Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

The only reason it's been a "GREAT RECESSION" is that Barry didn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! We're seven plus years into his administration and the Fed is still scared to raise interest rates because the economy is so weak. Barack Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history.
I didn't see where any of Bush's timid economic actions had any effect

When Obama took office, the stock market was still in collapse, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month and GDP was and banks were collapsing

Obama took solid action and reversed all that

What policy did Obama have that was different from W's policies?

Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

Obama spent 800 billion on a "stimulus" to create jobs that created so few jobs that in desperation they invented a new economic statistic..."jobs created or saved" hide how bad it was! Take off your partisan blinders,'re looking increasingly ignorant in this string!

The stimulus was meant to infuse capital into the economy. Not all of it was through jobs. Half was directly through tax cuts.
Jobs saved were through reimbursements to communities to prevent layoffs of teachers, police and firemen. Without federal money, those people would be laid off.
Don't use facts rightwinger , you'll just anger them
Dude, the "sanctions" were falling apart! When you've got the son of the Secretary General of the UN making deals for you to sell your oil for weapons...then sanctions are failing. That was the case with Iraq. Nations like France were buying Iraqi oil on the black market in exchange for things like sophisticated missiles.
Iraq was falling apart

It's economy was in shambles, his military was weaker than it was in Desert Storm, allied air controlled his air space

Bush had better things to do than invade actually hunt down terrorists

When Bush was in office we WERE fighting terrorists in that Barry is in office we're fighting terrorists in the US, in France, in Great Britain, in Syria, in Libya, in Africa and in's that "hunt" for terrorists going? Any word on when we'll see the apprehension of the terrorists who murdered four Americans in Benghazi?
Bush created the terrorists in Iraq. Saddam would not tolerate them, they were a threat to his authority
Once Bush removed Saddam, AlQaeda moved in

Note: We did get the guy responsible for the Benghazi attacks

RRRRrrrrrriiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhhttttttt. W created terrorism in the middle east.
Stop kazzing, that's not what he said. He didn't say Bush created terrorism in the Middle East as you falsely ascribe to him. He said Bush created the terrorists in Iraq, which he did. Al-qaeda in Iraq, now known as ISIL, formed in Iraq to fight Bush.
He can't help himself lol. kazzing is all he knows ;)
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

And again, much of the increase to the debt is a result of Bush's Great Recession, which was dumped on Obama.

The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you
"The stimulus was meant to infuse capital into the economy. Not all of it was through jobs. Half was directly through tax cuts.
Jobs saved were through reimbursements to communities to prevent layoffs of teachers, police and firemen. Without federal money, those people would be laid off."

The Stimulus was the result of Democrats celebrating the fact that they had just taken the Presidency to go along with their near super-majority control of Congress. It was a political 'orgasmic party' at tax payer expense!

Politicians like Feinstein cut themselves big ol' checks from the tax payer bank account, studies like why a homosexual Argentinian's sex life is better than a heterosexual Americans' were funded by tax dollars, a US Car company was 'nationalized' / half ownership given to Unions who owned the Democrats' asses, tax payers lost an ass-load when the US finally sold off most of the car industry's stocks they owned, and each 'JOB' claimed to have been saved / created cost over $742,000.

OVER $742,000 PER JOB? Only Democrats could create / save (while fudging the numbers) jobs at a cost of over SVEN HUNDRED AND FORTY TWO THOUSAND dollars a piece...and STILL not address the crumbling infrastructure or the pewer grids that need upgrading...yet still manage to blame the GOP for THEIR not doing so.
"The stimulus was meant to infuse capital into the economy. Not all of it was through jobs. Half was directly through tax cuts.
Jobs saved were through reimbursements to communities to prevent layoffs of teachers, police and firemen. Without federal money, those people would be laid off."

The Stimulus was the result of Democrats celebrating the fact that they had just taken the Presidency to go along with their near super-majority control of Congress. It was a political 'orgasmic party' at tax payer expense!

Politicians like Feinstein cut themselves big ol' checks from the tax payer bank account, studies like why a homosexual Argentinian's sex life is better than a heterosexual Americans' were funded by tax dollars, a US Car company was 'nationalized' / half ownership given to Unions who owned the Democrats' asses, tax payers lost an ass-load when the US finally sold off most of the car industry's stocks they owned, and each 'JOB' claimed to have been saved / created cost over $742,000.

OVER $742,000 PER JOB? Only Democrats could create / save (while fudging the numbers) jobs at a cost of over SVEN HUNDRED AND FORTY TWO THOUSAND dollars a piece...and STILL not address the crumbling infrastructure or the pewer grids that need upgrading...yet still manage to blame the GOP for THEIR not doing so.

Your math is bogus

Stimulus went for more than just paying for jobs. But more importantly, $800 billion added to an economy in collapse helped keep the Great Bush Recession of 2008 into the Great Bush Depression of 2008
nothing in your post is true. not a word of it.

Go for it
Point by point


1. borrowing money (increasing the national debt) has never created prosperity. FDR extended the depression, and as you libs constantly remind us, it didn't work when Reagan did it

2. structured bankruptcy was a very viable option. the car companies had billions in fixed assets that could have been used to secure low interest loans.

3. wrong again, breaking a huge inefficient corporation into smaller more fiscally sound units is a normal outcome of a bankruptcy. Wall street would have been begging for those accounts.

This was only done to save the UAW and keep its money flowing to the DNC, anyone who cant see that is either naïve or just plain stupid.


What you propose applies to most bankruptcies where the economy is orherwise sound.
Obama looked for investors to prop up our auto companies. They all wanted no part of it. Banks were failing, they had no interest in risky investments.
Obama was the only game in town. Obamamotors saved our auto industries

Kindly explain how it was that Ford prospered while NOT taking government bailout money if Obama was the only game in town?

Gladly. Ford restructured their finances before the financial collapse. They were not caught short like GM and Chrysler

However, even Ford supported the government bailout of the auto companies

Sure they did. Saddling their competitors with huge debts is a good business strategy.
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

... again ... not tooting horns ... dispelling rightard myths.

it was 10.6 when obozo took office, it will be over 21 when he leaves. DOUBLE.
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you
What percent of that job growth was made up by foreign / illegals being employed? There was an interesting little article written that covers that which was buried / ignored..... Surely as intelligent as you are you would have a clue, right...?!

Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years
-- Yeah, that nearly $1 trillion jobs bill - the stimulus - was in Barry's 1st year...and 2/3rds of those jobs created were for foreigners / illegals.

Under Obama: Job Growth 52% Greater for Foreign-Born Workers

Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH
Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH


Someone should probably tell Obama he is the President of the UNITED STATES and that Americans need to be a higher priority than foreigners and illegals!
Last edited:
I didn't see where any of Bush's timid economic actions had any effect

When Obama took office, the stock market was still in collapse, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month and GDP was and banks were collapsing

Obama took solid action and reversed all that

What policy did Obama have that was different from W's policies?

Glad you asked

Obama passed a stimulus that infused $800 billion into the economy. He made it clear that the U.S. Government would not allow the banks and auto industry to fail. He passed solid financial reform and demanded auto companies close unprofitable brands and give the taxpayer stock in their company

That is what he did differently and the economic collapse reversed

Obama spent 800 billion on a "stimulus" to create jobs that created so few jobs that in desperation they invented a new economic statistic..."jobs created or saved" hide how bad it was! Take off your partisan blinders,'re looking increasingly ignorant in this string!

The stimulus was meant to infuse capital into the economy. Not all of it was through jobs. Half was directly through tax cuts.
Jobs saved were through reimbursements to communities to prevent layoffs of teachers, police and firemen. Without federal money, those people would be laid off.
Don't use facts rightwinger , you'll just anger them

He never does, why start now?
The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you
The economy crashed, Bush didn't lose the jobs. He didn't have a plant he closed, why lie? The economy STILL sucks. Yeah, good job lost, two part time shit jobs get added and liberals give glory to obama for creating two jobs!
The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!
  • Thanks
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You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

Why you keep presenting that lie when the employment statistics show the opposite is beyond me
Your math is bogus
Fail again, was not MY math but the Obama administration's own final report put out on the failed Stimulus bill. Of course Barry's math, we know, IS wrong. He claimed more jobs were saved at companies than they had people working there, he refuses to take into account the number of Americans who have left the job market because they can't find work in his unemployment figures and claimed that Bush's $2.5 trillion in new debt over 6 years ($4 trillion - with liberal help - in 8 years) was 'Un-Patriotic' while his nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years was ok.
Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

Why you keep presenting that lie when the employment statistics show the opposite is beyond me

the liar here is you. the so-called job growth raved about by you libs is minimum wage, low skilled, and part time. The good jobs are stagnant.

there are more people in poverty, on welfare, and on foodstamps now than when Obama took office. The gap between rich and poor is larger than when obozo took office.

what's beyond you is any ability to deal with reality.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

I stand corrected - Obama only added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED. If you count the $2.5 trillion the DNC-controlled Congress added during Bush's last 2 years combined.

4 Years
Obama: Nearly $7 Trillion
Bush: Nearly $2 Trillion
Faun: PISSED because her 'hero' added more debt than Bush yet called Bush 'Un-Patriotic'. Throw in the fact that Obama is responsible for the 1st EVUH US Credit Rating DECREASE, and she should be frothing at the mouth.

Obama promised to have the budget balanced by the end of his 1st term; however, by the end of his 1st term he was racking up new, added debt of approx. $1.3 trillion a year.

Consider that for a second as you also consider that during his 1st term the `1st 'economic' bill was the failed 'Jobs Bill' - the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill - that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only SNC-benefitting pork, contained no 'shovel-ready' projects (which Obama had to embarrassingly admit did not exist), did not address the crumbling infrastructure in the US but did give millionaire Democrat Feinstein hard-earned tax dollars to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10.1%), and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. This one bill - nearly $1 trillion - accounted for the BULK of his average $1.3 trillion in new debt per year that 1st year.

But please, keep on - 7 years into Obama's 7 year 'Bush-dominated Presidency' keep blaming 'Buuussshhhh' for all of Obama's F*-Ups!
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

And again, much of the increase to the debt is a result of Bush's Great Recession, which was dumped on Obama.

The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?

You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

And then he imported illegal Mexicans to fill them!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you
What percent of that job growth was made up by foreign / illegals being employed? There was an interesting little article written that covers that which was buried / ignored..... Surely as intelligent as you are you would have a clue, right...?!

Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years
-- Yeah, that nearly $1 trillion jobs bill - the stimulus - was in Barry's 1st year...and 2/3rds of those jobs created were for foreigners / illegals.

Under Obama: Job Growth 52% Greater for Foreign-Born Workers

Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH
Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH


Someone should probably tell Obama he is the President of the UNITED STATES and that Americans need to be a higher priority than foreigners and illegals!

they are trying to create democrat voters at the expense of real americans. Their plan is very obvious.
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

Why you keep presenting that lie when the employment statistics show the opposite is beyond me

the liar here is you. the so-called job growth raved about by you libs is minimum wage, low skilled, and part time. The good jobs are stagnant.

there are more people in poverty, on welfare, and on foodstamps now than when Obama took office. The gap between rich and poor is larger than when obozo took office.

what's beyond you is any ability to deal with reality.
WHEN hasn't the gap between rich and poor ever grown smaller ?? Under your moron bush?? lol
Sure they did. Saddling their competitors with huge debts is a good business strategy.

Of course using the Socialist tactic of 'nationalizing' a company was a much better choice for Barry. He got to hand over part ownership of the company to the Unions that owned his ass - preventing the Unions / workers from taking a pay cut / hit as a result of the contracts were re-negotiated, got to sell off part of the company to a foreign owner that was in worse shape than they were in, sold off most of the stock at the end for a huge tax-payer loss...violating bankruptcy law in the process.

The Stimulus was supposed to create jobs? Instead of addressing the nation's decaying infrastructure, Obama's Stimulus Bill handed out huge bonuses to AIG executives - $165 million in extra pay. After going through the specific details it doesn't take long to understand why it cost tax payers over $742,000 PER job.
The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

Why you keep presenting that lie when the employment statistics show the opposite is beyond me

the liar here is you. the so-called job growth raved about by you libs is minimum wage, low skilled, and part time. The good jobs are stagnant.

there are more people in poverty, on welfare, and on foodstamps now than when Obama took office. The gap between rich and poor is larger than when obozo took office.

what's beyond you is any ability to deal with reality.
WHEN hasn't the gap between rich and poor ever grown smaller ?? Under your moron bush?? lol

actually yes, check it out.

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