Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP


Translation: links to bullshit don't exist.

correct, your links come from bullshit. Kos and moveon and huffpuff are not valid sources.
Now you're just kazzing again. The reality is that I've never once posted a link to Daily Los or huffington. My links go to direct sources like the BLS.

Your links are ... non existent because there are no links to the bullshit you post.

you asked for a link to the national debt, I gave you one, and then you ran from the thread.
I didn't ask you for a link to the national debt. I challenged you to prove your claim that the CBO projected the debt would be over $21 trillion by the time Obama leaves office. That would require a link to the CBO, not the U.S. Treasury.

And I note, you once again failed to prove your bullshit isn't bullshit. No link to the CBO.


I gave you a better one than the CBO. Sorry if it bursts your bubble.

Your link proved you're a rightard.

Exactly what bubble of mine do you think you burst?

Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to brought this on yourselves cons.

I have been trying to destroy the GOP since 2006 when i realized rove/bush was a total disaster.
God didn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah...evil did...same with the GOP.
it was 10.6 when obozo took office, it will be over 21 when he leaves. DOUBLE.
You're beyond deranged to believe the debt is going to increase more than $2 trillion over the next 10 months.


the CBO says it will. Are they lying? But the point remains whether the debt is 19T or 21T, obozo will have added more to it than all previous presidents combined.
Post a link to the CBO stating that.....

better than that
Umm... that link shows the debt at the end of September, 2017 (8 months after Obama leaves offices) is expected to be around $20.1 trillion.

You said it was expected to be over $21 trillion by the end of January, 2017.

Not many people here post links to prove they're complete imbeciles like you just did.



20.1 or 21, the point remains valid, Obama will have virtually doubled the debt and added more than any other president in history.

arguing over the exact number is your failed attempt to discredit the facts about obozo and the national debt.

we get it, your head is securely up his ass.
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to brought this on yourselves cons.

I have been trying to destroy the GOP since 2006 when i realized rove/bush was a total disaster.
God didn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah...evil did...same with the GOP.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. the Clintons are the embodiment of evil and corruption, and you worship them, what does that make you?
correct, your links come from bullshit. Kos and moveon and huffpuff are not valid sources.
Now you're just kazzing again. The reality is that I've never once posted a link to Daily Los or huffington. My links go to direct sources like the BLS.

Your links are ... non existent because there are no links to the bullshit you post.

you asked for a link to the national debt, I gave you one, and then you ran from the thread.
I didn't ask you for a link to the national debt. I challenged you to prove your claim that the CBO projected the debt would be over $21 trillion by the time Obama leaves office. That would require a link to the CBO, not the U.S. Treasury.

And I note, you once again failed to prove your bullshit isn't bullshit. No link to the CBO.


I gave you a better one than the CBO. Sorry if it bursts your bubble.

Your link proved you're a rightard.

Exactly what bubble of mine do you think you burst?


citing a US government source makes me a "rightard" ? explain how that works.
I'm making it about Bush because it is about Bush. Bush should never have invaded Iraq. Had he not, there would have been no Al-qaeda in Iraq then and there wouldn't be ISIL now. You trying to blame Obama for ISIL is like trying to blame FDNY for the fall of the Twin Towers and not the terrorists who flew commercial jets into them.

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here...the rise of ISIS in Syria took place because Bush invaded Iraq years earlier? But Barry's complete lack of a Middle Eastern strategy (AKA "Leading From Behind") had nothing to do with it? Really, Faun?
Bush opened a can of worms when he destabilized the Middle East by invading Iraq. Bush is responsible for whatever crawls out.

Obama dumped that can of worms by pulling out too early and by encouraging the radical muslims (muslim brotherhood)(hamas)(Hezbollah)(castro brothers).

but we understand, Obama is not responsible for anything during or after his time in office, but Bush is responsible for everything before, during, and after his time in office.
How could Obama pull out early when he adhered to the agreement signed before he was president?

What???? where do you get this shit?
From George Bush...

President Bush and Iraq Prime Minister Maliki Sign the Strategic Framework Agreement and Security Agreement
I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


Gee, Winger...could you POSSIBLY be more vague about what Barry's plan is to stimulate the economy? We all know that you progressives LOVE to spend money on all of those things but where is Obama's plan in any of that vagueness to create jobs?

I'll bet you can't even tell me who Barry's Chief Economic Advisers are? You know why you can't? Because he hasn't even ATTEMPTED to do anything about jobs or the economy in so long NOBODY knows who they are!

Do you think the The Congress has much to do about nothing? Calling the twice elected President of the United States "Barry" is the most telling part of your post, your hate for him is irrational.
Yeah, because Bush got nothing but the highest respect for the office .....

You really think everyone is that dumb?
Only those that voted for Bush....same ones voting for Trump. Because sheep will always vote for the guy that feeds them, even though he plans on taking them to slaughter later on.
Now you're just kazzing again. The reality is that I've never once posted a link to Daily Los or huffington. My links go to direct sources like the BLS.

Your links are ... non existent because there are no links to the bullshit you post.

you asked for a link to the national debt, I gave you one, and then you ran from the thread.
I didn't ask you for a link to the national debt. I challenged you to prove your claim that the CBO projected the debt would be over $21 trillion by the time Obama leaves office. That would require a link to the CBO, not the U.S. Treasury.

And I note, you once again failed to prove your bullshit isn't bullshit. No link to the CBO.


I gave you a better one than the CBO. Sorry if it bursts your bubble.

Your link proved you're a rightard.

Exactly what bubble of mine do you think you burst?


citing a US government source makes me a "rightard" ? explain how that works.
Because you claimed they said something and then proved they didn't say it.

Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to brought this on yourselves cons.

I have been trying to destroy the GOP since 2006 when i realized rove/bush was a total disaster.
God didn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah...evil did...same with the GOP.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. the Clintons are the embodiment of evil and corruption, and you worship them, what does that make you?
You accuse me of being a Clinton supporter, which makes you a Hitler supporter.
And you belittle the 67+++ straight months of job gains under obama?? AND never mention the 800000 per month the moron bush was losing?? Your eco 101 professor would fail you

yep, obozo helped create lots of minimum wage and part time jobs---------yee haa!

Part time: +1,476,000
Jan/2009: 26,377,000
Feb/2016: 27,853,000

Full time: +7,388,000
Jan/2009: 115,818,000
Feb/2016: 123,206,000

what is the source of those figures? did you pull them out of your ass?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Does everyone here see how rightarded Redfish is? I post links to my sources and he has to ask what my source is.


where did you get the data about full time vs part time jobs? I asked for a cite and you responded with bullshit.
The links are in the post with the numbers, ya flaming moron.


Exactly how rightarded are you that you can't follow a link?? :ack-1:
Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


Gee, Winger...could you POSSIBLY be more vague about what Barry's plan is to stimulate the economy? We all know that you progressives LOVE to spend money on all of those things but where is Obama's plan in any of that vagueness to create jobs?

I'll bet you can't even tell me who Barry's Chief Economic Advisers are? You know why you can't? Because he hasn't even ATTEMPTED to do anything about jobs or the economy in so long NOBODY knows who they are!

Do you think the The Congress has much to do about nothing? Calling the twice elected President of the United States "Barry" is the most telling part of your post, your hate for him is irrational.
Yeah, because Bush got nothing but the highest respect for the office .....

You really think everyone is that dumb?
Only those that voted for Bush....same ones voting for Trump. Because sheep will always vote for the guy that feeds them, even though he plans on taking them to slaughter later on.
I think you got lost. That has nothing to do with the conversation.
You're beyond deranged to believe the debt is going to increase more than $2 trillion over the next 10 months.


the CBO says it will. Are they lying? But the point remains whether the debt is 19T or 21T, obozo will have added more to it than all previous presidents combined.
Post a link to the CBO stating that.....

better than that
Umm... that link shows the debt at the end of September, 2017 (8 months after Obama leaves offices) is expected to be around $20.1 trillion.

You said it was expected to be over $21 trillion by the end of January, 2017.

Not many people here post links to prove they're complete imbeciles like you just did.



20.1 or 21, the point remains valid, Obama will have virtually doubled the debt and added more than any other president in history.

arguing over the exact number is your failed attempt to discredit the facts about obozo and the national debt.

we get it, your head is securely up his ass.
No, your point is not valid. Your point was that at $21t, Obama would increase the debt more than all presidents before him.

Now you're abandoning your own point after you posted a link proving you're full of shit.

Did ya really think such a link was necessary? :lmao:
the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


Gee, Winger...could you POSSIBLY be more vague about what Barry's plan is to stimulate the economy? We all know that you progressives LOVE to spend money on all of those things but where is Obama's plan in any of that vagueness to create jobs?

I'll bet you can't even tell me who Barry's Chief Economic Advisers are? You know why you can't? Because he hasn't even ATTEMPTED to do anything about jobs or the economy in so long NOBODY knows who they are!

Do you think the The Congress has much to do about nothing? Calling the twice elected President of the United States "Barry" is the most telling part of your post, your hate for him is irrational.

What's "telling" is that instead of answering my've decided to get upset because someone wasn't respectful enough of Barack Obama! It's a simple question...yet all of you have either run from it or tried to deflect the conversation to something else like my supposed "hate" for Obama! I don't hate him by the way...but neither do I WORSHIP him like so many of you on the left do.

So did you want to tell me what Barry's plan is to stimulate the economy? Did you want to tell me who his Chief Economic Advisers are and what THEIR plan is to stimulate the economy? I'm guessing that will never happen, Catcher because I think it's rather obvious at this point that he doesn't have one and hasn't in many many years!
How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


education: the federal government does not run schools. the dept of education is a total waste of money

healthcare: Duh, ever hear of the VA?

Infrastructure: our roads and bridges are falling apart. state and local toll roads are in excellent condition

public services: which ones? what public services does the federal government provide?

Transportation: LOL

The fact that Winger thinks Government does those things better than the Private Sector simply illustrates that Winger isn't very bright! Just saying...:dance:
Bullshit...I have yet to hear of a CEO who pleads before Congress to allow in more Legal Immigrants because non-Indians don't have any skills.
Immigrants come here to start a new life and can't have their Visa Cards taken from them and become slaves until they get their Green Cards and get fired.
You're much smarter than this post.
You really got to reach into your bag of Fairy Dust and come up with better arguments.
No, it's not bullshit...

Foreign born: 4,016,000
1/2009: 21,375,000
2/2016: 25,391,000

Native born: 5,609,000
1/2009: 119,061,000
2/2016: 124,670,000

How many times can you lose this argument?

It IS bullshit because BUSINESS VISAs are INCLUDED in the number, but only Legal Immigrant are categorized as FOREIGN BORN.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You can't get anything right. You're batting zero and striking out again.

Of course 'foreign born' includes illegal aliens.

How many times are you going to lose this argument?

Deal with reality ... most jobs gained under Obama are full time jobs. Most jobs under Obama went to American citizens.
That is NOT what you stated or implied.
You are desperately trying to defend Obama's track record as an "Employment" President and you are failing miserably.
I proved every word I said which refuted every word you said.

Deal with it.

Most jobs under Obama have been full time jobs. Most jobs under Obama have gone to Americans.

And that's even factoring in the roughly 4 million jobs lost to Bush's Great Recession during Obama's first year in office.

Your idiocy has been proven to be idiocy with data from the BLS.
Rolled-Up Rush Limbaugh techniques?
Shame on you.
You need to make this about W, Faun because Barry's performance when it comes to addressing the economy is almost as bad as his performance when it comes to foreign policy...and THAT is saying something!
I'm making it about Bush because it is about Bush. Bush should never have invaded Iraq. Had he not, there would have been no Al-qaeda in Iraq then and there wouldn't be ISIL now. You trying to blame Obama for ISIL is like trying to blame FDNY for the fall of the Twin Towers and not the terrorists who flew commercial jets into them.

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here...the rise of ISIS in Syria took place because Bush invaded Iraq years earlier? But Barry's complete lack of a Middle Eastern strategy (AKA "Leading From Behind") had nothing to do with it? Really, Faun?
Bush opened a can of worms when he destabilized the Middle East by invading Iraq. Bush is responsible for whatever crawls out.

So even though W. has been back at the ranch in Crawford chopping brush and riding his mountain bike while Barry did his whole "Leading From Behind" Middle Eastern's Bush who's responsible for how FUBARed things are? What has Obama been doing...diddling himself in the Oval Office? He supposedly came into office with a plan to fix both the economy and our foreign policy. So what are those plans? God knows he gave up trying to fix the economy years ago after his "stimulus" cratered so badly! "Shovel Ready" jobs anyone? So point out a trouble spot in the world where things are better now because of his LFB policies than they were when he took office! Russia? China? Syria? Afghanistan? Libya? France? Great Britain? Iran? Israel?
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to brought this on yourselves cons.

I have been trying to destroy the GOP since 2006 when i realized rove/bush was a total disaster.
God didn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah...evil did...same with the GOP.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. the Clintons are the embodiment of evil and corruption, and you worship them, what does that make you?
You accuse me of being a Clinton supporter, which makes you a Hitler supporter. now anyone who doesn't support Hillary is a Hitler supporter?'s going to be a long 2016!
I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


Gee, Winger...could you POSSIBLY be more vague about what Barry's plan is to stimulate the economy? We all know that you progressives LOVE to spend money on all of those things but where is Obama's plan in any of that vagueness to create jobs?

I'll bet you can't even tell me who Barry's Chief Economic Advisers are? You know why you can't? Because he hasn't even ATTEMPTED to do anything about jobs or the economy in so long NOBODY knows who they are!

Do you think the The Congress has much to do about nothing? Calling the twice elected President of the United States "Barry" is the most telling part of your post, your hate for him is irrational.

What's "telling" is that instead of answering my've decided to get upset because someone wasn't respectful enough of Barack Obama! It's a simple question...yet all of you have either run from it or tried to deflect the conversation to something else like my supposed "hate" for Obama! I don't hate him by the way...but neither do I WORSHIP him like so many of you on the left do.

So did you want to tell me what Barry's plan is to stimulate the economy? Did you want to tell me who his Chief Economic Advisers are and what THEIR plan is to stimulate the economy? I'm guessing that will never happen, Catcher because I think it's rather obvious at this point that he doesn't have one and hasn't in many many years!
old style does this help??
Economic policy of Barack Obama
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Main article: Political positions of Barack Obama
The economic policy of the Barack Obama administration is a combination of tax increases on the wealthiest Americans and investment in myriad public services such as scientific research, infrastructure, health care reform, and education that is meant to boost the American economy and future prospects. Barack Obama himself is a proponent of using government regulation to stem crony capitalism, and tax revenue to stabilize and promote economic growth. Current economic advisers are Alan B. Krueger of Princeton University and Jeffrey Liebman of Harvard University.[1] In 2006, Obama wrote: "We should be asking ourselves what mix of policies will lead to a dynamic free market and widespread economic security, entrepreneurial innovation and upward mobility [...] we should be guided by what works."[2] Speaking before the National Press Club in April 2005, he defended the New Deal social welfare policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt, associating Republicanproposals to establish private accounts for Social Security with Social Darwinism.[3]
You need to make this about W, Faun because Barry's performance when it comes to addressing the economy is almost as bad as his performance when it comes to foreign policy...and THAT is saying something!
I'm making it about Bush because it is about Bush. Bush should never have invaded Iraq. Had he not, there would have been no Al-qaeda in Iraq then and there wouldn't be ISIL now. You trying to blame Obama for ISIL is like trying to blame FDNY for the fall of the Twin Towers and not the terrorists who flew commercial jets into them.

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here...the rise of ISIS in Syria took place because Bush invaded Iraq years earlier? But Barry's complete lack of a Middle Eastern strategy (AKA "Leading From Behind") had nothing to do with it? Really, Faun?
Bush opened a can of worms when he destabilized the Middle East by invading Iraq. Bush is responsible for whatever crawls out.

So even though W. has been back at the ranch in Crawford chopping brush and riding his mountain bike while Barry did his whole "Leading From Behind" Middle Eastern's Bush who's responsible for how FUBARed things are? What has Obama been doing...diddling himself in the Oval Office? He supposedly came into office with a plan to fix both the economy and our foreign policy. So what are those plans? God knows he gave up trying to fix the economy years ago after his "stimulus" cratered so badly! "Shovel Ready" jobs anyone? So point out a trouble spot in the world where things are better now because of his LFB policies than they were when he took office! Russia? China? Syria? Afghanistan? Libya? France? Great Britain? Iran? Israel?
Yes old style he did have a plan BUT NEVER in his wildest thoughts did he believe that not only would repubs sit on their hands but they would do their best to injure him and his policies Repubs believe in party first country last and may you all burn in hell right next to gwb

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