Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

1. Public schools allow everyone to attend, private schools restrict enrollment and thus any comparison is an apples to antelope fallacy; A thread on public education is a worthwhile one, if the bigots can be restricted (much like a private school, too many threads are destroyed by idiots and bigots).

2. You have no credible evidence to support this allegation.
Obamacare’s projected cost falls due to lower premiums under health care law, CBO says

3. Word Salad. Roads allow for the movement of goods; and roads provide a means for services to be rendered (you can't bring your plumbing or electrical problem to Wal-Mart or buy a new roof there). Whenb adverse weather impacts transportation the economy stalls.

4. More or less word salad, using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right when they have no evidence to support their ideas (dogma); In fact transportation suffers as a direct result of the dogma that taxes are bad, and more taxes are worse. Consider only public transportation, if properly funded several variable need to be considered: 1. Sur taxes on Gas will fall; the use of gas will be reduced; less cars on the roads reduce maintenance costs for roads and bridges, fewer accidents will reduce the costs to first responders reducing the need to raise taxes by local government and building inter ana intra fast, clean and reliable transit (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.) provides jobs and creates transportation villages along their route. Your (& others) myopia is what holds progress back.

5. Gee, good for you. How do small government dogmatists justify such a heresy?

"...using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right ...."

Although it is only March.....this may be the winner in the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Either he doesn't know what pejorative means.....

.....or he doesn't know that Marxism was and is responsible for more death and destruction than any other ideology in the history of the world.

Congrat on your big win.
Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

Nice try... but Trump isn't the one destroying the Republican party.

The destruction started decades ago, long before Trump ever appeared on the scene. And it's been consistently done by the "leaders" of the Republican party.

They tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens when most Republicans opposed it, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

The Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.
Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

1. Public schools allow everyone to attend, private schools restrict enrollment and thus any comparison is an apples to antelope fallacy; A thread on public education is a worthwhile one, if the bigots can be restricted (much like a private school, too many threads are destroyed by idiots and bigots).

2. You have no credible evidence to support this allegation.
Obamacare’s projected cost falls due to lower premiums under health care law, CBO says

3. Word Salad. Roads allow for the movement of goods; and roads provide a means for services to be rendered (you can't bring your plumbing or electrical problem to Wal-Mart or buy a new roof there). Whenb adverse weather impacts transportation the economy stalls.

4. More or less word salad, using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right when they have no evidence to support their ideas (dogma); In fact transportation suffers as a direct result of the dogma that taxes are bad, and more taxes are worse. Consider only public transportation, if properly funded several variable need to be considered: 1. Sur taxes on Gas will fall; the use of gas will be reduced; less cars on the roads reduce maintenance costs for roads and bridges, fewer accidents will reduce the costs to first responders reducing the need to raise taxes by local government and building inter ana intra fast, clean and reliable transit (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.) provides jobs and creates transportation villages along their route. Your (& others) myopia is what holds progress back.

5. Gee, good for you. How do small government dogmatists justify such a heresy?

"...using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right ...."

Although it is only March.....this may be the winner in the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Either he doesn't know what pejorative means.....

.....or he doesn't know that Marxism was and is responsible for more death and destruction than any other ideology in the history of the world.

Congrat on your big win.

Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions, authoritarian totalitarian systems created the carnage. Only stupid people blame Marx, since Marxism as he envisioned it has NEVER existed except as a theory.

Before you call anyone stupid, you ought to have someone mentor you other than those you regularly echo.
Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

1. Public schools allow everyone to attend, private schools restrict enrollment and thus any comparison is an apples to antelope fallacy; A thread on public education is a worthwhile one, if the bigots can be restricted (much like a private school, too many threads are destroyed by idiots and bigots).

2. You have no credible evidence to support this allegation.
Obamacare’s projected cost falls due to lower premiums under health care law, CBO says

3. Word Salad. Roads allow for the movement of goods; and roads provide a means for services to be rendered (you can't bring your plumbing or electrical problem to Wal-Mart or buy a new roof there). Whenb adverse weather impacts transportation the economy stalls.

4. More or less word salad, using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right when they have no evidence to support their ideas (dogma); In fact transportation suffers as a direct result of the dogma that taxes are bad, and more taxes are worse. Consider only public transportation, if properly funded several variable need to be considered: 1. Sur taxes on Gas will fall; the use of gas will be reduced; less cars on the roads reduce maintenance costs for roads and bridges, fewer accidents will reduce the costs to first responders reducing the need to raise taxes by local government and building inter ana intra fast, clean and reliable transit (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.) provides jobs and creates transportation villages along their route. Your (& others) myopia is what holds progress back.

5. Gee, good for you. How do small government dogmatists justify such a heresy?

"...using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right ...."

Although it is only March.....this may be the winner in the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Either he doesn't know what pejorative means.....

.....or he doesn't know that Marxism was and is responsible for more death and destruction than any other ideology in the history of the world.

Congrat on your big win.

Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions, authoritarian totalitarian systems created the carnage. Only stupid people blame Marx, since Marxism as he envisioned it has NEVER existed except as a theory.

Before you call anyone stupid, you ought to have someone mentor you other than those you regularly echo.

"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

I see you're trying to burnish your creds for the award, the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Have no're a shoo-in.

Stop worrying.....everyone knows you're a moron.

Spoiler alert: do not....DO NOT....under punishment of education....peruse the following!
You've been warned.

"With the fall of the Soviet Union and communist governments in Eastern Europe, too many have the impression that Marxism, the religion of communism, is dead. Hardly. It is alive and well in many countries still, such as North Korea, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, a gaggle of African countries, and in the minds of many South American political leaders. However, of most importance to the future of democracy, communism still pollutes the thinking of a vast multitude of Western academics and intellectuals.
...Marxist regimes murdered nearly 110 million people from 1917 to 1987.
The killing machine that is Marxism

Now...what did that moron say???
Oh...yeah...""Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."
Last edited:
Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

you continue to demonstrate your ignorance. Did you graduate from obozo university?

He's a member of the charter class! The Obama motto, a mind is a terrible thing to not turn off when people are telling you what you want to hear and wish were so
from the bush book of critical thinking you voted in and supported a true moron and now you make obama sound worse??? America laughs at you obama, america haters

I never voted for Bush, dweeb, I voted for Browne in 2000 and Badarnak in 2004. I am not a slave of the parties. Republicans and Democrats, all that exist in your tiny little mine
Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

What the hell is a Doctor of French?

You don't even know what a PhD is, big guy? Or do you not know what French is? Which part eludes you?
Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not
PHD in French, oooOOO guess she'll be another English Teacher or maybe Music Appreciation. You start your blathering bragging that your daughter is getting a worthless degree. Don't need to read the rest of it.

If you read the note asshole that I was replying to, he said he went to Berkeley, I was just saying my daughter goes there now, that was the only point

She double majored in Math & French at Duke, now she's getting a Doctorate in French. If you think that means "English teacher," well, that's just the limited world you live in. Though your dickish comment aside, there is only one reason to get a Doctorate in French, that would be to be a French professor. Berkley BTW is one of the top French departments, so that would be a pretty save bet she'll make it.

Also, you know French is a language, right? Even if she wanted to be a teacher, wouldn't you think she wanted to teach French, not English? I mean duh
Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

you continue to demonstrate your ignorance. Did you graduate from obozo university?

He's a member of the charter class! The Obama motto, a mind is a terrible thing to not turn off when people are telling you what you want to hear and wish were so
from the bush book of critical thinking you voted in and supported a true moron and now you make obama sound worse??? America laughs at you obama, america haters

I never voted for Bush, dweeb, I voted for Browne in 2000 and Badarnak in 2004. I am not a slave of the parties. Republicans and Democrats, all that exist in your tiny little mine

Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance
Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

1. Public schools allow everyone to attend, private schools restrict enrollment and thus any comparison is an apples to antelope fallacy; A thread on public education is a worthwhile one, if the bigots can be restricted (much like a private school, too many threads are destroyed by idiots and bigots).

2. You have no credible evidence to support this allegation.
Obamacare’s projected cost falls due to lower premiums under health care law, CBO says

3. Word Salad. Roads allow for the movement of goods; and roads provide a means for services to be rendered (you can't bring your plumbing or electrical problem to Wal-Mart or buy a new roof there). Whenb adverse weather impacts transportation the economy stalls.

4. More or less word salad, using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right when they have no evidence to support their ideas (dogma); In fact transportation suffers as a direct result of the dogma that taxes are bad, and more taxes are worse. Consider only public transportation, if properly funded several variable need to be considered: 1. Sur taxes on Gas will fall; the use of gas will be reduced; less cars on the roads reduce maintenance costs for roads and bridges, fewer accidents will reduce the costs to first responders reducing the need to raise taxes by local government and building inter ana intra fast, clean and reliable transit (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.) provides jobs and creates transportation villages along their route. Your (& others) myopia is what holds progress back.

5. Gee, good for you. How do small government dogmatists justify such a heresy?

Wow, roads again. you realize other than bripat and a couple others, everyone on the board supports roads, right? That obviously is not the point of contention and that government builds roads doesn't justify confiscating money at gunpoint from one citizen and giving it to another.

And you have yet to name an issue that I am "right" on that is not libertarian
1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

you continue to demonstrate your ignorance. Did you graduate from obozo university?

He's a member of the charter class! The Obama motto, a mind is a terrible thing to not turn off when people are telling you what you want to hear and wish were so
from the bush book of critical thinking you voted in and supported a true moron and now you make obama sound worse??? America laughs at you obama, america haters

I never voted for Bush, dweeb, I voted for Browne in 2000 and Badarnak in 2004. I am not a slave of the parties. Republicans and Democrats, all that exist in your tiny little mine

Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

That's what my mother said when I voted for Browne instead of Bush, she said "you're helping that man Al Gore get elected."

I told her what I will tell you. Voting between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum isn't choosing, they are the same. I am saying clearly I want something better, not just to pick my warden
Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

No matter who they are? Voting is a rare opportunity to express our political views in a meaningful way. The worst possible use of that opportunity, in my view, is to vote for someone who doesn't accurately represent your views.
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  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

1. Public schools allow everyone to attend, private schools restrict enrollment and thus any comparison is an apples to antelope fallacy; A thread on public education is a worthwhile one, if the bigots can be restricted (much like a private school, too many threads are destroyed by idiots and bigots).

2. You have no credible evidence to support this allegation.
Obamacare’s projected cost falls due to lower premiums under health care law, CBO says

3. Word Salad. Roads allow for the movement of goods; and roads provide a means for services to be rendered (you can't bring your plumbing or electrical problem to Wal-Mart or buy a new roof there). Whenb adverse weather impacts transportation the economy stalls.

4. More or less word salad, using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right when they have no evidence to support their ideas (dogma); In fact transportation suffers as a direct result of the dogma that taxes are bad, and more taxes are worse. Consider only public transportation, if properly funded several variable need to be considered: 1. Sur taxes on Gas will fall; the use of gas will be reduced; less cars on the roads reduce maintenance costs for roads and bridges, fewer accidents will reduce the costs to first responders reducing the need to raise taxes by local government and building inter ana intra fast, clean and reliable transit (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.) provides jobs and creates transportation villages along their route. Your (& others) myopia is what holds progress back.

5. Gee, good for you. How do small government dogmatists justify such a heresy?

"...using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right ...."

Although it is only March.....this may be the winner in the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Either he doesn't know what pejorative means.....

.....or he doesn't know that Marxism was and is responsible for more death and destruction than any other ideology in the history of the world.

Congrat on your big win.

Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions, authoritarian totalitarian systems created the carnage. Only stupid people blame Marx, since Marxism as he envisioned it has NEVER existed except as a theory.

Before you call anyone stupid, you ought to have someone mentor you other than those you regularly echo.

"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

I see you're trying to burnish your creds for the award, the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Have no're a shoo-in.

Stop worrying.....everyone knows you're a moron.

Spoiler alert: do not....DO NOT....under punishment of education....peruse the following!
You've been warned.

"With the fall of the Soviet Union and communist governments in Eastern Europe, too many have the impression that Marxism, the religion of communism, is dead. Hardly. It is alive and well in many countries still, such as North Korea, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, a gaggle of African countries, and in the minds of many South American political leaders. However, of most importance to the future of democracy, communism still pollutes the thinking of a vast multitude of Western academics and intellectuals.
...Marxist regimes murdered nearly 110 million people from 1917 to 1987.
The killing machine that is Marxism

Now...what did that moron say???
Oh...yeah...""Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

You may simply be dishonest, but methinks you actually believe the crap you post. Maybe instead of parroting some obscure author you might actually try to read some real history, in terms of news articles, historical biographies, personal letters and the works of those such as Marx who you despise and yet do not understand.

BTW, starting a post by calling me stupid and a moron isn't a rebuttal nor does it even hint at some evidence you read my post or have ever considered Communism in theory, and how it comports to the practice of despots who ordered mass murder, those who ruled and rule the nations you (or the obscure author claimed) were Communists. Mass murder of people isn't based on an economic theory, it is savagery and accomplished by evil men who came to power by force, vote or accident of birth.

Simple minded people like you, and those who support Trump see a world beyond their comprehension and have never climbed even half way to the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Of course that is expected of narcissists, others fall prey to the hate and fear rhetoric of the demagogue. and those who write books revising history (a genre in which you have a good deal of familiarity).
you continue to demonstrate your ignorance. Did you graduate from obozo university?

He's a member of the charter class! The Obama motto, a mind is a terrible thing to not turn off when people are telling you what you want to hear and wish were so
from the bush book of critical thinking you voted in and supported a true moron and now you make obama sound worse??? America laughs at you obama, america haters

I never voted for Bush, dweeb, I voted for Browne in 2000 and Badarnak in 2004. I am not a slave of the parties. Republicans and Democrats, all that exist in your tiny little mine

Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

That's what my mother said when I voted for Browne instead of Bush, she said "you're helping that man Al Gore get elected."

I told her what I will tell you. Voting between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum isn't choosing, they are the same. I am saying clearly I want something better, not just to pick my warden
if gore won There's a good chance 1000's of our guys would be walking instead of 6 feet under ,,,a republican president put them there Gore imo wouldn't have
Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

No matter who they are? Voting is a rare opportunity to express our political views in a meaningful way. The worst possible use of that opportunity, in my view, is to vote for someone who doesn't accurately represent your views.
no president past present or future can accurately rep all my views I'll go with who reps the most
Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

No matter who they are? Voting is a rare opportunity to express our political views in a meaningful way. The worst possible use of that opportunity, in my view, is to vote for someone who doesn't accurately represent your views.
no president past present or future can accurately rep all my views I'll go with who reps the most

Limited to what set of candidates? Only those who "can" win? What does that even mean? You realize that it's a self-fulfilling prophesy, right?
Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

No matter who they are? Voting is a rare opportunity to express our political views in a meaningful way. The worst possible use of that opportunity, in my view, is to vote for someone who doesn't accurately represent your views.
no president past present or future can accurately rep all my views I'll go with who reps the most

Limited to what set of candidates? Only those who "can" win? What does that even mean? You realize that it's a self-fulfilling prophesy, right?
Surely you can find a candidate of the 2 running for President that shares more of your views than the other?
Unlike you I don't like throwing my vote in the toilet I'll vote for the best person who has a chance

No matter who they are? Voting is a rare opportunity to express our political views in a meaningful way. The worst possible use of that opportunity, in my view, is to vote for someone who doesn't accurately represent your views.
no president past present or future can accurately rep all my views I'll go with who reps the most

Limited to what set of candidates? Only those who "can" win? What does that even mean? You realize that it's a self-fulfilling prophesy, right?
Surely you can find a candidate of the 2 running for President that shares more of your views than the other?

(hint: there are more than 2)
My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

1. Public schools allow everyone to attend, private schools restrict enrollment and thus any comparison is an apples to antelope fallacy; A thread on public education is a worthwhile one, if the bigots can be restricted (much like a private school, too many threads are destroyed by idiots and bigots).

2. You have no credible evidence to support this allegation.
Obamacare’s projected cost falls due to lower premiums under health care law, CBO says

3. Word Salad. Roads allow for the movement of goods; and roads provide a means for services to be rendered (you can't bring your plumbing or electrical problem to Wal-Mart or buy a new roof there). Whenb adverse weather impacts transportation the economy stalls.

4. More or less word salad, using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right when they have no evidence to support their ideas (dogma); In fact transportation suffers as a direct result of the dogma that taxes are bad, and more taxes are worse. Consider only public transportation, if properly funded several variable need to be considered: 1. Sur taxes on Gas will fall; the use of gas will be reduced; less cars on the roads reduce maintenance costs for roads and bridges, fewer accidents will reduce the costs to first responders reducing the need to raise taxes by local government and building inter ana intra fast, clean and reliable transit (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.) provides jobs and creates transportation villages along their route. Your (& others) myopia is what holds progress back.

5. Gee, good for you. How do small government dogmatists justify such a heresy?

"...using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right ...."

Although it is only March.....this may be the winner in the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Either he doesn't know what pejorative means.....

.....or he doesn't know that Marxism was and is responsible for more death and destruction than any other ideology in the history of the world.

Congrat on your big win.

Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions, authoritarian totalitarian systems created the carnage. Only stupid people blame Marx, since Marxism as he envisioned it has NEVER existed except as a theory.

Before you call anyone stupid, you ought to have someone mentor you other than those you regularly echo.

"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

I see you're trying to burnish your creds for the award, the annual "Stupidest Poster of the Year."

Have no're a shoo-in.

Stop worrying.....everyone knows you're a moron.

Spoiler alert: do not....DO NOT....under punishment of education....peruse the following!
You've been warned.

"With the fall of the Soviet Union and communist governments in Eastern Europe, too many have the impression that Marxism, the religion of communism, is dead. Hardly. It is alive and well in many countries still, such as North Korea, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, a gaggle of African countries, and in the minds of many South American political leaders. However, of most importance to the future of democracy, communism still pollutes the thinking of a vast multitude of Western academics and intellectuals.
...Marxist regimes murdered nearly 110 million people from 1917 to 1987.
The killing machine that is Marxism

Now...what did that moron say???
Oh...yeah...""Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

You may simply be dishonest, but methinks you actually believe the crap you post. Maybe instead of parroting some obscure author you might actually try to read some real history, in terms of news articles, historical biographies, personal letters and the works of those such as Marx who you despise and yet do not understand.

BTW, starting a post by calling me stupid and a moron isn't a rebuttal nor does it even hint at some evidence you read my post or have ever considered Communism in theory, and how it comports to the practice of despots who ordered mass murder, those who ruled and rule the nations you (or the obscure author claimed) were Communists. Mass murder of people isn't based on an economic theory, it is savagery and accomplished by evil men who came to power by force, vote or accident of birth.

Simple minded people like you, and those who support Trump see a world beyond their comprehension and have never climbed even half way to the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Of course that is expected of narcissists, others fall prey to the hate and fear rhetoric of the demagogue. and those who write books revising history (a genre in which you have a good deal of familiarity).


You need more, before you monogram "Moron" on all of your overalls????

Marxist socialism is, in theory, what was being practiced by all of the countries that we call "Communist". The objective of Marxist socialism is to use the State to prepare society for communism by communalizing all of the productive forces of the society, i.e. by making all of the means of production public property.
Communism and Marxism -

Communism includes a variety of schools of thought, which broadly include Marxism, anarchism(anarchist communism), and the political ideologies grouped around both. Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

C'mon more time!
Repeat this:
"Marxism had nothing to do with the murders of millions..."

Everyone needs a good laugh......and folks laughing at you wouldn't be a new experience, would it.
Last edited:
Thanks, Trump! For giving the keys to the White House to Hillary. The more he speaks, the more she beats him in the polls...


Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat...
Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit
2 days ago ... Reagan trailed Carter by 15 points in February-March 1980. ... At this point it is looking pretty clear that Trump can beat Clinton. ... In the only polls that matter, GOP turnout is enormously higher then the last 2 cycles, while Dem...

The Establishment is going NUTS!

So? Carter's final year was his worst. There was a recession. Unemployment went from 6% to 8%. The Iranian hostage situation dragged on through the entire year. There was a failed rescue attempt. Gas prices sky rocketed.

So yes, of course events can change the direction of an election. And of course, if something explosive occurs blowing up Hillary's campaign, she can lose this election. But barring that, get used to saying, Madame President, by this time next year.


Your desperation is noted and disgarded. You'll need far more than that to flip the polls.


Someone in the business that should know WAY BETTER than Pawned!

  • Reid: 'Never, Ever, Ever Underestimate Trump'
    Politico ^ | 3/23/16
    Harry Reid has advice for Democrats already celebrating Hillary Clinton as the next president: Don’t underestimate Donald Trump. No one should do that. I tried, others have tried. He's a hard guy to predict,” Reid said in a telephone interview on Wednesday. “One of the most unorthodox candidates for the presidency in modern times. Certainly in modern times, post-modern times. A real unusual deal we have here."
Half of the republican party is ashamed to be in the GOP, because Trump has exposed the bigotry and hate that has been the right wing for so long.

Yesterday Trump threatened riots if he is not given the nomination of the GOP. This is so Nazi it's not even funny. He may even threaten Civil War if he is denied the White House.

So sad that the alternative is going to brought this on yourselves cons.

You don't "get it" you, Hangover? This is about the American people getting fed up with the both the Republican establishment AND the Democratic establishment! Why do you think that Trump and Sanders have attracted such a following? The electorate is angry at the status quo...and I've got news for you...Hillary Clinton EMBODIES the status quo. Right now you seem to think she's got this thing wrapped up and quite frankly...I don't see it that way at all! I don't think she's got what it takes to turn out the liberal vote. You can see by the numbers of people voting that Democrats aren't energized by her. Bernie has the younger demographic excited but are they going to be there for Hillary? Sorry but that's questionable at this point.

I get it, though. Yes, it's the same ol' happy crappy 'fed up with the establishment' ruse that goes around every election season. Nothing new under the sun. God, we've become so predictable.

I predicted a Hillary win two years ago, and frankly I'm sickened it's so easy to do (NOTE: I'm never voting for her). You're right, she's so 'establishment' it's ridiculous. Her idiot supporters overlook her blatant 1% Wall Street backing and overall ugliness because winning is more important than the welfare of this country (and its citizens) at this point. Fuck the Democrat party. I find her repellent. I'm thinking of burning my voter registration card after 12 years of support if she gets the nomination. Unfortunately, this country has become a hive of political villainy, dirty tricks, stupidity and apathy, so she's basically got it all but wrapped up in November.

Trump on the Republican side just tells me the right feels the same: winning is more important than everything else. The man is a former game show host who espouses ignorant, disgusting and out of touch with society nonsense that most corporate elitist 1%er douche canoes espouse, for fucks sake. Yeah, he's real 'anti-establishment'. Calling him a clown is an insult to clowns. Style above substance rules all with his idiot supporters. This isn't politics, it's just another goddamn reality show. I'm done.

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