Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

Drudge is reporting the liberal, fascist Anti-Trump sheet-wearers are taunting Jews with Hitler / Nazi imagery at AIPAC...

Funny, liberals have tried to compare Trump to Hitler, yet Hillary has quoted Hitler, the libs are inciting violence, the liberals sheet-wearers have showed up at several GOP / Trump rallies, and now they are taunting Jews with Hitler / Nazi imagery.... while trying to claim, "It's not's them."

This latest news is yet another disgusting display by liberals who have lost their minds.
The Donald has exposed the "Nazi" in many Americans.

Thanks Trump! At least you are not trying to keep it a secret.
It is sad how many socialists like you out there. .... guess Trump being a regressive like you hit to close to home?

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I just want those socialist liberal communist roads and bridges repaired and those pinko water pipes replaced. There are a whole heaping pile of "red" projects that need tending to. If the US government tackled that communistic disease called cancer and provided the medicines it discovered in the process at the ACTUAL cost of production you could call me any name you want.

The politics of hatred and division is way past getting old. The labels being haphazardly tossed around are meaningless when applied to everything.

The bitterness and rancor displayed by some will not fix any of this nation's ills.
Awww look at the regressive try to use public utitlies as socialism. ... sorry commie but it doesn't work that way

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Save it for after the election. At least then you will REALLY have something to whine about.
For all you people know many of the protesters could be FBI plants trying to get Trump supporters to appear too violent and to catch them threatening Hillary and Bernie.

There is no way any of you actually know what the true genesis of these trouble makers is. Everything you people offer is pure speculation with absolutely NO facts to support these wild claims. It takes time to vet someone. You idiots just paste labels on someone with no actual investigation for support.
the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


Gee, Winger...could you POSSIBLY be more vague about what Barry's plan is to stimulate the economy? We all know that you progressives LOVE to spend money on all of those things but where is Obama's plan in any of that vagueness to create jobs?

I'll bet you can't even tell me who Barry's Chief Economic Advisers are? You know why you can't? Because he hasn't even ATTEMPTED to do anything about jobs or the economy in so long NOBODY knows who they are!
First off where is the money for all the infrastructure going to come from? Why are pubs sitting on their hands ?? That would mean 1000's of good jobs

So you want the US to go further into debt to pay for "infrastructure"? Do you not understand that the taxes and surcharges you pay on gasoline were SUPPOSED to be going for things like road and bridge repairs? If you drive a vehicle you've paid a tax for that...but our politicians in Washington decided to spend the money on something else! Here's a radical concept...don't come looking for MORE money to repair infrastructure when you spent the money that you got from us in taxes for that very purpose...on something else!
Last edited:
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

... again ... not tooting horns ... dispelling rightard myths.

it was 10.6 when obozo took office, it will be over 21 when he leaves. DOUBLE.
You're beyond deranged to believe the debt is going to increase more than $2 trillion over the next 10 months.

And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you
What percent of that job growth was made up by foreign / illegals being employed? There was an interesting little article written that covers that which was buried / ignored..... Surely as intelligent as you are you would have a clue, right...?!

Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years
-- Yeah, that nearly $1 trillion jobs bill - the stimulus - was in Barry's 1st year...and 2/3rds of those jobs created were for foreigners / illegals.

Under Obama: Job Growth 52% Greater for Foreign-Born Workers

Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH
Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH


Someone should probably tell Obama he is the President of the UNITED STATES and that Americans need to be a higher priority than foreigners and illegals!
You realize Obama's been president for more than 7 years, not 4, right? And during his 86 months in office, almost 2/3rds of the jobs gained have gone to American citizens, not the other way around as you falsely portrayed.

Foreign born: 4,016,000
1/2009: 21,375,000
2/2016: 25,391,000

Native born: 5,609,000
1/2009: 119,061,000
2/2016: 124,670,000
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you
What percent of that job growth was made up by foreign / illegals being employed? There was an interesting little article written that covers that which was buried / ignored..... Surely as intelligent as you are you would have a clue, right...?!

Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama’s four years
-- Yeah, that nearly $1 trillion jobs bill - the stimulus - was in Barry's 1st year...and 2/3rds of those jobs created were for foreigners / illegals.

Under Obama: Job Growth 52% Greater for Foreign-Born Workers

Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH
Report: 71 Percent of New Jobs Go to Foreign Born Legal, Illegal Immigrants in NH


Someone should probably tell Obama he is the President of the UNITED STATES and that Americans need to be a higher priority than foreigners and illegals!
You realize Obama's been president for more than 7 years, not 4, right? And during his 86 months in office, almost 2/3rds of the jobs gained have gone to American citizens, not the other way around as you falsely portrayed.

Foreign born: 4,016,000
1/2009: 21,375,000
2/2016: 25,391,000

Native born: 5,609,000
1/2009: 119,061,000
2/2016: 124,670,000
All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants
Government data show that since 2000 all of the net gain in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal). This is remarkable given that native-born Americans accounted for two-thirds of the growth in the total working-age population. Though there has been some recovery from the Great Recession, there were still fewer working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000, while the number of immigrants with a job was 5.7 million above the 2000 level.

All of the net increase in employment went to immigrants in the last 14 years partly because, even before the Great Recession, immigrants were gaining a disproportionate share of jobs relative to their share of population growth. In addition, natives' losses were somewhat greater during the recession and immigrants have recovered more quickly from it. With 58 million working-age natives not working, the Schumer-Rubio bill (S.744) and similar House measures that would substantially increase the number of foreign workers allowed in the country seem out of touch with the realities of the U.S. labor market.
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to brought this on yourselves cons.

I have been trying to destroy the GOP since 2006 when i realized rove/bush was a total disaster.
How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


Gee, Winger...could you POSSIBLY be more vague about what Barry's plan is to stimulate the economy? We all know that you progressives LOVE to spend money on all of those things but where is Obama's plan in any of that vagueness to create jobs?

I'll bet you can't even tell me who Barry's Chief Economic Advisers are? You know why you can't? Because he hasn't even ATTEMPTED to do anything about jobs or the economy in so long NOBODY knows who they are!

Do you think the The Congress has much to do about nothing? Calling the twice elected President of the United States "Barry" is the most telling part of your post, your hate for him is irrational.
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you
The economy crashed, Bush didn't lose the jobs. He didn't have a plant he closed, why lie? The economy STILL sucks. Yeah, good job lost, two part time shit jobs get added and liberals give glory to obama for creating two jobs!
The idiocy from the right just never stops. :eusa_doh:

4 out of every 5 jobs gained under Obama has been a full time job...

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000
the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

the government does not do anything cheaper than private industry. If you think it does, give us a list of the things the govt does more efficiently than the private sector.

Of course they do

Government health insurance is cheaper than the private sector offers. Government schools are cheaper than private schools

no they aren't, you are forgetting the tax revenue required to support them. Sure, obozo care is cheap for someone getting it free, but the rest of us are paying for it in our tax bills. Same with public schools. take away the tax support and private schools would be much cheaper.

you are clearly a victim of left wing indoctrination. Seek help.

What do you think tax revenue is?
People contributing for the good of all

"contributing" are you fricken crazy?
You remain a flaming moron. Before becoming president, we were already losing 700,000 a month. The deficit was already over a trillion dollars. GDP was already negative 8 percent. The housing markets had already melted down. The credit markets has already locked up.

Bush's Great Recession was already Bush's Great Recession before Obama was sworn in.

Dayam, you're committed to being in deep denial of reality. :ack-1:

Too bad for you, you can't alter it.

Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000
Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


education: the federal government does not run schools. the dept of education is a total waste of money

healthcare: Duh, ever hear of the VA?

Infrastructure: our roads and bridges are falling apart. state and local toll roads are in excellent condition

public services: which ones? what public services does the federal government provide?

Transportation: LOL
Unlike you, I studied economics in college. Historically, recessions are followed by upticks in the economy...the deeper the recession...the sharper the following uptick. There are two notable exceptions to that however...the first being The Great Depression and the second being The Great Recession.

Now did you want to tell me what Barack Obama's current plan is to fix the economy and create jobs?
If you actually studied economics, you would know that meme you're posting is a bumper sticker, not a reality. Some mild recessions have recovered quicker than some deeper ones. All recessions are different; it's not a one size fits all. Meamwhile, you already exposed yourself as a idiot on the economy, despite your education, by denying it wasn't a Great Recession until Obama became president.

The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000

what is the source of those figures? did you pull them out of your ass?
Can you imagine the rightwing outrage if our auto sector collapsed under Obama's watch?
Obama used the Socialist tactic of 'nationalizing' the US auto industry, using billions of US tax dollars to 'do so' and claimed victory, after violating bankruptcy law as well to do so? :p

Nice claim / justification for Obama breaking the law AGAIN.

I don't think you understand what nationalize means

It means you take them over and keep them. That did not happen with GM. Unlike Bush, who just sent money no strings attached, Obama acted like a creditor. He demanded stock to cover the US taxpayer and a restructuring to include closing unprofitable brands, wage and benefits concessions from the workers and economic restructuring
Once they were solvent, he cashed in our stock

and saved the UAW and kept its money flowing from the workers pockets to the DNC.
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

... again ... not tooting horns ... dispelling rightard myths.

it was 10.6 when obozo took office, it will be over 21 when he leaves. DOUBLE.
You're beyond deranged to believe the debt is going to increase more than $2 trillion over the next 10 months.


the CBO says it will. Are they lying? But the point remains whether the debt is 19T or 21T, obozo will have added more to it than all previous presidents combined.
back to the topic of the OP. Trump has not destroyed the GOP. He has expanded it. He has brought in independents, intelligent democrats, and people who have never voted. He is doing exactly what the establishment GOP clowns said they wanted. But since he is not one of them and they might lose power when he wins, he must be stopped.

this is all about the corruption that runs rampant through both parties. Trump is calling them out and they are scared shitless.
The reason it's referred to as the "Great Recession" is the length of time that it lingered...just as the Great Depression is referred to that way because of the length of time that it lingered. You essentially blame Bush for what Obama failed to do in the years that he has been in do so because you can't come up with what Barry's plan is to fix the economy or create jobs...because he hasn't had one since Larry Summers and Christina Romer abandoned ship six years ago!
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

Why you keep presenting that lie when the employment statistics show the opposite is beyond me

the liar here is you. the so-called job growth raved about by you libs is minimum wage, low skilled, and part time. The good jobs are stagnant.

there are more people in poverty, on welfare, and on foodstamps now than when Obama took office. The gap between rich and poor is larger than when obozo took office.

what's beyond you is any ability to deal with reality.

You need 3-4 of them to back- up what you just posted
What is wrong with you challenging Redfish to prove his bullshit isn't bullshit?
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

... again ... not tooting horns ... dispelling rightard myths.

it was 10.6 when obozo took office, it will be over 21 when he leaves. DOUBLE.
You're beyond deranged to believe the debt is going to increase more than $2 trillion over the next 10 months.


the CBO says it will. Are they lying? But the point remains whether the debt is 19T or 21T, obozo will have added more to it than all previous presidents combined.
Post a link to the CBO stating that.....

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