Thanks to president Hussein shithead, Palestinians and the UN about to lose their funding.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Because of the traitor Hussein Obama,

Did president DUMBFUCK not know that the US is the biggest funder of both the UN and the Paleshitians? Well, that'll come to an end soon as well. :clap2:

Congress will soon pass a bill to defund the Paleshitians and the UN. :clap2:

This is what happens when you go against the wishes of the American people and the Congress. Hope you Obama adorers feel better now. :rofl:

Lindsey Graham Warns UN: 'Congress Is a Player on Foreign Policy'
Because of the traitor Hussein Obama,

Did president DUMBFUCK not know that the US is the biggest funder of both the UN and the Paleshitians? Well, that'll come to an end soon as well. :clap2:

Congress will soon pass a bill to defund the Paleshitians and the UN. :clap2:

This is what happens when you go against the wishes of the American people and the Congress. Hope you Obama adorers feel better now. :rofl:

Lindsey Graham Warns UN: 'Congress Is a Player on Foreign Policy'

We should cut off funding and kick them out of the building....turn it into a parking garage. The UN has been nothing but an anti-American leftist-sewer for years....Keep GITMO open, close the UN.
You are drunk early, Roudy, but, yeah, it is Hanukkah early.

No, the UN is not going to lose any funding.
Lol the republicans who were most demonized by the incoming Fuhrer in Chief are suddenly heroes again. You clowns are hilarious.

We understood that Our Kenyan "President" put His religion above our country. But, WOW, now He has put his religion over what used to be His party.

Who'da thunk?

There's overwhelming evidence he's muslim brotherhood and has been since Chicago. Hard to imagine what he might have done to this country if he had more time.

We understood that Our Kenyan "President" put His religion above our country. But, WOW, now He has put his religion over what used to be His party.

Who'da thunk?

There's overwhelming evidence he's muslim brotherhood and has been since Chicago. Hard to imagine what he might have done to this country if he had more time.
Only in the minds of loony heads, Tom Horn: yes, you are as loony as they come. Merry Christmas!

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