Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

You are lying again. Claiming again that you want more government, government you claim is controlled by corporations, and you oppose corporations controlling government. So you want them to have more power.

Not thinking it through, are you?
The job of Governent is for the Common Welfare, not to give the top 1% of the Top 1% Corporate Welfare.

It's "general welfare," that means government should be equal to all it's citizens, not taking from some with guns and giving to others, which is clearly not equal. You are confusing general welfare with "common good," which is the shallow rationalization you Marxists use to end freedom.

As to your lies you think corporations are controlling government but you want more government, clearly corporations are skewing the economy towards large companies. So you say what government isn't supposed to do here, yet you're saying that's what government is doing and you want more of it.

That makes sense. Not
Government expenditures have never helped all citizens the same. A road helps some citizens more than others but it is built because it helps the common good.

What you will never concede is that helping our poorest citizens is also for the common good

The choice of government is not discriminating with roads, it's your choice how much to use them. With welfare, government is deciding who gets reamed in the ass and who gets thier money. Fundamentally different things. But that you chose to use roads less doesn't mean government made a choice against you.

The obvious is so far beyond the comprehension of leftists
Roads are as political as welfare

Who gets the infrastructure and who does not, shapes our society

Welfare benefits society by taking care of those who desperately need it

So if government provides roads which people chose to use unequally, that justifies to you government using guns to take money from one citizen and give it to another. And I call you a communist. Nailed it!
The job of Governent is for the Common Welfare, not to give the top 1% of the Top 1% Corporate Welfare.

It's "general welfare," that means government should be equal to all it's citizens, not taking from some with guns and giving to others, which is clearly not equal. You are confusing general welfare with "common good," which is the shallow rationalization you Marxists use to end freedom.

As to your lies you think corporations are controlling government but you want more government, clearly corporations are skewing the economy towards large companies. So you say what government isn't supposed to do here, yet you're saying that's what government is doing and you want more of it.

That makes sense. Not
Government expenditures have never helped all citizens the same. A road helps some citizens more than others but it is built because it helps the common good.

What you will never concede is that helping our poorest citizens is also for the common good

The choice of government is not discriminating with roads, it's your choice how much to use them. With welfare, government is deciding who gets reamed in the ass and who gets thier money. Fundamentally different things. But that you chose to use roads less doesn't mean government made a choice against you.

The obvious is so far beyond the comprehension of leftists
Roads are as political as welfare

Who gets the infrastructure and who does not, shapes our society

Welfare benefits society by taking care of those who desperately need it

So if government provides roads which people chose to use unequally...
Great, more kazzing, :rolleyes:

That's not what he said.
Anybody's research is tainted because Full Time includes non-US citizens.
So? This country has never reserved jobs for only U.S. citizens.

And that's why our economy is in the shape it's in.
More idiocy. :cuckoo:

Again .... this country has always provided jobs for non-U.S. citizens. It has to, otherwise, no one could immigrate here.

And again, the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama are full time jobs. Rendering your idiocy as the nonsense it was from the moment you clicked on [post reply].
There is a difference between Immigrants and Business Visas.
If you don't know the difference now, you'll learn the hard way when Trump becomes President.
Now you're conflating legal immigrants with illegal immigrants. And of course, you're complaint was that jobs were being filled by non-U.S. citizens, which includes both.

And still -- the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama are full time. And the majority of jobs gained under Obama are to U.S. citizens.

How many times can you lose this argument?
Bullshit...I have yet to hear of a CEO who pleads before Congress to allow in more Legal Immigrants because non-Indians don't have any skills.
Immigrants come here to start a new life and can't have their Visa Cards taken from them and become slaves until they get their Green Cards and get fired.
You're much smarter than this post.
You really got to reach into your bag of Fairy Dust and come up with better arguments.
The job of Governent is for the Common Welfare, not to give the top 1% of the Top 1% Corporate Welfare.

It's "general welfare," that means government should be equal to all it's citizens, not taking from some with guns and giving to others, which is clearly not equal. You are confusing general welfare with "common good," which is the shallow rationalization you Marxists use to end freedom.

As to your lies you think corporations are controlling government but you want more government, clearly corporations are skewing the economy towards large companies. So you say what government isn't supposed to do here, yet you're saying that's what government is doing and you want more of it.

That makes sense. Not
Government expenditures have never helped all citizens the same. A road helps some citizens more than others but it is built because it helps the common good.

What you will never concede is that helping our poorest citizens is also for the common good

The choice of government is not discriminating with roads, it's your choice how much to use them. With welfare, government is deciding who gets reamed in the ass and who gets thier money. Fundamentally different things. But that you chose to use roads less doesn't mean government made a choice against you.

The obvious is so far beyond the comprehension of leftists
Roads are as political as welfare

Who gets the infrastructure and who does not, shapes our society

Welfare benefits society by taking care of those who desperately need it

So if government provides roads which people chose to use unequally, that justifies to you government using guns to take money from one citizen and give it to another. And I call you a communist. Nailed it!

Have you always been such a drama queen?
Maybe you need a Snickers bar

The government is not taking money from you at gunpoint and giving it to the poor
Of course you support Unhinged Free Markets...You're a selfish pig, but I admire the fact that you don't hide it.
I am a proponent of Ricardian Free Trade.
Live with it.

We're all selfish pigs, dumb ass.
What is telling about this statement is the fact that you only associate with fellow selfish pigs and you use that to justify your karma.

What? Before you address the voices in your head, can you tell us what they said? We can't hear them and it just sounds like inane drivel
You filter out anything that gets in the way of your easy money.

Bull, money isn't easy in free markets, you have to work for it. You want the easy money where government gets it with guns and redistributes it to you. Government you say is controlled by corporations, and you want more government, but you hate corporations. LOL, you're a confused little guy
Oh, make me laugh...Business Visas don't even get interviewed.
Their Consulting Firms send in their phony Super Matrix of every IT Skill under the sun and they're so cheap they get the job overnight.
Don't even try to bullshit me in that area.
Anybody's research is tainted because Full Time includes non-US citizens.
So? This country has never reserved jobs for only U.S. citizens.

And that's why our economy is in the shape it's in.
More idiocy. :cuckoo:

Again .... this country has always provided jobs for non-U.S. citizens. It has to, otherwise, no one could immigrate here.

And again, the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama are full time jobs. Rendering your idiocy as the nonsense it was from the moment you clicked on [post reply].
There is a difference between Immigrants and Business Visas.
If you don't know the difference now, you'll learn the hard way when Trump becomes President.
Now you're conflating legal immigrants with illegal immigrants. And of course, you're complaint was that jobs were being filled by non-U.S. citizens, which includes both.

And still -- the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama are full time. And the majority of jobs gained under Obama are to U.S. citizens.

How many times can you lose this argument?
I don't consider $10.00/hour to be a successful record to brag about.
I live in Nassau County and I go to the Malls all the time as part of my job.
People make about $10.00/hour for an average of 3-4 months and then either quit from exhaustion or are fired.
Of course you support Unhinged Free Markets...You're a selfish pig, but I admire the fact that you don't hide it.
I am a proponent of Ricardian Free Trade.
Live with it.

We're all selfish pigs, dumb ass. In free markets, we all make our own best deal. In your world, government forces you to accept what isn't your best deal. And guess what government is comprised of, people. People who use their monopoly on guns to force you to make the best deal for them.

Which again goes back to you being a liar. You want companies who control government to have MORE power, that's what you're claiming. Obviously you don't believe what you are saying, which is sad since you're right. But because you don't believe it, you make the opposite choice and you do give corporations, the big ones, controlling government more power to warp freedom.

Hillary's bought and paid for, and you want her to have more power. Which gives who more power again?

Bullshit...What gives a CEO the RIGHT to testify before Congress that non-Indians lack the skills to do ANYTHING and not even have to specify what those skills are?
Corporations pay for TV Ads, signs and mailings...without them, no one knows who's running.
It's all sick bullshit that's beginning to crumble and YOU will lose.

You are lying again. Claiming again that you want more government, government you claim is controlled by corporations, and you oppose corporations controlling government. So you want them to have more power.

Not thinking it through, are you?
The job of Governent is for the Common Welfare, not to give the top 1% of the Top 1% Corporate Welfare.

It's "general welfare," that means government should be equal to all it's citizens, not taking from some with guns and giving to others, which is clearly not equal. You are confusing general welfare with "common good," which is the shallow rationalization you Marxists use to end freedom.

As to your lies you think corporations are controlling government but you want more government, clearly corporations are skewing the economy towards large companies. So you say what government isn't supposed to do here, yet you're saying that's what government is doing and you want more of it.

That makes sense. Not

I'll make this simple so even YOU will understand...
My Town has elected Representatives who are advised by Traffic Engineers to post specific Speed Limits in certain areas and streets.
If I drive 10 miles above the Speed Limit I get Fined.

The US has Trade Agreements with China.
The rules of these Agreements, including wages and work safety laws, are constantly being violated.
In your world. it's OK because Corporations get the "freedom" to choose their Production Locality, the wage, the benefits. etc..
In the world if Litigation, China is flagrantly breaking the conditions of the Trade Agreements.
Trump, unsolicited by anyone else, says he will put an end to such violations.
It's "general welfare," that means government should be equal to all it's citizens, not taking from some with guns and giving to others, which is clearly not equal. You are confusing general welfare with "common good," which is the shallow rationalization you Marxists use to end freedom.

As to your lies you think corporations are controlling government but you want more government, clearly corporations are skewing the economy towards large companies. So you say what government isn't supposed to do here, yet you're saying that's what government is doing and you want more of it.

That makes sense. Not
Government expenditures have never helped all citizens the same. A road helps some citizens more than others but it is built because it helps the common good.

What you will never concede is that helping our poorest citizens is also for the common good

The choice of government is not discriminating with roads, it's your choice how much to use them. With welfare, government is deciding who gets reamed in the ass and who gets thier money. Fundamentally different things. But that you chose to use roads less doesn't mean government made a choice against you.

The obvious is so far beyond the comprehension of leftists
Roads are as political as welfare

Who gets the infrastructure and who does not, shapes our society

Welfare benefits society by taking care of those who desperately need it

So if government provides roads which people chose to use unequally, that justifies to you government using guns to take money from one citizen and give it to another. And I call you a communist. Nailed it!

Have you always been such a drama queen?
Maybe you need a Snickers bar

The government is not taking money from you at gunpoint and giving it to the poor

They aren't? You mean I don't have to pay the taxes? Why didn't you mention that before? Liar, I do, and it's because they have the guns. Our tax system is immoral. I would never pay the taxes if it weren't for the guns. That's armed robbery, Holmes
We're all selfish pigs, dumb ass.
What is telling about this statement is the fact that you only associate with fellow selfish pigs and you use that to justify your karma.

What? Before you address the voices in your head, can you tell us what they said? We can't hear them and it just sounds like inane drivel
You filter out anything that gets in the way of your easy money.

Bull, money isn't easy in free markets, you have to work for it. You want the easy money where government gets it with guns and redistributes it to you. Government you say is controlled by corporations, and you want more government, but you hate corporations. LOL, you're a confused little guy
Oh, make me laugh...Business Visas don't even get interviewed.
Their Consulting Firms send in their phony Super Matrix of every IT Skill under the sun and they're so cheap they get the job overnight.
Don't even try to bullshit me in that area.

Who are you talking to? Look guy, I told you, we don't hear the voices in your head, when you're addressing them, let us know what they said so we know what you're talking about
We're all selfish pigs, dumb ass. In free markets, we all make our own best deal. In your world, government forces you to accept what isn't your best deal. And guess what government is comprised of, people. People who use their monopoly on guns to force you to make the best deal for them.

Which again goes back to you being a liar. You want companies who control government to have MORE power, that's what you're claiming. Obviously you don't believe what you are saying, which is sad since you're right. But because you don't believe it, you make the opposite choice and you do give corporations, the big ones, controlling government more power to warp freedom.

Hillary's bought and paid for, and you want her to have more power. Which gives who more power again?

Bullshit...What gives a CEO the RIGHT to testify before Congress that non-Indians lack the skills to do ANYTHING and not even have to specify what those skills are?
Corporations pay for TV Ads, signs and mailings...without them, no one knows who's running.
It's all sick bullshit that's beginning to crumble and YOU will lose.

You are lying again. Claiming again that you want more government, government you claim is controlled by corporations, and you oppose corporations controlling government. So you want them to have more power.

Not thinking it through, are you?
The job of Governent is for the Common Welfare, not to give the top 1% of the Top 1% Corporate Welfare.

It's "general welfare," that means government should be equal to all it's citizens, not taking from some with guns and giving to others, which is clearly not equal. You are confusing general welfare with "common good," which is the shallow rationalization you Marxists use to end freedom.

As to your lies you think corporations are controlling government but you want more government, clearly corporations are skewing the economy towards large companies. So you say what government isn't supposed to do here, yet you're saying that's what government is doing and you want more of it.

That makes sense. Not

I'll make this simple so even YOU will understand...
My Town has elected Representatives who are advised by Traffic Engineers to post specific Speed Limits in certain areas and streets.
If I drive 10 miles above the Speed Limit I get Fined.

The US has Trade Agreements with China.
The rules of these Agreements, including wages and work safety laws, are constantly being violated.
In your world. it's OK because Corporations get the "freedom" to choose their Production Locality, the wage, the benefits. etc..
In the world if Litigation, China is flagrantly breaking the conditions of the Trade Agreements.
Trump, unsolicited by anyone else, says he will put an end to such violations.

China is not in the jurisdiction of the United States and I am a citizen, not a subject of the United States. What I do with China in China is none of our government's business
What is telling about this statement is the fact that you only associate with fellow selfish pigs and you use that to justify your karma.

What? Before you address the voices in your head, can you tell us what they said? We can't hear them and it just sounds like inane drivel
You filter out anything that gets in the way of your easy money.

Bull, money isn't easy in free markets, you have to work for it. You want the easy money where government gets it with guns and redistributes it to you. Government you say is controlled by corporations, and you want more government, but you hate corporations. LOL, you're a confused little guy
Oh, make me laugh...Business Visas don't even get interviewed.
Their Consulting Firms send in their phony Super Matrix of every IT Skill under the sun and they're so cheap they get the job overnight.
Don't even try to bullshit me in that area.

Who are you talking to? Look guy, I told you, we don't hear the voices in your head, when you're addressing them, let us know what they said so we know what you're talking about
Notice how no one sees your wit?
Bullshit...What gives a CEO the RIGHT to testify before Congress that non-Indians lack the skills to do ANYTHING and not even have to specify what those skills are?
Corporations pay for TV Ads, signs and mailings...without them, no one knows who's running.
It's all sick bullshit that's beginning to crumble and YOU will lose.

You are lying again. Claiming again that you want more government, government you claim is controlled by corporations, and you oppose corporations controlling government. So you want them to have more power.

Not thinking it through, are you?
The job of Governent is for the Common Welfare, not to give the top 1% of the Top 1% Corporate Welfare.

It's "general welfare," that means government should be equal to all it's citizens, not taking from some with guns and giving to others, which is clearly not equal. You are confusing general welfare with "common good," which is the shallow rationalization you Marxists use to end freedom.

As to your lies you think corporations are controlling government but you want more government, clearly corporations are skewing the economy towards large companies. So you say what government isn't supposed to do here, yet you're saying that's what government is doing and you want more of it.

That makes sense. Not

I'll make this simple so even YOU will understand...
My Town has elected Representatives who are advised by Traffic Engineers to post specific Speed Limits in certain areas and streets.
If I drive 10 miles above the Speed Limit I get Fined.

The US has Trade Agreements with China.
The rules of these Agreements, including wages and work safety laws, are constantly being violated.
In your world. it's OK because Corporations get the "freedom" to choose their Production Locality, the wage, the benefits. etc..
In the world if Litigation, China is flagrantly breaking the conditions of the Trade Agreements.
Trump, unsolicited by anyone else, says he will put an end to such violations.

China is not in the jurisdiction of the United States and I am a citizen, not a subject of the United States. What I do with China in China is none of our government's business

Using your logic the US can claim the China Sea.
It's amazing to me that you are so sociopathic that you ignore International Law because it gets in the way of you making money.
You are sick.
What? Before you address the voices in your head, can you tell us what they said? We can't hear them and it just sounds like inane drivel
You filter out anything that gets in the way of your easy money.

Bull, money isn't easy in free markets, you have to work for it. You want the easy money where government gets it with guns and redistributes it to you. Government you say is controlled by corporations, and you want more government, but you hate corporations. LOL, you're a confused little guy
Oh, make me laugh...Business Visas don't even get interviewed.
Their Consulting Firms send in their phony Super Matrix of every IT Skill under the sun and they're so cheap they get the job overnight.
Don't even try to bullshit me in that area.

Who are you talking to? Look guy, I told you, we don't hear the voices in your head, when you're addressing them, let us know what they said so we know what you're talking about
Notice how no one sees your wit?

How do you know that. My point is pretty clear, you keep going off into left field and writing posts that have nothing to do with what I said. Why do I want to waste my time addressing them?
China is not in the jurisdiction of the United States and I am a citizen, not a subject of the United States. What I do with China in China is none of our government's business

Using your logic the US can claim the China Sea.
It's amazing to me that you are so sociopathic that you ignore International Law because it gets in the way of you making money.
You are sick.

What the fuck? How in any way is what you said my logic? You have no logical ability at all. Are you a chick?
You filter out anything that gets in the way of your easy money.

Bull, money isn't easy in free markets, you have to work for it. You want the easy money where government gets it with guns and redistributes it to you. Government you say is controlled by corporations, and you want more government, but you hate corporations. LOL, you're a confused little guy
Oh, make me laugh...Business Visas don't even get interviewed.
Their Consulting Firms send in their phony Super Matrix of every IT Skill under the sun and they're so cheap they get the job overnight.
Don't even try to bullshit me in that area.

Who are you talking to? Look guy, I told you, we don't hear the voices in your head, when you're addressing them, let us know what they said so we know what you're talking about
Notice how no one sees your wit?

How do you know that. My point is pretty clear, you keep going off into left field and writing posts that have nothing to do with what I said. Why do I want to waste my time addressing them?
You SOLE point is an unfettered Free Market.
Works for selfish people like you who represent less than 1% of the world's population.
[]China is not in the jurisdiction of the United States and I am a citizen, not a subject of the United States. What I do with China in China is none of our government's business

Using your logic the US can claim the China Sea.
It's amazing to me that you are so sociopathic that you ignore International Law because it gets in the way of you making money.
You are sick.

What the fuck? How in any way is what you said my logic? You have no logical ability at all. Are you a chick?
I am not a chick.
I am presenting a thorough case for RULES in Transactions.
You cannot follow any train of thought that doesn't equal money in your pocket.
Bull, money isn't easy in free markets, you have to work for it. You want the easy money where government gets it with guns and redistributes it to you. Government you say is controlled by corporations, and you want more government, but you hate corporations. LOL, you're a confused little guy
Oh, make me laugh...Business Visas don't even get interviewed.
Their Consulting Firms send in their phony Super Matrix of every IT Skill under the sun and they're so cheap they get the job overnight.
Don't even try to bullshit me in that area.

Who are you talking to? Look guy, I told you, we don't hear the voices in your head, when you're addressing them, let us know what they said so we know what you're talking about
Notice how no one sees your wit?

How do you know that. My point is pretty clear, you keep going off into left field and writing posts that have nothing to do with what I said. Why do I want to waste my time addressing them?
You SOLE point is an unfettered Free Market.
Works for selfish people like you who represent less than 1% of the world's population.

It works for everyone. Just you're too chicken shit to take care of yourself. So you want big corporations controlling government to take care of you, and you want government to get bigger giving those corporations even more power
Oh, make me laugh...Business Visas don't even get interviewed.
Their Consulting Firms send in their phony Super Matrix of every IT Skill under the sun and they're so cheap they get the job overnight.
Don't even try to bullshit me in that area.

Who are you talking to? Look guy, I told you, we don't hear the voices in your head, when you're addressing them, let us know what they said so we know what you're talking about
Notice how no one sees your wit?

How do you know that. My point is pretty clear, you keep going off into left field and writing posts that have nothing to do with what I said. Why do I want to waste my time addressing them?
You SOLE point is an unfettered Free Market.
Works for selfish people like you who represent less than 1% of the world's population.

It works for everyone. Just you're too chicken shit to take care of yourself. So you want big corporations controlling government to take care of you, and you want government to get bigger giving those corporations even more power

Your version of a Free Market includes Slave Labor Complexes in China and perhaps India.
You believe that gives you the moral high ground.
[]China is not in the jurisdiction of the United States and I am a citizen, not a subject of the United States. What I do with China in China is none of our government's business

Using your logic the US can claim the China Sea.
It's amazing to me that you are so sociopathic that you ignore International Law because it gets in the way of you making money.
You are sick.

What the fuck? How in any way is what you said my logic? You have no logical ability at all. Are you a chick?
I am not a chick.
I am presenting a thorough case for RULES in Transactions.
You cannot follow any train of thought that doesn't equal money in your pocket.

Yes, I am an achiever so free markets put money in my pocket. Free markets are best for everyone who wants to work hard and be fairly compensated for it. Your employer doesn't take care of you, you shit can their asses and find a better one
Who are you talking to? Look guy, I told you, we don't hear the voices in your head, when you're addressing them, let us know what they said so we know what you're talking about
Notice how no one sees your wit?

How do you know that. My point is pretty clear, you keep going off into left field and writing posts that have nothing to do with what I said. Why do I want to waste my time addressing them?
You SOLE point is an unfettered Free Market.
Works for selfish people like you who represent less than 1% of the world's population.

It works for everyone. Just you're too chicken shit to take care of yourself. So you want big corporations controlling government to take care of you, and you want government to get bigger giving those corporations even more power

Your version of a Free Market includes Slave Labor Complexes in China and perhaps India.
You believe that gives you the moral high ground.

Slave labor is not a free market, moron. How are you free if you are a slave? You seriously are a stupid chick

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