Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

Can you imagine the rightwing outrage if our auto sector collapsed under Obama's watch?
Obama used the Socialist tactic of 'nationalizing' the US auto industry, using billions of US tax dollars to 'do so' and claimed victory, after violating bankruptcy law as well to do so? :p

Nice claim / justification for Obama breaking the law AGAIN.

I don't think you understand what nationalize means

It means you take them over and keep them. That did not happen with GM. Unlike Bush, who just sent money no strings attached, Obama acted like a creditor. He demanded stock to cover the US taxpayer and a restructuring to include closing unprofitable brands, wage and benefits concessions from the workers and economic restructuring
Once they were solvent, he cashed in our stock

I don't think you know what nationalize means. When government controls industry, it is effectively nationalized. If a car has your name on the title, but it's parked in government's driveway and government has the keys and government decides when, where and how the car is used, then Holmes, it's really government's car
bush was an average president, some good, some bad. Obama is a terrible president, history will record that.
obama didn't START an unnecessary war leading America into a great recession,,while getting so many of our soldiers killed or wounded

No, but Hillary voted to authorize and fund it. And more American lives were lost under obozo than under bush in the iraq fiasco.
Authorize it if GWB decided it was the right thing to do BUT NOT pull the trigger that was gwb with the help of a majority of repub s in congress

Look asshole, no one is defending going into Iraq as we did. It was a mistake based on bad intel. Yes, Bush was CIC. but he could never have pulled the trigger if the dems in congress had not authorized and funded it. Should I post the comments made by both Clintons supporting going after Saddam?
Just show us the vote That'll speak 1000 words

why don't you post it? sure, many dems voted against it, so did a few pubs. But your heroine the hildebeast voted for it and voted to fund it and stated publicly that she supported taking Saddam out, so did Bubba.

The point that you libs refuse to grasp is that there was widespread support for going into Iraq---------------in hindsight is was a mistake, but do you ever find any politician who will admit a mistake?
The fact that Winger thinks Government does those things better than the Private Sector simply illustrates that Winger isn't very bright! Just saying...:dance:
Rightard Derangement Syndrome (RDS) rears its ugly head again...

rightwinger did not say the government does things better than the private sector. Learn to comprehend what you read.

here is what he said:

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it"

He certainly implied that he thinks that govt can do some things better than private industry. We merely asked him for some examples.

But since neither of you can come up with any------------case closed
Yes, he said the government does some things "cheaper". He didn't say the government does things "better".

That you think "cheaper" implies "better" only serves to expose just how retarded you are; since better products and services are typically more expensive.

You're an idiot for thinking cheaper means better and Oldstyle is an idiot for thinking rightwinger said "better" when in fact he said, "cheaper."

As far as a list of services the government provides cheaper than the private sector, RW already gave some examples.

Jesus, Faun...the government doesn't do anything "cheaper" than the private sector either! If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the Federal Government do it!

Yes, USPS is cheaper for the shipper. Maybe that's why it loses money every year.

If it charged what it would need to break even financially, it would not be cheaper.

are you really so arithmetically challenged that you don't understand that?
here is what he said:

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it"

He certainly implied that he thinks that govt can do some things better than private industry. We merely asked him for some examples.

But since neither of you can come up with any------------case closed
Yes, he said the government does some things "cheaper". He didn't say the government does things "better".

That you think "cheaper" implies "better" only serves to expose just how retarded you are; since better products and services are typically more expensive.

You're an idiot for thinking cheaper means better and Oldstyle is an idiot for thinking rightwinger said "better" when in fact he said, "cheaper."

As far as a list of services the government provides cheaper than the private sector, RW already gave some examples.

Jesus, Faun...the government doesn't do anything "cheaper" than the private sector either! If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the Federal Government do it!

Let me're so naive that you think because the USPS charges less for a service that they can actually do it for less? Let me give you a hint on this, Faun...UPS and FedEx don't get taxpayer dollars in order to stay in business...the US Postal Service loses millions of dollars a year and only manages to stay in business because it is allowed to borrow from the US Treasury. I believe that debt is well above 16 billion dollars right now! Think us taxpayers will be seeing that money anytime soon? If you DO...then you're one incredibly stupid person!
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

They can do it for less because they don't have to charge more to make a profit. How do you not understand that?

right, they do it at a loss, and we the taxpayers make up the difference. How do you not understand that?
obama didn't START an unnecessary war leading America into a great recession,,while getting so many of our soldiers killed or wounded

No, but Hillary voted to authorize and fund it. And more American lives were lost under obozo than under bush in the iraq fiasco.
Authorize it if GWB decided it was the right thing to do BUT NOT pull the trigger that was gwb with the help of a majority of repub s in congress

Look asshole, no one is defending going into Iraq as we did. It was a mistake based on bad intel. Yes, Bush was CIC. but he could never have pulled the trigger if the dems in congress had not authorized and funded it. Should I post the comments made by both Clintons supporting going after Saddam?
Just show us the vote That'll speak 1000 words

why don't you post it? sure, many dems voted against it, so did a few pubs. But your heroine the hildebeast voted for it and voted to fund it and stated publicly that she supported taking Saddam out, so did Bubba.

The point that you libs refuse to grasp is that there was widespread support for going into Iraq---------------in hindsight is was a mistake, but do you ever find any politician who will admit a mistake?
wide spread support by pubs not dems
United States House of Representatives[edit]
Party Yeas Nays Not
215 6 2
Democratic 82 126 1
Independent 0 1 0
TOTALS 297 133 3
  • 215 (96.4%) of 223 Republican Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 82 (39.2%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 6 (<2.7%) of 223 Republican Representatives voted against the resolution: Reps. Duncan (R-TN), Hostettler (R-IN), Houghton (R-NY), Leach (R-IA), Morella (R-MD), Paul (R-TX).
  • 126 (~60.3%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.
  • The only Independent Representative voted against the resolution: Rep. Sanders (I-VT)
United States Senate[edit]
Party Yeas Nays
Republican 48 1
Democratic 29 21
Independent 0 1
TOTALS 77 23
How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.
the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

you continue to demonstrate your ignorance. Did you graduate from obozo university?
Last edited:
No, but Hillary voted to authorize and fund it. And more American lives were lost under obozo than under bush in the iraq fiasco.
Authorize it if GWB decided it was the right thing to do BUT NOT pull the trigger that was gwb with the help of a majority of repub s in congress

Look asshole, no one is defending going into Iraq as we did. It was a mistake based on bad intel. Yes, Bush was CIC. but he could never have pulled the trigger if the dems in congress had not authorized and funded it. Should I post the comments made by both Clintons supporting going after Saddam?
Just show us the vote That'll speak 1000 words

why don't you post it? sure, many dems voted against it, so did a few pubs. But your heroine the hildebeast voted for it and voted to fund it and stated publicly that she supported taking Saddam out, so did Bubba.

The point that you libs refuse to grasp is that there was widespread support for going into Iraq---------------in hindsight is was a mistake, but do you ever find any politician who will admit a mistake?
wide spread support by pubs not dems
United States House of Representatives[edit]
Party Yeas Nays Not
215 6 2
Democratic 82 126 1
Independent 0 1 0
TOTALS 297 133 3
  • 215 (96.4%) of 223 Republican Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 82 (39.2%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted for the resolution.
  • 6 (<2.7%) of 223 Republican Representatives voted against the resolution: Reps. Duncan (R-TN), Hostettler (R-IN), Houghton (R-NY), Leach (R-IA), Morella (R-MD), Paul (R-TX).
  • 126 (~60.3%) of 209 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.
  • The only Independent Representative voted against the resolution: Rep. Sanders (I-VT)
United States Senate[edit]
Party Yeas Nays
Republican 48 1
Democratic 29 21
Independent 0 1
TOTALS 77 23

true, it would not have passed without dem votes----------one of them cast by Hillary Clinton. Thanks for destroying your own argument.
yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war
yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war

no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war
AND I've heard hillary apologize profusely for her vote YET to hear one pos repub do the same Guess they're a little ashamed for being the cause of so many wounded and killed??
yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war

no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot
yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war

no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot

so you agree that Hillary Clinton is a moron? Good, glad to hear you admit it.
yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war

no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot

so you agree that Hillary Clinton is a moron? Good, glad to hear you admit it.
everyone has a bad day red ,,,,,,,even you,,,,, and with all the bullshit bush condo rummy etc etc were throwing I can't blame her
the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, Airports, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

My oldest daughter is at Berkley now getting her PhD in French. As for your points:

1) Education. A list of ranking of public universities proves what exactly? Think about it. And OBVIOUSLY I was referring to public schools, not public universities which are more of a hybrid of funding.

2) Health care. It's financially destroying us and getting worse, you call that a success? Of course you do, we're more dependent on government

3) Infrastructure. Roads are not socialism, you're stupid as shit. Central economic planning is socialism. Roads don't control the economy. When asked to defend socialism, you dim wits constantly go to roads. You want roads! Do you ya! You get SOCIALISM. Bam!

4) Again, most of that is infrastructure even a small government libertarian supports, you set such a high bar for yourself. Law enforcement and management of limited resources can only be done if everyone recognizes a central decision making authority. it's why i'm not an anarchist. Your constant desire to defend the most basic services of government to justify your Marxist ideology is just butt stupid

5) Back to roads! Again, small government libertarians support those. Oooohhhhh, you're a genius. Not
I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

you continue to demonstrate your ignorance. Did you graduate from obozo university?

He's a member of the charter class! The Obama motto, a mind is a terrible thing to not turn off when people are telling you what you want to hear and wish were so
yes there were dem votes but imho and the facts speak for themselves ,there were far more AH's in the repub party voting to give your moron the right to go into a BS war

no one has ever disagreed with that. But the point is that is would not have passed without dem votes----one of which was cast by Hillary Clinton.
no one says there aren't nitwits, jerks in the dem party BUT at least in this case your morons outnumbered mine by a long shot

so you agree that Hillary Clinton is a moron? Good, glad to hear you admit it.

I don't believe Bill's wife is a moron.

That appellation should be reserved for her supporters.
Thanks, Trump! For giving the keys to the White House to Hillary. The more he speaks, the more she beats him in the polls...


The electoral vote will be even worse
Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?

1. Top Public Schools | National Universities | US News Best Colleges
Note: I graduated from #1, my wife from #11;

2. Medicare and Obamacare provide life saving care at a cost no single average American could afford;

3. Infrastructure is contracted out to the private sector, to do otherwise would actually be Socialism;

4. Public Services such as the FBI, ATF, Probation, Environmental Protection, Water and Sewage, Fire, Policing and Emergency Medical Treatment, and many many more;

5. Transportation, the highway system, local roads, public transportation in terms of buses, streetcars, subways (BART, DART, The Metro, etc.)

One reason the Art. of Confederation failed was transportation, migrants from the east seeking fertile lands would need to pay tolls from dozens of private concerns on private roads, ferries or crossings on waterways and private lands, dozens of times. Most unreliable in terms of days or hours of operation and conditions for travel.

you continue to demonstrate your ignorance. Did you graduate from obozo university?

He's a member of the charter class! The Obama motto, a mind is a terrible thing to not turn off when people are telling you what you want to hear and wish were so
from the bush book of critical thinking you voted in and supported a true moron and now you make obama sound worse??? America laughs at you obama, america haters

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