Thanks Trump, for destroying the GOP

Rightard Derangement Syndrome (RDS) rears its ugly head again...

rightwinger did not say the government does things better than the private sector. Learn to comprehend what you read.

here is what he said:

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it"

He certainly implied that he thinks that govt can do some things better than private industry. We merely asked him for some examples.

But since neither of you can come up with any------------case closed
Yes, he said the government does some things "cheaper". He didn't say the government does things "better".

That you think "cheaper" implies "better" only serves to expose just how retarded you are; since better products and services are typically more expensive.

You're an idiot for thinking cheaper means better and Oldstyle is an idiot for thinking rightwinger said "better" when in fact he said, "cheaper."

As far as a list of services the government provides cheaper than the private sector, RW already gave some examples.

OK, then give us a list of things the govt does cheaper. He offered the USPS, LOL, are you really going to compare the USPS that loses milliions every year to the FedEx and UPS who make millions every year?

I already refuted his other claims. you can use 'better' or 'cheaper'. you still can't come up with a list.
He gave a list. And you refuted nothing as he never said they were better or even profitable.

He said they were "cheaper."

You can't refute that so here you are, trying to change what he said into something you can refute. What better evidence is needed that you already lost this argument?[/QUO
Well said. :thup:
God didn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah...evil did...same with the GOP.

that's really funny coming from a Clinton supporter. the Clintons are the embodiment of evil and corruption, and you worship them, what does that make you?
You accuse me of being a Clinton supporter, which makes you a Hitler supporter. now anyone who doesn't support Hillary is a Hitler supporter?'s going to be a long 2016!
Take a reading comprehension class.

"You accuse me of being a Clinton supporter, which makes you a Hitler supporter." That's what you did I misconstrue it's meaning? Did you not just accuse someone of being a Hitler supporter because they don't support Clinton?
Earlier, you misconstrued rightwinger saying government often provides services cheaper than the private sector to mean the government provides services better.

Now this?

No, what hangover is saying is that he's not a Hillary supporter like sarahgop is not a Hitler supporter.

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


education: the federal government does not run schools. the dept of education is a total waste of money

healthcare: Duh, ever hear of the VA?

Infrastructure: our roads and bridges are falling apart. state and local toll roads are in excellent condition

public services: which ones? what public services does the federal government provide?

Transportation: LOL

The fact that Winger thinks Government does those things better than the Private Sector simply illustrates that Winger isn't very bright! Just saying...:dance:
Rightard Derangement Syndrome (RDS) rears its ugly head again...

rightwinger did not say the government does things better than the private sector. Learn to comprehend what you read.

Liberal Derangement Syndrome you mean? Only someone totally without a clue would claim that government does anything cheaper or better than the Private Sector! They simply don't because they don't have to. The government stays in business whether they do things right or not. If you're in the Private Sector and you quickly go out of business!
Nope, I don't mean that. I mean what I said.

You're still under the delusion that anyone said the government can do it better. You have any idea what that says about your derangement?
Thanks, Trump! For giving the keys to the White House to Hillary. The more he speaks, the more she beats him in the polls...

He didn't threaten riots you deaf dumbfuck

"I think you'd have riots. I think you'd have riots," Trump said Wednesday on CNN's "New Day." "I'm representing a tremendous many, many millions of people."

Riots are violent by definition. Maybe warning is a more accurate way to describe his statement.

A warning in the form of veiled threat.

What a load of liberal lying crap.
The fact that Winger thinks Government does those things better than the Private Sector simply illustrates that Winger isn't very bright! Just saying...:dance:
Rightard Derangement Syndrome (RDS) rears its ugly head again...

rightwinger did not say the government does things better than the private sector. Learn to comprehend what you read.

here is what he said:

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it"

He certainly implied that he thinks that govt can do some things better than private industry. We merely asked him for some examples.

But since neither of you can come up with any------------case closed
Yes, he said the government does some things "cheaper". He didn't say the government does things "better".

That you think "cheaper" implies "better" only serves to expose just how retarded you are; since better products and services are typically more expensive.

You're an idiot for thinking cheaper means better and Oldstyle is an idiot for thinking rightwinger said "better" when in fact he said, "cheaper."

As far as a list of services the government provides cheaper than the private sector, RW already gave some examples.

Jesus, Faun...the government doesn't do anything "cheaper" than the private sector either! If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the Federal Government do it!

Let me're so naive that you think because the USPS charges less for a service that they can actually do it for less? Let me give you a hint on this, Faun...UPS and FedEx don't get taxpayer dollars in order to stay in business...the US Postal Service loses millions of dollars a year and only manages to stay in business because it is allowed to borrow from the US Treasury. I believe that debt is well above 16 billion dollars right now! Think us taxpayers will be seeing that money anytime soon? If you DO...then you're one incredibly stupid person!
Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


education: the federal government does not run schools. the dept of education is a total waste of money

healthcare: Duh, ever hear of the VA?

Infrastructure: our roads and bridges are falling apart. state and local toll roads are in excellent condition

public services: which ones? what public services does the federal government provide?

Transportation: LOL

The fact that Winger thinks Government does those things better than the Private Sector simply illustrates that Winger isn't very bright! Just saying...:dance:
Rightard Derangement Syndrome (RDS) rears its ugly head again...

rightwinger did not say the government does things better than the private sector. Learn to comprehend what you read.

Liberal Derangement Syndrome you mean? Only someone totally without a clue would claim that government does anything cheaper or better than the Private Sector! They simply don't because they don't have to. The government stays in business whether they do things right or not. If you're in the Private Sector and you quickly go out of business!
Nope, I don't mean that. I mean what I said.

You're still under the delusion that anyone said the government can do it better. You have any idea what that says about your derangement?

I know for a fact that the government can't do it cheaper or better! Pick whatever word you want to plug in there, won't change the fact that big government is inefficient and costly.
Thanks, Trump! For giving the keys to the White House to Hillary. The more he speaks, the more she beats him in the polls...


Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat...
Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit
2 days ago ... Reagan trailed Carter by 15 points in February-March 1980. ... At this point it is looking pretty clear that Trump can beat Clinton. ... In the only polls that matter, GOP turnout is enormously higher then the last 2 cycles, while Dem...

The Establishment is going NUTS!

Rightard Derangement Syndrome (RDS) rears its ugly head again...

rightwinger did not say the government does things better than the private sector. Learn to comprehend what you read.

here is what he said:

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it"

He certainly implied that he thinks that govt can do some things better than private industry. We merely asked him for some examples.

But since neither of you can come up with any------------case closed
Yes, he said the government does some things "cheaper". He didn't say the government does things "better".

That you think "cheaper" implies "better" only serves to expose just how retarded you are; since better products and services are typically more expensive.

You're an idiot for thinking cheaper means better and Oldstyle is an idiot for thinking rightwinger said "better" when in fact he said, "cheaper."

As far as a list of services the government provides cheaper than the private sector, RW already gave some examples.

Jesus, Faun...the government doesn't do anything "cheaper" than the private sector either! If you want it to take twice as long and cost three times as much...let the Federal Government do it!

Let me're so naive that you think because the USPS charges less for a service that they can actually do it for less? Let me give you a hint on this, Faun...UPS and FedEx don't get taxpayer dollars in order to stay in business...the US Postal Service loses millions of dollars a year and only manages to stay in business because it is allowed to borrow from the US Treasury. I believe that debt is well above 16 billion dollars right now! Think us taxpayers will be seeing that money anytime soon? If you DO...then you're one incredibly stupid person!
You're a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

They can do it for less because they don't have to charge more to make a profit. How do you not understand that?
education: the federal government does not run schools. the dept of education is a total waste of money

healthcare: Duh, ever hear of the VA?

Infrastructure: our roads and bridges are falling apart. state and local toll roads are in excellent condition

public services: which ones? what public services does the federal government provide?

Transportation: LOL

The fact that Winger thinks Government does those things better than the Private Sector simply illustrates that Winger isn't very bright! Just saying...:dance:
Rightard Derangement Syndrome (RDS) rears its ugly head again...

rightwinger did not say the government does things better than the private sector. Learn to comprehend what you read.

Liberal Derangement Syndrome you mean? Only someone totally without a clue would claim that government does anything cheaper or better than the Private Sector! They simply don't because they don't have to. The government stays in business whether they do things right or not. If you're in the Private Sector and you quickly go out of business!
Nope, I don't mean that. I mean what I said.

You're still under the delusion that anyone said the government can do it better. You have any idea what that says about your derangement?

I know for a fact that the government can't do it cheaper or better! Pick whatever word you want to plug in there, won't change the fact that big government is inefficient and costly.
And still, no one said "better." You're a moron for thinking someone did. And yes, they do it cheaper. That's why they lose money.
Thanks, Trump! For giving the keys to the White House to Hillary. The more he speaks, the more she beats him in the polls...


Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat...
Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit
2 days ago ... Reagan trailed Carter by 15 points in February-March 1980. ... At this point it is looking pretty clear that Trump can beat Clinton. ... In the only polls that matter, GOP turnout is enormously higher then the last 2 cycles, while Dem...

The Establishment is going NUTS!

So? Carter's final year was his worst. There was a recession. Unemployment went from 6% to 8%. The Iranian hostage situation dragged on through the entire year. There was a failed rescue attempt. Gas prices sky rocketed.

So yes, of course events can change the direction of an election. And of course, if something explosive occurs blowing up Hillary's campaign, she can lose this election. But barring that, get used to saying, Madame President, by this time next year.

education: the federal government does not run schools. the dept of education is a total waste of money

healthcare: Duh, ever hear of the VA?

Infrastructure: our roads and bridges are falling apart. state and local toll roads are in excellent condition

public services: which ones? what public services does the federal government provide?

Transportation: LOL

The fact that Winger thinks Government does those things better than the Private Sector simply illustrates that Winger isn't very bright! Just saying...:dance:
Rightard Derangement Syndrome (RDS) rears its ugly head again...

rightwinger did not say the government does things better than the private sector. Learn to comprehend what you read.

Liberal Derangement Syndrome you mean? Only someone totally without a clue would claim that government does anything cheaper or better than the Private Sector! They simply don't because they don't have to. The government stays in business whether they do things right or not. If you're in the Private Sector and you quickly go out of business!
Nope, I don't mean that. I mean what I said.

You're still under the delusion that anyone said the government can do it better. You have any idea what that says about your derangement?

I know for a fact that the government can't do it cheaper or better! Pick whatever word you want to plug in there, won't change the fact that big government is inefficient and costly.
You have no integrity. The cons had eight years to do something about big government when Shrub even had a republican congress and senate for six of his eight years. Instead, he added $3trillion to the national debt by giving welfare tax cuts to millionaires...and then wasted another $5trillion on the Iraq/Afghan wars....and also destroyed the U.S. and global economies. The cons did nothing but make government bigger. Your con propaganda don't flush.
Yes, that's why I'm not one, moron.

Not Democrat = Republican. I'm against the wars and want to slash the military and bring our troops to the US, I am pro-choice, thing all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and all morality laws should be repealed.

You still have duh, dar, drool, sounds Republican to me!

What's funny is then you think you're smarter than Republicans ...

BTW, you're wrong. I want government to do jack shit for me. I just want them to stay out of my shit. The Republicans are almost exactly like you. In your overt stupidity you think anyone different than you is the same (a "Republican") while actual Republicans are no different than you. You really have shit between your ears, don't you?

Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Where you go wrong is you think any politician gives a shit about you. They tell you that's what they're doing then the use the power to make deals that help them, not you. I mean duh, open your eyes.

You think companies that are held in check by that you have a choice to walk across the street to their competitor will screw you, then you trust politicians who remove their competitors.

It's not bright. Don't take telemarketing calls. Seriously, big guy, don't
Thanks, Trump! For giving the keys to the White House to Hillary. The more he speaks, the more she beats him in the polls...


Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat...
Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit
2 days ago ... Reagan trailed Carter by 15 points in February-March 1980. ... At this point it is looking pretty clear that Trump can beat Clinton. ... In the only polls that matter, GOP turnout is enormously higher then the last 2 cycles, while Dem...

The Establishment is going NUTS!

So? Carter's final year was his worst. There was a recession. Unemployment went from 6% to 8%. The Iranian hostage situation dragged on through the entire year. There was a failed rescue attempt. Gas prices sky rocketed.

So yes, of course events can change the direction of an election. And of course, if something explosive occurs blowing up Hillary's campaign, she can lose this election. But barring that, get used to saying, Madame President, by this time next year.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

the government does not do anything cheaper than private industry. If you think it does, give us a list of the things the govt does more efficiently than the private sector.

Of course they do

Government health insurance is cheaper than the private sector offers. Government schools are cheaper than private schools

LOL, we know who's getting government paid healthcare now, bit guy. You getting welfare means it's cheaper for you, but that doesn't make it cheaper. My rates have doubled in just the few years under Obamacare and that's way faster than it went up before
Libertarian Platform:


In their own words ^^^ imagine a world where two year olds do what they want when they want without restraint.

Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

RW only counts what he pays directly out of his own pocket. So everything he gets for free, he counts as government doing it "cheaper"
Actually there is one MAJOR restraint. You can't infringe on the right of other two year olds to do what they want when they want.

You on the other hand want a criminal government which commits armed robbery and discriminates between it's citizens

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation

Education - we have the most expensive schools in the west and the worst results in the west. Nice job there

healthcare - Obamacare proves you wrong

infrastructure - government builds zero infrastructure, they buy it from private companies who bid to do the work and fill the coffers of the politicians who hire them

public services - such as?

transportation - what does that mean?
Thanks, Trump! For giving the keys to the White House to Hillary. The more he speaks, the more she beats him in the polls...


Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat...
Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit
2 days ago ... Reagan trailed Carter by 15 points in February-March 1980. ... At this point it is looking pretty clear that Trump can beat Clinton. ... In the only polls that matter, GOP turnout is enormously higher then the last 2 cycles, while Dem...

The Establishment is going NUTS!

So? Carter's final year was his worst. There was a recession. Unemployment went from 6% to 8%. The Iranian hostage situation dragged on through the entire year. There was a failed rescue attempt. Gas prices sky rocketed.

So yes, of course events can change the direction of an election. And of course, if something explosive occurs blowing up Hillary's campaign, she can lose this election. But barring that, get used to saying, Madame President, by this time next year.


Your desperation is noted and disgarded. You'll need far more than that to flip the polls.

How many members of the Nixon and Reagan Administrations were indicted for crimes, vis a vis those who worked in the Carter and Clinton Administrations? I voted for the latter two, not the former and have been registered as a Democrat ever since my 21st Birthday.

BTW, taxes are a part of every form of government. Assuming you consider taxes to be a form of armed robbery one must conclude you are infected with anarchyitis.

the issue is the role of the federal govt. You want it to be your momma and take care of you from cradle to grave. Most sane people want it to be limited as specified in the constitution.

Yes, we must be taxed to support the federal government. Again, the issue is how much of our lives do we want to turn over to the clowns in DC

I want the government to do what needs doing. If they can do it at a lower cost than I can do it on my own...I'm all for it

If I can get cheaper education through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it
If I can get cheaper healthcare through the government than the private sector...I'm all for it

We the people are a very large group. If we can get together and get better deals than the private sector is offering, then I am all for it

Did you want to give an example of what the government does cheaper than the private sector? I'd LOVE to hear what that is, Winger!

Education, healthcare, infrastructure, public services, transportation


Gee, Winger...could you POSSIBLY be more vague about what Barry's plan is to stimulate the economy? We all know that you progressives LOVE to spend money on all of those things but where is Obama's plan in any of that vagueness to create jobs?

I'll bet you can't even tell me who Barry's Chief Economic Advisers are? You know why you can't? Because he hasn't even ATTEMPTED to do anything about jobs or the economy in so long NOBODY knows who they are!

Barry's chief economic advisers are Marx and Engels

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