Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

Why you keep presenting that lie when the employment statistics show the opposite is beyond me

the liar here is you. the so-called job growth raved about by you libs is minimum wage, low skilled, and part time. The good jobs are stagnant.

there are more people in poverty, on welfare, and on foodstamps now than when Obama took office. The gap between rich and poor is larger than when obozo took office.

what's beyond you is any ability to deal with reality.

You need 3-4 of them to back- up what you just posted
Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

And then he imported illegal Mexicans to fill them!
who employs them shit stain? I'll give you a hint: it aint Progressives.

Stop kazzing

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

And then he imported illegal Mexicans to fill them!
who employs them shit stain? I'll give you a hint: it aint Progressives.

Stop kazzing

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

right, the progressives are all in the line for free cheese.
The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

Why you keep presenting that lie when the employment statistics show the opposite is beyond me

the liar here is you. the so-called job growth raved about by you libs is minimum wage, low skilled, and part time. The good jobs are stagnant.

there are more people in poverty, on welfare, and on foodstamps now than when Obama took office. The gap between rich and poor is larger than when obozo took office.

what's beyond you is any ability to deal with reality.

You need 3-4 of them to back- up what you just posted

look dipshit, I don't have to provide links for things that are shown on the national media every day. I am not here to cure your ignorance.
Your math is bogus
Fail again, was not MY math but the Obama administration's own final report put out on the failed Stimulus bill. Of course Barry's math, we know, IS wrong. He claimed more jobs were saved at companies than they had people working there, he refuses to take into account the number of Americans who have left the job market because they can't find work in his unemployment figures and claimed that Bush's $2.5 trillion in new debt over 6 years ($4 trillion - with liberal help - in 8 years) was 'Un-Patriotic' while his nearly $7 trillion in only 4 years was ok.


You used total stimulus / total jobs which ignores stimulus spent on other factors than jobs
Sure they did. Saddling their competitors with huge debts is a good business strategy.

Of course using the Socialist tactic of 'nationalizing' a company was a much better choice for Barry. He got to hand over part ownership of the company to the Unions that owned his ass - preventing the Unions / workers from taking a pay cut / hit as a result of the contracts were re-negotiated, got to sell off part of the company to a foreign owner that was in worse shape than they were in, sold off most of the stock at the end for a huge tax-payer loss...violating bankruptcy law in the process.

The Stimulus was supposed to create jobs? Instead of addressing the nation's decaying infrastructure, Obama's Stimulus Bill handed out huge bonuses to AIG executives - $165 million in extra pay. After going through the specific details it doesn't take long to understand why it cost tax payers over $742,000 PER job.

Wrong again.
Workers gave up pay and benefits as part of the auto company restructuring
Approved what? What the hell are you saying?

It's OK, Billy, don't worry about it. Democrats will take care of you, just blindly advocate them and they'll take care of the rest
Right because voting republican is a good alternative because...why? You don't know why because deep down you know they won't do jack shit for you.

Yes, that's why I'm not one, moron.

Not Democrat = Republican. I'm against the wars and want to slash the military and bring our troops to the US, I am pro-choice, thing all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and all morality laws should be repealed.

You still have duh, dar, drool, sounds Republican to me!

What's funny is then you think you're smarter than Republicans ...

BTW, you're wrong. I want government to do jack shit for me. I just want them to stay out of my shit. The Republicans are almost exactly like you. In your overt stupidity you think anyone different than you is the same (a "Republican") while actual Republicans are no different than you. You really have shit between your ears, don't you?

Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.
It's OK, Billy, don't worry about it. Democrats will take care of you, just blindly advocate them and they'll take care of the rest
Right because voting republican is a good alternative because...why? You don't know why because deep down you know they won't do jack shit for you.

Yes, that's why I'm not one, moron.

Not Democrat = Republican. I'm against the wars and want to slash the military and bring our troops to the US, I am pro-choice, thing all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and all morality laws should be repealed.

You still have duh, dar, drool, sounds Republican to me!

What's funny is then you think you're smarter than Republicans ...

BTW, you're wrong. I want government to do jack shit for me. I just want them to stay out of my shit. The Republicans are almost exactly like you. In your overt stupidity you think anyone different than you is the same (a "Republican") while actual Republicans are no different than you. You really have shit between your ears, don't you?

Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

That damned long term memory problem you have. Sure, I'll explain it to you again. The taxes that are robbery are when government on the behalf of one citizen robs another to give them the money. Well, what's left after they waste a bunch of it anyway. I'm not an anarchist, dumb ass, you know that. Taxes for services equally available to all, police, courts, roads are not armed robbery.

Hey, remember when you did a whole thread attacking me for my views and you got EVERY view completely wrong? That was a hoot.
It's OK, Billy, don't worry about it. Democrats will take care of you, just blindly advocate them and they'll take care of the rest
Right because voting republican is a good alternative because...why? You don't know why because deep down you know they won't do jack shit for you.

Yes, that's why I'm not one, moron.

Not Democrat = Republican. I'm against the wars and want to slash the military and bring our troops to the US, I am pro-choice, thing all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and all morality laws should be repealed.

You still have duh, dar, drool, sounds Republican to me!

What's funny is then you think you're smarter than Republicans ...

BTW, you're wrong. I want government to do jack shit for me. I just want them to stay out of my shit. The Republicans are almost exactly like you. In your overt stupidity you think anyone different than you is the same (a "Republican") while actual Republicans are no different than you. You really have shit between your ears, don't you?

Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC
Right because voting republican is a good alternative because...why? You don't know why because deep down you know they won't do jack shit for you.

Yes, that's why I'm not one, moron.

Not Democrat = Republican. I'm against the wars and want to slash the military and bring our troops to the US, I am pro-choice, thing all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and all morality laws should be repealed.

You still have duh, dar, drool, sounds Republican to me!

What's funny is then you think you're smarter than Republicans ...

BTW, you're wrong. I want government to do jack shit for me. I just want them to stay out of my shit. The Republicans are almost exactly like you. In your overt stupidity you think anyone different than you is the same (a "Republican") while actual Republicans are no different than you. You really have shit between your ears, don't you?

Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it
Yes, that's why I'm not one, moron.

Not Democrat = Republican. I'm against the wars and want to slash the military and bring our troops to the US, I am pro-choice, thing all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and all morality laws should be repealed.

You still have duh, dar, drool, sounds Republican to me!

What's funny is then you think you're smarter than Republicans ...

BTW, you're wrong. I want government to do jack shit for me. I just want them to stay out of my shit. The Republicans are almost exactly like you. In your overt stupidity you think anyone different than you is the same (a "Republican") while actual Republicans are no different than you. You really have shit between your ears, don't you?

Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

the government does not do anything cheaper than private industry. If you think it does, give us a list of the things the govt does more efficiently than the private sector.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

the government does not do anything cheaper than private industry. If you think it does, give us a list of the things the govt does more efficiently than the private sector.

Of course they do

Government health insurance is cheaper than the private sector offers. Government schools are cheaper than private schools
Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

the government does not do anything cheaper than private industry. If you think it does, give us a list of the things the govt does more efficiently than the private sector.

Of course they do

Government health insurance is cheaper than the private sector offers. Government schools are cheaper than private schools

no they aren't, you are forgetting the tax revenue required to support them. Sure, obozo care is cheap for someone getting it free, but the rest of us are paying for it in our tax bills. Same with public schools. take away the tax support and private schools would be much cheaper.

you are clearly a victim of left wing indoctrination. Seek help.
There is a difference between Immigrants and Business Visas.
If you don't know the difference now, you'll learn the hard way when Trump becomes President.
Now you're conflating legal immigrants with illegal immigrants. And of course, you're complaint was that jobs were being filled by non-U.S. citizens, which includes both.

And still -- the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama are full time. And the majority of jobs gained under Obama are to U.S. citizens.

How many times can you lose this argument?
Bullshit...I have yet to hear of a CEO who pleads before Congress to allow in more Legal Immigrants because non-Indians don't have any skills.
Immigrants come here to start a new life and can't have their Visa Cards taken from them and become slaves until they get their Green Cards and get fired.
You're much smarter than this post.
You really got to reach into your bag of Fairy Dust and come up with better arguments.
No, it's not bullshit...

Foreign born: 4,016,000
1/2009: 21,375,000
2/2016: 25,391,000

Native born: 5,609,000
1/2009: 119,061,000
2/2016: 124,670,000

How many times can you lose this argument?

It IS bullshit because BUSINESS VISAs are INCLUDED in the number, but only Legal Immigrant are categorized as FOREIGN BORN.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You can't get anything right. You're batting zero and striking out again.

Of course 'foreign born' includes illegal aliens.

How many times are you going to lose this argument?

Deal with reality ... most jobs gained under Obama are full time jobs. Most jobs under Obama went to American citizens.
That is NOT what you stated or implied.
You are desperately trying to defend Obama's track record as an "Employment" President and you are failing miserably.
You need to make this about W, Faun because Barry's performance when it comes to addressing the economy is almost as bad as his performance when it comes to foreign policy...and THAT is saying something!
I'm making it about Bush because it is about Bush. Bush should never have invaded Iraq. Had he not, there would have been no Al-qaeda in Iraq then and there wouldn't be ISIL now. You trying to blame Obama for ISIL is like trying to blame FDNY for the fall of the Twin Towers and not the terrorists who flew commercial jets into them.

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here...the rise of ISIS in Syria took place because Bush invaded Iraq years earlier? But Barry's complete lack of a Middle Eastern strategy (AKA "Leading From Behind") had nothing to do with it? Really, Faun?
He didn't threaten riots you deaf dumbfuck


The reason it became a "Great Recession" rather than just a recession is that Barrack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history. You need to blame W. because Barry's total lack of a strategy to improve the economy and create jobs is what made the recession drag on and on.

Don't think I'm right? Tell me what Obama's current plan is to create jobs! Should be easy to do...right? You can't however, Faun...because he hasn't had a plan to address that in YEARS!
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

I got A's in both Macro and Micro Economics. The only "fail" that I see is your attempt to present some really paltry job creation numbers as a PLUS because they were all slight gains.

Did you want to help out your fellow Progressives and tell me what Obama policy helped create jobs? Did you want to tell me what Barry's present plan is to stimulate the economy and create jobs? All I'm hearing from your side of this discussion when I ask that kind of question is CRICKETS!
Yes, that's why I'm not one, moron.

Not Democrat = Republican. I'm against the wars and want to slash the military and bring our troops to the US, I am pro-choice, thing all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and all morality laws should be repealed.

You still have duh, dar, drool, sounds Republican to me!

What's funny is then you think you're smarter than Republicans ...

BTW, you're wrong. I want government to do jack shit for me. I just want them to stay out of my shit. The Republicans are almost exactly like you. In your overt stupidity you think anyone different than you is the same (a "Republican") while actual Republicans are no different than you. You really have shit between your ears, don't you?

Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

the government does not do anything cheaper than private industry. If you think it does, give us a list of the things the govt does more efficiently than the private sector.

Of course they do

Government health insurance is cheaper than the private sector offers. Government schools are cheaper than private schools

no they aren't, you are forgetting the tax revenue required to support them. Sure, obozo care is cheap for someone getting it free, but the rest of us are paying for it in our tax bills. Same with public schools. take away the tax support and private schools would be much cheaper.

you are clearly a victim of left wing indoctrination. Seek help.

What do you think tax revenue is?
People contributing for the good of all

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