Thanks to liberal stupidity - rolling blackouts across Texas

My bad, I didn't realize that Biden voters in the hood all lived in section 8 housing.
They dont all and I never said they did

but those that do, along with millions of other people, are not in a position to follow your example
I agree but by 2075 when I'll be long gone green technology will make fossil fuels obsolete. You don't have to agree but you'll be on the losing side. The trend does not follow your position.
Remember, kids, you can make plastics and tens of thousands of other products using only wind- and solar-generated electricity. You don't need hydrocarbon feedstocks at all.
Bla,bla,bla your idiot repug leadership let politics get in the way and screwed the pooch.
You dont know what you are talking about

the bla bla bla is yours

liberals have been forcing green energy on the nation for decades and rolling blackouts are the result
You are a super dumb fuck. Republicans in charge, Republicans responsible period. Go fuck your self.
Is this some of that unity President Biden called for?

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
Climate change is the reason. The turbines in texas are not designed for cold weather. Nobody expected them to have to deal with arctic temperatures in texas. The ones designed for it in more northern states are still working fine.
"Weather". That's the word you're looking for. A few days isn't climate.
My bad, I didn't realize that Biden voters in the hood all lived in section 8 housing.
They dont all and I never said they did

but those that do, along with millions of other people, are not in a position to follow your example
I agree but by 2075 when I'll be long gone green technology will make fossil fuels obsolete. You don't have to agree but you'll be on the losing side. The trend does not follow your position.

By 2075, "green" technology might actually be developed enough to be able to make fossil fuels obsolete. But that has fuck and all to do with NOW, and pretending that "green" technology can replace fossil fuels right now because it may be able to in some far distant future is typical leftist ignorance.
Another idiot who doesn't now how to read and probably can't think rationally. I never once said Green technology would replace fossil fuels today. It will be an evolutionary process hence 2075 guess. These arguments have nothing to do with whether your conservative or liberal. If you can wrap your thick head around it you'll maybe understand

Just FYI, Sparkles: if you want to disparage someone's intelligence, you should A) not do it in an illiterate post, and B) not do the very thing you then get your panties all in an "outraged" ruffle over.

No one has ever said that "green" technology would not someday, in the future, become a viable option, yet you took it upon yourself to attack someone about how great it would be the future, despite their never saying it wouldn't be . . . in the future. THEN you have the effrontery - and ignorance - to turn around and tell ME I "don't now [sic] how to read" - I'm still laughing at having my literacy questioned by someone who can't spell the word "know" - over something you claim YOU didn't say.

This discussion is about the here and now, lintbrain. If you're talking about 2075 and shitting your frillies because "I wasn't talking about NOW", then you're in the wrong conversation and you're taking up space that could be used by someone who knows what's going on around him.

So tell me about "probably can't think rationally" when YOU can think rationally enough to figure out what the fuck the conversation is about, okay?

Do better, because you are on Strike Two.
I never said it would be great I merely pointed out in my first post that the argument posted here has nothing to do with whether your a liberal or conservative. If you go back and read it maybe you can understand my viewpoint which is neither liberal nor conservative. Maybe I didn't get an A in spelling but I certainly did in Logic.
Wind turbines create internal heat and should not freeze if in use prior to the cold. Also it is tezass who the fork cares?
You just sit in California and be sad.
Why would I be sad? I have great weather and a beautiful state to enjoy unlike tezass where there is nothing but trouble.
Did the fires caused by PG&E's incompetence and corruption ever go out? How about the billions in unfunded pension mandates -- they ever find the money for that? Hey, is that app that maps human shit on the streets of Frisco still up and running, or did it crash from over-use?
My bad, I didn't realize that Biden voters in the hood all lived in section 8 housing.
They dont all and I never said they did

but those that do, along with millions of other people, are not in a position to follow your example
I agree but by 2075 when I'll be long gone green technology will make fossil fuels obsolete. You don't have to agree but you'll be on the losing side. The trend does not follow your position.
Remember, kids, you can make plastics and tens of thousands of other products using only wind- and solar-generated electricity. You don't need hydrocarbon feedstocks at all.
Your correct we need hydrocarbon feedstocks but in the future maybe we wont need oil to make plastics. Here's some interesting reading for you. Can the world make the chemicals it needs without oil?
There hasn't been a democrat elected state-wide in Texas since like 1992 or something....yet every disaster in the state is blamed on democrats.
Energy policy is not only a state issue

as obama shut down coal plants that left the state with all its egg in one basket - natural gas and windmills

both of which failed to meet the demand

Still blaming Obama 5 years later. Too damn funny.

Who owns the wind farms?

Still thinking that disastrous policy magically stopped having effects when Obama left office. Too damned stupid.

What fucking difference are you going to try to pretend it makes who owns what wind farm?

Still blaming Obama five years later. I thought your blob was going to re-open the coal plants. Did he fail smoky?

For the things he did five years ago? Yeah. Did you think there was a magical point in time when his behavior of five years ago suddenly stopped being his fault?
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas

View attachment 457678 I never saw a coal plant or hydroelectric dam "freeze." Screwed once again by Biden's unreliable "green" energy.

I don't believe nuclear power plants have an issue with that, either.
Now, now, look what you've done. You've made the leftists wet their pants in terror.

My day is now complete, and I can go to bed happy.
Another idiot who doesn't now how to read and probably can't think rationally. I never once said Green technology would replace fossil fuels today.
Why, in 2021, are you babbling about 2075?

try to get with the program and discuss our energy problems TODAY not 50 years from now
This discussion is about the here and now, lintbrain. If you're talking about 2075 and shitting your frillies because "I wasn't talking about NOW", then you're in the wrong conversation and you're taking up space that could be used by someone who knows what's going on around him.
He’s on the spot.

The wunnerful liberal plan to save the polar bears by switching to “renewable” energy has backfired and he has egg on his face

Now the left is going to juke and jive for as long as possible
It turns out it was Republican stupidity that is responsible for blackouts and outages in Texas.
Still blaming Obama five years later. I thought your blob was going to re-open the coal plants. Did he fail smoky?
We’re blaming the entire liberal green movement that spawned fools like obama into starving America for the energy we need to survive as a nation
Remember, kids, you can make plastics and tens of thousands of other products using only wind- and solar-generated electricity. You don't need hydrocarbon feedstocks at all.

Plastic made entirely from sunlight?

who woulda thunk it?

The public is being blamed for using too much energy during a severe winter storm

but the real reason is liberal fear of global warming from burning coal combined with fear of nuclear power

so all we have to keep us warm is natural gas that is in short supply and windmills that are frozen stiff
Frozen wind turbines contribute to rolling power blackouts across Texas
You're right. Ercot is to blame. They are nothing more than corporate leftists with a green energy agenda, plus the windmills froze. We were without power for over 40 hours for no good reason, and around here grocery stores were first to close, and gas stations were closed along with many other stores because they had no power, but we charged our phones and batteries and stuff with solar. Of course we were prepared with alternate heat sources, plenty of food and water. I had to take all the frozen food out of the freezer yesterday and put it in a plastic bag and set it under the carport. In the summer I would have had to start my generator.

Ya notice in the summer when it's 105 degrees plus and everybody is running their AC to the max, the power rarely goes out?

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