Thanks to liberal stupidity - rolling blackouts across Texas

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
Since there is no "Global Warming" ,it just PROVES Liberals are stupid. And Social Justice SUCKS.
Thank you President Biden
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"Oh, gosh, Grandpa Badfinger, you're so WONDERFUL for noticing the disaster your party created. Please, may I fellate you now for your brilliant leadership in figuring out that blackouts are a bad thing?"
The turbines in texas are not designed for cold weather. Nobody expected them to have to deal with arctic temperatures in texas. The ones designed for it in more northern states are still working fine.
Texas oil wells are also not designed to run in very cold weather. They should have used the methods used in ANWR.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
Since there is no "Global Warming" ,it just PROVES Liberals are stupid. And Social Justice SUCKS.
"The ability of some companies that generate the power has been frozen. This includes the natural gas & coal generators," Abbott wrote ...
Bla,bla,bla your idiot repug leadership let politics get in the way and screwed the pooch.
You dont know what you are talking about

the bla bla bla is yours

liberals have been forcing green energy on the nation for decades and rolling blackouts are the result
You are a super dumb fuck. Republicans in charge, Republicans responsible period. Go fuck your self.

I'll tell you what I told your leftist butt-buddy (actually, it might have been you, because you don't learn and telling one leftist from another is a waste of energy): electing a Republican governor doesn't make a state immune to leftist laws and regulations. Grownups know that elections are only part of the story. Maybe you should grow up and join us in the wide world of knowing what the fuck you're talking about.
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The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
Lol now this is the most hilarious shit you ever posted. If Texas is going through rolling black outs that is a republican issue. The last time democrats controlled Texas was in the early 1990s. Sorry your stupid ass does not understand ice but the shit brings down power lines. Blame not normally getting that kind of weather dumb ass. It happens up here also, where ever there are electric lines on poles.

Yes, because all one needs to be immune to leftist laws and regulations is to elect a Republican governor. BOOM!!! All leftist policies are now eradicated in that state.
Republicans have had Trifecta control of state politics since 2002 dumb fuck.

Elections are still only part of the story, dumb fuck.

You can keep telling me, "Elections!!! Elections!!!" until your face turns as blue as your idiotic voting. It'll just make you sound retarded as a response to, "Elections aren't the only factor."
Bla,bla,bla your idiot repug leadership let politics get in the way and screwed the pooch.
You dont know what you are talking about

the bla bla bla is yours

liberals have been forcing green energy on the nation for decades and rolling blackouts are the result
You are a super dumb fuck. Republicans in charge, Republicans responsible period. Go fuck your self.

I'll tell you what I told your leftist butt-buddy (actually, it might have been you, because you don't learn and telling one leftist from another is a waste of energy): electing a Republican governor doesn't make a state immune to leftist laws and regulations. Grownups know that elections are only part of the story. Maybe you should grow up and join us in the wide world of knowing what the fuck you're talking about.
Thank you, your fucking slobbering idiot. Republicans have held the house, the senate, and the governor since 2002. That does make the Republicans in control and responsible for the out comes in the state. Talk about being incapable of learning you are a worthless dumb fuck, a mental fucking midget . It is hillarious.
Bla,bla,bla your idiot repug leadership let politics get in the way and screwed the pooch.
You dont know what you are talking about

the bla bla bla is yours

liberals have been forcing green energy on the nation for decades and rolling blackouts are the result
You are a super dumb fuck. Republicans in charge, Republicans responsible period. Go fuck your self.

I'll tell you what I told your leftist butt-buddy (actually, it might have been you, because you don't learn and telling one leftist from another is a waste of energy): electing a Republican governor doesn't make a state immune to leftist laws and regulations. Grownups know that elections are only part of the story. Maybe you should grow up and join us in the wide world of knowing what the fuck you're talking about.
Thank you, your fucking slobbering idiot. Republicans have held the house, the senate, and the governor since 2002. That does make the Republicans in control and responsible for the out comes in the state. Talk about being incapable of learning you are a worthless dumb fuck, a mental fucking midget . It is hillarious.

Thank you, you fucking slobbering leftist. Elections are STILL only part of the story, they always have been only part of the story, and they will continue to only be part of the story no matter HOW many times you screech, "Republicans got elected, so THERE!!!" Leftist-pushed laws and regulations STILL affect states that elect Republicans, and you and the masters you ass-sniff for STILL are the ones who push insane energy policies. Talk about being incapable of seeing what a cancer you are on humanity. You are a leftist. All the insult ever needed.

You have my permission to go cry in a corner over having to be yourself for the rest of your life. Shoo.

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
What a damned shame. No wonder you guys want to secede.
It's too bad they didn't secede before these storms. Would have been entertaining.
You know that 45% of Texas is libtard. Your glee for them freezing their fucking asses off just because it is Texas is duly noted.
The ability of some companies that generate the power has been frozen. This includes the natural gas & coal generators," Abbott wrote ...
That quote is useless when taken out of context
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My bad, I didn't realize that Biden voters in the hood all lived in section 8 housing.
They dont all and I never said they did

but those that do, along with millions of other people, are not in a position to follow your example
I agree but by 2075 when I'll be long gone green technology will make fossil fuels obsolete. You don't have to agree but you'll be on the losing side. The trend does not follow your position.

By 2075, "green" technology might actually be developed enough to be able to make fossil fuels obsolete. But that has fuck and all to do with NOW, and pretending that "green" technology can replace fossil fuels right now because it may be able to in some far distant future is typical leftist ignorance.
Another idiot who doesn't now how to read and probably can't think rationally. I never once said Green technology would replace fossil fuels today. It will be an evolutionary process hence 2075 guess. These arguments have nothing to do with whether your conservative or liberal. If you can wrap your thick head around it you'll maybe understand
My bad, I didn't realize that Biden voters in the hood all lived in section 8 housing.
They dont all and I never said they did

but those that do, along with millions of other people, are not in a position to follow your example
I agree but by 2075 when I'll be long gone green technology will make fossil fuels obsolete. You don't have to agree but you'll be on the losing side. The trend does not follow your position.

By 2075, "green" technology might actually be developed enough to be able to make fossil fuels obsolete. But that has fuck and all to do with NOW, and pretending that "green" technology can replace fossil fuels right now because it may be able to in some far distant future is typical leftist ignorance.
Another idiot who doesn't now how to read and probably can't think rationally. I never once said Green technology would replace fossil fuels today. It will be an evolutionary process hence 2075 guess. These arguments have nothing to do with whether your conservative or liberal. If you can wrap your thick head around it you'll maybe understand

Just FYI, Sparkles: if you want to disparage someone's intelligence, you should A) not do it in an illiterate post, and B) not do the very thing you then get your panties all in an "outraged" ruffle over.

No one has ever said that "green" technology would not someday, in the future, become a viable option, yet you took it upon yourself to attack someone about how great it would be the future, despite their never saying it wouldn't be . . . in the future. THEN you have the effrontery - and ignorance - to turn around and tell ME I "don't now [sic] how to read" - I'm still laughing at having my literacy questioned by someone who can't spell the word "know" - over something you claim YOU didn't say.

This discussion is about the here and now, lintbrain. If you're talking about 2075 and shitting your frillies because "I wasn't talking about NOW", then you're in the wrong conversation and you're taking up space that could be used by someone who knows what's going on around him.

So tell me about "probably can't think rationally" when YOU can think rationally enough to figure out what the fuck the conversation is about, okay?

Do better, because you are on Strike Two.
The turbines in texas are not designed for cold weather. Nobody expected them to have to deal with arctic temperatures in texas. The ones designed for it in more northern states are still working fine.
Texas oil wells are also not designed to run in very cold weather. They should have used the methods used in ANWR.
Apparently neither are their gas and coal fired power plants, as that turns out to be the major cause of the power shortage.
There hasn't been a democrat elected state-wide in Texas since like 1992 or something....yet every disaster in the state is blamed on democrats.
Energy policy is not only a state issue

as obama shut down coal plants that left the state with all its egg in one basket - natural gas and windmills

both of which failed to meet the demand

Still blaming Obama 5 years later. Too damn funny.

Who owns the wind farms?

Still thinking that disastrous policy magically stopped having effects when Obama left office. Too damned stupid.

What fucking difference are you going to try to pretend it makes who owns what wind farm?

Still blaming Obama five years later. I thought your blob was going to re-open the coal plants. Did he fail smoky?

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
In Mizzouri and Okiehoma were are just having plan old power outages due to ice and snow and the power plant can't help.
Well, obviously, wind turbines would solve that problem because they don't need electrical distribution infrastructure!
I always wondered why it's taking so long for an orbital space station that collect sun waves and sends it to the US for electricity.
That would be a far better investment of green energy money.

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