Thanks to liberal stupidity - rolling blackouts across Texas

It turns out it was Republican stupidity that is responsible for blackouts and outages in Texas.

windmills are a failed liberal idea

as was the obama decision to kill coal a damn newspaper.

As a matter of fact, it was inept Republican Texas state governments that did not follow the protocols that the Feds recommended to secure their grid.

All right-wing lies about wind turbines will not change the fact that Republican ineptitude is responsible for this Texas clusterfuck.
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I never said it would be great I merely pointed out in my first post that the argument posted here has nothing to do with whether your a liberal or conservative.
Hate toward nuclear energy is time-honored liberal position

as is the entire man-made global warming DOOMSDAY hoax that has caused the shortage of energy produced by coal
Ya notice in the summer when it's 105 degrees plus and everybody ids running their AC to the max, the power rarely goes out?
I think we may see rolling blackouts in the summer in Texas as more liberal techies move here from california.

The excuses we are hearing blaming everything on the cold weather do not make sense

My thinking is that we are on the verge of chronic energy shortage that will plague us in the summer when we need air conditioning the most

Heads must roll and some of them will be republicans

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
Haha, yes Liberal Texas is ruining everything!!! Wait a minute...
Turns out it ISN'T a failure of Wind Turbines.

The nuke and fossil fueled plants which produce 90% of Texas energy at this time of year failed...because of the weather...and piss poor planning for that weather
Why would Texas even bother with wind turbines anyhow? The state has plenty enough oil and gas to run their power
Wind powered turbines are another source of power for a growing American population. The drawback to them is that they or the components to assemble them are manufactured in China? I may be confusing wind turbines with solar panels so please correct me if I am wrong here. Turbines also have a high maintenance cost from what I have read about them & few of them live up to their expected life span of twenty years. Nuclear power plants would be the way to go despite HIGH initial cost to get them constructed, not to mention the problem/cost with the waste disposal factor, eg. Hanford Nuclear Reservation!

Why would Texas even bother with wind turbines anyhow? The state has plenty enough oil and gas to run their power
Because of the corporate green new deal leftists at ercot. Did you notice EL Paso county has had few outages? They aren't under ercots thumb.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas

Nope.. The Republicans are too cheap to run maintenance. The wind turbines work fine in Antarctica.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
Obama announces $3.4 billion in grants for smart grid | Reuters › article › us-obama-grid › obama-an...

Oct 27, 2009 — The White House said the award will create tens of thousands of jobs while upgrading the U.S. electric grid. Republicans have heavily criticized ...
Obama's Smart Electrical Grid Plan | › 2012/07/26 › obamas-smart-electri...

Jul 26, 2012 — But behind the scenes, Obama's billions are gradually upgrading the grid. Utilities now receive updates on transmission lines 30 times a ...

Without taxpayer-funded government subsidies, there would be absolutely no "renewable" energy of any kind. It's not like this "green energy" bullshit suddenly sprang up from nowhere, just because it was popular or something.

Texas refuses to follow Federal rules and regs on the wind turbines.
Wind turbines create internal heat and should not freeze if in use prior to the cold. Also it is tezass who the fork cares?
You just sit in California and be sad.
Why would I be sad? I have great weather and a beautiful state to enjoy unlike tezass where there is nothing but trouble.
Did the fires caused by PG&E's incompetence and corruption ever go out? How about the billions in unfunded pension mandates -- they ever find the money for that? Hey, is that app that maps human shit on the streets of Frisco still up and running, or did it crash from over-use?
Frisco? What is that? Everywhere you step is left with shit from you!

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
What a damned shame. No wonder you guys want to secede.
The turbines don`t freeze in Greenland, Finland, Norway, etc.
Wind accounts for only 10% of electric power in Texas. But If screeching about libruls makes you happy, have at it.
Texas electric grid was at the mercy of cold weather - The Washington Post

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
What a damned shame. No wonder you guys want to secede.
The turbines don`t freeze in Greenland, Finland, Norway, etc.
Wind accounts for only 10% of electric power in Texas. But If screeching about libruls makes you happy, have at it.
Texas electric grid was at the mercy of cold weather - The Washington Post
They froze in Germany.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
What a damned shame. No wonder you guys want to secede.
The turbines don`t freeze in Greenland, Finland, Norway, etc.
Wind accounts for only 10% of electric power in Texas. But If screeching about libruls makes you happy, have at it.
Texas electric grid was at the mercy of cold weather - The Washington Post
They froze in Germany.

Really? I haven seen anything in the news. I know their solar panels are covered in snow.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
Texans need to grab their bootstraps and yank. They should have stockpiled snow shovels and generators in preparation for this event. It is obvious they weren't prepared and expect the federal government to bail them out. Sad, so sad.

ps - What happened to their secessionist talk? Bigly!!!
Still blaming Obama five years later. I thought your blob was going to re-open the coal plants. Did he fail smoky?
We’re blaming the entire liberal green movement that spawned fools like obama into starving America for the energy we need to survive as a nation

Gregg Abbott blames the Natural Gas Freezing. Is he a liberal all of the sudden?


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