Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war

no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot

so you agree that Hillary Clinton is a moron? Good, glad to hear you admit it.

I don't believe Bill's wife is a moron.

That appellation should be reserved for her supporters.
yeah we're real morons for supporting her over the AH of the year Donald drumpf
yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war

no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot

so you agree that Hillary Clinton is a moron? Good, glad to hear you admit it.
everyone has a bad day red ,,,,,,,even you,,,,, and with all the bullshit bush condo rummy etc etc were throwing I can't blame her

Biden, Reid, Kerry and Pelosi also voted for it. So all the power players in your party voted with Bush and the republicans. And, for the record, they all had exactly the same intel that Bush had and came to the same conclusions regarding Saddam and WMDs.

your attempts to rewrite history fail once again.
yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war

no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot

so you agree that Hillary Clinton is a moron? Good, glad to hear you admit it.

I don't believe Bill's wife is a moron.

That appellation should be reserved for her supporters.
yeah we're real morons for supporting her over the AH of the year Donald drumpf

nice to see you admit that. But the FBI may fix it for you by going public with all of her violations of security laws.
yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war

no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot

so you agree that Hillary Clinton is a moron? Good, glad to hear you admit it.

I don't believe Bill's wife is a moron.

That appellation should be reserved for her supporters.
yeah we're real morons for supporting her over the AH of the year Donald drumpf

Here's why you are at the least a moron, if you condone this:

no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot

so you agree that Hillary Clinton is a moron? Good, glad to hear you admit it.

I don't believe Bill's wife is a moron.

That appellation should be reserved for her supporters.
yeah we're real morons for supporting her over the AH of the year Donald drumpf

Here's why you are at the least a moron, if you condone this:

its not nice to confuse them with facts, facts make their little heads implode.
no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot

so you agree that Hillary Clinton is a moron? Good, glad to hear you admit it.

I don't believe Bill's wife is a moron.

That appellation should be reserved for her supporters.
yeah we're real morons for supporting her over the AH of the year Donald drumpf

nice to see you admit that. But the FBI may fix it for you by going public with all of her violations of security laws.

I might expect this if Susan Webber Wright were in charge, rather than Loretta Lynch.
Trump tells the people what they want to hear, demagogues lead by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the people, at least those persons who are biddable and ruled by their emotions.
Sounds exactly like a Democrat.

Democrats are like cats, they cannot be herded. Thus, you have once again stumbled over the partisan hackery you leave on the floor. A big tent is diverse, in terms of race, religion and opinions; one cannot with a straight face suggest the R tent has an open door policy.

The R tent is small, and the bus is ready when someone even suggests an idea or a policy outside of the conservative dogma - thinking outside of the box is verboten in the once and no more GOP:

The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by President Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads:

Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

Cats? Not a chance. Lemmings for sure!
The destruction of the Republican party started decades ago, long before Trump ever appeared on the scene. And it's been consistently done by the "leaders" of the Republican party.

They tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens when most Republicans opposed it, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

The Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.
The destruction of the Republican party started decades ago, long before Trump ever appeared on the scene. And it's been consistently done by the "leaders" of the Republican party.

They tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens when most Republicans opposed it, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

The Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.

They promise things they have no hope of delivering

You are not going to end gay marriage
You are not going to repeal Obamacare
You are not going to round up and deport 11 million Mexicans

But the republican base keeps believing the same lie over and over again, then throws them out and believes the next guy who tells them the same thing
Trump tells the people what they want to hear, demagogues lead by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the people, at least those persons who are biddable and ruled by their emotions.
Sounds exactly like a Democrat.

Democrats are like cats, they cannot be herded. Thus, you have once again stumbled over the partisan hackery you leave on the floor. A big tent is diverse, in terms of race, religion and opinions; one cannot with a straight face suggest the R tent has an open door policy.

The R tent is small, and the bus is ready when someone even suggests an idea or a policy outside of the conservative dogma - thinking outside of the box is verboten in the once and no more GOP:

The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by President Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads:

Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

Cats? Not a chance. Lemmings for sure!
As are projecting the evils of your own party on your opponents.
here is what he said:

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it"

He certainly implied that he thinks that govt can do some things better than private industry. We merely asked him for some examples.

But since neither of you can come up with any------------case closed
Yes, he said the government does some things "cheaper". He didn't say the government does things "better".

That you think "cheaper" implies "better" only serves to expose just how retarded you are; since better products and services are typically more expensive.

You're an idiot for thinking cheaper means better and Oldstyle is an idiot for thinking rightwinger said "better" when in fact he said, "cheaper."

As far as a list of services the government provides cheaper than the private sector, RW already gave some examples.

Jesus, Faun...the government doesn't do anything "cheaper" than the private sector either! If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the Federal Government do it!

Let me're so naive that you think because the USPS charges less for a service that they can actually do it for less? Let me give you a hint on this, Faun...UPS and FedEx don't get taxpayer dollars in order to stay in business...the US Postal Service loses millions of dollars a year and only manages to stay in business because it is allowed to borrow from the US Treasury. I believe that debt is well above 16 billion dollars right now! Think us taxpayers will be seeing that money anytime soon? If you DO...then you're one incredibly stupid person!
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

They can do it for less because they don't have to charge more to make a profit. How do you not understand that?

You think the US Post Office turns a profit? Really, Faun? Care to explain why they've had to borrow 16 billion dollars from the Treasury in order to keep running? Duh?
I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

What the hell is a Doctor of French?
The fact that Winger thinks Government does those things better than the Private Sector simply illustrates that Winger isn't very bright! Just saying...:dance:
Rightard Derangement Syndrome (RDS) rears its ugly head again...

rightwinger did not say the government does things better than the private sector. Learn to comprehend what you read.

Liberal Derangement Syndrome you mean? Only someone totally without a clue would claim that government does anything cheaper or better than the Private Sector! They simply don't because they don't have to. The government stays in business whether they do things right or not. If you're in the Private Sector and you quickly go out of business!
Nope, I don't mean that. I mean what I said.

You're still under the delusion that anyone said the government can do it better. You have any idea what that says about your derangement?

I know for a fact that the government can't do it cheaper or better! Pick whatever word you want to plug in there, won't change the fact that big government is inefficient and costly.
And still, no one said "better." You're a moron for thinking someone did. And yes, they do it cheaper. That's why they lose money.

They don't do it cheaper! The Post Office performs the same services as the private companies but at a higher cost primarily due to their labor cost. That higher cost is simply subsidized by loans from the US Treasury THAT THE POST SERVICE WILL NEVER REPAY!
Trump tells the people what they want to hear, demagogues lead by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the people, at least those persons who are biddable and ruled by their emotions.
Sounds exactly like a Democrat.

Democrats are like cats, they cannot be herded. Thus, you have once again stumbled over the partisan hackery you leave on the floor. A big tent is diverse, in terms of race, religion and opinions; one cannot with a straight face suggest the R tent has an open door policy.

The R tent is small, and the bus is ready when someone even suggests an idea or a policy outside of the conservative dogma - thinking outside of the box is verboten in the once and no more GOP:

The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by President Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads:

Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

Cats? Not a chance. Lemmings for sure!
As are projecting the evils of your own party on your opponents.

LOL, when you have nothing of substance to offer, you default to the childish mendacious ("I know you are, but what am I") . It's become your very own genre, notwithstanding the set of slow first graders.
The fact that Winger thinks Government does those things better than the Private Sector simply illustrates that Winger isn't very bright! Just saying...:dance:
Rightard Derangement Syndrome (RDS) rears its ugly head again...

rightwinger did not say the government does things better than the private sector. Learn to comprehend what you read.

Liberal Derangement Syndrome you mean? Only someone totally without a clue would claim that government does anything cheaper or better than the Private Sector! They simply don't because they don't have to. The government stays in business whether they do things right or not. If you're in the Private Sector and you quickly go out of business!
Nope, I don't mean that. I mean what I said.

You're still under the delusion that anyone said the government can do it better. You have any idea what that says about your derangement?

I know for a fact that the government can't do it cheaper or better! Pick whatever word you want to plug in there, won't change the fact that big government is inefficient and costly.
You have no integrity. The cons had eight years to do something about big government when Shrub even had a republican congress and senate for six of his eight years. Instead, he added $3trillion to the national debt by giving welfare tax cuts to millionaires...and then wasted another $5trillion on the Iraq/Afghan wars....and also destroyed the U.S. and global economies. The cons did nothing but make government bigger. Your con propaganda don't flush.

When did I ever maintain that the current crop of Republicans in Washington don't go along with big government? They have...which is a problem and is why so many Americans want them gone as much as they don't want liberals running things.
Trump tells the people what they want to hear, demagogues lead by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the people, at least those persons who are biddable and ruled by their emotions.
Sounds exactly like a Democrat.

Democrats are like cats, they cannot be herded. Thus, you have once again stumbled over the partisan hackery you leave on the floor. A big tent is diverse, in terms of race, religion and opinions; one cannot with a straight face suggest the R tent has an open door policy.

The R tent is small, and the bus is ready when someone even suggests an idea or a policy outside of the conservative dogma - thinking outside of the box is verboten in the once and no more GOP:

The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by President Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads:

Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

Cats? Not a chance. Lemmings for sure!
As are projecting the evils of your own party on your opponents.

LOL, when you have nothing of substance to offer, you default to the childish mendacious ("I know you are, but what am I") . It's become your very own genre, notwithstanding the set of slow first graders.
The substance of your argument is that it is demented and a product of a combination of denial and delusional thinking.
You are not going to end gay marriage
You are not going to repeal Obamacare
You are not going to round up and deport 11 million Mexicans
As usual, the liberals can't refute what's in the post, and so hastily change the subject.

As I said, the destruction of the Republican party began decades ago, when Republican "leaders" started pushing for amnesty, doing wild spending, giving away goodies in the form of new entitlements, etc., as well as knuckling under to every ridiculous Politically Correct notion thrown their way.

Blaming Donald Trump or Ted Cruz for the destruction of the Republican party, is like watching what happened to the Titanic and then blaming the lifeboats that people jumped into, or the ship RMS Carpathia that came to the rescue.
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I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not
PHD in French, oooOOO guess she'll be another English Teacher or maybe Music Appreciation. You start your blathering bragging that your daughter is getting a worthless degree. Don't need to read the rest of it.
I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not

1. Public schools allow everyone to attend, private schools restrict enrollment and thus any comparison is an apples to antelope fallacy; A thread on public education is a worthwhile one, if the bigots can be restricted (much like a private school, too many threads are destroyed by idiots and bigots).

2. You have no credible evidence to support this allegation.
Obamacare’s projected cost falls due to lower premiums under health care law, CBO says

3. Word Salad. Roads allow for the movement of goods; and roads provide a means for services to be rendered (you can't bring your plumbing or electrical problem to Wal-Mart or buy a new roof there). Whenb adverse weather impacts transportation the economy stalls.

4. More or less word salad, using Marxism as a pejorative is a usual response by the far right when they have no evidence to support their ideas (dogma); In fact transportation suffers as a direct result of the dogma that taxes are bad, and more taxes are worse. Consider only public transportation, if properly funded several variable need to be considered: 1. Sur taxes on Gas will fall; the use of gas will be reduced; less cars on the roads reduce maintenance costs for roads and bridges, fewer accidents will reduce the costs to first responders reducing the need to raise taxes by local government and building inter ana intra fast, clean and reliable transit (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.) provides jobs and creates transportation villages along their route. Your (& others) myopia is what holds progress back.

5. Gee, good for you. How do small government dogmatists justify such a heresy?
Last edited:
no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot

so you agree that Hillary Clinton is a moron? Good, glad to hear you admit it.

I don't believe Bill's wife is a moron.

That appellation should be reserved for her supporters.
yeah we're real morons for supporting her over the AH of the year Donald drumpf

nice to see you admit that. But the FBI may fix it for you by going public with all of her violations of security laws.
don't hold your breath

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