Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

What a ridiculous claim in light of how Republicans responded to Obamas attempts to borrow money

Bush committed the trillions in spending for his wars......then cut taxes to pay for them

The facts are the facts. The national debt will have more than doubled under Obama. Spin all you like, that if factual.

Its also factual that Obama continued the Bush tax cuts when he could have cancelled them. so factually they are the bush/Obama tax cuts.
Stop kazzing. The debt would have to increase more than $2 trillion this year for Obama to double it.

The only president in my lifetime to accomplish that was Reagan, who nearly tripled it.

when he took over it was around 10T, when he leaves it will be over 20T. if that's not doubling, what is it?
My, are you ever rightarded. I suppose that's why you're so pathetically math challenged.

1/20/2009 .... 10,626,877,048,913

double that would be .... 21,253,754,097,826

currently, it's ..... 19,188,228,962,810

The debt would have to increase by 2,065,525,135,016 over the next ten months for it to double under Obama.

Really, Faun? You're tooting Barry's horn because he's only going to increase the debt by slightly less then ten trillion dollars rather than slightly more? That's like saying it ridiculous to say that someone weighs a ton because they weigh 1990 pounds rather than 2000 pounds!
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush41 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.
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Sorry, it wasn't approved by the Democratic party, I know that distresses you, can't help that
Approved what? What the hell are you saying?

It's OK, Billy, don't worry about it. Democrats will take care of you, just blindly advocate them and they'll take care of the rest
Right because voting republican is a good alternative because...why? You don't know why because deep down you know they won't do jack shit for you.
Kaz is not Republican....he is an anarchist.....I mean libertarian

Do you know what a libertarian is, big guy? You don't, do you? You're too intelligent to understand it. That always cracks me up, liberals think intelligent people don't understand things
How many Libertarians are there in Congress?
More idiocy. :cuckoo:

Again .... this country has always provided jobs for non-U.S. citizens. It has to, otherwise, no one could immigrate here.

And again, the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama are full time jobs. Rendering your idiocy as the nonsense it was from the moment you clicked on [post reply].
There is a difference between Immigrants and Business Visas.
If you don't know the difference now, you'll learn the hard way when Trump becomes President.
Now you're conflating legal immigrants with illegal immigrants. And of course, you're complaint was that jobs were being filled by non-U.S. citizens, which includes both.

And still -- the vast majority of jobs gained under Obama are full time. And the majority of jobs gained under Obama are to U.S. citizens.

How many times can you lose this argument?
Bullshit...I have yet to hear of a CEO who pleads before Congress to allow in more Legal Immigrants because non-Indians don't have any skills.
Immigrants come here to start a new life and can't have their Visa Cards taken from them and become slaves until they get their Green Cards and get fired.
You're much smarter than this post.
You really got to reach into your bag of Fairy Dust and come up with better arguments.
No, it's not bullshit...

Foreign born: 4,016,000
1/2009: 21,375,000
2/2016: 25,391,000

Native born: 5,609,000
1/2009: 119,061,000
2/2016: 124,670,000

How many times can you lose this argument?

It IS bullshit because BUSINESS VISAs are INCLUDED in the number, but only Legal Immigrant are categorized as FOREIGN BORN.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You can't get anything right. You're batting zero and striking out again.

Of course 'foreign born' includes illegal aliens.

How many times are you going to lose this argument?

Deal with reality ... most jobs gained under Obama are full time jobs. Most jobs under Obama went to American citizens.
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.

Lies by omission ^^^

There are lies, damn lies and statistics.

4 trillion and 4,500 Americans troops died in Iraq alone; Obama inherited a Great Recession and ended it as well as the mass killings in Iraq, a war of choice.
Borrowing money to stimulate the economy is the expected response to an economic collapse. FDR did it. Reagan did it.

There was no structured bankruptcy available to the auto companies. The U.S. government was the only game in town.

Newer, smaller companies were not an option. Nobody would provide them financing....the banks were collapsing

nothing in your post is true. not a word of it.

Go for it
Point by point


1. borrowing money (increasing the national debt) has never created prosperity. FDR extended the depression, and as you libs constantly remind us, it didn't work when Reagan did it

2. structured bankruptcy was a very viable option. the car companies had billions in fixed assets that could have been used to secure low interest loans.

3. wrong again, breaking a huge inefficient corporation into smaller more fiscally sound units is a normal outcome of a bankruptcy. Wall street would have been begging for those accounts.

This was only done to save the UAW and keep its money flowing to the DNC, anyone who cant see that is either naïve or just plain stupid.


What you propose applies to most bankruptcies where the economy is orherwise sound.
Obama looked for investors to prop up our auto companies. They all wanted no part of it. Banks were failing, they had no interest in risky investments.
Obama was the only game in town. Obamamotors saved our auto industries

Kindly explain how it was that Ford prospered while NOT taking government bailout money if Obama was the only game in town?

Gladly. Ford restructured their finances before the financial collapse. They were not caught short like GM and Chrysler

However, even Ford supported the government bailout of the auto companies
Sorry, it wasn't approved by the Democratic party, I know that distresses you, can't help that
Approved what? What the hell are you saying?

It's OK, Billy, don't worry about it. Democrats will take care of you, just blindly advocate them and they'll take care of the rest
Right because voting republican is a good alternative because...why? You don't know why because deep down you know they won't do jack shit for you.
Kaz is not Republican....he is an anarchist.....I mean libertarian

Do you know what a libertarian is, big guy? You don't, do you? You're too intelligent to understand it. That always cracks me up, liberals think intelligent people don't understand things

I know exactly what a libertarian is.....I got mine, fuck everyone else

It is you who has the delusions about libertarianism
...but back to the Thread title.


Trump did not destroy anything. The current Washington Establishment GOP leadership destroyed the Republican Party just as sure as the rise of the Socialist Progressive Liberals have destroyed the Democratic Party.

Personal / Party-1st, self-serving millionaire self-appointed Oligarchist pricks who elevated themselves UN-Constitutionally above the Constitution and Rule of Law, those who chose to shed the mantle of 'Servants of the People' for their newly self-given role of 'rulers', who became so pompous that they truly convinced themselves they are smarter than everyone else, that they know better...

Nancy Pelosi demonstrated this perfectly, when she declared while Liberals were ramming the ACA into law against the opposition of the majority of Americans, when she declared Americans did not have the RIGHT to know what was in their 'edict' until AFTER it had passed....right before they immediately and Un-Constitutionally exempted themselves from the ACA.

The WE-GOP (Washington Establishment GOP) has stepped it up and have set the new standard for 'OBVIOUS' in regards to blatantly showing citizens their opinions are not valued, their vote do NOT count, and that they will be FED their choices -- millionaires OPENLY planning and meeting to discuss how to circumvent the will of the people - their votes in the primaries - and steal the nomination, giving it to someone of THEIR choosing. Liberals are no better - they have no intention of using a contested to steal the nomination. In this primary we have already seen voter fraud and the use of Super Delegates (so much for everyone's votes being equal) to impose their candidate on the people.

In 2014 the American people - Democrats - sent a message to Washington, not just to Democrats, when they handed the Democrats an historical, record-setting loss. The message is they were tired of the elitist, non-representative government hijacked by self-appointed self-serving politicians. The WE-GOP didn't listen. In 2016, as mentioned, the WE-GOP is arrogantly, openly scheming to strip the nomination choice from the people... Today the only difference that can be seen between the GOP and DNC are the names and specific tactics used.

The American people were angry in 2014. It's angrier now. As mentioned, the DNC experienced a LOW turnout in 2014 which contributed to their historic, record-setting loss. Turnout so far for Democrats in 2016 is reportedly approx. 40% LOWER than 2014. The WE-GOP, meanwhile, is facing a full-fledged rebellion from its base who refuse to hold its nose and vote for the WE-GOP-selected candidate.

The WE-GOP itself has driven this rebellion and thus has driven this pivotal point of potential self-destruction.

The GREATEST scam BOTH parties have perpetrated, however, is to get their constituents to spend all their time hating each other and arguing over whose politicians are LESS CRIMINAL (rather than assess and hold them all accountable equally), distracting them from what the politicians are doing.
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

... again ... not tooting horns ... dispelling rightard myths.
Al Qaeda and ISIS are not the same thing, Faun...
You should educate yourself before posting...

Where did they come from?

ISIS was born out of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. When U.S. administrators, under Paul Bremer, decided to "de-Baathify" the Iraqi civil and military services, hundreds of thousands of Sunnis formerly loyal to Saddam Hussein were left without a job — and they were mad. Al Qaeda chose to capitalize on their anger and established al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) to wage an insurgency against U.S. troops in Iraq (Saddam was secular, but his intelligence and military supporters were able to make common cause with the jihadis of al Qaeda).

Al Qaeda is not ISIS...educate yourself...
No, denial is not a river. I just gave you a link explaining their history going back to Al-qaeda in Iraq.

Sticking your fingers in your ears while moaning, nuh-uh, doesn't actually refute reality. Just so ya know.

What you "gave" me was Al Queda's history going back to Bush's time in Iraq...ISIS grew to power in Syria after Bush had left office and then crossed the border in force into Iraq after Barry did his "leading from behind" thing and pulled out our combat troops against the advice of his military advisors.
ISIL called themselves Al-qaeda in Iraq before calling themselves ISIL. WTF is wrong with you? How fucking thick headed are you?

ISIS would have been just another little splinter group breaking off from Al Queda if it wasn't for Barack Obama's total failure to address their growing strength. Or have you forgotten "JV Team"? ISIS increased in strength and influence over shadowing it's parent group Al Queda (who had disavowed them) BECAUSE Barry was so determined to be able to claim he'd "ended" the war in Iraq on the campaign trail that he ignored the advice of his military leaders!

The reason you're so determined to claim that ISIS is just another renaming of a group that existed while Bush is President is that you don't want to admit how badly Obama misjudged ISIS.
I know exactly what a libertarian is.....I got mine, fuck everyone else
Yes, RW, that is the exact definition of 'Libertarian' right out of the dictionary...

:rolleyes: dumbass...

Yup...and it has Kaz's picture right next to it

"Why does the evil gubmint take my money at gunpoint and give it to poor people?"

Libertarianism at is best

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I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

... again ... not tooting horns ... dispelling rightard myths.

Do you think it's a "myth" that the national debt will come close to doubling in the eight years that Barack Obama was President?
You should educate yourself before posting...

Where did they come from?

ISIS was born out of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. When U.S. administrators, under Paul Bremer, decided to "de-Baathify" the Iraqi civil and military services, hundreds of thousands of Sunnis formerly loyal to Saddam Hussein were left without a job — and they were mad. Al Qaeda chose to capitalize on their anger and established al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) to wage an insurgency against U.S. troops in Iraq (Saddam was secular, but his intelligence and military supporters were able to make common cause with the jihadis of al Qaeda).

Al Qaeda is not ISIS...educate yourself...
No, denial is not a river. I just gave you a link explaining their history going back to Al-qaeda in Iraq.

Sticking your fingers in your ears while moaning, nuh-uh, doesn't actually refute reality. Just so ya know.

What you "gave" me was Al Queda's history going back to Bush's time in Iraq...ISIS grew to power in Syria after Bush had left office and then crossed the border in force into Iraq after Barry did his "leading from behind" thing and pulled out our combat troops against the advice of his military advisors.
ISIL called themselves Al-qaeda in Iraq before calling themselves ISIL. WTF is wrong with you? How fucking thick headed are you?

ISIS would have been just another little splinter group breaking off from Al Queda if it wasn't for Barack Obama's total failure to address their growing strength. Or have you forgotten "JV Team"? ISIS increased in strength and influence over shadowing it's parent group Al Queda (who had disavowed them) BECAUSE Barry was so determined to be able to claim he'd "ended" the war in Iraq on the campaign trail that he ignored the advice of his military leaders!

The reason you're so determined to claim that ISIS is just another renaming of a group that existed while Bush is President is that you don't want to admit how badly Obama misjudged ISIS.
Moron, the reason I'm pointing out how ISIL was Al-qaeda in Iraq before being called ISIL is because ISIL was Al-qaeda in Iraq before being called ISIL.

You should try dealing with reality sometime.
Sorry, it wasn't approved by the Democratic party, I know that distresses you, can't help that
Approved what? What the hell are you saying?

It's OK, Billy, don't worry about it. Democrats will take care of you, just blindly advocate them and they'll take care of the rest
Right because voting republican is a good alternative because...why? You don't know why because deep down you know they won't do jack shit for you.

Yes, that's why I'm not one, moron.

Not Democrat = Republican. I'm against the wars and want to slash the military and bring our troops to the US, I am pro-choice, thing all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and all morality laws should be repealed.

You still have duh, dar, drool, sounds Republican to me!

What's funny is then you think you're smarter than Republicans ...

BTW, you're wrong. I want government to do jack shit for me. I just want them to stay out of my shit. The Republicans are almost exactly like you. In your overt stupidity you think anyone different than you is the same (a "Republican") while actual Republicans are no different than you. You really have shit between your ears, don't you?

Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

I'm always amused by far left progressives who label those who don't want to pay for liberal policies as "greedy" and "selfish"!
Al Qaeda is not ISIS...educate yourself...
No, denial is not a river. I just gave you a link explaining their history going back to Al-qaeda in Iraq.

Sticking your fingers in your ears while moaning, nuh-uh, doesn't actually refute reality. Just so ya know.

What you "gave" me was Al Queda's history going back to Bush's time in Iraq...ISIS grew to power in Syria after Bush had left office and then crossed the border in force into Iraq after Barry did his "leading from behind" thing and pulled out our combat troops against the advice of his military advisors.
ISIL called themselves Al-qaeda in Iraq before calling themselves ISIL. WTF is wrong with you? How fucking thick headed are you?

ISIS would have been just another little splinter group breaking off from Al Queda if it wasn't for Barack Obama's total failure to address their growing strength. Or have you forgotten "JV Team"? ISIS increased in strength and influence over shadowing it's parent group Al Queda (who had disavowed them) BECAUSE Barry was so determined to be able to claim he'd "ended" the war in Iraq on the campaign trail that he ignored the advice of his military leaders!

The reason you're so determined to claim that ISIS is just another renaming of a group that existed while Bush is President is that you don't want to admit how badly Obama misjudged ISIS.
Moron, the reason I'm pointing out how ISIL was Al-qaeda in Iraq before being called ISIL is because ISIL was Al-qaeda in Iraq before being called ISIL.

You should try dealing with reality sometime.

No, the reason you're doing what you're that you're trying desperately to excuse some really bad decisions that Barack Obama made by claiming it's Bush's fault.
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

I stand corrected - Obama only added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED. If you count the $2.5 trillion the DNC-controlled Congress added during Bush's last 2 years combined.

4 Years
Obama: Nearly $7 Trillion
Bush: Nearly $2 Trillion
Faun: PISSED because her 'hero' added more debt than Bush yet called Bush 'Un-Patriotic'. Throw in the fact that Obama is responsible for the 1st EVUH US Credit Rating DECREASE, and she should be frothing at the mouth.

Obama promised to have the budget balanced by the end of his 1st term; however, by the end of his 1st term he was racking up new, added debt of approx. $1.3 trillion a year.

Consider that for a second as you also consider that during his 1st term the `1st 'economic' bill was the failed 'Jobs Bill' - the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill - that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only SNC-benefitting pork, contained no 'shovel-ready' projects (which Obama had to embarrassingly admit did not exist), did not address the crumbling infrastructure in the US but did give millionaire Democrat Feinstein hard-earned tax dollars to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10.1%), and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. This one bill - nearly $1 trillion - accounted for the BULK of his average $1.3 trillion in new debt per year that 1st year.

But please, keep on - 7 years into Obama's 7 year 'Bush-dominated Presidency' keep blaming 'Buuussshhhh' for all of Obama's F*-Ups!
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

... again ... not tooting horns ... dispelling rightard myths.

Do you think it's a "myth" that the national debt will come close to doubling in the eight years that Barack Obama was President?
I never said it was, ya rightard.

It's also not a myth that Bush43 also came close to doubling it -- the rightard response was 'deficits don't matter'.

It's not a myth that Bush41 was on pace to doubling the debt and would have had he been re-elected.

It's not a myth that Reagan not only doubled the debt, he came close to tripling it.

Which goes to prove it's not a myth that rightards couldn't give a shit about the debt as long as there's a Republican in the White House.
I'm dispelling rightards myths, not tooting horns. Yes, Obama will come close to doubling the debt. Of course, so did Bush43, Bush43 was on course to but was kicked to the curb after 1 term, and Reagan nearly tripled it. And of course, none of them were handed a recession like the Great Recession, which greatly contributed to the debt.

Obama added more debt than every other President COMBINED.
Obama set new records for US 'Monthly'. 'Annual', and 'Total' deficit-spending.
Obama called Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 trillion in 8 years during 9/11/01, the aftermath, and 2 wars...only $2.5 trillion he was / can be directly credited to Bush...the rest is all the Democrats who took over both houses of Congress, to include all spending / the budget.
- Liberals controlled the budget Bush's last 2 years, when THEY say the economy went downhill - THANK YOU DEMOCRATS! The 'bad economy' that Obama says he 'inherited' was not 'Bush's' economy but was his own party's legacy / gift to him!

Obama, again, added more debt than every President from Washington on - all of them - COMBINED...

and if he considers Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding ONLY $4 trillion in new debt in 4 years, Obama should be considered FAR WORSE than 'Un-Patriotic' or adding nearly $7 Trillion in only 4 (FOUR) years.
Obama ......................................... $8.5(t)
All other presidents combined ... $10.6t(t)
easyt65 ........................................ idiot (t)

I stand corrected - Obama only added more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED. If you count the $2.5 trillion the DNC-controlled Congress added during Bush's last 2 years combined.

4 Years
Obama: Nearly $7 Trillion
Bush: Nearly $2 Trillion
Faun: PISSED because her 'hero' added more debt than Bush yet called Bush 'Un-Patriotic'. Throw in the fact that Obama is responsible for the 1st EVUH US Credit Rating DECREASE, and she should be frothing at the mouth.

Obama promised to have the budget balanced by the end of his 1st term; however, by the end of his 1st term he was racking up new, added debt of approx. $1.3 trillion a year.

Consider that for a second as you also consider that during his 1st term the `1st 'economic' bill was the failed 'Jobs Bill' - the nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill - that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only SNC-benefitting pork, contained no 'shovel-ready' projects (which Obama had to embarrassingly admit did not exist), did not address the crumbling infrastructure in the US but did give millionaire Democrat Feinstein hard-earned tax dollars to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, failed to keep unemployment below 8% as promised (it hit 10.1%), and ended up costing tax payers over $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved. This one bill - nearly $1 trillion - accounted for the BULK of his average $1.3 trillion in new debt per year that 1st year.

But please, keep on - 7 years into Obama's 7 year 'Bush-dominated Presidency' keep blaming 'Buuussshhhh' for all of Obama's F*-Ups!
So? Bush added more debt than every President before him from Washington through his dad. You rightards couldn't care less about the debt then; so no one cares that it bothers you now.

And again, much of the increase to the debt is a result of Bush's Great Recession, which was dumped on Obama.
"Why does the evil gubmint take my money at gunpoint and give it to poor people?" Libertarianism at is best.
The sad thing is you actually believe that.

Obama's 'big time donors' are not 'poor people', yet Obama STOLE millions of hard-earned tax dollars and govae them to these donors who invested heavily in Solyndra and 12 other Green Energy businesses that went bankrupt. Obama wanted to make sure these millionaires did not lose their invested money while not caring the American people, whose money he used to do so, got f*ed!

Diane Feinstein is certainly not 'poor'; yet she and her husband got handed a wad of tax-payer dollars as part of the 'Stimulus' so her husband could bail out his bankrupting business.

Obama uses billions of tax dollars to engage in human trafficking, bringing in Illegals, NOT enforcing the law, to house/feed/clothe/pay illegals - making them a higher priority than the US taxpayers fitting the bill, and in protecting federal law-violating Sanctuary cities...the f*er is using US Tax Dollars to VIOLATE the law while refusing to enforce it. No poor Americans getting tax dollars there....

Why don't you try explaining to the grieving family members of those listed on this site, a memorial of names of Americans killed by the illegal criminals Obama has brought into the US and who he protects, how these dead Americans' and their tax dollars have been spent financing the very murderers who killed these people:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

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