Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

No, denial is not a river. I just gave you a link explaining their history going back to Al-qaeda in Iraq.

Sticking your fingers in your ears while moaning, nuh-uh, doesn't actually refute reality. Just so ya know.

What you "gave" me was Al Queda's history going back to Bush's time in Iraq...ISIS grew to power in Syria after Bush had left office and then crossed the border in force into Iraq after Barry did his "leading from behind" thing and pulled out our combat troops against the advice of his military advisors.
ISIL called themselves Al-qaeda in Iraq before calling themselves ISIL. WTF is wrong with you? How fucking thick headed are you?

ISIS would have been just another little splinter group breaking off from Al Queda if it wasn't for Barack Obama's total failure to address their growing strength. Or have you forgotten "JV Team"? ISIS increased in strength and influence over shadowing it's parent group Al Queda (who had disavowed them) BECAUSE Barry was so determined to be able to claim he'd "ended" the war in Iraq on the campaign trail that he ignored the advice of his military leaders!

The reason you're so determined to claim that ISIS is just another renaming of a group that existed while Bush is President is that you don't want to admit how badly Obama misjudged ISIS.
Moron, the reason I'm pointing out how ISIL was Al-qaeda in Iraq before being called ISIL is because ISIL was Al-qaeda in Iraq before being called ISIL.

You should try dealing with reality sometime.

No, the reason you're doing what you're that you're trying desperately to excuse some really bad decisions that Barack Obama made by claiming it's Bush's fault.
Is that why you're denying the reality that ISIL was Al-qaeda in Iraq before being known as ISIL? Because you're trying to deny Bush is responsible for that terrorist organization?
Sorry, it wasn't approved by the Democratic party, I know that distresses you, can't help that
Approved what? What the hell are you saying?

It's OK, Billy, don't worry about it. Democrats will take care of you, just blindly advocate them and they'll take care of the rest
Right because voting republican is a good alternative because...why? You don't know why because deep down you know they won't do jack shit for you.

Yes, that's why I'm not one, moron.

Not Democrat = Republican. I'm against the wars and want to slash the military and bring our troops to the US, I am pro-choice, thing all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and all morality laws should be repealed.

You still have duh, dar, drool, sounds Republican to me!

What's funny is then you think you're smarter than Republicans ...

BTW, you're wrong. I want government to do jack shit for me. I just want them to stay out of my shit. The Republicans are almost exactly like you. In your overt stupidity you think anyone different than you is the same (a "Republican") while actual Republicans are no different than you. You really have shit between your ears, don't you?

Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens
Approved what? What the hell are you saying?

It's OK, Billy, don't worry about it. Democrats will take care of you, just blindly advocate them and they'll take care of the rest
Right because voting republican is a good alternative because...why? You don't know why because deep down you know they won't do jack shit for you.
Kaz is not Republican....he is an anarchist.....I mean libertarian

Do you know what a libertarian is, big guy? You don't, do you? You're too intelligent to understand it. That always cracks me up, liberals think intelligent people don't understand things
Libertarianism is purely an emotional appeal to an individual's selfish desires to do whatever the fuck they want at the expense of their community.

Again, how is my wanting what I earned selfish and you wanting what I earned with willingness to use guns to accomplish that not selfish? You're full of shit
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

I stand corrected - Obama only added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED. If you count the $2.5 trillion the DNC-controlled Congress added during Bush's last 2 years combined.

4 Years
Obama: Nearly $7 Trillion
Bush: Nearly $2 Trillion
Faun: PISSED because her 'hero' added more debt than Bush yet called Bush 'Un-Patriotic'. Throw in the fact that Obama is responsible for the 1st EVUH US Credit Rating DECREASE, and she should be frothing at the mouth.

Obama promised to have the budget balanced by the end of his 1st term; however, by the end of his 1st term he was racking up new, added debt of approx. $1.3 trillion a year.

Consider that for a second as you also consider that during his 1st term the `1st 'economic' bill was the failed 'Jobs Bill' - the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill - that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only SNC-benefitting pork, contained no 'shovel-ready' projects (which Obama had to embarrassingly admit did not exist), did not address the crumbling infrastructure in the US but did give millionaire Democrat Feinstein hard-earned tax dollars to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10.1%), and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. This one bill - nearly $1 trillion - accounted for the BULK of his average $1.3 trillion in new debt per year that 1st year.

But please, keep on - 7 years into Obama's 7 year 'Bush-dominated Presidency' keep blaming 'Buuussshhhh' for all of Obama's F*-Ups!
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

And again, much of the increase to the debt is a result of Bush's Great Recession, which was dumped on Obama.

The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to brought this on yourselves cons.

Threatened riots? You got a link to the direct quote? You nut jobs seem to lie bigger and more each day.
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

False...considering in 8 years under Bush $4 trillion in new debt was added...and in the 1st 6 years ONLY $1.5 Trillion of that - during 2 wars and 9/11 - was added by Bush and a split Congress. In Bush's last 2 years the Liberals won a near super-majority control of Congress, to include the purse strings - spending and the economy. During those last 2 years, Democrats stopped passing an annual budget - required every year by law - and added $2.5 trillion in new only 2 years. That's an average of $1.25 trillion a year. When Obama took over, he and the liberals raised that average to $1.3 trillion annually for the next 4 years.

Congress controls the purse strings. That means Congress controls the budget. That means Congress controls the spending. That means Congress controls in large part what the economy does. so the only 'myth' that got busted here this morning is the ridiculous claim by Liberals that Bush was responsible for the economic decline in this country the last 2 years of his administration and that Obama inherited any economy at all from Bush. The economy he - Obama - inherited was the one that his near super majority controlled Congressional Liberal brethren served him up on a plate.

But back to your false assumption. No, wrong - Bush's $2 trillion over 6 (SIX) years was NOT more debt than every President from Washington to his dad....and Bush's 6 year deficit addition certainly wasn't nearly (1/3rd?) close to Obama's 4 year addition.
Approved what? What the hell are you saying?

It's OK, Billy, don't worry about it. Democrats will take care of you, just blindly advocate them and they'll take care of the rest
Right because voting republican is a good alternative because...why? You don't know why because deep down you know they won't do jack shit for you.
Kaz is not Republican....he is an anarchist.....I mean libertarian

Do you know what a libertarian is, big guy? You don't, do you? You're too intelligent to understand it. That always cracks me up, liberals think intelligent people don't understand things

I know exactly what a libertarian is.....I got mine, fuck everyone else

It is you who has the delusions about libertarianism

I know exactly what a liberal is ... you have more than me, fuck you, give it to me
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

I stand corrected - Obama only added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED. If you count the $2.5 trillion the DNC-controlled Congress added during Bush's last 2 years combined.

4 Years
Obama: Nearly $7 Trillion
Bush: Nearly $2 Trillion
Faun: PISSED because her 'hero' added more debt than Bush yet called Bush 'Un-Patriotic'. Throw in the fact that Obama is responsible for the 1st EVUH US Credit Rating DECREASE, and she should be frothing at the mouth.

Obama promised to have the budget balanced by the end of his 1st term; however, by the end of his 1st term he was racking up new, added debt of approx. $1.3 trillion a year.

Consider that for a second as you also consider that during his 1st term the `1st 'economic' bill was the failed 'Jobs Bill' - the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill - that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only SNC-benefitting pork, contained no 'shovel-ready' projects (which Obama had to embarrassingly admit did not exist), did not address the crumbling infrastructure in the US but did give millionaire Democrat Feinstein hard-earned tax dollars to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10.1%), and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. This one bill - nearly $1 trillion - accounted for the BULK of his average $1.3 trillion in new debt per year that 1st year.

But please, keep on - 7 years into Obama's 7 year 'Bush-dominated Presidency' keep blaming 'Buuussshhhh' for all of Obama's F*-Ups!
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

And again, much of the increase to the debt is a result of Bush's Great Recession, which was dumped on Obama.

The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

False...considering in 8 years under Bush $4 trillion in new debt was added...and in the 1st 6 years ONLY $1.5 Trillion of that - during 2 wars and 9/11 - was added by Bush and a split Congress. In Bush's last 2 years the Liberals won a near super-majority control of Congress, to include the purse strings - spending and the economy. During those last 2 years, Democrats stopped passing an annual budget - required every year by law - and added $2.5 trillion in new only 2 years. That's an average of $1.25 trillion a year. When Obama took over, he and the liberals raised that average to $1.3 trillion annually for the next 4 years.

Congress controls the purse strings. That means Congress controls the budget. That means Congress controls the spending. That means Congress controls in large part what the economy does. so the only 'myth' that got busted here this morning is the ridiculous claim by Liberals that Bush was responsible for the economic decline in this country the last 2 years of his administration and that Obama inherited any economy at all from Bush. The economy he - Obama - inherited was the one that his near super majority controlled Congressional Liberal brethren served him up on a plate.

But back to your false assumption. No, wrong - Bush's $2 trillion over 6 (SIX) years was NOT more debt than every President from Washington to his dad....and Bush's 6 year deficit addition certainly wasn't nearly (1/3rd?) close to Obama's 4 year addition.
Nope, it is not false. You are lying again...

Bush43 ...................................... $4.9 (t)
Washington through Bush41 ... $4.2 (t)
easyt65 ...................................... imbecile (t)
Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

I stand corrected - Obama only added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED. If you count the $2.5 trillion the DNC-controlled Congress added during Bush's last 2 years combined.

4 Years
Obama: Nearly $7 Trillion
Bush: Nearly $2 Trillion
Faun: PISSED because her 'hero' added more debt than Bush yet called Bush 'Un-Patriotic'. Throw in the fact that Obama is responsible for the 1st EVUH US Credit Rating DECREASE, and she should be frothing at the mouth.

Obama promised to have the budget balanced by the end of his 1st term; however, by the end of his 1st term he was racking up new, added debt of approx. $1.3 trillion a year.

Consider that for a second as you also consider that during his 1st term the `1st 'economic' bill was the failed 'Jobs Bill' - the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill - that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only SNC-benefitting pork, contained no 'shovel-ready' projects (which Obama had to embarrassingly admit did not exist), did not address the crumbling infrastructure in the US but did give millionaire Democrat Feinstein hard-earned tax dollars to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10.1%), and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. This one bill - nearly $1 trillion - accounted for the BULK of his average $1.3 trillion in new debt per year that 1st year.

But please, keep on - 7 years into Obama's 7 year 'Bush-dominated Presidency' keep blaming 'Buuussshhhh' for all of Obama's F*-Ups!
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

And again, much of the increase to the debt is a result of Bush's Great Recession, which was dumped on Obama.

The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
You need to make this about W, Faun because Barry's performance when it comes to addressing the economy is almost as bad as his performance when it comes to foreign policy...and THAT is saying something!
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

I stand corrected - Obama only added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED. If you count the $2.5 trillion the DNC-controlled Congress added during Bush's last 2 years combined.

4 Years
Obama: Nearly $7 Trillion
Bush: Nearly $2 Trillion
Faun: PISSED because her 'hero' added more debt than Bush yet called Bush 'Un-Patriotic'. Throw in the fact that Obama is responsible for the 1st EVUH US Credit Rating DECREASE, and she should be frothing at the mouth.

Obama promised to have the budget balanced by the end of his 1st term; however, by the end of his 1st term he was racking up new, added debt of approx. $1.3 trillion a year.

Consider that for a second as you also consider that during his 1st term the `1st 'economic' bill was the failed 'Jobs Bill' - the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill - that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only SNC-benefitting pork, contained no 'shovel-ready' projects (which Obama had to embarrassingly admit did not exist), did not address the crumbling infrastructure in the US but did give millionaire Democrat Feinstein hard-earned tax dollars to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10.1%), and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. This one bill - nearly $1 trillion - accounted for the BULK of his average $1.3 trillion in new debt per year that 1st year.

But please, keep on - 7 years into Obama's 7 year 'Bush-dominated Presidency' keep blaming 'Buuussshhhh' for all of Obama's F*-Ups!
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

And again, much of the increase to the debt is a result of Bush's Great Recession, which was dumped on Obama.

The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!

It became the Great Bush Recession of 2008 long before Obama was elected

Why do you think the Democrats kicked Republican ass that year?
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

I stand corrected - Obama only added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED. If you count the $2.5 trillion the DNC-controlled Congress added during Bush's last 2 years combined.

4 Years
Obama: Nearly $7 Trillion
Bush: Nearly $2 Trillion
Faun: PISSED because her 'hero' added more debt than Bush yet called Bush 'Un-Patriotic'. Throw in the fact that Obama is responsible for the 1st EVUH US Credit Rating DECREASE, and she should be frothing at the mouth.

Obama promised to have the budget balanced by the end of his 1st term; however, by the end of his 1st term he was racking up new, added debt of approx. $1.3 trillion a year.

Consider that for a second as you also consider that during his 1st term the `1st 'economic' bill was the failed 'Jobs Bill' - the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill - that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only SNC-benefitting pork, contained no 'shovel-ready' projects (which Obama had to embarrassingly admit did not exist), did not address the crumbling infrastructure in the US but did give millionaire Democrat Feinstein hard-earned tax dollars to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10.1%), and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. This one bill - nearly $1 trillion - accounted for the BULK of his average $1.3 trillion in new debt per year that 1st year.

But please, keep on - 7 years into Obama's 7 year 'Bush-dominated Presidency' keep blaming 'Buuussshhhh' for all of Obama's F*-Ups!
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

And again, much of the increase to the debt is a result of Bush's Great Recession, which was dumped on Obama.

The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.
Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

I stand corrected - Obama only added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED. If you count the $2.5 trillion the DNC-controlled Congress added during Bush's last 2 years combined.

4 Years
Obama: Nearly $7 Trillion
Bush: Nearly $2 Trillion
Faun: PISSED because her 'hero' added more debt than Bush yet called Bush 'Un-Patriotic'. Throw in the fact that Obama is responsible for the 1st EVUH US Credit Rating DECREASE, and she should be frothing at the mouth.

Obama promised to have the budget balanced by the end of his 1st term; however, by the end of his 1st term he was racking up new, added debt of approx. $1.3 trillion a year.

Consider that for a second as you also consider that during his 1st term the `1st 'economic' bill was the failed 'Jobs Bill' - the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill - that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only SNC-benefitting pork, contained no 'shovel-ready' projects (which Obama had to embarrassingly admit did not exist), did not address the crumbling infrastructure in the US but did give millionaire Democrat Feinstein hard-earned tax dollars to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10.1%), and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. This one bill - nearly $1 trillion - accounted for the BULK of his average $1.3 trillion in new debt per year that 1st year.

But please, keep on - 7 years into Obama's 7 year 'Bush-dominated Presidency' keep blaming 'Buuussshhhh' for all of Obama's F*-Ups!
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

And again, much of the increase to the debt is a result of Bush's Great Recession, which was dumped on Obama.

The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!

It became the Great Bush Recession of 2008 long before Obama was elected

Why do you think the Democrats kicked Republican ass that year?

Because a liberally compliant media convinced the electorate that it was W's fault? Why do you think the Republicans kicked the Democrat's asses two years later? Because the American people figured out that liberals running things only made it worse?
You need to make this about W, Faun because Barry's performance when it comes to addressing the economy is almost as bad as his performance when it comes to foreign policy...and THAT is saying something!
I'm making it about Bush because it is about Bush. Bush should never have invaded Iraq. Had he not, there would have been no Al-qaeda in Iraq then and there wouldn't be ISIL now. You trying to blame Obama for ISIL is like trying to blame FDNY for the fall of the Twin Towers and not the terrorists who flew commercial jets into them.
I stand corrected - Obama only added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED. If you count the $2.5 trillion the DNC-controlled Congress added during Bush's last 2 years combined.

4 Years
Obama: Nearly $7 Trillion
Bush: Nearly $2 Trillion
Faun: PISSED because her 'hero' added more debt than Bush yet called Bush 'Un-Patriotic'. Throw in the fact that Obama is responsible for the 1st EVUH US Credit Rating DECREASE, and she should be frothing at the mouth.

Obama promised to have the budget balanced by the end of his 1st term; however, by the end of his 1st term he was racking up new, added debt of approx. $1.3 trillion a year.

Consider that for a second as you also consider that during his 1st term the `1st 'economic' bill was the failed 'Jobs Bill' - the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill - that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only SNC-benefitting pork, contained no 'shovel-ready' projects (which Obama had to embarrassingly admit did not exist), did not address the crumbling infrastructure in the US but did give millionaire Democrat Feinstein hard-earned tax dollars to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10.1%), and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. This one bill - nearly $1 trillion - accounted for the BULK of his average $1.3 trillion in new debt per year that 1st year.

But please, keep on - 7 years into Obama's 7 year 'Bush-dominated Presidency' keep blaming 'Buuussshhhh' for all of Obama's F*-Ups!
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

And again, much of the increase to the debt is a result of Bush's Great Recession, which was dumped on Obama.

The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
Trump did not 'threaten' riots if the WE-GOP stole the nomination. He WARNED it would happened. There's a big difference, not that Liberals are smart enough to know it.

Funny how Liberals are falsely comparing Trump to Hitler and Stalin, accusing him of inciting riots, etc...when the TRUTH is the current Socialist-infected Democratic Party is the one who is funding (Soros,, BLM) and inciting the illegal, criminal protests and violence.

Liberals, using Fascist tactics, are demonstrating the intolerance of ISIS, trying to silence the voice, the message of others, trying to prevent others from hearing that message and from seeing their the point where they are attempting to shout down Trump at peaceful public gatherings, wearing KKK costumes at GOP rallies, illegally blocking traffic, and perpetrating attacks on Trump while he is on stage.

They are running a Socialist as a candidate, are engaged in Fascism, and have joined forces with a racist terrorist group that has called for the murder of all whites and policemen - BLM...and liberals are condemning Trump for predicting Americans will go ape-shit if the WE-GOP successfully circumvent the will of the people and try to impose their choice on constituents?

You need to make this about W, Faun because Barry's performance when it comes to addressing the economy is almost as bad as his performance when it comes to foreign policy...and THAT is saying something!
I'm making it about Bush because it is about Bush. Bush should never have invaded Iraq. Had he not, there would have been no Al-qaeda in Iraq then and there wouldn't be ISIL now. You trying to blame Obama for ISIL is like trying to blame FDNY for the fall of the Twin Towers and not the terrorists who flew commercial jets into them.

So Bush is responsible for ISIS taking control of vast expanses of territory in the Middle East because "he" underestimated ISIS...called them the JV team and ignored the advice of his military leaders? Interesting concept, Faun...Bush leaves a relatively stable Middle East...Barry fucks it up beyond belief with his "leading from behind" policies...but it's Bush's baby!
I'm making it about Bush because it is about Bush. Bush should never have invaded Iraq.
Then maybe HILLARY and other major Democrats should not have argued for going to war before voting to give Bush the authorization to do so....

Now come on and try to justify their actions by blaming someone else for it - Bush - rather than holding them accountable.
I'm making it about Bush because it is about Bush.
NO, actually this thread is about TRUMP. Want to wail, bitch, and moan about a guy who hasn't been President for nearly a decade then start another thread?! ....or try to stay on topic.

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