have gotten to the point they don't have enough manpower to cover the unskilled labor jobs they have. So the influx of refugees should be a good thing there... unless they rape your women.
And methodically set about to destroy your culture.

What the hell? What's your culture? The United States is called the melting pot for a reason. We've had people of all nationalities come here and we are doing fine. That's what freedom is about. I hate it when people get into a certain position and then forget the past and how they got there, and then try to hold others back. It's irrational and selfish.
What migrant culture ever behaved the way these Muslims have behaved and are behaving in the European and Scandinavian nations they've invaded. And I do not use the word invaded metaphorically.

Well the Irish invaded New York... the Germans invaded the midwest especially in cities like Cincinnati. It was a difficult transition at times, especially during the early Twentieth Century when the Prohibition movement created mass xenophobia, blaming the immigrants for bringing alcoholism to the United States. We got over it... and now we are better for it. We all live together and we enjoy events together as a people like St. Patrick's day and Octoberfest.

Germany and many of the countries over there actually NEED people like these Muslims. I recently had a class about human trafficking, and the reason why there is so many people trafficked into places like Germany is for slave labor. The birth rates there are just not high enough to meet the demand for low-skill jobs. So as long as the immigrants come and work, and not just leach off the country, things will eventually calm down. Just like it did here.
Actually in Europe, they have low birth rates and have gotten to the point they don't have enough manpower to cover the unskilled labor jobs they have. So the influx of refugees should be a good thing there... unless they rape your women.
And methodically set about to destroy your culture.

What the hell? What's your culture? The United States is called the melting pot for a reason. We've had people of all nationalities come here and we are doing fine. That's what freedom is about. I hate it when people get into a certain position and then forget the past and how they got there, and then try to hold others back. It's irrational and selfish.
What migrant culture ever behaved the way these Muslims have behaved and are behaving in the European and Scandinavian nations they've invaded. And I do not use the word invaded metaphorically.

Well the Irish invaded New York... the Germans invaded the midwest especially in cities like Cincinnati. It was a difficult transition at times, especially during the early Twentieth Century when the Prohibition movement created mass xenophobia, blaming the immigrants for bringing alcoholism to the United States. We got over it... and now we are better for it. We all live together and we enjoy events together as a people like St. Patrick's day and Octoberfest.

Germany and many of the countries over there actually NEED people like these Muslims. I recently had a class about human trafficking, and the reason why there is so many people trafficked into places like Germany is for slave labor. The birth rates there are just not high enough to meet the demand for low-skill jobs. So as long as the immigrants come and work, and not just leach off the country, things will eventually calm down. Just like it did here.
That is insane. Western countries need muslims like they need a nuclear attack....they don't need them nor should they want them.
Actually in Europe, they have low birth rates and have gotten to the point they don't have enough manpower to cover the unskilled labor jobs they have. So the influx of refugees should be a good thing there... unless they rape your women.
And methodically set about to destroy your culture.

What the hell? What's your culture? The United States is called the melting pot for a reason. We've had people of all nationalities come here and we are doing fine. That's what freedom is about. I hate it when people get into a certain position and then forget the past and how they got there, and then try to hold others back. It's irrational and selfish.
What migrant culture ever behaved the way these Muslims have behaved and are behaving in the European and Scandinavian nations they've invaded. And I do not use the word invaded metaphorically.

Well the Irish invaded New York... the Germans invaded the midwest especially in cities like Cincinnati. It was a difficult transition at times, especially during the early Twentieth Century when the Prohibition movement created mass xenophobia, blaming the immigrants for bringing alcoholism to the United States. We got over it... and now we are better for it. We all live together and we enjoy events together as a people like St. Patrick's day and Octoberfest.

Germany and many of the countries over there actually NEED people like these Muslims. I recently had a class about human trafficking, and the reason why there is so many people trafficked into places like Germany is for slave labor. The birth rates there are just not high enough to meet the demand for low-skill jobs. So as long as the immigrants come and work, and not just leach off the country, things will eventually calm down. Just like it did here.
That is insane. Western countries need muslims like they need a nuclear attack....they don't need them nor should they want them.

Muslims are people just like anyone else. End of story. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you, you are obviously a racist and there is no point in it.
And methodically set about to destroy your culture.

What the hell? What's your culture? The United States is called the melting pot for a reason. We've had people of all nationalities come here and we are doing fine. That's what freedom is about. I hate it when people get into a certain position and then forget the past and how they got there, and then try to hold others back. It's irrational and selfish.
What migrant culture ever behaved the way these Muslims have behaved and are behaving in the European and Scandinavian nations they've invaded. And I do not use the word invaded metaphorically.

Well the Irish invaded New York... the Germans invaded the midwest especially in cities like Cincinnati. It was a difficult transition at times, especially during the early Twentieth Century when the Prohibition movement created mass xenophobia, blaming the immigrants for bringing alcoholism to the United States. We got over it... and now we are better for it. We all live together and we enjoy events together as a people like St. Patrick's day and Octoberfest.

Germany and many of the countries over there actually NEED people like these Muslims. I recently had a class about human trafficking, and the reason why there is so many people trafficked into places like Germany is for slave labor. The birth rates there are just not high enough to meet the demand for low-skill jobs. So as long as the immigrants come and work, and not just leach off the country, things will eventually calm down. Just like it did here.
That is insane. Western countries need muslims like they need a nuclear attack....they don't need them nor should they want them.

Muslims are people just like anyone else. End of story. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you, you are obviously a racist and there is no point in it.
Sure Muslims are people just like anyone else, but thats where the similarities end and that's not an argument for wanting them to immigrate to western countries. They are not the same culturally as people in the west though. They come from backwards 3rd world counties, most are uneducated and go on welfare for life in Europe. And whether I am racist or not, it is a fact that when different cultures are pushed into the same area and forced to deal with each other, the differences lead to culture clashes. It's not a good idea to have mass immigration from 3rd world countries obviously....look what's going on in Europe.

Don't be scared to discuss with me...
Is this a joke? A bit late for April 1st.
Is what a joke? Please explain what you mean.

Well, the whole thrust of the OP. I kept looking up to see if this was posted in "Political Satire" but it wasn't.

If I really need to explain -- the refugees in question are fleeing Daesh, not part of it. It's just not rational. I thought this was obvious. It's like agonizing over whether to take refugees from Alberta wildfires on the basis that they could be arsonists. Doesn't make any sense. :dunno:
Well, the whole thrust of the OP. I kept looking up to see if this was posted in "Political Satire" but it wasn't.
That's because it's not a joke. It's a very serious situation.

If I really need to explain -- the refugees in question are fleeing Daesh, not part of it.
How do you know that? Because they say so? And if some are legitimately seeking amnesty, how do we know who really are seeking asylum and who are ISIS operatives? Or do you think we should just take a chance? And if so, why?

It's just not rational.
Concern for the safety of our population is not rational? How did you arrive at that conclusion?

I thought this was obvious.
What is obvious is these refugees have perpetrated mayhem in every European and Scandinavian nation which has generously admitted them and offered them emergency aid. They clearly are uncivilized barbarians who deserve to be confined to concentration camps and deported en masse. They are declared enemies of the White race and there is absolutely no reason for Western societies, which are predominately White, to be concerned with their well-being.

It's like agonizing over whether to take refugees from Alberta wildfires on the basis that they could be arsonists. Doesn't make any sense. :dunno:
And you think it makes sense to compare the highly civilized population of Alberta to these barbarians? Where do you live -- in Somalia?

Have a look at this:
Muslims are people just like anyone else. End of story. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you, you are obviously a racist and there is no point in it.
What other ethnicity or religious category do you know of who ever have behaved like these Muslim barbarians have behaved and are behaving in Europe and Scandinavia. These people are committed enemies of the Western (White) peoples and they are following in the footsteps of the Moslem hordes that provoked the Crusades.

For your information the Koran urges its adherents to migrate West and to outnumber, subdue and enslave "infidels" (White people) -- and that is exactly what they are attempting to do now.

Islam and Immigration: Hijrah (Migration or Immigration), Immigrant Stories, Muslim Immigration to Canada
Well, the whole thrust of the OP. I kept looking up to see if this was posted in "Political Satire" but it wasn't.
That's because it's not a joke. It's a very serious situation.

If I really need to explain -- the refugees in question are fleeing Daesh, not part of it.
How do you know that? Because they say so? And if some are legitimately seeking amnesty, how do we know who really are seeking asylum and who are ISIS operatives? Or do you think we should just take a chance? And if so, why?

It's just not rational.
Concern for the safety of our population is not rational? How did you arrive at that conclusion?

I thought this was obvious.
What is obvious is these refugees have perpetrated mayhem in every European and Scandinavian nation which has generously admitted them and offered them emergency aid. They clearly are uncivilized barbarians who deserve to be confined to concentration camps and deported en masse. They are declared enemies of the White race and there is absolutely no reason for Western societies, which are predominately White, to be concerned with their well-being.

It's like agonizing over whether to take refugees from Alberta wildfires on the basis that they could be arsonists. Doesn't make any sense. :dunno:
And you think it makes sense to compare the highly civilized population of Alberta to these barbarians? Where do you live -- in Somalia?

Have a look at this:

Uh..... nnnnnnnnnnno dood. Morphing victims into the perpetrators they're the victims OF isn't rational. Nor are deliberate distortion of my point or video appeals to emotion.

SMH .... I think you've lost your marbles.
Well, the whole thrust of the OP. I kept looking up to see if this was posted in "Political Satire" but it wasn't.
That's because it's not a joke. It's a very serious situation.

If I really need to explain -- the refugees in question are fleeing Daesh, not part of it.
How do you know that? Because they say so? And if some are legitimately seeking amnesty, how do we know who really are seeking asylum and who are ISIS operatives? Or do you think we should just take a chance? And if so, why?

It's just not rational.
Concern for the safety of our population is not rational? How did you arrive at that conclusion?

I thought this was obvious.
What is obvious is these refugees have perpetrated mayhem in every European and Scandinavian nation which has generously admitted them and offered them emergency aid. They clearly are uncivilized barbarians who deserve to be confined to concentration camps and deported en masse. They are declared enemies of the White race and there is absolutely no reason for Western societies, which are predominately White, to be concerned with their well-being.

It's like agonizing over whether to take refugees from Alberta wildfires on the basis that they could be arsonists. Doesn't make any sense. :dunno:
And you think it makes sense to compare the highly civilized population of Alberta to these barbarians? Where do you live -- in Somalia?

Have a look at this:

Uh..... nnnnnnnnnnno dood. Morphing victims into the perpetrators they're the victims OF isn't rational.

SMH .... I think you've lost your marbles.

Dude they can't be vetted.. You don't know what you're talking about.
And methodically set about to destroy your culture.

What the hell? What's your culture? The United States is called the melting pot for a reason. We've had people of all nationalities come here and we are doing fine. That's what freedom is about. I hate it when people get into a certain position and then forget the past and how they got there, and then try to hold others back. It's irrational and selfish.
What migrant culture ever behaved the way these Muslims have behaved and are behaving in the European and Scandinavian nations they've invaded. And I do not use the word invaded metaphorically.

Well the Irish invaded New York... the Germans invaded the midwest especially in cities like Cincinnati. It was a difficult transition at times, especially during the early Twentieth Century when the Prohibition movement created mass xenophobia, blaming the immigrants for bringing alcoholism to the United States. We got over it... and now we are better for it. We all live together and we enjoy events together as a people like St. Patrick's day and Octoberfest.

Germany and many of the countries over there actually NEED people like these Muslims. I recently had a class about human trafficking, and the reason why there is so many people trafficked into places like Germany is for slave labor. The birth rates there are just not high enough to meet the demand for low-skill jobs. So as long as the immigrants come and work, and not just leach off the country, things will eventually calm down. Just like it did here.
That is insane. Western countries need muslims like they need a nuclear attack....they don't need them nor should they want them.

Muslims are people just like anyone else. End of story. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you, you are obviously a racist and there is no point in it.
I bet you wear high heels.
Well, the whole thrust of the OP. I kept looking up to see if this was posted in "Political Satire" but it wasn't.
That's because it's not a joke. It's a very serious situation.

If I really need to explain -- the refugees in question are fleeing Daesh, not part of it.
How do you know that? Because they say so? And if some are legitimately seeking amnesty, how do we know who really are seeking asylum and who are ISIS operatives? Or do you think we should just take a chance? And if so, why?

It's just not rational.
Concern for the safety of our population is not rational? How did you arrive at that conclusion?

I thought this was obvious.
What is obvious is these refugees have perpetrated mayhem in every European and Scandinavian nation which has generously admitted them and offered them emergency aid. They clearly are uncivilized barbarians who deserve to be confined to concentration camps and deported en masse. They are declared enemies of the White race and there is absolutely no reason for Western societies, which are predominately White, to be concerned with their well-being.

It's like agonizing over whether to take refugees from Alberta wildfires on the basis that they could be arsonists. Doesn't make any sense. :dunno:
And you think it makes sense to compare the highly civilized population of Alberta to these barbarians? Where do you live -- in Somalia?

Have a look at this:

Uh..... nnnnnnnnnnno dood. Morphing victims into the perpetrators they're the victims OF isn't rational.

SMH .... I think you've lost your marbles.

Dude they can't be vetted.. You don't know what you're talking about.

"Can't be vetted"?

Dood -- they already ARE vetted. What, you think they walk around in some kind of Romulan anti-vetting device? :cuckoo:

Mike, this is part of what I mean by losing your marbles. Look who you've got agreeing with you.
Well, the whole thrust of the OP. I kept looking up to see if this was posted in "Political Satire" but it wasn't.
That's because it's not a joke. It's a very serious situation.

If I really need to explain -- the refugees in question are fleeing Daesh, not part of it.
How do you know that? Because they say so? And if some are legitimately seeking amnesty, how do we know who really are seeking asylum and who are ISIS operatives? Or do you think we should just take a chance? And if so, why?

It's just not rational.
Concern for the safety of our population is not rational? How did you arrive at that conclusion?

I thought this was obvious.
What is obvious is these refugees have perpetrated mayhem in every European and Scandinavian nation which has generously admitted them and offered them emergency aid. They clearly are uncivilized barbarians who deserve to be confined to concentration camps and deported en masse. They are declared enemies of the White race and there is absolutely no reason for Western societies, which are predominately White, to be concerned with their well-being.

It's like agonizing over whether to take refugees from Alberta wildfires on the basis that they could be arsonists. Doesn't make any sense. :dunno:
And you think it makes sense to compare the highly civilized population of Alberta to these barbarians? Where do you live -- in Somalia?

Have a look at this:

Uh..... nnnnnnnnnnno dood. Morphing victims into the perpetrators they're the victims OF isn't rational.

SMH .... I think you've lost your marbles.

Dude they can't be vetted.. You don't know what you're talking about.

"Can't be vetted"?

Dood -- they already ARE vetted. What, you think they walk around in some kind of Romulan anti-vetting device? :cuckoo:

Mike, this is part of what I mean by losing your marbles. Look who you've got agreeing with you.

Holy shit! You're a functioning retard!
Dude they can't be vetted.. You don't know what you're talking about.

You obviously are functioning in denial, so let's try a more direct approach.

"Vetting" means to carefully examine someone's background. In the example of these so-called "asylum seekers" less than ten percent of them are able to prove they have valid cause to seek asylum. The rest, ninety percent, are bright red question marks. They could be from anywhere. They could simply be looking for a comfortable place to flop -- or they could be radicalized ISIS operatives seeking to infiltrate and set up terrorist cells.

Notice that the 80% majority of them are young military-age men. Can you, or anyone you know of, offer some verifiable assurance that none of these young men are jihadists -- or bordering on becoming radicalized? They have no documents to show they are legitimate asylum-seekers.

We already have seen what these young Muslim males are capable of. They are barbaric and many of them have openly declared their hatred for the White race and their intention to subjugate it in the name of Allah. Just look at what they've already done in London:

What we are seeing is a modernized version of the seventh century Moslem invasions and occupations which eventually precipitated the Crusades to expel them.

If what I am telling you is not true, then how do you account for what we already have seen in Germany, France, the U.K., Belgium, Sweden, Norway and Denmark?
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Notice that the 80% majority of them are young military-age men. Can you, or anyone you know of, offer some verifiable assurance that none of these young men are jihadists -- or bordering on becoming radicalized? They have no documents to show they are legitimate asylum-seekers.

It ain't my job to prove the negative. You're making the suggestion, that makes it your job. And it has no logical basis.

Again -- I like this analogy because it works --- you don't turn Alberta wildfire refugees away on the basis that they may be arsonists. It makes no sense. If some Syrian were a "jihadist" --- he'd be staying where he can practice that, not running away from it. "They could be this, they could be that" has all the logical impact of "the moon landing was faked" and "the government is controlling the populace through fluoridation".

By the way did you watch your own video?
Muslims are people just like anyone else. End of story. I'm not going to sit here and argue with you, you are obviously a racist and there is no point in it.
What other ethnicity or religious category do you know of who ever have behaved like these Muslim barbarians have behaved and are behaving in Europe and Scandinavia. These people are committed enemies of the Western (White) peoples and they are following in the footsteps of the Moslem hordes that provoked the Crusades.

For your information the Koran urges its adherents to migrate West and to outnumber, subdue and enslave "infidels" (White people) -- and that is exactly what they are attempting to do now.

Islam and Immigration: Hijrah (Migration or Immigration), Immigrant Stories, Muslim Immigration to Canada

Sorry but it is just your racism that shows you are scared of excepting how other cultures live. They aren't the problem, you are. They only react to how they are treated.

If you don't think that other cultures had problems assimilating? Have you ever watched "The Gangs of New York?" Yeah, it's a movie, but it is based on true events.
Sorry but it is just your racism that shows you are scared of excepting how other cultures live. They aren't the problem, you are. They only react to how they are treated.

If you don't think that other cultures had problems assimilating? Have you ever watched "The Gangs of New York?" Yeah, it's a movie, but it is based on true events.
In The Gangs of New York, two opposing factions of Irish immigrants engaged in occasional violent confrontations for the purpose of dominating profitable enterprises in their common community. The general public was in no way affected.

Please explain how that intra-ethnic gang vs gang activity is in any way similar to what we've recently seen taking place in Germany and Sweden, which are just just two examples of the mass molestation and random rape of women on public streets by Muslim "asylum-seekers." Can you cite the slightest comparison in the two activities?

The Gangs of New York chronicled the actions of gangs vs gangs. The Muslim migrants have plainly demonstrated that they are a menace to White society. Can you deny that?
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