Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

To the OP. The GOP is just fine. If Trump is the nominee they will support him and he will beat the hildebeast easily.

but your fantasy is acknowledged, enjoy while you can.
Trump tells the people what they want to hear, demagogues lead by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the people, at least those persons who are biddable and ruled by their emotions.

I'm wondering, do you think Democrats are any less susceptible to this kind of con?
They did not invent that term to hide anything as that term was presented in the plan before it was even approved.

Show me where the economic statistic "jobs created or saved" was in the Obama Stimulus before it was approved! You've made that claim several times back it up.
Just how fucking retarded are you? Are you not capable of looking at Obama's stimulus plan without my help?

A key goal enunciated by the President-Elect concerning the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan is that it should save or create at least 3 million jobs by the end of 2010.

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

the problem is that it didn't work. we have more unemployed and under employed now than when obozo took over, we have more in poverty and more on foodstamps, the gap between rich and poor is larger now than in 2008. Nothing your hero has done has worked. He is a failure, deal with it.
We also have 4.9% unemployment. :mm:
Low wage, part-time employment.
It's the fault of both Parties and nothing for either one to brag about.

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000
Bush's Tax Cuts created millions of jobs in China and lie.

Millions? LOL. Liberals and economics just don't mix, what a dumb ass

FoxConn ALONE has 500,000 prisoners in it's headquarters.
Practically every major Corporation does it's pathetic software "development" in India.
There are at least 3 million non-Indians who have been displaced from IT in the US since 2001.
And the overwhelming majority of these H1-Bs send every discretionary penny they have back to India to buy prooerty, thus creating jobs in India.
Nice try though.

How stupid are you? I mocked your saying THE TAX CUTS created "millions of jobs in China and India." You now are arguing the total number of jobs in foreign countries for any source. Liberals are just butt stupid, you do that all the time
Are YOU an idiot?
The Tax Cuts did NOTHING for the US as Corporations STILL ran away by the thousands for cheap labor, unlimited work hours, no health benefits and no pensions.

you are correct, unions and taxes drove corporations out of the USA. did you just figure that out?
Plus overwhelming greed.
I honestly believe that the Contributions that made it easy to leave the US with no repercussions could have crushed the Unions and Lowered Taxes.
But cheap labor, unlimited work hours, no health benefits and no pensions won out.
Show me where the economic statistic "jobs created or saved" was in the Obama Stimulus before it was approved! You've made that claim several times back it up.
Just how fucking retarded are you? Are you not capable of looking at Obama's stimulus plan without my help?

A key goal enunciated by the President-Elect concerning the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan is that it should save or create at least 3 million jobs by the end of 2010.

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

the problem is that it didn't work. we have more unemployed and under employed now than when obozo took over, we have more in poverty and more on foodstamps, the gap between rich and poor is larger now than in 2008. Nothing your hero has done has worked. He is a failure, deal with it.
We also have 4.9% unemployment. :mm:
Low wage, part-time employment.
It's the fault of both Parties and nothing for either one to brag about.

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000
Can you post statistics specific to NY, NJ, FL?
A major problem with Full Time is that Business Visas are included in that number and these States have, by far, the highest number of Business Visas.
No parallel universe required

Bush ordered two wars and then pushed through tax cuts. What Republicans like to call "fiscal responsibility"

Bush didn't do 9/11, he responded to it. 9/11 hurt the economy, but for the tax rate reductions, the economy would have been much worse.

True, Bush increased the national debt to pay for a war that we did not start, but Obama doubled the debt. Obama added more to the debt than all other presidents combined. That is an undeniable fact. Presidents get credit or blame for what happens while they are in office. Nothing good has happened during obozo's two terms.
What a ridiculous claim in light of how Republicans responded to Obamas attempts to borrow money

Bush committed the trillions in spending for his wars......then cut taxes to pay for them

The facts are the facts. The national debt will have more than doubled under Obama. Spin all you like, that if factual.

Its also factual that Obama continued the Bush tax cuts when he could have cancelled them. so factually they are the bush/Obama tax cuts.
Stop kazzing. The debt would have to increase more than $2 trillion this year for Obama to double it.

The only president in my lifetime to accomplish that was Reagan, who nearly tripled it.

when he took over it was around 10T, when he leaves it will be over 20T. if that's not doubling, what is it?
My, are you ever rightarded. I suppose that's why you're so pathetically math challenged.

1/20/2009 .... 10,626,877,048,913

double that would be .... 21,253,754,097,826

currently, it's ..... 19,188,228,962,810

The debt would have to increase by 2,065,525,135,016 over the next ten months for it to double under Obama.
Just how fucking retarded are you? Are you not capable of looking at Obama's stimulus plan without my help?

A key goal enunciated by the President-Elect concerning the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan is that it should save or create at least 3 million jobs by the end of 2010.

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

the problem is that it didn't work. we have more unemployed and under employed now than when obozo took over, we have more in poverty and more on foodstamps, the gap between rich and poor is larger now than in 2008. Nothing your hero has done has worked. He is a failure, deal with it.
We also have 4.9% unemployment. :mm:
Low wage, part-time employment.
It's the fault of both Parties and nothing for either one to brag about.

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000
Can you post statistics specific to NY, NJ, FL?
A major problem with Full Time is that Business Visas are included in that number and these States have, by far, the highest number of Business Visas.
Do your own research. I just proved the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama have been full time jobs, not part time jobs. If you want to cherry pick certain states you think are different from the rest of the nation, that's on you to prove.
To the OP. The GOP is just fine. If Trump is the nominee they will support him and he will beat the hildebeast easily.

but your fantasy is acknowledged, enjoy while you can.
Not according to the polls...

Only one party controlled the White House

Without the Democrat votes, he couldn't pass it. So this is your standard now, right? It doesn't matter what congress does, only one party controls the White House? That's what your standard is?

What a mindless drone you are, big guy

Same old.....Its the Democrats fault for not stopping us from doing stupid things

Swish. Breaking news, RW didn't grasp a post! Wow, that only happens, every time. Quite a streak there, big guy

Bush asked for war, Bush planned the war, Bush ordered the invasion

Kaz: It's the Democrats fault for not telling him to go fuck himself
But you know the Dems would have lost elections had they voted against the war.
It was held over their head

Bush knew they didn't want to be labeled soft on terror
Without the Democrat votes, he couldn't pass it. So this is your standard now, right? It doesn't matter what congress does, only one party controls the White House? That's what your standard is?

What a mindless drone you are, big guy

Same old.....Its the Democrats fault for not stopping us from doing stupid things

Swish. Breaking news, RW didn't grasp a post! Wow, that only happens, every time. Quite a streak there, big guy

Bush asked for war, Bush planned the war, Bush ordered the invasion

Kaz: It's the Democrats fault for not telling him to go fuck himself
But you know the Dems would have lost elections had they voted against the war.
It was held over their head

Bush knew they didn't want to be labeled soft on terror
Yes, it was...they didn't have a choice.
the problem is that it didn't work. we have more unemployed and under employed now than when obozo took over, we have more in poverty and more on foodstamps, the gap between rich and poor is larger now than in 2008. Nothing your hero has done has worked. He is a failure, deal with it.
We also have 4.9% unemployment. :mm:
Low wage, part-time employment.
It's the fault of both Parties and nothing for either one to brag about.

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000
Can you post statistics specific to NY, NJ, FL?
A major problem with Full Time is that Business Visas are included in that number and these States have, by far, the highest number of Business Visas.
Do your own research. I just proved the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama have been full time jobs, not part time jobs. If you want to cherry pick certain states you think are different from the rest of the nation, that's on you to prove.

Anybody's research is tainted because Full Time includes non-US citizens.
Without the Democrat votes, he couldn't pass it. So this is your standard now, right? It doesn't matter what congress does, only one party controls the White House? That's what your standard is?

What a mindless drone you are, big guy

Same old.....Its the Democrats fault for not stopping us from doing stupid things

Swish. Breaking news, RW didn't grasp a post! Wow, that only happens, every time. Quite a streak there, big guy

Bush asked for war, Bush planned the war, Bush ordered the invasion

Kaz: It's the Democrats fault for not telling him to go fuck himself
But you know the Dems would have lost elections had they voted against the war.
It was held over their head

Bush knew they didn't want to be labeled soft on terror
A month before an election, no less.
We also have 4.9% unemployment. :mm:
Low wage, part-time employment.
It's the fault of both Parties and nothing for either one to brag about.

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000
Can you post statistics specific to NY, NJ, FL?
A major problem with Full Time is that Business Visas are included in that number and these States have, by far, the highest number of Business Visas.
Do your own research. I just proved the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama have been full time jobs, not part time jobs. If you want to cherry pick certain states you think are different from the rest of the nation, that's on you to prove.

Anybody's research is tainted because Full Time includes non-US citizens.
So? This country has never reserved jobs for only U.S. citizens.

That's gotta be among the dumbest arguments I've heard to date about the current employment situation. :cuckoo:

And some non-U.S. citizens also took on part time work.
Low wage, part-time employment.
It's the fault of both Parties and nothing for either one to brag about.

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000
Can you post statistics specific to NY, NJ, FL?
A major problem with Full Time is that Business Visas are included in that number and these States have, by far, the highest number of Business Visas.
Do your own research. I just proved the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama have been full time jobs, not part time jobs. If you want to cherry pick certain states you think are different from the rest of the nation, that's on you to prove.

Anybody's research is tainted because Full Time includes non-US citizens.
So? This country has never reserved jobs for only U.S. citizens.

And that's why our economy is in the shape it's in.

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000
Can you post statistics specific to NY, NJ, FL?
A major problem with Full Time is that Business Visas are included in that number and these States have, by far, the highest number of Business Visas.
Do your own research. I just proved the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama have been full time jobs, not part time jobs. If you want to cherry pick certain states you think are different from the rest of the nation, that's on you to prove.

Anybody's research is tainted because Full Time includes non-US citizens.
So? This country has never reserved jobs for only U.S. citizens.

And that's why our economy is in the shape it's in.
More idiocy. :cuckoo:

Again .... this country has always provided jobs for non-U.S. citizens. It has to, otherwise, no one could immigrate here.

And again, the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama are full time jobs. Rendering your idiocy as the nonsense it was from the moment you clicked on [post reply].
Lol how convenient you blame the democrats even though there is no cause by the entering of their power. You people in your faux causations. Bush's tax cuts were supposed to create "millions of job" yet they didn't create shit and the Great Recession happened anyway.
Bush's Tax Cuts created millions of jobs in China and lie.

Millions? LOL. Liberals and economics just don't mix, what a dumb ass

FoxConn ALONE has 500,000 prisoners in it's headquarters.
Practically every major Corporation does it's pathetic software "development" in India.
There are at least 3 million non-Indians who have been displaced from IT in the US since 2001.
And the overwhelming majority of these H1-Bs send every discretionary penny they have back to India to buy prooerty, thus creating jobs in India.
Nice try though.

How stupid are you? I mocked your saying THE TAX CUTS created "millions of jobs in China and India." You now are arguing the total number of jobs in foreign countries for any source. Liberals are just butt stupid, you do that all the time
Are YOU an idiot?
The Tax Cuts did NOTHING for the US as Corporations STILL ran away by the thousands for cheap labor, unlimited work hours, no health benefits and no pensions.

Begging the question
Bush's Tax Cuts created millions of jobs in China and lie.

Millions? LOL. Liberals and economics just don't mix, what a dumb ass

FoxConn ALONE has 500,000 prisoners in it's headquarters.
Practically every major Corporation does it's pathetic software "development" in India.
There are at least 3 million non-Indians who have been displaced from IT in the US since 2001.
And the overwhelming majority of these H1-Bs send every discretionary penny they have back to India to buy prooerty, thus creating jobs in India.
Nice try though.

How stupid are you? I mocked your saying THE TAX CUTS created "millions of jobs in China and India." You now are arguing the total number of jobs in foreign countries for any source. Liberals are just butt stupid, you do that all the time
Are YOU an idiot?
The Tax Cuts did NOTHING for the US as Corporations STILL ran away by the thousands for cheap labor, unlimited work hours, no health benefits and no pensions.

you are correct, unions and taxes drove corporations out of the USA. did you just figure that out?

Exactly, Democrats torture corporations then are like WTF, why are you leaving? We're still plundering you. A question that answers itself ...
Can you post statistics specific to NY, NJ, FL?
A major problem with Full Time is that Business Visas are included in that number and these States have, by far, the highest number of Business Visas.
Do your own research. I just proved the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama have been full time jobs, not part time jobs. If you want to cherry pick certain states you think are different from the rest of the nation, that's on you to prove.

Anybody's research is tainted because Full Time includes non-US citizens.
So? This country has never reserved jobs for only U.S. citizens.

And that's why our economy is in the shape it's in.
More idiocy. :cuckoo:

Again .... this country has always provided jobs for non-U.S. citizens. It has to, otherwise, no one could immigrate here.

And again, the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama are full time jobs. Rendering your idiocy as the nonsense it was from the moment you clicked on [post reply].
There is a difference between Immigrants and Business Visas.
If you don't know the difference now, you'll learn the hard way when Trump becomes President.
Millions? LOL. Liberals and economics just don't mix, what a dumb ass

FoxConn ALONE has 500,000 prisoners in it's headquarters.
Practically every major Corporation does it's pathetic software "development" in India.
There are at least 3 million non-Indians who have been displaced from IT in the US since 2001.
And the overwhelming majority of these H1-Bs send every discretionary penny they have back to India to buy prooerty, thus creating jobs in India.
Nice try though.

How stupid are you? I mocked your saying THE TAX CUTS created "millions of jobs in China and India." You now are arguing the total number of jobs in foreign countries for any source. Liberals are just butt stupid, you do that all the time
Are YOU an idiot?
The Tax Cuts did NOTHING for the US as Corporations STILL ran away by the thousands for cheap labor, unlimited work hours, no health benefits and no pensions.

you are correct, unions and taxes drove corporations out of the USA. did you just figure that out?

Exactly, Democrats torture corporations then are like WTF, why are you leaving? We're still plundering you. A question that answers itself ...
Nah...Corporations own Congress, not the other way around.
Dems and Pubs are both in the Corporate game.
Millions? LOL. Liberals and economics just don't mix, what a dumb ass

FoxConn ALONE has 500,000 prisoners in it's headquarters.
Practically every major Corporation does it's pathetic software "development" in India.
There are at least 3 million non-Indians who have been displaced from IT in the US since 2001.
And the overwhelming majority of these H1-Bs send every discretionary penny they have back to India to buy prooerty, thus creating jobs in India.
Nice try though.

How stupid are you? I mocked your saying THE TAX CUTS created "millions of jobs in China and India." You now are arguing the total number of jobs in foreign countries for any source. Liberals are just butt stupid, you do that all the time
Are YOU an idiot?
The Tax Cuts did NOTHING for the US as Corporations STILL ran away by the thousands for cheap labor, unlimited work hours, no health benefits and no pensions.

you are correct, unions and taxes drove corporations out of the USA. did you just figure that out?
Plus overwhelming greed.
I honestly believe that the Contributions that made it easy to leave the US with no repercussions could have crushed the Unions and Lowered Taxes.
But cheap labor, unlimited work hours, no health benefits and no pensions won out.

Cheap labor, and yet you demand more cheap labor get free access to take American jobs. You have no consistency because you're just driven by ideology

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