Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

I didn't post what you put up.I posted the graph from Gallup. I have no idea what you are posting, as usual! Go back and show me what post# I posted what you claimed i did...I can wait! LOLOL!
Great, more evidence even you don't understand what you post. :rolleyes:

In post #849, you posted a link to: Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

Now check out the chart in that link and realize you're just a fucking imbecile who has no idea what he posts.

And answer the question ... were you lying then or are you lying now?

So YOU LIED and I DIDN'T POST that chart! Why would I check out that link when I have the CHART I did post?...You're so fucked up, as usual...and still OCDing about shit! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
No, you're just the flaming moron I say you are. I didn't say you posted the chart. I said you posted a link to it.

And you did in post #849.

You also prove me right when I said you have no fucking clue what you post.

You truly are dumber than you appear.

So? No answer?

Were you lying before or are you lying now?
I posted THIS LINK shithead TAKLKING about MARCH 1980....

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat...
Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit
2 days ago ... Reagan trailed Carter by 15 points in February-March 1980. ... At this point it is looking pretty clear that Trump can beat Clinton. ... In the only polls that matter, GOP turnout is enormously higher then the last 2 cycles, while Dem...

Then what the fuck are you trying to pull?,.,. changing what I said and posted?...You dumb fuck!
I posted THIS LINK shithead TAKLKING about MARCH 1980....

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat...
Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit
2 days ago ... Reagan trailed Carter by 15 points in February-March 1980. ... At this point it is looking pretty clear that Trump can beat Clinton. ... In the only polls that matter, GOP turnout is enormously higher then the last 2 cycles, while Dem...

Then what the fuck are you trying to pull?,.,. changing what I said and posted?...You dumb fuck!
You're completely fucking deranged, vagisil.

Here's the link you're posting....

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

... now click on your own link and scroll down to find the chart from your link...


Then show me where that chart, which I got from the link you posted, shows Carter was ahead of Reagan in October...

Then explain why you switched to a different chart which shows he did....

Then confess if you were lying then or if you're lying now...
Who cares about Reagan and Carter? This is a race that will be decided between Hillary and Donald...not Jimmeh and Dutch!

I don't think anyone can judge Clinton vs. Trump until they are on stage having at it. It's pretty obvious that Trump will not let Hillary off the hook with either e-mails or the Benghazi Bernie Sanders has. He's going to hammer her relentlessly on those two issues as well as her vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq. So how will she respond? Will she get cover from someone like Candy Crowley did for Obama in the last election...or will the moderators fear getting roasted by Trump enough to attempt to be non-partisan and force a real response from Clinton?
So whaddya think, forum? Has vagisil figured out yet that he posted a link to a chart that shows Reagan ahead of Carter in October before posting a chart showing the opposite? I did all I could do to drag that horse to water.
Jesus, Faun...the government doesn't do anything "cheaper" than the private sector either! If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the Federal Government do it!

Let me're so naive that you think because the USPS charges less for a service that they can actually do it for less? Let me give you a hint on this, Faun...UPS and FedEx don't get taxpayer dollars in order to stay in business...the US Postal Service loses millions of dollars a year and only manages to stay in business because it is allowed to borrow from the US Treasury. I believe that debt is well above 16 billion dollars right now! Think us taxpayers will be seeing that money anytime soon? If you DO...then you're one incredibly stupid person!
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

They can do it for less because they don't have to charge more to make a profit. How do you not understand that?

You think the US Post Office turns a profit? Really, Faun? Care to explain why they've had to borrow 16 billion dollars from the Treasury in order to keep running? Duh?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you??

I say they charge less because they don't have to make a profit -- and your deformed brain somehow translates that into me saying they do make a profit.

It's like you have less brain matter than Terri Schiavo had when she died.

Let me try to explain this to you once more, Faun! The US Post Office doesn't turn a profit. They lose millions each and every year. The only reason they remain open for business is that the US Government allows them to borrow money from the US Treasury to do that they have absolutely no means of ever repaying! That Post Office debt is now well over 16 Billion dollars and increasing each and every year.

So please don't embarrass yourself trying to use them as your "poster child" for government success!
Who cares about Reagan and Carter? This is a race that will be decided between Hillary and Donald...not Jimmeh and Dutch!

I don't think anyone can judge Clinton vs. Trump until they are on stage having at it. It's pretty obvious that Trump will not let Hillary off the hook with either e-mails or the Benghazi Bernie Sanders has. He's going to hammer her relentlessly on those two issues as well as her vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq. So how will she respond? Will she get cover from someone like Candy Crowley did for Obama in the last election...or will the moderators fear getting roasted by Trump enough to attempt to be non-partisan and force a real response from Clinton?
Take it up with vagisil, your fellow yahoo. He's the one who idiotically thinks it's a worthy rebuttal.

Meanwhile, Trump can talk about Benghazi and emails till his orange face turns blue, it will still not be anything everyone has already been inundated with. He's gonna have to be sharper than that to flip the polls around.


Let me're so naive that you think because the USPS charges less for a service that they can actually do it for less? Let me give you a hint on this, Faun...UPS and FedEx don't get taxpayer dollars in order to stay in business...the US Postal Service loses millions of dollars a year and only manages to stay in business because it is allowed to borrow from the US Treasury. I believe that debt is well above 16 billion dollars right now! Think us taxpayers will be seeing that money anytime soon? If you DO...then you're one incredibly stupid person!
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

They can do it for less because they don't have to charge more to make a profit. How do you not understand that?

You think the US Post Office turns a profit? Really, Faun? Care to explain why they've had to borrow 16 billion dollars from the Treasury in order to keep running? Duh?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you??

I say they charge less because they don't have to make a profit -- and your deformed brain somehow translates that into me saying they do make a profit.

It's like you have less brain matter than Terri Schiavo had when she died.

Let me try to explain this to you once more, Faun! The US Post Office doesn't turn a profit.
You are batshit insane, gramps. :cuckoo:

Not only have I not claimed the USPS makes a profit -- I even pointed out they don't. Even worse for your senility, I also pointed out because they're not in business to make a profit is the reason they are cheaper than the private sector.
So whaddya think, forum? Has vagisil figured out yet that he posted a link to a chart that shows Reagan ahead of Carter be
Who cares about Reagan and Carter? This is a race that will be decided between Hillary and Donald...not Jimmeh and Dutch!

I don't think anyone can judge Clinton vs. Trump until they are on stage having at it. It's pretty obvious that Trump will not let Hillary off the hook with either e-mails or the Benghazi Bernie Sanders has. He's going to hammer her relentlessly on those two issues as well as her vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq. So how will she respond? Will she get cover from someone like Candy Crowley did for Obama in the last election...or will the moderators fear getting roasted by Trump enough to attempt to be non-partisan and force a real response from Clinton?
Take it up with vagisil, your fellow yahoo. He's the one who idiotically thinks it's a worthy rebuttal.

Meanwhile, Trump can talk about Benghazi and emails till his orange face turns blue, it will still not be anything everyone has already been inundated with. He's gonna have to be sharper than that to flip the polls around.


Once he's finished with those...I imagine he'll transition right into the millions that the Clinton's have been paid by Wall Street fat cats. How do you think she's going to pass herself off as the champion of the poor when she's had her snout in the trough for some 20 years?
Let me're so naive that you think because the USPS charges less for a service that they can actually do it for less? Let me give you a hint on this, Faun...UPS and FedEx don't get taxpayer dollars in order to stay in business...the US Postal Service loses millions of dollars a year and only manages to stay in business because it is allowed to borrow from the US Treasury. I believe that debt is well above 16 billion dollars right now! Think us taxpayers will be seeing that money anytime soon? If you DO...then you're one incredibly stupid person!
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

They can do it for less because they don't have to charge more to make a profit. How do you not understand that?

You think the US Post Office turns a profit? Really, Faun? Care to explain why they've had to borrow 16 billion dollars from the Treasury in order to keep running? Duh?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you??

I say they charge less because they don't have to make a profit -- and your deformed brain somehow translates that into me saying they do make a profit.

It's like you have less brain matter than Terri Schiavo had when she died.

Let me try to explain this to you once more, Faun! The US Post Office doesn't turn a profit.
You are batshit insane, gramps. :cuckoo:

Not only have I not claimed the USPS makes a profit -- I even pointed out they don't. Even worse for your senility, I also pointed out because they're not in business to make a profit is the reason they are cheaper than the private sector.

So you've chosen to present the Post Office as an example of how the government does things "cheaper" than the Private Sector...but you don't take into account that the only reason the Post Office is able to survive with the prices they have is that they are given "loans" from the Treasury that everyone KNOWS will never be repaid? Are you REALLY that stupid, Faun?
So whaddya think, forum? Has vagisil figured out yet that he posted a link to a chart that shows Reagan ahead of Carter be
Who cares about Reagan and Carter? This is a race that will be decided between Hillary and Donald...not Jimmeh and Dutch!

I don't think anyone can judge Clinton vs. Trump until they are on stage having at it. It's pretty obvious that Trump will not let Hillary off the hook with either e-mails or the Benghazi Bernie Sanders has. He's going to hammer her relentlessly on those two issues as well as her vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq. So how will she respond? Will she get cover from someone like Candy Crowley did for Obama in the last election...or will the moderators fear getting roasted by Trump enough to attempt to be non-partisan and force a real response from Clinton?
Take it up with vagisil, your fellow yahoo. He's the one who idiotically thinks it's a worthy rebuttal.

Meanwhile, Trump can talk about Benghazi and emails till his orange face turns blue, it will still not be anything everyone has already been inundated with. He's gonna have to be sharper than that to flip the polls around.


Once he's finished with those...I imagine he'll transition right into the millions that the Clinton's have been paid by Wall Street fat cats. How do you think she's going to pass herself off as the champion of the poor when she's had her snout in the trough for some 20 years?
You think there's someone who doesn't know she's wealthy?
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

They can do it for less because they don't have to charge more to make a profit. How do you not understand that?

You think the US Post Office turns a profit? Really, Faun? Care to explain why they've had to borrow 16 billion dollars from the Treasury in order to keep running? Duh?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you??

I say they charge less because they don't have to make a profit -- and your deformed brain somehow translates that into me saying they do make a profit.

It's like you have less brain matter than Terri Schiavo had when she died.

Let me try to explain this to you once more, Faun! The US Post Office doesn't turn a profit.
You are batshit insane, gramps. :cuckoo:

Not only have I not claimed the USPS makes a profit -- I even pointed out they don't. Even worse for your senility, I also pointed out because they're not in business to make a profit is the reason they are cheaper than the private sector.

So you've chosen to present the Post Office as an example of how the government does things "cheaper" than the Private Sector...but you don't take into account that the only reason the Post Office is able to survive with the prices they have is that they are given "loans" from the Treasury that everyone KNOWS will never be repaid? Are you REALLY that stupid, Faun?
I never denied they are subsidized with tax dollars. What the fuck is wrong with you that you're incapable of arguing what I actually say?


Take two companies providing the same service. One is a non-profit organization while the other is a for-profit organization. Both have comparable costs to provide their services only the for-profit company charges more so they can make a profit.

Which one is cheaper?
Let it go Faun. Vagisil is a lying pig who never reads his own links,and they mostly prove his claims wrong, and Oldstyle is just trying to get in one more argument before he falls asleep.
So whaddya think, forum? Has vagisil figured out yet that he posted a link to a chart that shows Reagan ahead of Carter in October before posting a chart showing the opposite? I did all I could do to drag that horse to water.

You dumb fuck, I posted what was going on in MARCH 1980 to correlate with TODAY showing That Reagan was 15 % in back of Carter, and then again in Oct. going into Nov. Reagan was also behind Carter..... I know you have an extremely LOW IQ, but how many times must I point this out to you, shit for brains? Do I need to keep C&Ping this for you?

No wonder you've been here since Nov. of 2011 and you have SHIT FOR POSITIVE RATINGS....You're a fucked up :ahole-1:
So whaddya think, forum? Has vagisil figured out yet that he posted a link to a chart that shows Reagan ahead of Carter in October before posting a chart showing the opposite? I did all I could do to drag that horse to water.

You dumb fuck, I posted what was going on in MARCH 1980 to correlate with TODAY showing That Reagan was 15 % in back of Carter, and then again in Oct. going into Nov. Reagan was also behind Carter..... I know you have an extremely LOW IQ, but how many times must I point this out to you, shit for brains? Do I need to keep C&Ping this for you?

No wonder you've been here since Nov. of 2011 and you have SHIT FOR POSITIVE RATINGS....You're a fucked up :ahole-1:
And there it is folks... the moment vagisil realizes he actually did link to the chart he denied linking to. Vagisil is so brain-dead, he proves once again he has no idea what he's posting.


Now that you realize you linked a chart which shows Reagan ahead of Carter in October, were you lying then or were you lying when you posted a different chart showing Carter ahead in October?
Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

What the hell is a Doctor of French?

You don't even know what a PhD is, big guy? Or do you not know what French is? Which part eludes you?

French is a language
A 10 year old French kid speaks French.....does that qualify him for a PhD?

Your desperation is noted and disgarded. You'll need far more than that to flip the polls.


Someone in the business that should know WAY BETTER than Pawned!

  • Reid: 'Never, Ever, Ever Underestimate Trump'
    Politico ^ | 3/23/16
    Harry Reid has advice for Democrats already celebrating Hillary Clinton as the next president: Don’t underestimate Donald Trump. No one should do that. I tried, others have tried. He's a hard guy to predict,” Reid said in a telephone interview on Wednesday. “One of the most unorthodox candidates for the presidency in modern times. Certainly in modern times, post-modern times. A real unusual deal we have here."

Hillary may have a high unfavorable rating -- but Trump's is even higher.

CBS/NYT 3/20:
Hillary: 52%
Trump: 57%

ABC/WP 3/6:
Hillary: 52%
Trump: 67%

CNN/ORC 2/27:
Hillary: 55%
Trump: 60%

Quinnipiac 2/15:
Hillary: 58%
Trump: 57%

Political Figures: Hillary Clinton
Political Figures: Donald Trump

... what else ya got?

So what? Their negatives are just about EQUAL!

Yeah, equal if you ignore that Trump's unfavorable rating is higher than her's.

And again, there's this ....


... oh, wait .... that was from yesterday.... Hillary's average lead jumped up since then from 9.8 percentage points yesterday to 11.4 percentage points today...


Hillary's average lead over Trump has extended into double digit territory.


That is getting scary

The gap will grow even wider when people realize Trump is not just a protest candidate, but could actually get elected
"...using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right ...."

Although it is only March.....this may be the winner in the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Either he doesn't know what pejorative means.....

.....or he doesn't know that Marxism was and is responsible for more death and destruction than any other ideology in the history of the world.

Congrat on your big win.

Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions, authoritarian totalitarian systems created the carnage. Only stupid people blame Marx, since Marxism as he envisioned it has NEVER existed except as a theory.

Before you call anyone stupid, you ought to have someone mentor you other than those you regularly echo.

"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

I see you're trying to burnish your creds for the award, the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Have no're a shoo-in.

Stop worrying.....everyone knows you're a moron.

Spoiler alert: do not....DO NOT....under punishment of education....peruse the following!
You've been warned.

"With the fall of the Soviet Union and communist governments in Eastern Europe, too many have the impression that Marxism, the religion of communism, is dead. Hardly. It is alive and well in many countries still, such as North Korea, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, a gaggle of African countries, and in the minds of many South American political leaders. However, of most importance to the future of democracy, communism still pollutes the thinking of a vast multitude of Western academics and intellectuals.
...Marxist regimes murdered nearly 110 million people from 1917 to 1987.
The killing machine that is Marxism

Now...what did that moron say???
Oh...yeah...""Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

You may simply be dishonest, but methinks you actually believe the crap you post. Maybe instead of parroting some obscure author you might actually try to read some real history, in terms of news articles, historical biographies, personal letters and the works of those such as Marx who you despise and yet do not understand.

BTW, starting a post by calling me stupid and a moron isn't a rebuttal nor does it even hint at some evidence you read my post or have ever considered Communism in theory, and how it comports to the practice of despots who ordered mass murder, those who ruled and rule the nations you (or the obscure author claimed) were Communists. Mass murder of people isn't based on an economic theory, it is savagery and accomplished by evil men who came to power by force, vote or accident of birth.

Simple minded people like you, and those who support Trump see a world beyond their comprehension and have never climbed even half way to the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Of course that is expected of narcissists, others fall prey to the hate and fear rhetoric of the demagogue. and those who write books revising history (a genre in which you have a good deal of familiarity).


You need more, before you monogram "Moron" on all of your overalls????

Marxist socialism is, in theory, what was being practiced by all of the countries that we call "Communist". The objective of Marxist socialism is to use the State to prepare society for communism by communalizing all of the productive forces of the society, i.e. by making all of the means of production public property.
Communism and Marxism -

Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism, anarchism(anarchist communism), and the political ideologies grouped around both. Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

C'mon more time!
Repeat this:
"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

Everyone needs a good laugh......and folks laughing at you wouldn't be a new experience, would it.

It would be a new experience, as I've always been able to lessen tensions by being self effacing and using wry humor. As a narcissist you have no clue as to how effective that can be, nor any understanding of why so many on this forum find you at best to be a tedious partisan.

Do you not understand that Marx supported the down trodden, and in - for example - the Soviet System and China they have suffered under despotic rule? I can't believe you are so stupid as to not comprehend such an obvious issue, thus I must continue to believe you are a perfidious and dishonest partisan troll.

Gads, you're a dunce.

Please, dunce.....write this again:
"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

OK.....this is almost as good:

"Do you not understand that Marx supported the down trodden"

Even stupid people think you are a moron.

And now for reality:
"Early socialists publically advocated genocide, in the 19th and 20th centuries. It first appeared in Marx's journal, Rheinishe Zeitung, in January of 1849. When the socialist class war happens, there will be primitive societies in Europe, two stages behind- not even capitalist yet- the Basques, the Bretons, the Scottish Highlanders, the Serbs, and others he calls 'racial trash,' and they will have to be destroyed because, being two stages behind in the class struggle, it will be impossible to bring them up to being revolutionary."
George Watson, Historian, Cambridge University.

a. "The classes and races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way...they must perish in the revolutionary holocaust." Karl Marx, People's Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981

b. "Before Marx, no other European thinker publicly advocated racial extermination. He was the first."
George Watson.

I love providing education to Liberals who have been deprived of same in government schools, and I don't mind shredding attempts by Liberals to rebut same...but the most fun is spotlighting your infirmities.
I used to be surprised at how truly stupid you Leftists are.....but you have disabused me of that.
Now I treat it as humor.

C' more time.....say it again: "Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

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